VBA array. Smallest element and its number - arrays

How to find smallest element of array V(12,9) and its number?
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim V(1 To 12, 1 To 9) As Integer
For i = 1 To 12
For j = 1 To 9
V(i, j) = Rnd * 50
Next j
Next i

Identify the Minimum Value in a 2D Array
See the information and results in the Immediate window (Ctrl+G). It's nicer and more educational than the presentation in the message box.
With such small numbers you could replace all the Longs with Integers if that is a requirement. Here is a link describing why we mostly don't use Integer anymore.
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Const Max As Long = 50
' Populate the array.
Dim V(1 To 12, 1 To 9) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = 1 To 12
For j = 1 To 9
V(i, j) = Rnd * Max
Next j
Next i
Debug.Print GetDataString(V, , , "Random numbers from 0 to " & Max)
Debug.Print "How Min Was Changed in the Loop (It Started at " & Max & ")"
Debug.Print "The array was looped by rows."
Debug.Print "Visually find the following values to understand what happened."
Debug.Print "i", "j", "Min"
' Calculate the minimum.
Dim Min As Long: Min = Max
For i = 1 To 12
For j = 1 To 9
If V(i, j) < Min Then
Min = V(i, j)
Debug.Print i, j, Min
End If
Next j
Next i
Debug.Print "The minimum is " & Min & "."
MsgBox GetDataString(V, , , "Random numbers from 0 to " & Max) & vbLf _
& "The minimum is " & Min & ".", vbInformation
End Sub
' Purpose: Returns the values of a 2D array in a string.
Function GetDataString( _
ByVal Data As Variant, _
Optional ByVal RowDelimiter As String = vbLf, _
Optional ByVal ColumnDelimiter As String = " ", _
Optional ByVal Title As String = "PrintData Result") _
As String
' Store the limits in variables
Dim rLo As Long: rLo = LBound(Data, 1)
Dim rHi As Long: rHi = UBound(Data, 1)
Dim cLo As Long: cLo = LBound(Data, 2)
Dim cHi As Long: cHi = UBound(Data, 2)
' Define the arrays.
Dim cLens() As Long: ReDim cLens(rLo To rHi)
Dim strData() As String: ReDim strData(rLo To rHi, cLo To cHi)
' For each column ('c'), store strings of the same length ('cLen')
' in the string array ('strData').
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Dim cLen As Long
For c = cLo To cHi
' Calculate the current column's maximum length ('cLen').
cLen = 0
For r = rLo To rHi
strData(r, c) = CStr(Data(r, c))
cLens(r) = Len(strData(r, c))
If cLens(r) > cLen Then cLen = cLens(r)
Next r
' Store strings of the same length in the current column
' of the string array.
If c = cHi Then ' last row (no column delimiter ('ColumnDelimiter'))
For r = rLo To rHi
strData(r, c) = Space(cLen - cLens(r)) & strData(r, c)
Next r
Else ' all but the last row
For r = rLo To rHi
strData(r, c) = Space(cLen - cLens(r)) & strData(r, c) _
& ColumnDelimiter
Next r
End If
Next c
' Write the title to the print string ('PrintString').
Dim PrintString As String: PrintString = Title
' Append the data from the string array to the print string.
For r = rLo To rHi
PrintString = PrintString & RowDelimiter
For c = cLo To cHi
PrintString = PrintString & strData(r, c)
Next c
Next r
' Assign print string as the result.
GetDataString = PrintString
End Function

First you need to declare the data type of variables i and j
Dim i as Long
Dim j as Long
second, your array name V not A so correct this line
V(i, j) = Rnd * 50
finally, if your array contains numbers you can use this line
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.Min(V)


Function to return an array in VBA

I am an accountant and I need to match every customer payment against the outstanding invoices every day, I found a very nice and elegant VBA code published by Michael Schwimmer in this website. https://berndplumhoff.gitbook.io/sulprobil/excel/excel-vba-solutions/accounts-receivable-problem
The code works perfect, it can automatically calculate and list the results that are added up to a specific sum. However, I would like the VBA code to returns the invoice numbers as well. The code passed an array of the values to a function for calculation and then returns the possible solution to Column E, I don't have knowledge in array so don't know how to pass the array of the invoice numbers to the function and return the results. Could anyone help? The code is as below, you can also download the excel workbook from the link I provided. Thanks in advance!
Private Sub cmbCalculate_Click()
Dim dGoal As Double
Dim dTolerance As Double
Dim dAmounts() As Double
Dim vResult As Variant
Dim m As Long
Dim n As Long
With Me
dGoal = .Range("B2")
dTolerance = .Range("C2")
ReDim dAmounts(1 To 100)
For m = 2 To 101
If (.Cells(m, 1) <> "") And (IsNumeric(.Cells(m, 1))) Then
dAmounts(m - 1) = .Cells(m, 1)
ReDim Preserve dAmounts(1 To m - 1)
Exit For
End If
ReDim Preserve dAmounts(1 To UBound(dAmounts) - 1)
vResult = Combinations(dAmounts, dGoal, dTolerance)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
.Range(.Cells(3, 4), .Cells(UBound(vResult) + 3, 4)) = vResult
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Function Combinations( _
Elements As Variant, _
Goal As Double, _
Optional Tolerance As Double, _
Optional SoFar As Variant, _
Optional Position As Long) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim dCompare As Double
Dim dDummy As Double
Dim vDummy As Variant
Dim vResult As Variant
If Not IsMissing(SoFar) Then
'Sum of elements so far
For Each vDummy In SoFar
dCompare = dCompare + vDummy
'Start elements sorted by amount
For i = 1 To UBound(Elements)
For k = i + 1 To UBound(Elements)
If Elements(k) < Elements(i) Then
dDummy = Elements(i)
Elements(i) = Elements(k)
Elements(k) = dDummy
End If
Set SoFar = New Collection
End If
If Position = 0 Then Position = LBound(Elements)
For i = Position To UBound(Elements)
'Add current element
SoFar.Add Elements(i)
dCompare = dCompare + Elements(i)
If Abs(Goal - dCompare) < (0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Goal achieved
k = 0
ReDim vResult(0 To SoFar.Count - 1, 0)
For Each vDummy In SoFar
vResult(k, 0) = vDummy
k = k + 1
Combinations = vResult
Exit For
ElseIf dCompare < (Goal + 0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Enough room for another element
'Call recursively starting with next higher amount
vResult = Combinations(Elements, Goal, Tolerance, SoFar, i + 1)
If IsArray(vResult) Then
Combinations = vResult
Exit For
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
dCompare = dCompare - Elements(i)
End If
'Amount too high
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
Exit For
End If
Next 'Try next higher amount
End Function
You could probably get the invoice numbers simply with a VLOOKUP but here is a VBA solution. I have changed the values in the Sofar collection from invoice amounts to the index number for that amount. That index number then gives the corresponding invoice number from a new array InvNo.
Update - Sorted by due date
Sub cmbCalculate_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, dAmounts() As Double, sInvno() As String
Dim i As Long, dSum As Double
Dim dtDue() As Date
Set ws = Me
i = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim dAmounts(1 To i - 1)
ReDim sInvno(1 To i - 1)
ReDim dtDue(1 To i - 1)
' fill array
For i = 1 To UBound(dAmounts)
dAmounts(i) = ws.Cells(i + 1, "A")
sInvno(i) = ws.Cells(i + 1, "B")
dtDue(i) = ws.Cells(i + 1, "C")
dSum = dSum + dAmounts(i)
' sort array
Call BubbleSort(dAmounts, sInvno, dtDue)
Dim n: For n = LBound(dAmounts) To UBound(dAmounts): Debug.Print n, dAmounts(n), sInvno(n), dtDue(n): Next
Dim dGoal As Double, dTolerance As Double, vResult As Variant
dGoal = ws.Range("D2")
dTolerance = ws.Range("E2")
' check possible
If dGoal > dSum Then
MsgBox "Error : Total for Invoices " & Format(dSum, "#,##0.00") & _
" is less than Goal " & Format(dGoal, "#,##0.00")
' solve and write to sheet
vResult = Combinations2(dAmounts, sInvno, dtDue, dGoal, dTolerance)
If IsArray(vResult) Then
With ws
.Range("F3:H" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
.Range("F3").Resize(UBound(vResult), 3) = vResult
End With
MsgBox "Done"
MsgBox "Cannot find suitable combination", vbCritical
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Combinations2( _
Elements As Variant, _
Invno As Variant, _
Due As Variant, _
Goal As Double, _
Optional Tolerance As Double, _
Optional SoFar As Variant, _
Optional Position As Long) As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long, dCompare As Double
' summate so far
If IsMissing(SoFar) Then
Set SoFar = New Collection
For i = 1 To SoFar.Count
dCompare = dCompare + Elements(SoFar(i))
End If
If Position = 0 Then Position = LBound(Elements)
For i = Position To UBound(Elements)
SoFar.Add CStr(i)
dCompare = dCompare + Elements(i)
' check if target achieved
If Abs(Goal - dCompare) < (0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Goal achieved
Dim vResult As Variant
ReDim vResult(1 To SoFar.Count, 1 To 3)
For n = 1 To SoFar.Count
vResult(n, 1) = Elements(SoFar(n))
vResult(n, 2) = Invno(SoFar(n))
vResult(n, 3) = Due(SoFar(n))
Combinations2 = vResult
ElseIf dCompare < (Goal + 0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Enough room for another element
'Call recursively starting with next higher amount
vResult = Combinations2(Elements, Invno, Due, Goal, Tolerance, SoFar, i + 1)
If IsArray(vResult) Then
Combinations2 = vResult
Exit For
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
dCompare = dCompare - Elements(i)
End If
'Amount too high
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
Exit For
End If
End Function
Sub BubbleSort(ByRef ar1 As Variant, ByRef ar2 As Variant, ByRef ar3 As Variant)
' sort both arrays
Dim d, s, i As Long, k As Long, dt As Date
For i = 1 To UBound(ar1)
For k = i + 1 To UBound(ar1)
If (ar1(k) < ar1(i)) Or _
(ar1(k) = ar1(i) _
And ar3(k) < ar3(i)) Then
d = ar1(i)
ar1(i) = ar1(k)
ar1(k) = d
s = ar2(i)
ar2(i) = ar2(k)
ar2(k) = s
dt = ar3(i)
ar3(i) = ar3(k)
ar3(k) = dt
End If
End Sub
Get nth match in Index
Please refer this exceljet page for function for getting nth match which is used in index function for finding the match for the nth position given by countif function as last argument of small function. Range in the countif function need to be fixed at the first cell only. So, when we copy the formula below we get relative increment in the 'n' in case of duplicate matches. So, Index function will give the incremental nth position value.
Array CSE(Control+Shift+Enter) Formula for in F3 and copy down
In this case.. CSE Formula in F3 and then copy down

VBA Jagged Array Duplicates

I'm new to coding with VBA, and a beginner programmer in general. I have the following simple table (the data keeps getting inputted on daily basis, so it changes):
Item #
I would like to filter this data by specific date first, then delete duplicates in Location while adding the Load for said duplicates.
For example, if I wanted to filter for 30/1/21. It would end up as follows:
I would then want to put it in one summary cell as follows:
10 Site, 7 Office
I was able to filter the original table into jagged arrays. The code for that is:
For j = numberSkipD To numberRowsD
If Worksheets("Disposal Fees").Range("F" & j).Value = Worksheets("Daily Tracking").Range("B2").Value Then
For k = numberDisposalInformationRaw To numberDisposalLocation
ReDim Preserve disposalLocation(numberDisposalLocation)
disposalLocation(numberDisposalLocation) = Worksheets("Disposal Fees").Range("I" & j).Value
numberDisposalLocation = numberDisposalLocation + 1
For k = numberDisposalInformationRaw To numberDisposalLoad
ReDim Preserve disposalLoad(numberDisposalLoad)
disposalLoad(numberDisposalLoad) = Worksheets("Disposal Fees").Range("K" & j).Value
numberDisposalLoad = numberDisposalLoad + 1
End If
I then tried to do the second table above (deleting duplicates and adding the values for said duplicates together) but it is giving me errors, not sure how to solve them. I know they're index errors, but don't know how to fix them. (Please help me with this part, here is the code)
Dim disposalInformationRaw As Variant
Dim disposalInformationCooked As Variant
Dim FoundIndex As Variant, MaxRow As Long, m As Long
ReDim disposalInformationCooked(1 To UBound(disposalInformationRaw, 1), 1 To UBound(disposalInformationRaw, 2))
MaxRow = 0
For m = 1 To UBound(disposalInformationRaw, 1)
FoundIndex = Application.Match(disposalInformationRaw(m, 1), Application.Index(disposalInformationCooked, 0, 1), 0)
If IsError(FoundIndex) Then
MaxRow = MaxRow + 1
FoundIndex = MaxRow
disposalInformationCooked(FoundIndex, 1) = disposalInformationRaw(m, 1)
End If
disposalInformationCooked(FoundIndex, 2) = Val(disposalInformationCooked(FoundIndex, 2)) + Val(disposalInformationRaw(i, 2))
Next m
Range("G1").Resize(MaxRow, UBound(disposalInformationCooked, 2)).Value = disposalInformationCooked
I don't think I'd have much trouble finalizing the third part (the summary), but if you know how to do it, please feel free to share how you would approach it. I mostly need help with the second part. I would be more than happy to edit and provide more information if needed. Thanks in advance.
Here's one approach using a dictionary.
dim dict, rw as range, locn, k, msg, theDate
set dict= createobject("scripting.dictionary")
theDate = Worksheets("Daily Tracking").Range("B2").Value
'adjust table range as required
for each rw in worksheets("Disposal Fees").range("F6:K100").rows
if rw.cells(3).Value = theDate Then 'date match?
locn = rw.cells(4).Value 'read location
dict(locn) = dict(locn) + rw.cells(6).Value 'add load to sum
end if
next rw
'loop over the dictionary keys and build the output
for each k in dict
msg = msg & IIf(len(msg) > 0, ", ", "") & dict(k) & " " & k
next k
debug.print msg
Sum Unique
Disposal Fees
Daily Tracking
Adjust the values in the constants section.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub TESTsumByValue()
' Source
Const srcName As String = "Disposal Fees"
Const lCol As Long = 3
Const kCol As Long = 4
Const sCol As Long = 6
Const SumFirst As Boolean = True
Const KSDel As String = ":"
Const IDel As String = ", "
' Destination
Const dstName As String = "Daily Tracking"
' Define workbook.
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' Workbook containing this code.
' Define Source Range (You may have to do something different).
Dim srg As Range: Set srg = wb.Worksheets(srcName).Range("A1").CurrentRegion
' Write Criteria to variable.
Dim drg As Range: Set drg = wb.Worksheets(dstName).Range("B2")
Dim Criteria As Variant: Criteria = drg.Value
' Use function to get the result.
Dim s As String
s = sumByValue(Criteria, srg, lCol, kCol, sCol, SumFirst, KSDel, IDel)
Debug.Print s ' "10:Site, 4:Bathroom, 4:Office"
drg.Offset(, 3).Value = s ' writes to 'E2'
End Sub
Function sumByValue( _
ByVal LookupValue As Variant, _
rng As Range, _
ByVal LookupColumn As Long, _
ByVal KeyColumn As Long, _
ByVal SumColumn As Long, _
Optional ByVal SumFirst As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal KeySumDelimiter As String = ": ", _
Optional ByVal ItemsDelimiter As String = ", ") _
As String
' Validate range ('rng').
If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Function
' Write values from range to Data Array ('Data').
Dim Data As Variant: Data = rng.Value ' 2D one-based array
' Declare additional variables.
Dim vKey As Variant ' Current Key Value
Dim vSum As Variant ' Current Sum Value
Dim i As Long ' Data Array Row Counter
' Create a reference to Unique Sum Dictionary (no variable).
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare ' 'A = a'
' Loop through Data Array ('Data') and write and sumup unique values
' to Unique Sum Dictionary.
For i = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
If Data(i, LookupColumn) = LookupValue Then
vKey = Data(i, KeyColumn)
If Not IsError(vKey) Then
If Len(vKey) > 0 Then
vSum = Data(i, SumColumn)
If IsNumeric(vSum) Then
.Item(vKey) = .Item(vKey) + vSum
.Item(vKey) = .Item(vKey) + 0
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i
' Validate Unique Sum Dictionary.
If .Count = 0 Then Exit Function
' Redefine variables to be reused.
ReDim Data(1 To .Count) ' Result Array: 1D one-based array
i = 0 ' Result Array Elements Counter
' Write results to Result Array.
If SumFirst Then
For Each vKey In .Keys
i = i + 1
Data(i) = .Item(vKey) & KeySumDelimiter & vKey
Next vKey
For Each vKey In .Keys
i = i + 1
Data(i) = vKey & KeySumDelimiter & .Item(vKey)
Next vKey
End If
End With
' Write the elements of Data Array to Result String.
sumByValue = Join(Data, ItemsDelimiter)
End Function

MS Access VBA loop stops without error or apparent cause

I'm trying to compare two arrays of data in MS Access - one is generated from an API GET, and the other is generated from two columns of a table. I'm using a double loop to do the comparison, I suspect this isn't the best way but I'm still learning my way around loops and arrays. The code I'm using is as follows:
Sub ParseList(ResCount As Long)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstConts As DAO.Recordset
Dim midstr As String, emailstr As String, Fname As String, Lname As String, SubStatus As String, echeck As String, Mecheck As String, ArrEcheck As String, ArrMecheck As String, MSub As String
Dim ArrResp() As String
Dim ArrConts() As Variant
Dim SubStart As Long, SubCount As Long, Fstart As Long, Fcount As Long, Lstart As Long, LCount As Long, Diffcount As Long, c As Long, i As Long, t As Long, y As Long, u As Long, v As Long
Dim IsSub As Boolean
Set db = CurrentDb
Udate = SQLDate(Now)
ReDim ArrResp(1 To ResCount, 1 To 4) As String
'This section parses a JSON response into an array
For i = 1 To ResCount
midstr = ""
emailstr = ""
x = InStr(t + 2, GetListStr, "}}") + 21
y = InStr(x + 1, GetListStr, "}}")
If y = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
midstr = Mid(GetListStr, x, y - x)
emailstr = Left(midstr, InStr(midstr, ",") - 2)
SubStart = InStr(midstr, "Status") + 9
SubCount = InStr(InStr(midstr, "Status") + 8, midstr, ",") - SubStart - 1
SubStatus = Replace(Mid(midstr, SubStart, SubCount), "'", "''")
Fstart = InStr(midstr, ":{") + 11
Fcount = InStr(InStr(midstr, ":{") + 11, midstr, ",") - (Fstart + 1)
Fname = Replace(Mid(midstr, Fstart, Fcount), "'", "''")
Lstart = InStr(midstr, "LNAME") + 8
LCount = InStr(InStr(midstr, "LNAME") + 8, midstr, ",") - (Lstart + 1)
Lname = Replace(Mid(midstr, Lstart, LCount), "'", "''")
If SubStatus = "subscribed" Then
MSub = "True"
MSub = "False"
End If
ArrResp(i, 1) = emailstr
ArrResp(i, 2) = MSub
ArrResp(i, 3) = Fname
ArrResp(i, 4) = Lname
t = y
Next i
'This section grabs two columns from a database table and adds them to a second array
Set rstConts = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Primary_Email, EMailings FROM TBLContacts")
c = rstConts.RecordCount
ReDim ArrConts(1 To c) As Variant
ArrConts = rstConts.GetRows(c)
'This loops through the JSON response array, and when it finds a matching value in the Table array it checks if a second value in the table array matches or not
For u = 1 To ResCount
Debug.Print u
echeck = ArrResp(u, 1)
Mecheck = ArrResp(u, 2)
For v = 0 To c
If ArrConts(0, v) = "" Then
ArrEcheck = ArrConts(0, v)
ArrMecheck = ArrConts(1, v)
If ArrEcheck = echeck Then
If ArrMecheck = Mecheck Then
Debug.Print echeck & "Match"
Debug.Print echeck & "No Match"
End If
End If
End If
Next v
Next u
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
The code above simply doesn't complete and the msgbox is never shown. The debug.print line near the end only goes to 1, and I can't figure out why. If I remove the conditions from the second loop section:
If ArrConts(0, v) = "" Then
ArrEcheck = ArrConts(0, v)
ArrMecheck = ArrConts(1, v)
If ArrEcheck = echeck Then
If ArrMecheck = Mecheck Then
Debug.Print echeck & "Match"
Debug.Print echeck & "No Match"
End If
End If
End If
Then I can successfully complete the Main loop, and receive the 'Done' message. But I've been unable to narrow down why the second loop isn't completing properly, and I'm stuck.
Because arrays are zero-indexed, you need to subtract 1 from the upper limit of nested For loop which should have thrown an error on the subsequent If line when loop exceeded the record limit.
For u = 1 To ResCount
Debug.Print u
echeck = ArrResp(u, 1)
Mecheck = ArrResp(u, 2)
For v = 0 To c - 1 ' REDUCE UPPER LIMIT BY 1
If ArrConts(0, v) = "" Then ' LINE NO LONGER SHOULD ERR OUT
Next v
Next u
With that said, consider parsing JSON to an MS Access table using the VBA-JSON library. Then use SQL to check values with JOIN and WHERE in set-based processing between table to table. This is much more efficient that looping between arrays.

VBA - Set up a 2D array in VBA with random cells filled with color

I need to set up a 2D array and randomly fill a certain amount of cells in it with color, as if the array is a container and the cells are molecules. After that I need to perform actions on them. The code I tried was:
Sub Insert_Molecules()
Dim Molecules() As Integer
Dim m As Integer, n As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
m = 10
n = 10
ReDim Molecules(1 To m, 1 To n) As Integer
For i = 1 To m
For j = 1 To n
Cells(i, j).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
But what I figured out is that in that case, even if I don't set up an array, it would fill the whole range with color. But I need to fill them randomly within the array - I tried the Rnd function but I don't really know how to use it correctly and it didn't work.
What I tried was
Molecules(i * Rnd, j * Rnd) = Cells(i, j).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
I just think I'm off point here and I'm clueless.
I'd appreciate your help.
Sub tgr()
Dim lWidth As Long
Dim lHeight As Long
Dim lMolecules As Long
Dim lArea As Long
Dim lRandom As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sCells As String
Dim sRandom As String
Dim rMolecules As Range
'Get width of container
lWidth = Int(Application.InputBox("Provide width of container (must be a positive integer)", "Width", 10, Type:=1))
If lWidth < 1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid with [" & lWidth & "] provided. Width must be a positive integer. Exiting."
Exit Sub
End If
'Get height of container
lHeight = Int(Application.InputBox("Provide Height of container (must be a positive integer)", "Height", 10, Type:=1))
If lHeight < 1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid with [" & lHeight & "] provided. Height must be a positive integer. Exiting."
Exit Sub
End If
'Get number of molecules to randomly fill within container
lMolecules = Int(Application.InputBox("Provide Molecules of container (must be a positive integer)", "Molecules", 10, Type:=1))
If lMolecules < 1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid with [" & lMolecules & "] provided. Molecules must be a positive integer. Exiting."
Exit Sub
End If
lArea = lWidth * lHeight
'Populate string of cells that make up the container so they can be chosen at random
For i = 1 To lHeight
For j = 1 To lWidth
sCells = sCells & "|" & Cells(i, j).Address
Next j
Next i
sCells = sCells & "|"
'Color the molecules at random
For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.Min(lMolecules, lArea)
lRandom = Int(Rnd() * lArea) + 1
sRandom = Split(sCells, "|")(lRandom)
Select Case (i = 1)
Case True: Set rMolecules = Range(sRandom)
Case Else: Set rMolecules = Union(rMolecules, Range(sRandom))
End Select
sCells = Replace(sCells, "|" & sRandom & "|", "|")
lArea = lArea - 1
Next i
rMolecules.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End Sub
This will randomly fill between 1 and 100 cells within the first 10 rows and 10 columns of the active sheet in the workbook you are using.
Sub Insert_Molecules()
Dim Molecules() As Integer
Dim m As Integer, n As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim NumOfTimes as Integer
NumOfTimes = Int ((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
For i = 1 to NumOfTimes
Cells(Int ((10 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1),Int ((10 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
Next i
End Sub

In Excel VBA creating a wordwrap function

Through much research I have figured out a code to truncate sentances stored in cells to 100 characters or less, and add the excess to a second string. I have been really struggling trying to turn this into a function.
I would like to have the function accept a range of (1 column by various rows) OR, if that isn't possible, an Array of the same range values. Also there should be a way to set the number of characters that each output string can hold, output as an array of strings.
i.e. wordWrap(Input 'range or array', maxLength as integer) output of wordWrap will be an array of the results
Here is my current code:
Sub wordWrap()
'This procedure is intended to check the character length of a string and truncate all the words over 100 characters
'To a second string. (basically a word wrap)
Dim sumCount As Integer, newCount As Integer, i As Integer
Dim newString As String, newString2 As String
Dim words As Variant
Dim lenwords(0 To 1000) As Variant
Dim myRange As Range
sumCount = 0
newCount = 0
newString = ""
newString2 = ""
With Range("Q:Q")
.NumberFormat = "#"
End With
Set myRange = Range("B3")
words = Split(myRange.Value, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(words)
lenwords(i) = Len(words(i))
Range("Q3").Offset(i, 0) = CStr(words(i)) 'DEBUG
Range("R3").Offset(i, 0) = lenwords(i) 'DEBUG
If sumCount + (lenwords(i) + 1) < 100 Then
sumCount = sumCount + (lenwords(i) + 1)
newString = newString & " " & words(i)
newCount = newCount + (lenwords(i) + 1)
newString2 = newString2 & " " & words(i)
End If
Range("S3") = CStr(newString)
Range("T3") = Trim(CStr(newString2))
Range("S4") = Len(newString)
Range("T4") = Len(newString2)
End Sub
So if a range of ("B2:B6")or equivalent array are entered at max 100 characters:
c = wordWrap(Range("B2:B6"),100)
Basically what this should do is count the length of each cell(or element) and truncate any extra words that make the string over 100 characters and concatenate them to the front of the next element in the output array to the next element of the output array. If that would put that element over 100 characters, then do the same process again until all of the elements contain sentence strings less then 100 characters long. It should add an extra element at the end to fit any leftover words.
I have been tearing out my hair trying to get this to work. I could use the advice of the experts.
Any help appreciated.
Example asked for:
The ouput should be into an array, though, and not directly back to the worksheet.
The function:
Function WordWrap(ByVal Rng As Range, Optional ByVal MaxLength As Long = 100) As String()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim arrOutput() As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim OutputIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
ReDim arrOutput(1 To Evaluate("CEILING(SUM(LEN(" & Rng.Address(External:=True) & "))," & MaxLength & ")/" & MaxLength) * 2)
For Each rCell In Rng.Cells
If Len(Trim(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text)) > MaxLength Then
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = Trim(Left(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text, InStrRev(Left(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text, MaxLength), " ")))
sTemp = Trim(Mid(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text, Len(arrOutput(OutputIndex)) + 2))
For i = 1 To Len(sTemp) Step MaxLength
If Len(sTemp) < MaxLength Then Exit For
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = Trim(Left(sTemp, InStrRev(Left(sTemp, MaxLength), " ")))
sTemp = Trim(Mid(sTemp, Len(arrOutput(OutputIndex)) + 2))
Next i
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = Trim(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text)
sTemp = ""
End If
Next rCell
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = sTemp
ReDim Preserve arrOutput(1 To OutputIndex)
WordWrap = arrOutput
Erase arrOutput
End Function
The call:
Sub tgr()
Dim arrWrapped() As String
arrWrapped = WordWrap(Range("B2:B6"), 100)
MsgBox Join(arrWrapped, Chr(10) & Chr(10))
End Sub
Instead of a msgbox, you could output it to a sheet, or do whatever else you wanted.
going to say you get passed a string, and want to return an array
performance might be slow with this approach
dim words(1) as variant
dim lastSpace as Integer
dim i as Integer
words(1) = Cells(1, 1)
while(Len(words(UBound(words) - 1)) > 100) 'check if the newest array is > 100 characters
Redim words(UBound(words) + 1)
'find the last space
for i = 0 to 100
if(words(i) = " ") Then
lastSpace = i
words(UBound(words) - 1) = Mid(words(UBound(words) - 2), lastSpace) 'copy words after the last space before the 100th character
words(UBound(words) - 2) = Left(words(UBound(words) - 2), 100 - lastSpace) 'copy the words from the beginning to the last space
Not sure if this will compile/run but it should give you the general idea
