Native reactive java client for Solr? - solr

I read that reactive Spring Data are not available and won't ever be Reactive spring-data-solr repositories
But I wonder if there is a reactive way of interacting with Solr using native java client?


React Native and Firestore

I am beginner on firebase and need some help with project decision. I am building a react native app for someone and for the database I was thinking of using firebase, but when I was going through the docs I realized that firestore offers Backend Service, does this mean I don't have to use any framework for the backend. I was originally planning to use Django but if firestore provides backend service, it will provide lot more ease to the project. Can anyone give me an explanation on this ?
You can indeed directly connect your ReactJS application to Cloud Firestore, bypassing the need for your own server. To secure the application you'd use Firebase's server-side security rules, which allow you to control who can read and write what data. This is of course extra important, since you're opening up the database for direct access from the client applications, and the rest of the internet.
To access Firebase from React Native, many developers use the react-native-firebase library, which wraps more Firebase services than the JavaScript SDK does.

Sleuth in Apache camel

Hi I am new to Apache Camel, but in my application our team implemented this in so many places. Now we are migrating existing came implemented application to Micro services, here we are not finding any option to implement Spring cloud Sleuth with existing camel implemented service, any solution?
There's nothing there out of the box. You would have to create such a tracing implementation yourself.

Is it possible to work with front react with axios and back java dynamic web with jersey?

I’m developing a web application using react and java JEE. Is it possible to connect via react refux, axios with backend. I’m using java dynamic web with jersey for my backend.
Can you suggest any technology?
Yes you can. You have to choose the technology based on your requirements.

Node js + CouchBase Lite + CouchBase Server

I have done a sample application using Couchbase Server with Node js.
But I want use Node js + CouchBase Lite + CouchBase Server (or) Angularjs + CouchBase Lite + CouchBase Server. Can any one please provide any reference links or documentations.
I've googled a lot but i haven't found any solution.
It depends on what you're trying to develop. Just for clarification, Couchbase Lite is part of Couchbase Mobile solution that represents a set of components allowing the offline management of local databases which can be "synchronized" with a Couchbase Server node or cluster. Hence, it only makes sense to use Couchbase Lite if you are developing a mobile app with local storage. If case you are developing a web site with in-browser client-side database, you can just use PouchDB, just like Couchbase's predecessor CouchDB did.
The mobile solution, however, gas important advantages, such as user authentication/security, done through Sync Gateway server. There users can have their own passwords and share different parts of the same database through channels.
Also note that using Node js in server-side is not preferable, since Native APIs from Couchbase Lite solution and Couchbase Server are not available in JavaScript/Typescript. Yet, you may use Note js to communicate with Sync Gateway REST API and Couchbase Server REST API.
Check existing solutions in Couchbase Labs repo and Couchbase Blogs. This one may be of interest:
Using Couchbase Mobile in a Web Application with only Angular 2 and PouchDB

Can I use Apache Camel with Jax-ws implementation in application server (e. WAS, WLS) without CXF or Axis2?

I dont want to use Axis2 or CXF with Camel. Is it possible to configure camel with JAX-WS reference implementation or weblogic application server or websphere application server or tomcat + jax-ws refrence implementation?
Camel provides 2 web services components out of the box: camel-cxf and camel-spring-ws. For any other web service integration just use plain java. From any Java code, you can send a message to Camel using the ProducerTemplate. Then that way you can bridge the JAX-WS of the application server with Camel. We used to have an old example at Apache Camel that showed how to integrate Axis 1.4 with Camel, but that examples has been removed as part of cleanup recently.
As far as I know that is not possible. The camel-axis and camel-cxf components are directly using the cxf and axis classes. You could use the SoapDataFormat but this is just for simple cases and not a full stack.
