How to format powershell output in Logic App - azure-logic-apps

I am trying to fetch expiry date of all the webhooks using an runbook and then sending that output in an email using logic app.
Below is the script to get webhook expiration date which will be stored in an hashtable
Powershell Script
This is the powershell output on the screen
Powershell Output
But this is the format in whic i am getting the email
Email Notification
Can anyone explain how to get email notification in table format ?
I am using get job output connector to get the runbook output and i select (Content) to get the output from previous step
Logic App Email Connector

You are receiving this because the output from runbooks is read in a paragraph tag inside the mail connector. After reproducing from my end, I could get the answer usingpre tag which defines preformatted text. Alternatively, you can send the output as attachment to the mail which gives you output in the required format. Below is the flow of my logic app.
Results in mail:


How to format body to pass input dataset as parameter in Azure ML?

I'm trying to consume my Azure ML Pipeline (Batch) from LogicApps. For that, I've deployed the Batch pipeline with the dataset as parameter :1
But I can't figure it out, how to format my body to invoke the pipeline and I don't find documentation on that.
For now, this is how my logicapp looks like:
and I get a 415 Http Error code when trying to invoke the pipeline.
Thanks for your help.

Log Logic Apps error messages to Azure storage file

I have some steps in my logic apps eg Parse JSON. If they fail, I can see the reason for the failure when I open the step in logic apps eg string instead of integer.
How can I log these error messages in my Azure storage account.
The dynamic content dialogue box doesn't specify error messages.
I have created a storage account, created files, populated them with a string and put them into the storage account. I just need to get hold of the error message.
I will be processing JSON from HTTP requests. If the JSON is invalid ie does not conform to the expected schema, I need the error logged, so people can query it with the provider of the data.
If you just want to log the runs error message, it is not necessary to be so troublesome. You could just use outputs to implement it.
You set the create blob action run after parse json action fails, the blob content could be outputs('Parse_JSON')['errors'], if just want to get the error message it should be outputs('Parse_JSON')['errors'][0]['message'].

I would like to insert data into sql table from append logs while using smslib

I made a java application for sending SMS via Huwei Modem. Everything is working properly. I used netbeans for making this java application. According to this application, logs data will appear in Jtext Area after sending SMS to any receipt such as Receipt name, number, message and status of the message. But I would like to insert these logs data into SQL table.
I tried to mentioned below link but failed
{ jTextAreaLog.append(msg.toString()); }
void appendToJTextAreaLog(String txt)

Getting unexpected results when processing email via App Engine app

I'm trying to set up the email receiver found here, to process incoming emails and send them out as POST data to a script on my server to be handled further from there. The issue I'm having is when I send one test email to foo#[myappname], the App Engine logs show that the email is continually "received" over and over again every couple of minutes, even though I only sent it once. Then after several minutes of this, when I go into settings and disable the app, I get at least one "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently" message to the email account I was sending the emails from (makes sense, since the app is now disabled and not accepting any incoming mail).
What I'm having trouble understanding is why the application is behaving like it's getting multiple emails sent to it when it's only one. Do I need to modify the Python script to do something to delete or halt the email once it's been processed the first time? If so, does anyone have any suggestions as to how to do that? The Python script that I'm using is found here.
User voscausa answered my question-- the email requests kept retrying because the script was erroring. Thanks!

send email without outlook help (batch file)

I'm trying to send email with the code above, but it starts up Outlook. How can I send email without Outlook using just batch code? The destination address can be hardcoded in the script.
You need a command line email program to use in the batch file - you have to have some application that can do the mail send for you within that context, outlook needs to be actually running to send.
These exist - they've been around for a long long time for use in the same sort of context as you've got - but its not something I've ever needed. You may have more success in (by asking for a command line email utility to use to send mail from a batch file).
