always lift up states of react child components? - reactjs

My react-materialUI app has multiple dialogs, and some of these dialogs are containing the same mui data grid (a list of projects).
Example: a save project dialog. This dialog contains this mui data grid and a mui text field, both as child components.
By clicking on a row in the data grid, I want to set the content of the text field to the value of the selected row.
To accomplish this, I could lift up the value state of the text field and the selectedRow state of the data grid to the save dialog.
somehow I find it hard to understand that a supposedly reusable component isn’t handling their state by itself.
Is lifting states up really the best practice or is there something basic I overlooked?

If some behavior in the data grid should affect the value of the text field, you probably need to lift the state for that text value.
But you might not need to lift the state for the data grid. Instead, you could pass an onSelect prop which you use to set the text value, something like:
<DataGrid onSelect={(project) => setText(} />
Further reading
The beta React docs have great content on such topics, e.g.


Hook re-render whole page on single change in a sub component

I create 2 Text Boxes one with hook and the another one with the old style, now in Hook mode when the user input change the textbox value the whole page rendered, but with old style there only the text-box rendered not the whole page, if you have the complex page with many objects like (Data Table, form, buttons, inputs, etc..) the single change on one of these components forced to re-render everything and it decease performance, for example typing in the text-box take time to effect on page and the delay time is more than user typing speed.
the one workaround solution is using the callbacks and useMem but if the page is complex(lots of objects as described, and all of these objects has many properties the callback and useMem is very very complicated to handle single object property.
SandBox Example
This is exactly how react hooks should work. what will cause a rerender in react? two things:
change in props
change in hooks or say in a better way hooks state
in the second case, the useInput state is changing so that causes a rerender and it's absolutely normal behavior. I think using custom hook in that way is not a good practice.
I recommend reading this article for more information on react rendering:

Data not sync in ColumnTemplate in ShieldUI Grid component

I got two questions about ShieldUI grid component.
Q1. when editing is enabled, you need to click cell to toggle edit/display mode. Is it possible to make it always showing editor component?
Q2. When I attach ShieldUI components like numeric text box or date picker to ColumnTemplate, no matter how I change the value in custom UI component. It doesn't sync the value showing in the component back to data source in the Grid. Do you know the solution for my above issues?

React checkbox component: Where should I keep state changes?

In react-table, I've made a custom drop-down-menu component that appears when user clicks on a header of a column.
When user clicks on the option "Choose columns", a modal appears with checkboxes options where user can select which columns to show or hide.
This modal with the checkboxes options is in the drop-down-menu component. The problem is I can not figure out which is the best way to handle state changes. Should I keep state changes on both components (table component and drop-down-menu component)? Should I use redux for that? I'm going to use many tables, so the total number of columns will be very big. I'm really confused about all this.
You should have one source of truth. As the table will need this information, it should be saved in the table and passed to the drop-down-menu component.
Checkout this codesandbox example.
Well if you want to make your checkbox reusable component, which you should, then you will have to keep the state in your checkbox component and expect an onChange event handler from wherever you want to use that checkbox component.

The Boundaries of UI State and Application State

I have trouble coming up or finding the boundaries of the so called "UI State".
Imagine the example of an issue tracker:
We have a list of "issue cards", which each contain:
A simple icon that represents the progress (i.e. open, closed)
The description text of the issue (a simple <p/> element)
A single Action button that changes d =epending on the state of the issue: "Assign to myself" or "Mark as done".
A button that opens a context menu (AKA right-click menu). This menu has a list of a variety of action buttons. Depending on the
state, some actions are greyed out and can not be clicked / or are
just not shown. Like "Close Case", if the case is already closed.
If you could categorize each of these items into UI-State vs. Application State, it would help me understand the boundaries.
More practically: How would you divide this little example application into containers and presentational components?
My interpretation: 1. and 2. are just presentational, 3. and 4. are stateful. Is this right? How would I structure this as containers and components?
Thank you very much!
All of listed examples are examples of application state, where UI is determined by persistent data that is received from the backend.
UI state usually refers to UI component local state that is determined by user actions, e.g. window position, active tab, unsubmitted form values, etc. Depending on the case, UI state may be lifted up and stored somewhere (persistent storage or URL) or be discarded.
if I want to implement this project I would act like this :
a component for managing all children components
a store to managing model, data and fields
a component for displaying icon and description text and button
a component for context menu
please consider that if you are using MVVM pattern, be sure that all responsibilities of actions are done by store and for changing some properties use observable fields
and if not use state in manager component and pass via proprs in children.

Html element set autofocus dynamically in React

I have two sibling component.
one component contains textbox,checkbox,dropdown controls in it.
another component contains Kendo Grid.
whenever user clicks on grid row i want to set focus on one of the element in above
component which include textbox.
Approach used:
1.I don't want to use ref as i have multiple controls in one component.
2.I have dynamically added autofocus attribute to input element.
Disclaimer: I am not sure if these solutions are best practices in React
There are 2 approaches for this, both using refs, but with smarter implementations:
Create a wrapper around the inputs and assign refs to it. Whenever you want to focus on an input, simply use wrapperRef.querySelector('[name=yourInput]). Working example:
Create an object which stores the name of the fields as keys and their refs as values. Simply use this.yourRefsObject[yourInputName].focus() to focus on an input. Working example:
Again, I am not certain whether these implementations are best practices, but they should do the job for now
