Authorization Endpoint's Login request (POST) of Identity Server 4 ends up in bad request while made from an IFrame - identityserver4

Authorization Endpoint's Login request (POST) of Identity Server 4 ends up in bad request while made from an IFrame.
Expecting some minor tweaks to be done within the identity server that should accept the request made from iframe with certain domains.
PS: I have already added csp frame-ancestor.
I refered back to this issue with Identity Server 3. Not sure about Identity Server 4. Link:


IdentityServer API unauthorized if hosted in IIS

I added additional API to the Duende IdentityServer 6.2 as described here. Then I tried to access it from a sample App, using typed httpClient using their own library called AccessTokenManagement (aka Identity.Model) pretty much following their simple example. I use Authorization Code flow, everything pretty much simple and default.
It works well until both server and client are on the same dev machine under localhost. As soon as I publish IdentityServer to IIS, the API stops to work, while the rest still works well (I can be authenticated, and I see in the Fiddler that token exchanges work normally).
The call to API consists from two calls:
Calling to /connect/token using refresh token. Server returns access token.
Calling my endpoint using this new access token.
The flow fails on the step 1. Call to /connect/token is already unauthorized and I can't understand why. The "good" and "bad" calls looks the same, I cannot see any differences. Previous call moment ago to /connect/userinfo consists of the same two steps and it works. Logs on both server and client give no clues.
No reverse proxies, just good plain simple URI. Automatic key management is enabled and the keys are in the SQL table, common for dev and published server. Asp.Net Core Data Protection is enabled and keys are also common.
Relevant parts of logs are below. I noticed that "No endpoint entry found for request path" is specific to IdentityServer and it doesn't actually mean that endpoint was not found. It was found but not processed. I also noticed reacher response headers from bad request and log entry about "Cookie signed-in" in good request but not sure what does it mean and whether it's relevant.
I'm running out of ideas.
Bad response from IIS while trying to get new Access Token:
Proper response while developing:
///////Relevant part of log for BAD request
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserAccessAccessTokenManagementService|Token for user needs refreshing.
|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: cookie was successfully authenticated.
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserTokenEndpointService|refresh token request to:
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserAccessAccessTokenManagementService|Error refreshing access token. Error = Unauthorized
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Sending HTTP request POST
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Received HTTP response headers after 117.7278ms - 401
///////Same part of GOOD request
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserAccessAccessTokenManagementService|Token for user needs refreshing.
|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: Cookies was successfully authenticated.
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserTokenEndpointService|refresh token request to: https://localhost:5001/connect/token
|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: Cookies signed in.
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Sending HTTP request POST https://localhost:5001/mycontroller/myaction
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Received HTTP response headers after 1994.9611ms - 200
///////Server log during BAD request
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.EndpointRouter No endpoint entry found for request path: "/mycontroller/myaction"
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.LocalApiAuthentication.LocalApiAuthenticationHandler HandleAuthenticateAsync called
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.LocalApiAuthentication.LocalApiAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationScheme: "IdentityServerAccessToken" was not authenticated.
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.LocalApiAuthentication.LocalApiAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationScheme: "IdentityServerAccessToken" was challenged.
Okay, found it. Thankfully, looked at Fiddler's WebView and had seen familiar picture!
Then, found this topic. The solution was disabling Basic authentication in IIS settings. Access token request has basic authentication header and it seems like IIS intercepts it. Still a bit unclear why other parts of flow worked.

duende identity server RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync won't pass redirect uri

I'm using Duende Identity Server 6 and trying to get Access Token from my Identity Server
in my API Controller using http client base on duende documentation.
But I get this Invalid redirect uri in my Identity Server console logs.
As you can see the redirectUri is null in information log,
and there is my code in Client API.Controller
You are trying to make a client credentials flow. The endpoint you need to invoke is /connect/token. Is not necessary redirect uri in this flow.

Firebase + Nextjs - User session sharing

I need to make database requests on the server side of my app which is written using Next.js and Firebase (not the best combination, I know) to prepare initial data for the client side.
Problem is that I would like to use the same code that runs on the client side on the server (using the firebase client SDK on the server for the DB requests).
But I do not know how to share the user session with the server side.
The server does not have the user logged-in in the client SDK and thus returns 403 for restricted resources even though the client side has access to them (it knows the current user)
I have tried the following:
Custom token hack (canĀ“t use ID token to sing in)
Currently I have to add the user ID token to a cookie.
This way the token is appended to every subsequent request and the server side can generate a custom token (I cannot login with the ID token) through which I can then login on the server side of the app as well as on the client side (which is already logged-in if persistence is enabled).
This is a huge overkill and I should be able to login on the server the same way as on the client because it is in fact acting like a client itself (it does not do any privileged operations).
Login second time on the server
Other solution was to send credentials via cookie (security risk) and then login on the server second time. This does not work with one time auth sessions (like one-time email links because the server effectively logs in the second time).
The official expample is not helpful
In the Next.js repo there is a example for firbease auth which has now commented out the server side data fetching. Even if it was not commented out it is not checking for user permission, it just straight up fetches the data if a user is found
I was having the same setup (Next.js and Firebase) and it was not straightforward setting up global session via react context API. I followed this guide and I was successful

OKTA Logout SAML App

I have setup an Application that's is using OKTA as IDP. The app is SAML Based.This part is working fine.
But I am unable to log out. For this we have
1. Enabled Single Logout
2. Set the Single Log out URL (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Single Logout URL)
3.Sp Issues (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Issuer )
4. Signature Certificate (This is the certificate of IDP)
Now when I call the Logout URL I am receiving 403. On checking the Logs of OKTA I see the (User Single Sign out from App Failure:- Malformed Request)
Can any one please help me how to fix it.
I am assuming that I just need to call the logout URL and the session will kill off. Is my understanding correct?
Reviving a very old thread, check that you have a ?ReturnTo=<path> at the end of the logout URL.
Okta requires strictly post binding requests for logout. Please make sure you are making POST requests for logout and you are using correct entity Id in request.
I think the setting values below need to be set for sp side.
Set the Single Log out URL
Sp Issues
Signature Certificate
It is not on idp side.

$http & JSESSIONID with Glassfish

I have a backend using Java which produces JSON for the services, which client will need to login/be authenticated using cookies based (JSESSIONID in Java).
I manage to receive JSESSIONID from server, however concecutive $http.get from client does not include previous generated JSESSIONID which I supposed to be automated handle by $http ?
The case:
Step 1
When I tested my login page using $ using valid user id and password, I can get an expected result from my server, I can get a generated JSESSIONID from the server, i.e.:
set-cookie:JSESSIONID=0a624257d0f704840bf6d8c8cc31; Path=/tmh-web; HttpOnly
(pls refer to screenshot in Response Header)
after call Login & been auhthenticated screenshot
Step 2
After been authenticated, when tried to call another URL service which requires authentication, I got an error: "403 Forbidden"
And I suspected this is because $http does not send the JSessionID it has received on Step 1.
(pls refer to screenshot in Request Header, there is no JSessionID has been sent back to server)
call next service which requires authentication
Has anyone experienced this problem with Java as the backend server ?
Use / for path attribute of the cookie.
