Search/Filter Dropdown in Django Admin Panel for standard CharField - django-models

I am using Django to build data models including a model Company. Some of the fields belonging to this model are limited to set choices using the choices='' argument. Some of these fields have a large number of choices, for example a country CharField which lists all countries. Finding the right value among the long list can be tedious so I want to be able to search across the given choice values. This is easy to do for ForeignKey/ManytoMany fields using autocomplete_fields = [] as seen in the attached screenshot (from a different model) but can't seem to find a method for implementing this with a normal CharField with lots of choices. This seems like something that should be built into the Django for the admin panel but I can't find anything within the docs. Please how can I implement a search/filter dropdown for any given (non FK/m2m) fields? Thanks in advance. If there's anymore information I can provide let me know and I will.
country = models.CharField(max_length=128, choices=COUNTRY_CHOICES, null=True)
Model code added. This COUNTRY_CHOICES array is what I would like to be able to select from in a searchable dropdown list.


Template and model reuse in Wagtail

I am building a fairly basic Wagtail site and have run into an issue regarding the reuse of models and templates.
Say my site has two kinds of entries:
blog posts and
Both pages look the same and share many model fields (e.g., author, category, intro, etc.). However, there are some model fields that only make sense for the event entry type (e.g., event_date, event_venue).
What would be the ideal way of creating templates and models for this use-case without repeating myself in the code?
Right now, both blog and event entries use the same HTML template and the same model. However, when the user creates a blog post in the Wagtail admin, he or she has to "ignore" the event-specific fields (which may become even more in the future).
Do I have to create two separate template files and two separate models despite both blogs and events being 95% the same code? What would be the correct way to solve this in Wagtail?
If you want to maintain it the way it is, contained within one model and template, you could create separate model admins for each pseudo-type (Blogs and Events), and override the queryset function to make each separate modeladmin only show the ones you're looking for, and then edit the panels that are shown on create/edit/delete.
class EventAdmin(ModelAdmin):
panels = [
def get_queryset(self, request):
qs = super().get_queryset(request)
events = qs.filter(your_field__isnull=False)
return events
More information at

How can the category and product fields in Shopizer be customized, if possible at all?

I am currently using Shopizer as a sort of headless CMS, leveraging its out of the box admin pages and REST API for the content. There is a page for editing products in the admin system but I would like to add and/or remove specific fields. Making changes to the base code seems to be the most obvious solution but it is taking me a significant amount of time to implement it successfully.
Is there some sort of a config file or an initialization process to customize the fields for creating categories and products using Shopizer's admin page? What is the best practice for this scenario if the former approach is not possible?
If you need to add fields the easiest way is to add them in model objects
Example of an annotated field
#Column (name ="IP_ADDRESS")
private String ipAddress;
Once you restart your instance the new field will be available.

Wagtail filtering on fields in subclasses of Page

I've been searching the documentation trying to understand if I can filter on page subclass fields the same way I can search on them.
From my experiments search filters must contain only the fields that are defined on the filtered type.
Is this the case? If so, is there any plans on implementing such a thing?

How to retrive perticular contacts only using Contacts API

I have added one custom attribute as "category". It's values should be 'Sales','Support' etc.
I have to retrieve only those contacts who have category as custom attributes.
I tried using below code. But It is not giving the excepted results.
ContactFeed profileFeed = contactService.getFeed(new URL(""+domain+"/full/?xoauth_requestor_id="+adminEmail+"&start-index="+startIndex+"&q="+searchText),ContactFeed.class);
can anyone tell me ? Is there any way to retrieve only those contacts who have 'Category' as custom attribute.?
Yes its possible, ive done ot before with some tricks. If you include a unique string in the properties, you can then search custom properties. For example prepend # to all your custom properties, then search cor those properties that contain "#". Ive done this from apps script though not fhe raw http api.

Create lists of multiple users as a model property in Google App Engine

I would like to create a Group model in Google App Engine and then have an attribute where I can create a list of UserReferences. The documentation said:
"A property can have multiple values, represented in the datastore API as a Python list. The list can contain values of any of the value types supported by the datastore."
Would I implement this by creating:
class Group(db.Model):
group_list = db.ListProperty(users.User)
Or might I be better served by simply listing the user entity keys?
keys are better placed in ReferenceProperty and their purpose is to create relationships between two kinds.
You can simply create the listproperty and as your list grows keep adding listitems to it.
class Group(db.Model):
group_list = db.ListProperty()
This depends on your use-case. If you already have a User model, to store additional data about your users, then using a db.ListProperty(Key) for User model keys is probably your best option.
