What gcode keyword is responsible for "Click to resume" feature? - g-code

I want to make a gcode to make it easier to level my ender 3 pro, that uses the marlin firmware. On previous CHEP levelling gcodes, i've seen the "Click to resume" feature that waits for the user to click the knob to move to the other spot. I can not seem to find anything about this on the internet at all. Any of you guys have any idea of how to accomplish this "Click to resume" feature in gcode?
I tried googling about it and i did not seem to find anything related to this.


Touch moviment in godot

I'm not able with any youtube tutorial and blogs to make a joystick movement for my topdown 2d game on godot
as I said, follow step by step several tutorials on the internet / youtube and I couldn't get my joystick for my topdown2d game
You should not need any special code to use a joystick with Godot. Run of the mill code like this should work:
extends KinematicBody2D
var speed := 500.0
func _physics_process(_delta:float) -> void:
var velocity := Vector2(
Input.get_axis("left", "right"),
Input.get_axis("forward", "backward")
) * speed
Either that or something similar you might find in most tutorials. Which probably use "ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up" and "ui_down" which are pre-defined actions. And yes, there are also pre-defined joystick inputs for those actions, but they might not be correct for your device.
Before configuring the actions, make sure the device is recognized by the operating system (you might need to install/update drivers). You might also want to run a diagnostic tool to check if it can send input.
Now, configure the actions on Project Settings -> Input Map. You can add new actions or modify the pre-existing ones. Once you have the action defined, click on the "+" icon on the right, and there you will find the "Joy Button" and "Joy Axis" options which will let you configure the joystick input for the action. Double click will allow you to modify the existing ones.
There is always the chance you configured the wrong input on the wrong action. You could figure it out by trial an error or with the help of a diagnostic tool.
If your device works, the configuration is correct and it still does not work. We could be talking of a compatibility issue. You might want to report a bug on github.
I can't help you further without knowing what did you try and the results you got.

How to Add to Notepad++ Batch Language or Any Other Ways?

First off I've searched my hind end off for hours now trying to find an answer, but I can't seem to find anything remotely useful. What I am trying to do is to find a way to add in code-folding to the built in batch language. Basically I love using batch, but when I have tons of code, I want to be able to hide the code I do not need to edit which will make it easier to find the code I DO need to edit. What I want is to be able to make it so if I typed "::{" (without quotes) and have finished code in the middle and end with "::}" (also without quotes).
First question, is it possible? Can I add something like this (that one could normally add in the "user defined language") to the built-in batch language?
Next question, if not, where could I figure out how to basically re-create the batch language (and add my own twists) into a new "user defined language"?
Last question, if neither of those are possible, what are my other options?
Like I said, I've researched for hours. I'm not one to ask for help on forums, but I'm desperate at this point. All I want is to use the batch language and have code folding. Doesn't seem like too much to ask, but it might be!
In Notepad++ you can define a language by going to the Language menu --> Define your language (at least in version 6.6.9 anyway). On the Folder & Default tab, under Folding in code 1 style, input a ( into the "Open" box. Input a ) into the "Close" box. Save this as "Windows Batch" (or at least something that doesn't conflict with the in-built language named "batch".
Until you define styles, it'll be ugly and unusable, but it should allow you to collapse / expand parenthetical code blocks as a proof of concept and see whether this project is worthy of further effort. Your next steps will be to copypaste batch keywords from %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notepad++\langs.model.xml, and use the "batch" language styles from your favorite theme in Notepad++\themes\. If I were doing it, I'd input a few basic things using the GUI (like keywords, folding characters, etc.), then export to an XML file on the Desktop and copypaste the rest from a theme, search-&-replacing stuff as needed to massage the theme into your user-defined language. At the end, import your massaged XML into the Define your language dialog. It was going to be more effort than I felt like exerting, but your mileage may vary. If you decide to undertake this journey and you complete it, I hope you'll consider sharing your efforts.
This similar question has a few answers that suggest some workarounds you might find worthwhile -- in particular, hiding, rather than collapsing.

Nothing happening when I click Post Comment button (ThinksterIO:Real Time Webapps tutorial)

I ran into another snag while going through the ThinksterIO Learn to Build Real Time Webapps tutorial around the 90% mark where one is shown how to add and delete comments:
Every time I click the Post Comment button absolutely nothing happen and I simply can't figure it out. I am expecting some kind of error to show up but nil. It's as if the button is not hooked up to the function. I was so frustrated that I eventually just copy and pasted the code from the tutorial to make sure I had it down right. Even after doing that it still didn't work.
I've created a Plunker with this app running over here http://embed.plnkr.co/OhzDTU/preview
You can sign in with the email user#user.com and 1234 password. You will then be able to try to comment on posts. Any ideas on what is going wrong here?
I took away the user user#user.com and 1234 password since problem is now fixed.
Your add comment button is in showpost.html, which is rendered by PostViewCtrl. However, your addComment method is attached to the scope of PostsCtrl (it doesn't exist when you try to click it). The simplest answer here is just to move addComment() over to the other controller.
Regarding the lack of error messages, I don't think that you can get an error for this. I had a look at the docs for $log and tried to decide if you could add some debugging output, but it looks like it's already on (i.e. the lack of a method seems to fail silently).
About your only option here is to try something like {{addComment|json}} in the view to see if it exists, but you'd first have to suspect that it didn't.

Cycle2 - SwipeUp

I really need some help with this if anyone out there cares to be my life saver! I am using Cycle2 to do a feature and I am trying to apply swipe for iPad and iPhone. I have tried TouchSwipe, Wipetouch and the debugged version of CycleSwipe.
Here is the problem, my slider is Vertical and I want a SwipeUp and SwipeDown commend. I have spent a whole working day trying to get this and I just cannot get it working! Can anyone tell me how I can get a SwipeUp and Swipe down command for Cycle2? Also is it possible for the movement to be a little smoother?
My feature is using full bleed images.
I'm not too sure about, but I think it works: http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/demo/swipe.php
By the way, you can use Hammer.js to capture swipe gestures: http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/
old question, but still.
I've made a patch a year ago to malsup's swipe plugin, that you can find here: https://github.com/walidvb/cycle2/commit/0c53a8972642ae90b865aae45d61f19aba807366#diff-0
That never made it to malsup's plugin unfortunately, but there you have it :)

Logo appears for only a second and then disappears

I am trying to display a logo on top of a video played with libvlc (2.0.2). I tried to find some documentation, but I had no luck. Here is the best attempt I could come up with:
libvlc_video_set_logo_string(m_player->core(), 1, "logo_1365886316.png"); //logo file path (I've also tried logo_1365886316.png,0,5000)
libvlc_video_set_logo_int(m_player->core(), libvlc_logo_x, 500); //x-coordinate
libvlc_video_set_logo_int(m_player->core(), libvlc_logo_y, 100); //y-coordinate
libvlc_video_set_logo_int(m_player->core(), libvlc_logo_opacity, 255);
// I've tried with the following, but I had no luck.
//libvlc_video_set_logo_int(m_player->core(), libvlc_logo_repeat, -1);
//libvlc_video_set_logo_int(m_player->core(), libvlc_logo_delay, 6000);
libvlc_video_set_logo_int(m_player->core(), libvlc_logo_enable, 1);
What is happening is that my logo is visible for few milliseconds or so, and then it disappears. If I try to initialize logo again, nothing is showing up. Also, if this is important, I am initializing logo after video has been started.
I don't know why this is happening. As per various forum posts, I am doing everything ok, and I am not initializing anything on the stack so it can be freed after I exit init function.
It's not broken! It's working for me. You have to add the option --sub-filter=logo to your options array that you pass to libvlc_new().
The official VideoLAN forum seems to provide the answer you needed: the logo feature is probably broken in VLC 2.0.X (source).
Also, another thread on the same forum seems to confirm that you are doing the right thing when you wait for the video to be playing to display the logo (at least, you know it does not come from you).
I think you simply should consider the feature broken for now and hope someone will provide a patch someday. Unless you feel like writing this patch by yourself.
EDIT: And by the way, I checked the vlc-devel mailing list from the date of the forum message (october 2012) to today, and did not find anything about a possible patch. The only thing that I found about the logo functions was a message stating that some other logo-related feature appears not to work since 2.0.3 (which was also the version cited in the forum post I shared in this message).
