How to make manual data validation/mutation work with useSWR and Axios? - reactjs

I have tried everything I could so far, but can't get to make this manual data revalidation/mutation to work using const { mutate } = useSWRConfig().
I have tried setting GlobalConfig on my app, and not, but to no changes.
For example: In my "AddressesList" component, I fetch addresses list using the hook:
const { data, isValidating, error} = useSWR('v1/addresses', fetchMyAddresses, {
revalidateOnFocus: false,
revalidateIfStale: false,
where the fetcher is a simple is a simple fetchMyAddresses = () => axiosApiInstance.get('v1/addresses').then(res =>;
Then in another component, after creating a new address, I use:
const { mutate } = useSWRConfig();
await createNewAddress();
if (success) {
and on success, I am redirected to the AddressesList. But my data list is not updated with the new address... how is that supposed to work?


Use data populated by useEffect in conditional useSWR

I'm trying to resolve this issue, and I'm almost there. I'm getting the correct data from the API, and it's updating when it should, but on initial load useSWR is hitting the API with all null data.
The data come from useContext, and are set in a useEffect hook in a parent of the component that calls useSWR.
I guess what's happening is that the since useEffect isn't called until after initial hydration, the component with useSWR is being rendered before it has data.
But if the context setter isn't wrapped in a useEffect, I get
Warning: Cannot update a component (`ContestProvider`) while rendering a different component (`PageLandingPage`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `PageLandingPage`, follow the stack trace as described in
and it's stuck in an infinite loop.
I could probably stop this by putting some checks in the fetcher, but that seems like a hack to me. The useSWR documentation addresses the case of fetching data server side and making it available to multiple components right in the Getting Started section, but what's the correct way to get data from the client that needs to be used in multiple components, including ones that want to fetch data from the server based on the client data?
EDIT: Since originally asking the question, I've discovered conditional fetching, and the third option there seems nearly a perfect fit, but I'm using a complex key to a custom fetcher, and the data for the key aren't coming from another useSWR call, as in the example — they're coming from the useContext which has the unfortunate difference that, unlike the example, the data are null instead of undefined, so it won't throw.
How can I use this conditionality with data coming in from the useContext?
Here's the app hierarchy:
<ContestProvider> // context provider
<PageLandingPage> // sets the context
<ContestPoints> // calls useSWR with data from the context
Here's the useSWR call:
// /components/ContestPoints.js
const fetcher = async ({pageId, contestId, clientId}) => {
const res = await fetch(`/api/getpoints?pageId=${pageId}&clientId=${clientId}&contestId=${contestId}`);
if (!res.ok) {
const error = new Error('A problem occured getting contest points'); = await res.json();
error.status = res.status;
throw error;
return res.json();
const ContestPoints = () => {
const { contestState } = useContest();
// XXX should be conditional on the `contestState` parameters
const { data: points, error } = useSWR({
pageId: contestState.pageId,
contestId: contestState.contestId,
clientId: contestState.clientId
}, fetcher);
if (error) {
logger.warn(error, `Problem getting contest points: ${error.status}: ${}`);
return (
<p>{points?.points || 'Loading...'}</p>
export default ContestPoints
It seems like finding a way to make that do the conditional fetching is likely best, but in case it's more elegant to leave the useSWR call as is, and address this farther up the chain, here are the other relevant pieces of code.
The context is being set based on information in localStorage:
// /components/PageLandingPage.js
import { useContest } from '../utils/context/contest';
const PageLandingPage = ({ data }) => {
const { dispatchContest } = useContest(); // wrapper around useContext which uses useReducer
useEffect(() => {
// Don't waste the time if we're not a contest page
if (!data?.contestPage?.id) return;
const storedCodes = getItem('myRefCodes', 'local'); //utility function to retrieve from local storage
const refCodes = storedCodes ? JSON.parse(storedCodes)?.refCodes : [];
const registration = refCodes
.map((code) => {
const [ contestId, clientId ] = hashids.decode(code);
return {
contestId: contestId,
clientId: clientId
.find((reg) => reg.contestId && reg.clientId)
payload: {
contestId: registration.contestId,
clientId: registration.clientId,
registrationUrl: landingPage?.registrationPage?.slug || ''
type: 'update'
}, [data, dispatchContest])
And the context wrapper is initialising with null state:
const initialState = {
contestId: null,
clientId: null
const ContestContext = createContext(initialState);
function ContestProvider({ children }) {
const [contestState, dispatchContest] = useReducer((contestState, action) => {
return {
}, initialState);
return (
<ContestContext.Provider value={{ contestState, dispatchContest }}>
function useContest() {
const context = useContext(ContestContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useContest was used outside of its provider');
return context;
export { ContestProvider, useContest }
I'm not sure it's the best solution, but I ended up resolving this by using the first example in the documentation, using null and a new field in the context:
const { data: points, error } = useSWR(contestState?.isSet ? {
pageId: contestState.pageId,
contestId: contestState.contestId,
clientId: contestState.clientId
} : null, fetcher);
and the contestState.isSet gets set in the context:
const initialState = {
isSet: false,
contestId: null,
clientId: null
and update it when all the other fields get set:
payload: {
isSet: true,
contestId: registration.contestId,
clientId: registration.clientId,
registrationUrl: landingPage?.registrationPage?.slug || ''
type: 'update'

React Query invalidateQueries updating data after post

I'm working on a simple React CRUD with React Query, and I've being stuck for a while trying to update my fetched data after I post a new item with invalidateQueries but it doesn't work, being trying many things like: onSuccess, onMutate, onSettled, etc etc, and nothing seems to work, also following the React Query Documentation. Here is my code:
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
const handleSubmitButtonNew = async (data) => {
const mutation = useMutation(handleSubmitButtonNew, {
onSuccess: () => {
const { data, status, isLoading } = useQuery(
and then in a child component I call:
mutation.mutate({ title: title.value, content: content.value, user });
Can I call the queryClient.invalidateQueries("Announcements"); from another component where the "Announcements" originally is fetching?
What I'm doing wrong ?

Prevent useSWR from fetching until mutate() is called

I have a React application which uses SWR + Axios for data fetching ( The issue is that my custom hook which uses useSwr is fetching all data initially whenever the hook is initialized. My goal is to fetch only when I call mutate. Currently the initial fetch is happening even without calling mutate. Any suggestion on how to achieve my goal here?
My application is wrapped in SWRConfig:
The fetcher is described as so:
const dataFetch = (url) => axios.get(url).then((res) =>;
function fetcher(...urls: string[]) {
if (urls.length > 1) {
return Promise.all(;
return dataFetch(urls);
My custom hook using useSwr
import useSWR, { useSWRConfig } from "swr";
export function useCars(registrationPlates: number[]): ICars {
const { mutate } = useSWRConfig();
const { data: carData} = useSWR<Car[]>(
carsToFetchUrls(registrationPlates), // returns string array with urls to fetch
revalidateOnFocus: false,
revalidateOnMount: false,
revalidateOnReconnect: false,
refreshWhenOffline: false,
refreshWhenHidden: false,
refreshInterval: 0,
const getCar = (
carRegistrationPlate: number,
): Car => {
console.log(carData) // carData contains data from fetch even before calling mutate()
void mutate();
Usage: (this will be located in some component that wants to use the useCars hook)
const { getCar } = useCars(carsRegistrationPlates);
You can use conditional fetching in the useSWR call to prevent it from making a request.
From useSWR Conditional Fetching docs:
Use null or pass a function as key to conditionally fetch data. If the
function throws or returns a falsy value, SWR will not start the
export function useCars(registrationPlates: number[], shouldFetch): ICars {
const { data: carData} = useSWR<Car[]>(
shouldFetch ? carsToFetchUrls(registrationPlates) : null,
{ // Options here }
// ...
return { carData, /**/ }
You can then use it as follows to avoid making the initial request.
const [shouldFetch, setShouldFetch] = useState(false);
const { carData } = useCars(carsRegistrationPlates, shouldFetch);
Then, when you want the make the request simply set shouldFetch to true.
Here's a possible way of implementing what you are hoping to achieve.
I've used a similar approach in one of my production app.
Start by creating a custom swr hook as so
const useCars = (registrationPlates: number[]) => {
const fetcher = (_: string) => {
console.log("swr-key=", _);
return dataFetch(registrationPlates);
const { data, error, isValidating, revalidate, mutate } = useSWR(`api/car/registration/${JSON.stringify(registrationPlates)}`, fetcher, {
revalidateOnFocus: false,
return {
isLoading: !data && !error,
export { useCars };
Now, you can call this hook from any other component as
const { data, error, isLoading, isValidating, revalidate, mutate } = useCars(carsRegistrationPlates);
You now control what you want returned by what you pass to useCars above.
Notice what is passed to the first argument to useSwr in our custom swr hook, this is the key swr uses to cache values and if this remains unchanged then swr will transparently returned the cached value.
Also, with this custom hook you are getting states such as loading, error etc. so you can take appropriate action for each of these states in your consuming component.

refetch in reactQuery is not return the data

I am using reactQuery in my react application. I need to call one get API in button click. for that i am using refetch option in reactQuery. API call is working fine but my response data is coming undefined. I checked in browser network there i can see the response.
My API call using reactQuery
const { data: roles, refetch: roleRefetch } = useQuery('getRoles', () => api.getRoles('ID_234'), { enabled: false });
My click event
const handleAdd = (e) => { roleRefetch(); console.log(roles) }
My action call using axios
export const getRoles = (name) => axios.get(roles/list?sa_id=${name}, { headers: setHeader }).then(res => res);
const handleAdd = (e) => { roleRefetch(); console.log(roles) }
this not how react works, and it's not react-query specific. calling a function that updates some state will not have your state be available in the next line. It will make it available in the next render cycle. Conceptually, you want this to work, which cannot with how react is designed:
const [state, setState] = React.useState(0)
<button onClick={() => {
here, the log statement will log 0, not 1, because the update doesn't happen immediately, and this is totally expected.
With react-query, what you can do is await the refetch, because its async, and it will give you the result back:
const handleAdd = async (e) => {
const { data } = await roleRefetch();
or, depending on what you actually want to do, you can:
use data in the render function to render something - it will always be up-to-date.
use theonSuccess callback of useQuery to trigger side-effects whenever data is fetched
spawn a useEffect in the render function that does the logging:
const { data: roles, refetch: roleRefetch } = useQuery('getRoles', () => api.getRoles('ID_234'), { enabled: false });
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [roles])
on a more general note, I think disabling a query and then calling refetch on a button click is very likely not idiomatic react-query. Usually, you have some local state that drives the query. in your case, that's likely the id. Dependencies of the query should go to the queryKey, and react-query will trigger a refetch automatically when the key changes. This will also give you caching by id. You can use enabled to defer querying when your dependencies are not yet ready. Here's what I would likely do:
const [id, setId] = React.useState(undefined)
const { data: roles } = useQuery(['getRoles', id], () => api.getRoles(id), { enabled: !!id });
const handleAdd = (e) => { setId('ID_234') }
of course, id doesn't have to come from local state - it could be some other form of client state as well, e.g. a more global one.

react apollo - clear data object before refetch

When using refetch of useQuery hook the data object is still defined. And when using infinite scrolling, only the first page will be refetched.
Is it possible to clear the data object before calling the refech so that we can start fresh?
const { data, loading, error, fetchMore, refetch } = useQuery(GET_ALL_ITEMS, {variables});
getNextPage = async () => { // merges results for infinite scrolling
await fetchMore({ variables,
updateQuery: (previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
const oldEntries = previousResult.items;
const newEntries = fetchMoreResult.items;
fetchMoreResult.items = [...oldEntries, ...newEntries];
return fetchMoreResult;
Can I do something like refresh = () => { data = null; refetch(); } but without directly mutating state?
I couldn't find a way to clear data but found a different approach in Apollo Client v3 docs.
Basically it's to ignore loaded data when loading or in case of error:
const { data: loadedData, loading, error, fetchMore, refetch } = useQuery(
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true, // important for adequate loading state
const data = (loading || error) ? undefined : loadedData;
Note, that in order to make loading work for refetch, you need to pass notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true option.
It's also possible to get networkStatus from useQuery result and check it like this:
networkStatus === NetworkStatus.refetch
but it seems to work for me with loading and error only.
