i have an issue with upload file image (binary) to GCP.
I tested it in postman and it gave me status 200 with an link can open my image. It's succesed.
When i try it in my app, which is coding by react-native, it's also successed but when i opened link which have my uploaded my image, it shows an error like this..
Can anyone help me with this please !!!
Thank you very much.
enter image description here
i try to search, using with form-data but...
I have a problem with upload github pages.
Few mounths ago i upload my firts webpage on github with no problem (ZTM Course: Andrei Neagoie).
Now i do it exatly the same way, but i cant display the website. In console i have this error
enter image description here
Can you help me?
My repository: https://github.com/czechThomas/lfojtova
I do it by tutorial on: https://github.com/gitname/react-gh-pages/tree/master
I tried to google it, tried to aply diferent advice. But always the same error :(
I tried all advice on the internet, but without success
I was trying to upload an image file using Adam within 2sxc, but the upload fails and display a misleading error. It shows that the upload fails because the file is too large than the maximum upload size even though it's not.
DNN version: 08.04.02
2sxc version: 12.18.0
enter image description here
I upload image file with previewing it in react dropzone. However, after uploading, the file is successfully uploaded (I can see it in console) but sometimes the image file is previewed and sometimes the same image file give error like:
GET blob:http://localhost:3000/438716d3-2317-438b-9d1e-eb7bc5e6149f net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
I had this issue and the solution was to use URL.createObjectURL in the image src when displaying the image file from Dropzone.
<img src={URL.createObjectURL(file)} alt={file.name} />
Hopefully this helps someone else.
I am trying to download the image in a folder from a URL in ReactJS https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1871/44381239451_8e000b4b26.jpg
Here is how my screen looks like. Being a PHP developer I know how to fetch, download the image in CURL (very easy). ReactJs I cannot find any library to do it, any code will be helpful.The download image button should Save the image on the Server in a folder
I am developing an app for ipad using
ionic framework
I am stuck at one point were
i want to open a PDF file using inappbrowser from an local folder
So that the user can read the PDF internally. The PDF is kept in local folder were my HTML file is available and i am trying to open it through below code:
window.open('pdf-sample.pdf', '_blank', 'location=yes');
But the issue is when i am trying to open it i am
not able to view/read the PDF file
It shows me the white blank screen with no content in it.
What should i do to resolve this issue?
The code looks ok. Try to open https://www.google.com/. If that works than the path to pdf is not correct.
Are you sure you try to open after deviceready ?