How can I stop DBeaver firing a metadata query before each my queries? - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I saw a demo using something like this
WHERE "auto_suspend" IS NULL;
This allows to use the resultset from SHOW ... as part of a normal SQL statement.
VERY useful!
However, when I tried this in DBeaver, my LAST_QUERY_ID() always returned the result of something like "SELECT CURRENT_DATABASE(), CURRENT_SCHEMA()".
Which I discovered is precisely because DBeaver does this before any request.
Is it possible to stop this?
Of course, I can get the initial code to work by looking for an older query, like
WHERE "auto_suspend" IS NULL;
But i would prefer not to have to do this...

A work around I like is to simply write the SHOW to a table. It makes it easier to use the result multiple times.
Also, if you use a transaction you don't need the -2 or Alt-X for Execute script. So

I just discovered that Snowflake themselves have released an extension for Visual Studio code and that does not suffer from this detail...
It does not solve the DBeaver thing... but...
And it does pretty good colour coding, intellisense, etc


Procedure not running in toad asking for the variable

I'm using TOAD for Oracle. I'm trying to execute a stored procedure with two parameters - one IN and one OUT. It looks like this:
PROCEDURE get_stuff (
parm_1 IN VARCHAR2,
parm_2 OUT currefcursor)
In the SQL Editor window in TOAD, I've tried various things to no avail. I'm sure this is something simple that I'm missing, 'cause I've tried all sorts of things I've seen in other solutions here at Experts Exchange, but can't get past various errors. Here's what I think should work from what I've seen here:
var p1 VARCHAR2 := 'some text';
var p2 currefcursor;
EXEC get_stuff( :p1, :p2 );
When I run this, though, the SQL Editor pops up a window titled 'Variables' that appears to be looking for a value. No matter whether I put something in the 'Value' textbox or not, when I click OK, it says:
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
and highlights the 'var' in front of p1.
Please tell me what I'm missing!
Status Solved Priority Medium Security Public Views 21999
As the second parameter is OUT, you have to declare the variable which will accept that value. Here's how; I don't know what currefcursor type is - I guess you do.
l_out currefcursor;
get_stuff(:p1, l_out);
A simple option to view the result would be this: put this code into the editor and run it as a script; the result will be displayed in the Script Output tab.
variable l_out currefcursor
exec get_stuff(:p1, :l_out);
print l_out
Or, you could even create a wrapper function which returns cursor, and then select from it:
create or replace function f_get_stuff(p1 in number)
return currefcursor
l_out currefcursor;
get_stuff(p1, l_out);
return l_out;
select f_get_stuff(:p1) from dual;
You can use Toad to execute without writing the execution harness yourself as well. Here is one method using the Schema Browser. Select your object and right-click > Execute.
You are presented with a dialog asking for your input parameters. Set your inputs and you can see the generated execution harness below. You can also use this generated code as an educational guide to see one method of writing the code yourself.
Click OK and your function/procedure is executed and results are shown.

Replace is not working for weird character

I use UPDATE a SET GR_P = REPLACE(GR_P,'','') FROM mytable a to replace things.
But replace function is not working for below charter:
In Query analyzer it works but when I used SSIS Execute SQL task or OLEDB Source then it is giving me error:
No Connection manager is specified.
In Toad against Oracle (since that's one of your tags), I issued this (pressing ALT-12 to get the female symbol) and got 191 as a result. note selecting it back using CHR(191) shows an upside-down question mark though.
select ascii('♀') from dual;
Given that, this worked but it's Oracle syntax, your mileage may vary.
UPDATE mytable SET GR_P = REPLACE(GR_P, CHR(191));
Note if it does not work, that symbol could be for another control character. You may need to use a regular expression to eliminate all characters not in a-zA-Z0-9, etc. I suspect you'll need to update your tags to get a more accurate answer.
Maybe this info will help anyway. Please post back what you find out.

SQL Server Query SELECT Error (now trying LIMIT)

I am working on what should be a super simple query for SQL Server 2014. All I want to do is check that our systems can interface with SQL Server after updates, etc. So I need to just verify that it makes the connection correctly and finds a table within the Server.
Attempt 1:
From [X].[dbo].[Y]
But apparently 'top' is not a supported option with SQL Server 2014.
To add some more, here is the exact error I get when trying to run that: Syntax error. The token 'Top' is invalid. Please check the case of your operators (eg 'or' versus 'OR') and check that your functions use brackets after the function name eg Now(), eg Len("abc").
Attempt 2:
From [X].[dbo].[Y]
LIMIT (1);
That one tells me that I need to put data items between [], text between "", and functions as FunctionName(). However...I don't see where I missed any of those.
Can anybody possibly shed some light on why my query isn't going through? Any help would be appreciated.
The first attempt should work just fine:
From [dbo].[Y]
See example
If it doesn't work, you should include the error message.

Sql injected code is inserted to my database . How to remove it

One of my sql table is injected with some html code. It is inserted such that the html tags are inserted after actual data. How to remove this from my table.
You can use the fact that html code starts with symbol <. Then:
UPDATE TableName
SET SomeColumn = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('<', SomeColumn) > 0
THEN SUBSTRING(SomeColumn, 1, CHARINDEX('<', SomeColumn) - 1)
ELSE SomeColumn END
If this is not true then we will need more information about data. May be it will not be possible at all...
Well, without knowing more about your problem I can only advise to look for typical patterns of the unwanted stuff and then run some UPDATEs with suitable REPLACE() statements in it.
If you had been using MySql ... I simply didn't see the SQL-server tag ;-/
... a shorter version of Giorgi's solution would have been:
UPDATED tableName SET infestedCol=substring_index(infestedCol,'<',1)
Unfortunately you cannot use regular expressions for the search pattern here and it must be of the correct case.
Most of all, make sure you don't get more of the stuff, so secure your user forms further.

How to list all columns of a given sql query

is there an easy way to get a list of all columns of a SQL query?
They are listed in the header of the results window of SSMS but I can't copy them.
Thanks in advance.
sorry, I found it myself after a little googling:
Go to Query -> Query Options and check the following box
If you change to Results To Text, then you can copy them.
To save actually executing the full query just to get the column names, you could also do:
SELECT * FROM SomeTable;
This will just return the metadata about the columns the query returns. Saves waiting around if the query is meaty.
Change the result window to 'Results to text' instead of 'Results to grid'.
This can be done by clicking of the on of the Icons above the query window. It looks somewhat like a notepad icon.
