Preloading local fonts using Tailwind CSS - reactjs

How can I preload my fonts using Tailwind CSS? Perhaps in the tailwind.config.js file?
I'd like to preload fonts before UI rendering.


Angular 14: Can you library component css files

I am using primeng components, but also have my own theme files that override their styles. So, is there a way to delete component css styles from the final bundle to reduce bundle size?

Why next.js duplicates styles?

I have a next.js project. For styling I am using tailwind, scss modules and postcss. I have no overridden webpack configurations.
In development mode next.js injects styles in tags as expected, but in production it injects similar styles as *.css chunks and tag at the same time.
Next.js style duplication
Do you use Next.js' experimental optimizeCss with Tailwind or other CSS frameworks? It might be duplicating style as it injects inline CSS.

why my custom fonts via #fontface doesn't work in material-ui?

this is my theme style, and I provided that in index.js. but currently my fonts doesn't work !.enter image description here

How to convert SVG icons using webpack?

I am working on a react and Webpack 3 application.
I have a set of SVG icons and want to convert these icons into images and put it into images folder so that I can access these images and use it in my react component(eg. <img src='icon.png' />).
Currently, I am exporting SVG as components in js and importing it in JSX.
Should I use webpack loaders for this? if yes, which loader I should use?
or any other ways?
You can use SVG to PNG loader.

Animations and mediaquery in React without css

Is it possible to use animations and media query in react without css only using javascript or jsx?
Sure but you have to properly configure your bundler or else everything has to be inline css.
