How to change property of object in React, Recoil - reactjs

I'm working on a shopping cart.
<Cart /> is Cart Page which render Products in cartList Array.
<CartProduct /> render each one product in cartList Array
I want to make the quantity data change, when i click quantity button.
Here is My First Try Code
function Cart(props) {
const cartsList = useRecoilValue(cartsListState);
.filter(cart => cart.keep === 'cold')
.map((cart) => {
return <CartProduct cart={cart} getNowQuantity={getNowQuantity} />
.filter(cart => cart.keep === 'freeze')
.map((cart) => {
return <CartProduct cart={cart} getNowQuantity={getNowQuantity} />
.filter(cart => cart.keep === 'normal')
.map((cart) => {
return <CartProduct cart={cart} getNowQuantity={getNowQuantity} />
function CartProduct({ cart, getNowQuantity}) {
const [cartsList, setCartsList] = useRecoilState(cartsListState);
const PlusQuantity = () => {
setCounterQuantity(counterQuantity => counterQuantity + 1);
cart.quantity += 1;
const MinusQuantity = () => {
if (cart.quantity>=2) {
setCounterQuantity(counterQuantity => counterQuantity - 1);
cart.quantity -= 1;
else return;
Firts code make error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'quantity' of
object '#
So i tried to use spread operator in CartProduct.js Like this way
const cartProduct = ([ ...cart]);
CartProduct.quantity = +1
This code make error
cart is not iterable
so i tried
let iterableCart = cart[Symbol.iterator]
It doesn't work.
How can i change for ChangeQuantityButton?

By default Recoil makes everything immutable so code like this
cart.quantity += 1;
won't work because you're trying to update a value on a frozen object.
Instead you need to create a new object, and use the existing values to update it.
Here I'm using a sample data set and using it to build three product items using an <Item> component. This component displays the name, the current quantity, and two buttons to decrement/increment the values. On the buttons are a couple of data attributes that identify the product id, and the button action.
When a button is clicked the handleClick function is called. This destructures the id and action from the button dataset, and then map over the current cart using those values to check the cart items and return updated objects to the state.
const { atom, useRecoilState, RecoilRoot } = Recoil;
// Initialise the cart data
const cart = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Banana', qty: 0 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Beef', qty: 0 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Mop', qty: 0 }
// Initialise the cart atom setting its
// default to the cart data
const cartAtom = atom({
key: 'cartAtom',
default: cart
function Example() {
// Use the recoil state
const [ cart, setCart ] = useRecoilState(cartAtom);
// When a button is clicked
function handleClick(e) {
// Get its id and action
const { dataset: { id, action } } =;
// Update the cart using the id to identify the item
// and return an updated object where appropriate
setCart(prev => {
return => {
if ( === +id) {
if (action === 'decrement' && item.qty > 0) {
return { ...item, qty: item.qty - 1 };
if (action === 'increment') {
return { ...item, qty: item.qty + 1 };
return item;
// Iterate over the cart data using the Item
// component to display the item details
return (
{ => {
const { id, name, qty } = item;
return (
function Item({ id, name, qty, handleClick }) {
return (
<div className="item">
<span className="name">{name}</span>
<Example />
.item:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
.name { display: inline-block; width: 60px; }
button { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0 0.25em; }
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>


Can I change a element state in react without changing every element state?

im making a portfolio website and have multiple different buttons with skills which contain an img and p tag. I want to show the description of each tag everytime a user clicks on the button. how can I do this? right now everytime user clicks it, all buttons show description.
const Skills = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState(false)
let skills = [
{ id: 1, desc: 'HTML5', state: false, img: htmlIcon },
{ id: 2, desc: 'CSS3', state: false, img: cssIcon },
{ etc....}
const showDesc = (id) => {
console.log(skills[id-1] = !state);
return (
{ => (
<button onClick={(id) => showDesc(}>
<img style={ state ? {display:'none'} : {display:'block'}} src={skill.img} />
<p style={ state ? {display:'block'} : {display:'none'}}>{skill.desc}</p>
I recommend to manipulate element state instead of entry list. But if you really need to manipulate entry list you should add that list to your state. Then when you want to show/hide specific item, you need to find that item in state and correctly update entry list by making a copy of that list (with updated item). For example you can do it like this:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const Skills = () => {
const [skills, setSkills] = useState([
id: 1,
desc: 'HTML5',
state: false,
img: htmlIcon, // your icon
id: 2,
desc: 'CSS3',
state: false,
img: cssIcon, // your icon
const showDesc = (id) => {
const newSkills = => {
if ( === id) {
return {
state: !item.state,
return item;
return (
}) => (
<button type="button" key={id} onClick={() => showDesc(id)}>
<img alt="img" style={state ? { display: 'none' } : { display: 'block' }} src={img} />
<p style={state ? { display: 'block' } : { display: 'none' }}>{desc}</p>
Instead of manipulating all list, you can try to move show/hide visibility to list item itself. Create separate component for item and separate component for rendering that items. It will help you to simplify logic and make individual component responsible for it visibility.
About list rendering you can read more here
For example you can try something like this as alternative:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const skills = [
id: 1,
desc: 'HTML5',
img: htmlIcon, // your icon
id: 2,
desc: 'CSS3',
img: cssIcon, // your icon
const SkillItem = ({
desc = '',
}) => {
const [visibility, setVisibility] = useState(false);
const toggleVisibility = () => {
const content = visibility
? <p>{desc}</p>
: <img alt="img" src={img} />;
return (
<button type="button" onClick={toggleVisibility}>
const SkillList = () =>{
}) => <SkillItem img={img} desc={desc} key={id} />);

Show slider controlling all content once when returning map items in React

I have some CMS content being returned and my goal is to have a year slider controlling the content depending on the year that the user selects by clicking the minus/plus arrow.
This is my code:
import "./styles.css";
import React from "react";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
{, index) => {
const Slice = slices[item.type];
return <Slice section={item.section} key={index} />;
const DateContext = React.createContext({});
const DatesProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [dates, setDates] = React.useState({});
return (
<DateContext.Provider value={{ dates, setDates }}>
const DatePicker = ({ section }) => {
const { dates, setDates } = React.useContext(DateContext);
React.useEffect(() => {
// Set initial date
setDates((prevDates) => {
prevDates[section] = 2021;
return { ...prevDates };
// Clean up on dismount
return () => {
setDates((prevDates) => {
delete prevDates[section];
return { ...prevDates };
}, []);
const handlePlus = () => {
setDates((prevDates) => ({
[section]: prevDates[section] + 1
const handleMinus = () => {
setDates((prevDates) => ({
[section]: prevDates[section] - 1
return (
<div style={{ marginTop: 30 }}>
<button onClick={handleMinus}>-</button>
<button onClick={handlePlus}>+</button>
const Item = ({ section }) => {
const { dates } = React.useContext(DateContext);
return (
Section: {section} | Year: {dates[section]}
const data = [
{ type: "DatePicker", section: "foo" },
{ type: "Item", section: "foo" },
{ type: "Item", section: "foo" },
{ type: "DatePicker", section: "bar" },
{ type: "Item", section: "bar" },
{ type: "Item", section: "bar" }
const slices = { DatePicker, Item };
The result is currently this:
As you can tell it's returning the year slider several times and the structure is similar to this:
<slider> - 2021 + </slider>
<section class= "container-of-all-items">
<slider> - 2021 + </slider>
<section class= "container-of-all-items">
My goal is to have only one year slider wrapping/controlling the whole content items rather than the above repetition of sliders:
<slider> - 2021 + </slider>
<section class= "container-of-all-items">
Any idea how to achieve it by maintaining a map through the Slices?
I see, took me a while to understand, you basically want to have one set of + and - but list of items.
Then in your case, you code actually simplifies.
function Lists() {
const { dates, setDates } = React.useContext(DateContext);
const onClick = () => { setDates(...) }
return (
<div onClick={onClick}>+</div>
{, index) => {
return <Slice section={item.section} key={index} />
Then change your App.
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<DatesProvider value={...}>
<Lists />
Actually you might not need the context at all, since the logic has been promoted to the parent. But it's up to you.

Dynamic dropdown menus react

I am trying to implement a dynamic dropdown menu. Clicking on the add button will show a dropdown menu that allow users to select an item, and each dropdown menu has the same list of options. I have the dropdown options store in an array, and clicking the add button will increment another array of options to the array
The issues I am having now is that, clicking the remove button doesn’t reflect what I have removed on the UI. For example, if I remove the first dropdown, it reflects that the second one is deleted.
import React, { useState } from "react";
const disciplines_fake_data = [
{ name: "discipline1", id: 0 },
{ name: "discipline2", id: 1 },
{ name: "discipline3", id: 2 },
{ name: "discipline4", id: 3 },
{ name: "discipline5", id: 4 },
{ name: "discipline6", id: 5 },
{ name: "discipline7", id: 6 },
{ name: "discipline8", id: 7 }
export default function Discipline({
// handleInputChange,
}) {
const [disciplinesDropdowns, setDisciplinesDropdowns] = useState([]);
const handleAddDisciplineClick = () => {
setDisciplinesDropdowns((prev) => [...prev, disciplines_fake_data]);
const handleRemoveDropdownClick = (index) => {
const newDisciplinesDropdowns = [...disciplinesDropdowns];
newDisciplinesDropdowns.splice(index, 1);
handleRemoveDisciplineClick(`otherDisciplines_${index + 1}`);
return (
{disciplinesDropdowns.length > 0 &&, index) => (
<div style={{ marginTop: "10px" }} key={index}>
<label htmlFor={`otherDisciplines_${index + 1}`}>
Discipline {index + 1}
onClick={(e) => {
defaultValue="choose from all disciplines"
name={`otherDisciplines_${index + 1}`}
// onChange={handleInputChange}
<option disabled value="choose from all disciplines">
-choose from all disciplines-
{ => (
<option key={} value={}>
<div style={{ marginTop: "20px" }}>
onClick={(e) => {
<span> add another discipline</span>
import React, { useState, useReducer, useEffect } from "react";
import _ from "lodash";
import Discipline from "./Discipline";
const initialState = {
otherDisciplines: []
const FORM_ACTION = {
SELECT_DISCIPLINES: "select more disciplines",
REMOVE_DISCIPLINES: "remove disciplines"
function registrationReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
const name =;
const value = action.payload.value;
const newDisciplines = [
[name]: value
]; => {
if (discipline[name]) {
discipline[name] = value;
return {
otherDisciplines: _.uniqWith(newDisciplines, _.isEqual)
return {
otherDisciplines: state.otherDisciplines.filter(
(discipline) => Object.keys(discipline)[0] !== action.payload
return { ...state, [action.input]: action.value };
export default function App() {
const [registration, dispatch] = useReducer(
const handleInputChange = ({ target }) => {
const { name, value } = target;
const action = {
input: name,
value: value
return (
// onSubmit={handleFormSubmit}
handleSelectDisciplineClick={(e) => {
const { name, value } =;
payload: { name, value }
handleRemoveDisciplineClick={(discipline) => {
payload: discipline
Using the list index as an identifier for the element is not recommended.
Instead of list (disciplinesDropdowns) you can make use of dictionary object to store dropdowns with unique identifiers and pass those unique identifiers to "handleRemoveDropdownClick".
Can have a function, that generates random and unique key before adding dropdowns to "disciplinesDropdowns".

Change a sigle value in an array of objects using useState in React

I'm following a React course and I'm trying to do some experiments around the code to have a better understanding of concepts.
I have some dummy data:
export const data = [
{ id: 1, name: 'john' },
{ id: 2, name: 'peter' },
{ id: 3, name: 'susan' },
{ id: 4, name: 'anna' },
and this is my component:
import React from "react";
import { data } from "../../../data";
const UseStateArray = () => {
const [people, setPeople] = React.useState(data);
return (
{ => {
const { id, name } = person;
return (
<div key={id} className="item">
onClick={() => setPeople([])}
Clear Items
export default UseStateArray;
The button has an event handler on click which calls setPeople with an empty array (so to remove all of the elements).
I was trying to change the funcionality of such button, trying to change the name of the first element of my array of objects (data) in the following way:
onClick={() => setPeople(people[0].name = 'Frank')}
Doing this, get an error, namely: "TypeError: is not a function".
I think the reason is because I'm not returning an array anymore and therefore map fails to run.
How can I simply change the name (or any value) of an object present in an array?
You are mutating the object
clickHandler = () => {
const newPeople =, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return {
name: 'Frank'
return person;
You need to copy the array into a newer version.
Extract the object out of the array using the index property.
Update the field.
function App() {
const [data, setData] = React.useState([
{ name: "Hello", id: 1 },
{ name: "World", id: 2 }
function changeName(idx) {
const newData = [];
newData[idx].name = "StackOverFlow";
return (
{, idx) => {
return (
onClick={() => {
Mutation is not allowed on the state, which basically means you cannot change the state directly. Copy the object or an array and do the updates.

Object within state is changing without being prompted

I'm using setState to update a particular object but for some reason, another object is being mutated as well even though I haven't added it in the setState function.
Basically I have an 'add to cart' function, if item already exists in cart state object, just increments it's quantity by 1. If not, update state of cart with a copy that contains said item.
this.state = {
items: {
0: { name: 'Red shirt', price: 10 },
1: { name: 'Blue shirt', price: 11 },
2: { name: 'Green shirt', price: 12 },
3: { name: 'Yellow shirt', price: 13 }
cart: {},
user: {}
addToCart = (key, item) => {
let newCart;
newCart = this.state.cart;
// item already exists in cart
if (newCart[key]) {
// increment qty of added item
// does not exist, need to add to cart
} else {
newCart[key] = item;
newCart[key].qty = 1;
this.setState({ cart: newCart });
render() {
const { cart, items } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App">
<Checkout cart={cart} />
// Items component which holds Item component
class Items extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const { items, addToCart } = this.props;
return (
map(items, function renderItems(item, key) {
return <Item
addToCart={addToCart} />
// Item functional component which has the add to cart button
const Item = (props) => {
const { item, itemRef, addToCart } = props;
return (
<p>{item.qty || ""}</p>
<button onClick={() => addToCart(itemRef, item)}>Add</button>
When inspecting the state of my items object in react developer tools, I see that every time I click the button to add an item to the cart, it does correctly add the item to the cart / update the quantity of the item but it also updates the item in the items object in my state, adding a 'qty' key/ value pair which is not what I want.
I'm using setState on my cart object but my items object is being changed too for some reason.
Try to update your state by using spread syntax so you don't get into this kind of trouble. Redux also uses that a lot. By doing it you don't mutate your object and create a clean copy of them.
Your code is not copying the item on line (newCart[key] = item;). Instead, it is putting a reference from the same item and by changing the qty in the next line you consequently update it as well in the items key.
const Item = ({ name, price, onClick }) =>
<div onClick={onClick}>
{name} {price}
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
items: {
0: { name: 'Red shirt', price: 10 },
1: { name: 'Blue shirt', price: 11 },
2: { name: 'Green shirt', price: 12 },
3: { name: 'Yellow shirt', price: 13 }
cart: {},
user: {}
addToCart(key, item) {
const hasItem = this.state.cart[key]
cart: {
[key]: {
...(hasItem ? this.state.cart[key] : item),
qty: hasItem ? this.state.cart[key].qty + 1 : 1,
render() {
const { cart, items } = this.state
return (
<div>Click to add:</div>
{Object.keys(items).map(key =>
onClick={this.addToCart.bind(this, key, items[key])}
<div style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>
{Object.keys(cart).map(key =>
<div key={key}>{cart[key].name}:{cart[key].qty}</div>
<App />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
