I want to use a userId from the Session API inside my test. I could find this comment on the userId: "The userId is a simple sequence and is unique across users."
It will work perfectly for me if it's a simple sequence since I want to use it as an index to get items from a collection.
So let's say I have a simple scenario where I inject 5 users:
setUp(myScenario.inject(rampUsers(5) during (10.seconds)).protocols(httpProtocol))
How is the userId going to be assigned to those 5 users? Will each user have id starting from 1 in the following manner:
user 1 - userId = 1,
user 2 - userId = 2,
user 3 - userId = 3,
user 4 - userId = 4,
user 5 - userId = 5
You can fetch it from Session. But pay attention - you can't extract it as Gatling EL (nevertheless you can set into Session)
.exec { session =>
println("userId - " + session.userId)
I'm trying to see if the username variable in the post function matches the username in the accountsArchive entity.
I think the problem is that user.username isn't the proper way to reference the username entity. Also, the query above may have a problem. What's the proper way to see if the two usernames match?
class accountsArchive(db.Model):
# The username entity
username = db.StringProperty(required = True)
password = db.TextProperty(required = True)
email = db.StringProperty(required = True)
dateJoined = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
class loginPage(Handler):
def post(self):
# The username variable
username = self.request.get("username")
password = self.request.get("password")
# The query
user = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM accountsArchive WHERE
user.username = :name", name=username)
# This is how I tried to check if the two usernames matched
if username == user.username:
# Do stuff
You have a number of problems in your code.
user = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM accountsArchive WHERE
user.username = :name", name=username)
Is incorrect - you should go back and reread the docs https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/gqlreference?hl=en
This query should be
user = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM accountsArchive WHERE
username = :name", name=username)
The result of this line of code is an instance of GqlQuery class not a user or as you might expect a list of users. See https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/gqlqueryclass?hl=en
You now have to fetch the results and/or iterate through them.
For instance
for u in user.run():
if u.username == username:
# then do something
However you have a problem. There is nothing in this that would limit the system a single unique user. So if you get more than one user with the same username what will you do.
Some comments.
You could use the username as the key of the accountsArchive which means you just use a get rather than a query.
Secondly if you are new to appengine and don't have an existing base of code, start out using ndb instead.
I'm going in circles on getting the id of NDB Datastore.
I have setup the webapp2.RequestHandler to catch the email and get the ID. Basically my goal is to delete an entity, but if I pass the email address to get the ID of the entity, I'm stump, because it gives me results I was just getting. I used ID instead of key_name.
I tried finding the ID by querying via email, but it seems like using query does not have a method attribute to find the id.
def get(self,email):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
user_key = ndb.Key('UserPrefs',user.email())
contacts = Contact.query(Contact.email==email,ancestor=user_key)
self.response.write(contacts.id) # there is no attribute such as Contact.id
I tried to find the ID by getting the key, but when I displayed the key, it showed me whatever value I have in the email variable
def get(self,email):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
user_key = ndb.Key('UserPrefs',user.email())
contact_key = ndb.Key('Contact',email,parent=user_key)
Real Question: So, given that I do not have the ID, how do I find the correct ID inside an entity if I saved my entities via id and not key_name?
Here are the mixture of codes that I'm trying out.
def get(self,email):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
user_key = ndb.Key('UserPrefs',user.email())
contact_key = ndb.Key('Contact',email,parent=user_key)
contacts = Contact.query(Contact.email==email,ancestor=user_key)
contact = contacts.get()
# self.response.write(contact.name) # this works
self.response.write(contact_key.id()) # this does not work because I do not have the entity id, and I'd like to get it blindfolded. Is there a way?
Here is my Model for Contact.
class Contact(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
phone = ndb.StringProperty()
email = ndb.StringProperty()
dateCreated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
dateUpdated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
The docs state:
The identifier may be either a key "name" string assigned by the application or an integer numeric ID generated automatically by the Datastore.
Since you are defining the name property on your Contact class, this is used as the identifier. (You don't want that because in real world different users can have same names)
So if you want NDB to generate numeric IDs for your entities, rename the name property to something else, e.g. username.
Update: let's go step by step:
Problem with the first example is that you are trying to get id on the Query. Query class has no id property defined on it. You should call get() on it:
# get() or fetch() should be called on query to return some data
contacts = Contact.query(Contact.email==email,ancestor=user_key).get()
self.response.write(contacts.id) # there is no attribute such as Contact.id
Problem with the second piece of code is that you are just initialising a Key and providing email as id - the second param of constructor is the id and you are providing email as value. Hence you are getting the email out. Also, there is no database operation here.
Note: the identifiers, which are id, key, urlsafe, or value (for the query) should be passed from the HTTP Request by webapp2.RequestHandler from a parsed url or HTTP POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE.
If you do not have any identifiers or values passed from an HTTP request, it could be difficult to access the specific entity (or the record). So, it is important to take note to pass a form of identifier or value to access the specific entity (or the record in database terms).
So, you can do the following to get the id:
Access by value:
def get(self,email):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
user_key = ndb.Key('UserPrefs',user.email())
contacts = Contact.query(Contact.email==email,ancestor=user_key)
contact = contacts.get()
id = contact.key.id() # this access the entity id directly because you have the data.
Access by urlsafe:
def get(self,urlString):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
contact_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=urlString) #urlString refers to the key of contact
contact = contact_key.get()
id = contact.key.id() # this access the entity id directly because you have the data.
Access by HTTP POST Request:
def post(self):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
user_key = ndb.Key('UserPrefs',user.email())
email = self.request.get('email')
contacts = Contact.query(Contact.email==email,ancestor=user_key)
contact = contacts.get()
id = contact.key.id() # this access the entity id directly because you have the data.
FQL query returning empty.
I run the following FQL in https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer:
SELECT uid, name, username, birthday_date, current_location, online_presence FROM user WHERE relationship_status ='Single' AND uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0
She successfully returns all my friends who are single.
However, when I run the PHP, nothing is returned:
$fql = "SELECT uid, name, username, birthday_date, current_location, online_presence FROM user WHERE relationship_status ='Single' AND uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0";
$solteiros = $facebook->api(array(
'method' => 'fql.query',
'access_token' => $userAccessToken,
'query' => $fql,
Until yesterday it was working fine.
Today when I test, it happened.
If it runs in the Explorer and not in your PHP app, you are most likely seeing a difference in access token clearance. That is, the access token supplied to Explorer has the permissions needed while the token used for your app does not.
Verify by calling /me/permissions on your PHP application to see what is there.
Your site also gives an invalid api key error
I'm trying to select user's subordinates from Salesforce, but a simple query
SELECT Id FROM User WHERE ManagerId=xxxxxxxxx
returns bunch of null values, when I run
SELECT Id,Name FROM User WHERE ManagerId=xxxxxxxx
I get the correct names, still no IDs.
Is this a permission issue? I can't find anything when I login to portal.
I'm running the queries via API on Sandbox environment.
Try this (both works for me allways):
Id myId = [Select Id From User Where Username = 'myUserName'].Id;
System.debug('#### myId: ' + myId);
List<User> myIdList = [Select Id From User Where Username = 'myUserName' Limit 1];
System.debug('#### myId from list: ' + myIdList[0].Id);
Portal Licence doesn't allow to query User. However you have still access to the name of the user through OwnerId, CreatedById, LastModifiedById using in an inputfield.
i.e :
If you want to have access to user through the portal you need a custom object and synchronise your records with User by trigger.
I want to do something like SO does with DisplayName. When someone does not enter a DisplayName, I want to default this to 'User' + UserId. So the first user who signs up would get User1 - since UserId will be 1, the second User2 - since UserId will be 2, and so on.
The easiest way I can think of doing this is using a trigger, but I don't like triggers. I could save the user, then update the user after the save (basically a trigger, but done in my code). Any other ideas on how I can handle this? Is there a way I can set the default value on the column in the database?
I am using Asp.Net MVC 2, C# 4, EF4, and SQL Server 2008.
Select Coalesce(DisplayName, 'User' + Cast(UserID as varchar)) as UserName
You can set the user name in the stored procedure. if a user name has been passed to stored procedure, simply save it. otherwise, get the primary key id of the last entered user and add 1 to it. format it to whatever you like (e.g. User + newID) and save this as the new user's user name.
You can have a computedColumn
I would be inclined to generate it before saving to the database. No input = make one up.
I also would not have user User1, User2, ... but user+random: user6238945, user9287561, user8934678, etc
If you use 1, 2, 3, 4 etc then you are exposing an internal sequence. If someone gets "user4" then I know other users 1 to 3 exist, as well as number 5. This exposure was used many years by AOL or Compuserve (?) for phishing attacks.