How to separate two swiper instance hooks on the same page? - reactjs

I have two React Swipers on the same page.
I'm using useSwiper to create my own navigation buttons.
It works great for one swiper. But now that I have two instances on the same page, when I click the next on one instance, both of them go to the next item.
In other words, their navigations are tied together.
These swiper instances are inside two separate components.
const Home = () => {
return <div>
<FirstSection /> // This has a `useSwiper` in it
<SecondSection /> // This also has a `useSwiper` in it
How can I make these instances separate from each other?
I have searched the docs and I can't find what to do.

you need to add a controller for each one take a look to the docs and check the example below
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Controller } from 'swiper';
import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from 'swiper/react';
const App = () => {
// store swiper instances
const [firstSwiper, setFirstSwiper] = useState(null);
const [secondSwiper, setSecondSwiper] = useState(null);
return (
controller={{ control: secondSwiper }}
{/* ... */}
controller={{ control: firstSwiper }}
{/* ... */}


Conditionally render component views based on browser screen size

I have three different components representing different views for screen sizes. I want to render one of them based on the browser view width. I've managed to get this working using ternary operators, but it'll only work with two elements.
Can someone let me know how to accomplish this without having to use display: hidden on one of the elements?
Here is my code so far:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Navbar from "../../shared/components/Navbar/Navbar";
import Page from "../../shared/interface/Page/Page";
{/* elements */}
import DesktopView from "../../home/components/DesktopView/DesktopView";
import MobileView from "../../home/components/MobileView/MobileView";
import TabletView from "../../home/components/TabletView/TabletView";
function Home() {
const [isDesktop, setDesktop] = useState(window.innerWidth > 650);
const [isTablet, setTablet] = useState(window.innerWidth > 768);
const [isMobile, setMobile] = useState(window.innerWidth > 640);
const updateMedia = () => {
setDesktop(window.innerWidth > 1024);
setTablet(window.innerWidth > 768);
setMobile(window.innerWidth > 640);
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("resize", updateMedia);
return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", updateMedia);
return (
<Navbar />
{/* Elements should go here */}
export default Home;
You can try following Code instead of ternary
isDesktop && <DesktopView />
isTablet && <TabletView />
isMobile && <MobileView />
So if isDesktop is true then only DesktopView will render and similarly isTablet will control TabletView and isMobile will control MobileView rendering

Correct use of ReactToPrint?

The problem is that the button that is supposed to give the option to print is not working anymore.
the error in the console says:
To print a functional component ensure it is wrapped with `React.forwardRef`, and ensure the forwarded ref is used. See the README for an example:
I Have already seen some solutions specifically talking about the same problem but I have not been able to make it work.
any suggestion?
this is the library i'm using: ReactToPrint npm
React To print
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useReactToPrint } from "react-to-print";
import Resume from "./Pdf/Pdf";
const Example = () => {
const componentRef = useRef();
const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({
content: () => componentRef.current
return (
<div >
<button onClick={handlePrint}> ------> NOT WORKING!
Descargar Pdf
<Resume ref={componentRef} /> ------> COMPONENT TO PRINT
export default Example;
Component to be printed
import React from "react";
import styled from 'styled-components';
import PdfSection from './PdfSection';
import AlienLevel from './AlienLevel';
import {connect } from 'react-redux';
class Resume extends React.Component {
renderList = () => {
return => {
return (
// data={}
return (
<img id="portada" src="/images/pdf/PortadaPdf.png" />
result= "{props.diagn}{"
text='"Necesitas mejorar tus prácticas intergalácticas de CV, pero ya eres nivel medio!"'
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return { posts: state.posts };
export default connect(mapStateToProps)( Resume);
thanks in advance!
The problem is with connect() function of react-redux.
You wrapped your component in connect and connect by default does not forward ref. Which means, the ref you are passing here <Resume ref={componentRef} /> does not reach to your component.
You need to pass options { forwardRef: true } in fourth parameter of connect function connect(mapStateToProps?, mapDispatchToProps?, mergeProps?, options?).
Just change this code export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Resume); in Resume component to this
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null, null, { forwardRef: true })(Resume);
For anyone that is struggling with the same error, it seems that they found the proper way to resolve this, I actually resolved it by following the Codesandbox I found in the Github issues here si the link. hope is useful! -->
I had the same issue and I am happy to share my findings as soon as now.
The component has to be rendered somewhere using ref.
I added it to my page as hidden using React Material UI's Backdrop. Or u can hide it using hooks like examples below.
Using backdrop and only calling it when I need to preview the print. 👇👇
<Backdrop sx={{ color: "#fff", zIndex: (theme) => theme.zIndex.drawer + 1 }}
<ComponentToPrint ref={componentRef} />
Using Hooks plus display styling to only display it when needed. 👇👇
const [isReady, setIsReady] = useState("none");
<Paper style={{ display: isReady }} >
<ComponentToPrint ref={componentRef} />
endIcon={<BackupTableRoundedIcon />}
onClick={() => setIsReady("")}
Start Printing
Note: I used MUI components, if u decide to copy paste, then change Button to html <button and paper to <div. Hope this helps.

Get the Gatsby Link destination and conditionally render exit animation with Framer Motion

I've built a small website to learn more about page transition with Gatsby and Framer Motion and Styled Components.
[SPOILER]: My problem to be solved is at the end of the code blocks
The way it's currently working is simple:
An homepage with a list of projects
export default function Home() {
return (
<Welcome />
<WorkList />
<Footer />
A project page template that generate each project thanks to createPages (here is a simplified version)
import React, { useState, useRef, useContext, useEffect } from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"
// Components
// Data
import Projects from "../data/works.json"
// Styles
// Variants
const Project = ({ pageContext }) => {
const project = Projects.find(({ id }) => id ===
// lots of functions here
return (
<BackgroundLines />
<!-- here the header logic -->
<!-- here the content logic -->
<!-- here the footer logic -->
export default Project
The Layout component is holding the navigation
// Components
import Header from "./header"
// Styles
import { GlobalStyle } from "../styles/globalStyles"
const Layout = ({ children }) => {
return (
<div className="app">
<GlobalStyle />
<Header />
export default Layout
and last but not least, the gatsby.browser.js wrapped with the AnimatePresence and the Context Provider
import React from "react"
import { AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion"
import { LocationProvider } from "./src/context/locationContext"
export const wrapPageElement = ({ element }) => (
<AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>{element}</AnimatePresence>
export const shouldUpdateScroll = () => {
return false
So what I want to do seemed easy but it turned out that is not (at least for me).
I've currently made a beautiful transition between 2 projects, similar to the one you could see in here.
If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can see that the next project's header is shown as a preview and once you click on it, it will smoothly transition to the next project page.
BUT, but this transition is a problem when the user clicks on the link in the navigation that takes him to the home or to another page.
I don't want to have the same exit transition, where some elements disappear while others overlaps, and I don't want the same timing. I want to do something completely different, based on where I'm headed to.
What I thought of as a solution, is to conditionally render exit transition in framer motion, to have different exit animation based on some variables.
I want to be able to track the Link Destination before the component unmount in order to be able to conditionally render an exit transion in Framer Motion
Since, as you may have seen, the navigation isn't inside the project.js I tried with createContext and useContext, getting the location.pathname to have an origin state and a on Link to have a destination state. This doesn't actually works because everything seems to get a rerender.
I just provided the pieces of codes that seemed crucial to understand the overall structure, but I can go deeper with the way I've built variants or the current exit animations.
I'm not sure if it will help but you can get the props as any React component in the wrapPageElement:
export const wrapPageElement = ({ element, props }) => {
console.log("props", props)
//return some other animation stuff
return <LocationProvider {...props}>
<AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>{element}</AnimatePresence>

Pass state onto {children} React hook

So I have a component that looks like this:
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./navigation.styles.scss";
const Navigation = ({ children }) => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => toggleState(!toggle)}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default memo(Navigation);
And then I have another component that looks like this:
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./container.styles.scss";
const Container = ({ children }) => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div className={toggle ? "dark-bg" : "dark-bg active"}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default Container ;
Now, the thing is the {children} of the 1st component is sometimes the 2nd component, and sometimes it's not. Therefore I can't just put the CSS and HTML from the 2ndcomponent into the 1st component - which in turn would fix my problem.
But as you might be able to see, there is an onClick event in the first component. I would like it so that when that is clicked, the state from the click is send to the 2nd component and toggles the className-toggle.
Can this be achieved by doing this, or do I have to set everything up differently ?
And yes, I am quite new to React, so please don't be harsh.
I would look into better methods of applying styling with css. Not sure about your project scope/tools but typically all the css files are imported in the dom root and loaded in there. This avoids creating css files for every component.
Here's 9 ways of implementing css for react.
Passing HTML
In react if you want to render component in another component instead of passing it as a child you should import it as follows.
// replace container path with actual path of Container file
// ex './Container.js'
import Container from 'container_path.js';
Now Rendering the Component is as simple as including it in the html code.
return (
<div className={toggle ? "dark-bg" : "dark-bg active"}>
Here's a Stack Overflow post of users importing components using react + es6 + webpack. More information on importing components is available there.
State management
In react if you have a state that is being accessed by multiple components the standard is to keep the state in the parent component.
This way you can pass the state as a prop to any children components. You can also create a function which updates this state and pass that function as a prop to the children.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import Container from "./Container.js";
import Navigation from "./Navigation.js"
const Parent = props => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<Container toggleState={toggleState} toggle={toggle} />
<Navigation toggleState={toggleState} toggle={toggle} />
Before continuing working on your project I would recommend researching functional components vs class components. Here's a helpful article.
Try to wrap second component to function with state from first component as argument.
Wrapper for your second component and using for first component
const putInnerComponent = (stateFromOuterComponent) => <Container toggle={stateFromOuterComponent}/>;
<Navigation children={putInnerComponent}/>
Your first component
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./navigation.styles.scss";
const Navigation = ({ children }) => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => toggleState(!toggle)}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default memo(Navigation);
Your second component
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./container.styles.scss";
const Container = ({ children, toggle }) => {
//const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div className={toggle ? "dark-bg" : "dark-bg active"}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default Container;

How to refactor react hooks nested function properly

I have a function component which uses two states and both are changed based on event triggered.
I've read on react docs that is a bad idea to change states in nested function or condition. I also seen some examples using useEffects, but I have no clear idea how to properly refactor this.
here is my entire component:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import AppHeader from '../app-header'
import AppFooter from '../app-footer'
import SearchInput from '../search-input'
import Stats from '../stats'
import Chart from '../chart'
import { getBundleInfoAPI } from '../../services/hostApi'
import 'react-loader-spinner/dist/loader/css/react-spinner-loader.css'
import Loader from 'react-loader-spinner'
function App() {
const [isSpinnerVisible, setSpinnerVisible] = useState(false)
const [bundleData, setBundleData] = useState({})
const _handleOnItemSelected = (item) => {
if (item && item.package && && item.package.version) {
getBundleInfoAPI(, item.package.version)
.then(resposeData => setBundleData(resposeData))
.finally(() => setSpinnerVisible(false))
} else {
// TODO - implement an error handler component?
console.warn('WARNING: The selected bundle does not have name or version!')
return (
<div className="app">
<AppHeader />
<SearchInput onItemSelected={_handleOnItemSelected} />
<div className="app-main-inner-container">
<Loader type="Triangle" color="#00BFFF" height={200} width={200} visible={isSpinnerVisible} />
{!isSpinnerVisible &&
<div className="app-stats-chart-container">
<section className="app-stats-container"><Stats size={bundleData.stats} /></section>
<section className="app-chart-container"><Chart bundleChartData={bundleData.chart} /></section>
<AppFooter />
export default App
Docs section you are referring to means you must not put line with useState inside of nested functions, conditions, loops.
Calling setter returned by hook is definitely fine and correct.
This is fine, you are showing the loading screen when starting fetch and then hiding it when the fetch is done... no refactoring needed
