React query invalidateQueries partial match not working - reactjs

I have a few useQuery() calls in my react component like this:
const {...} = useQuery(["person.getAll", ....
const {...} = useQuery(["person.getCounts", ....
Then later in a click event after some DELETE/POST request is finished I try to invalidate above queries:
But it does not trigger the re-fetch.
I thought it's some state management issues from my part but then I tried invalidating a specific query like
and it works fine..
Is partial query key matching not working in react-query ?

React-Query invalidation works off based array prefixes, not string prefixes.
Your useQuery calls should look like this:
const {...} = useQuery(["person", "getAll", ....
const {...} = useQuery(["person", "getCounts", ....
And then you invalidateQueries call will work, with a slight change:
queryKey: ["person"]
}); // invalidate all query keys which start with "person"
queryClient.invalidateQueries(["person"]); // this also works
Alternative, if you are locked into your current syntax, you can accomplish the same using a predicate:
predicate: query =>
But this breaks the React-Query convention.

If you see the last example in the invalidateQueries docs, it provides an option for maximum granularity
If you find yourself wanting even more granularity, you can pass a predicate function to the invalidateQueries method. This function will receive each Query instance from the query cache and allow you to return true or false for whether you want to invalidate that query:
So, for your scenario the following should work
predicate: query =>

This is a matter of how you are structuring the queryKey array. The first constant value of your queryKey array is a whole string, based on what you provided the partial matching won't work if you try to invalidate the queries based on just a part of that string. For this to work, you'd need to structure the queryKey array like so:
const {...} = useQuery(["person", "getAll", ....
const {...} = useQuery(["person", "getCounts", ....
Now the invalidation should work as expected because it's matching all queries that start with "person" in their query key:
Reference of this on the docs


Cannot return documents based off a sorted index using Fauna DB

I'm bumbling my way through adding a back-end to my site and have decided to get acquainted with graphQL. I may be structuring things totally the wrong way, however from following some tutorials I have a React front-end (hosted on Vercel), so I have created an api folder in my app to make use of Vercel's serverless functions. I'm using Apollo server and I decided to go with Fauna as my database.
I've successfully been able to return an entire collection via my API. Now I wish to be able to return the collection sorted by my id field.
To do this I created an index which looks like this:
name: "sort_by_id",
unique: false,
serialized: true,
source: "my_first_collection",
values: [
field: ["data", "id"]
field: ["ref"]
I then was able to call this via my api and get back and array, which simply contained the ID + ref, rather than the associated documents. I also could only console log it, I assume because the resolver was expecting to be passed an array of objects with the same fields as my typedefs. I understand I need to use the ref in order to look up the documents, and here is where I'm stuck. An index record looks as follows:
[1, Ref(Collection("my_first_collection"), "352434683448919125")]
In my resolvers.js script, I am attempting to receive the documents of my sorted index list. I've tried this:
async users() {
const response = await client.query(
q.Lambda((ref) => q.Get(ref))
const res = =>;
return [... res]
I'm unsure if the problem is with how I've structured my index, or if it is with my code, I'd appreciate any advice.
It looks like you also asked this question on the Fauna discourse forums and got an answer there:
Your index returns a tuple (just an array in Javascript) of the field and the ref. You confirmed that with your example result
/* */ 1,
/* ref */ Ref(Collection("my_first_collection"), "352434683448919125")
When you map over those results, you need to Get the Ref. Your query uses q.Lambda((ref) => q.Get(ref)) which passes the whole tuple to Get
Instead, use:
q.Lambda(["id", "ref"], q.Get(q.Var("ref")))
// or with JS arrow function
q.Lambda((id, ref) => q.Get(ref))
or this will work, too
q.Lambda("index_entry", q.Get(q.Select(1, q.Var("index_entry"))))
// or with JS arrow function
q.Lambda((index_entry) => q.Get(q.Select(1, index_entry)))
The point is, only pass the Ref to the Get function.

Apollo Client readFragment with custom id (keyFields)

For ref, using "#apollo/client": "^3.5.5",
I've defined my typePolicies like so as suggested in docs:
HistoricalData: {
keyFields: ["variable", "workspace"],
and when my cache is built, I am expecting my cacheId to be like
but instead, when I look in the Apollo cache, it's been created using the keyField names and the values in an object, such as
instead of
so when I try to readFragment it returns null
id: `HistoricalData:${props.variable}:${props.workspace}`,
fragment: apolloGQL`fragment MyHistorical on Historical {
It does actually return a value from the cache if I create my id in the structure that exists in the cache and readFragment using this.
Has anyone else noticed that Apollo client is not creating the cache id's in the structure that they describe in the docs?
After some research I came upon the correct way to handle this case. I know that you have already moved on, but just in case anyone else has the same problem in the future, here goes:
As described in the documentation for customizing the cache ID, the cache ID will be an stringified object, as you pointed out. It's not quite explicit in the documentation, but at this point in time it provides this nested example for a cache ID:
Book:{"title":"Fahrenheit 451","author":{"name":"Ray Bradbury"}}
But as users we don't have to preoccupy us with the format of this ID, because there's a helper for that, called cache.identify.
For your specific case, you could use something like this:
const identifiedId = cache.identify({
__typename: 'HistoricalData',
variable: 'GAS.TOTAL',
workspace: 'ABC'
id: identifiedId,
fragment: apolloGQL`fragment MyHistorical on Historical {

React Apollo: Update lists cache (with variables) when new item is added

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to update a list of items (in the cache). When a new item is created with react-apollo.
The <CreateItemButton /> component is (in my case) not nested within <ListItems /> component. From what I can figure out, I need to update the cache via the update function in my createItemButton <Mutation /> component.
The problem is when I try to store.readQuery({query: GET_LIST_ITEMS, variables: ???}) to get the current list of items (to append my recently created item), this can have variables/filters (for pagination, sorting etc.).
How do I know what variable to pass to the store.readQuery function, is there a sort of "last used variables" around this, or do you have any other suggestion on how to solve this issue?
This is a known Apollo issue and the team is working on it. The current options you have can be found in this medium post.
It is also an issue with deleting/updating an item when you have it in a list with filters or pagination.
Here is a reference of an opened issue on Github about it
This seems to work, but a bit hacky to access the Set? :S
The trick is to access the cache's variables for a given query, save it and perform a refetch with the given query variables. In my case after creation of an item:
export const getGraphqlCacheVariables = (queryName, cache) => {
if ( {
const watch = [].find(w => !!w.query[queryName]);
if (watch) {
return watch.variables;
The mutation update function:
let variables;
const update = (cache, { data }) => {
if (data && data.createTask && data.createTask.task) {
variables = getGraphqlCacheVariables('GetTasks', cache);
And the refetchQueries function:
const refetchQueries = () => {
if (variables && Object.keys(variables).length > 0) {
return [{ query: GET_TASKS, variables }];
return [];
Bot the update and refetchQueries functions should have access to the variables variable
The benefit compared to the solution in the Medium article, is that you're not deleting the cached data for a given query (GET_TASKS) with different variables.
Apollo now provides a new directive that allows ignoring of some variables when querying the cache. Check it here. I've used it to ignore my changing pagination params.

Structure: How to represent a search input, search query, and search results using mobx-state-tree?

I've got an app using mobx-state-tree that currently has a few simple stores:
Article represents an article, either sourced through a 3rd party API or written in-house
ArticleStore holds references to articles: { articles: {}, isLoading: bool }
Simple scenario
This setup works well for simple use-cases, such as fetching articles based on ID. E.g.
User navigates to /article/{articleUri}
articleStoreInstance.fetch([articleUri]) returns the article in question
The ID is picked up in render function, and is rendered using articleStoreInstance.articles.get(articleUri)
Complex scenario
For a more complex scenario, if I wanted to fetch a set of articles based on a complex query, e.g. { offset: 100, limit: 100, freeTextQuery: 'Trump' }, should I then:
Have a global SearchResult store that simply links to the articles that the user has searched for
Instantiate a one-time SearchResult store that I pass around for as long as I need it?
Keep queries and general UI state out of stores altogether?
I should add that I'd like to keep articles in the stores between page-loads to avoid re-fetching the same content over and over.
Is there a somewhat standardized way of addressing this problem? Any examples to look at?
What you need might be a Search store which keeps track of following information:
Query params (offset, limit, etc.)
Query results (results of the last search)
(Optional) Query state (isLoading)
Then to avoid storing articles in 2 places, the query results should not use Article model, but reference to Article model. Anytime you query, the actual result will be saved in existing store ArticleStore, and Search only holds references:
import { types, getParent, flow } from 'mobx-state-tree'
const Search = types.model({
params: // your own params info
results: types.array(types.reference(Article))
}).views(self => ({
get parent() {
return getParent(self) // get root node to visit ArticleStore
})).actions(self => ({
search: flow(function*(params) {
this.params = params // save query params
const result = yield searchByQuery(query) // your query here
this.parent.articleStore.saveArticles(result) // save result to ArticleStore
this.results = getArticleIds(result) // extract ids here for references
Hope it's what you are looking for.

Issue with .populate() on array of arrays in Mongoose Model [duplicate]

In Mongoose, I can use a query populate to populate additional fields after a query. I can also populate multiple paths, such as
.populate('books movie', 'title pages director')
However, this would generate a lookup on book gathering the fields for title, pages and director - and also a lookup on movie gathering the fields for title, pages and director as well. What I want is to get title and pages from books only, and director from movie. I could do something like this:
.populate('books', 'title pages')
.populate('movie', 'director')
which gives me the expected result and queries.
But is there any way to have the behavior of the second snippet using a similar "single line" syntax like the first snippet? The reason for that, is that I want to programmatically determine the arguments for the populate function and feed it in. I cannot do that for multiple populate calls.
After looking into the sourcecode of mongoose, I solved this with:
var populateQuery = [{path:'books', select:'title pages'}, {path:'movie', select:'director'}];
you can also do something like below:
You achieve that by simply passing object or array of objects to populate() method.
const query = [
select:'title pages'
const result = await Person.find().populate(query).lean();
Consider that lean() method is optional, it just returns raw json rather than mongoose object and makes code execution a little bit faster! Don't forget to make your function (callback) async!
This is how it's done based on the Mongoose JS documentation
Let's say you have a BookCollection schema which contains users and books
In order to perform a query and get all the BookCollections with its related users and books you would do this
.exec(function (err, bookcollection) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
try {
res.render('viewbookcollection', { content: bookcollection});
} catch (e) {
console.log("errror getting bookcollection"+e);
//Your Schema must include path
let createdData =Person.create(dataYouWant)
await createdData.populate([{path:'books', select:'title pages'},{path:'movie', select:'director'}])
