Google Data Studio pie chart JSON format? - google-data-studio

I'm trying to create a Pie Chart in Google Looker Studio (previously called Google Data Studio) from my own JSON community connector data, but I can't find any information on the format it needs to be.
I made an assumption that it would be a Google Pie chart:
So I tested a JSON object key like this.
"totalIncomePie": [
["Income type", "Income"],
["Test 1", 30],
["Test 2", 60]
That said the data wasn't formatted correctly, which makes sense as there's no setType(types.JSON), so not sure I can use that approach either.
I might try JSON.stringify the whole object key, and see if that gets recognised with types.TEXT. 🤷
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Data Studio offers no direct connection with JSON files or APIs, and the manual processes for getting your JSON data into Data Studio is, in one word, convoluted. Luckily you have several third-party platform options which can integrate your JSON data quickly, without the usual pain.


Can I use visio as an output for information stored in a database, so that I can select filters to render different content into visio objects?

Can any one tell me if I can use visio as an output for information stored in a database, so that I can select filters to render different content into visio objects? Or is there a microsoft product that can do this?
I am unable to find a product that appears to do this
Unless I have misunderstood, this the very basic of what Visio does.
It would take too long to explain all the possible options in detail, but in summary:
there are assistants in Visio that help you connect to a datasource (Access, Excel, ODBC, ...)
these assistants draw automatically the desired diagram. If the some special case is not covered, you can easily use some code - eg VBA - to draw the diagram by yourselves.
the diagrams are dynamic
you can see the data connected to a stage shape either in the custom data window, or you can add automatic labels - smart datagraphics
you can even export to the web to show the results in a web browser.
Some videos on youtube found very quickly:
I can give you more detailed help here (file exchange is easier and great community):

No data showing up in Time Series chart for Cloud MySQL DATETIME column

I'm trying to put together a Data Studio dashboard for a client, and am having trouble getting a Time Series chart to show data. The data is coming from a DATETIME column in a Cloud MySQL database table.
I've verified that the data is in the table, and when I try to show the data in a different format (bar chart, pie graph, etc.) it shows up fine. I've also tried using different metrics. I'm fairly new to Data Studio, so possible it's something simple I'm missing, but am sufficiently stumped that I figured I'd ask here.
This was an issue with converting DATE objects in MySQL to Google Data Studio. I had to create a new field in Data Studio using the format:
TODATE([date_field_name], 'DEFAULT_DASH', '%Y%m%d')
I then used that as the dimension and the chart showed up fine.

IBM Watson, how to input data of entire books

Im using the IBM Watson analytics trial, it says it only takes data as CSV, Excel and a few others. How can i convert books or bodies of text into an acceptable format? thank you
It seems like the architecture of WCA(Watson Context Analytics) does not support PDF itself. Please refer the following images from IBM Link
I think it would be better to convert pdf to text with converter such as CONVERTER and pushing it into database or others.
Then, you can crawing the text data from it.
FYI, the document has to have a KEY column (i.e. name of the book).
Even if you do convert your book into an acceptable text format (.csv. .xls, .xlsx. .sav), Watson Analytics isn't optimized for text analytics. It sounds like Watson Explorer is the offering that'd best suit your needs.
Hope this helps.
Even though CSV or XLS is the acceptable format of the file, Datasets needs to be in the specific structure. You need headers for all the tables and data following it. I am not sure how a data of the book can fit into that format.
I have recently published this blog post on how to structure and refine data before importing into Watson Analytics to get the best results.
For your specific requirement, you can look into Watson Explorer as suggested by Brennan above, or even better you can learn to use IBM Content Analytics here.

Sending and receiving gis data to map

I have a spatial database in Sql server and I am working in mvc.
My project must show stored shape in web page that uses openlayers js and user must see and edit shapes and send the result to server.
I want to know how can I send data to my map and receive new data from it and save data to database.
Is there any library that work for me?
Is is not important that it must be open source
thanks a lot
There are (at least) two solutions available to you:
either you use openLayers "save" strategy, that you attach to your WFS vector layer, where you draw features and it saves your features for you with the help of your mapServer
or you save your features (which I prefer) yourself. Just serialiaze your VectorLayer.features feature collection, translate geometries using OpenLayers.Format.WKT parser to get the WKT of your geometries and then use simple INSERT, UPDATE to put your WKT into your database and convert it back to geometry with the help of a spatial function. (you didn't mention the type of your SQL server, so I put here an MS SQL example string in C#
string insertString = "INSERT INTO myTable(geometry) VALUES(geometry::STGeomFromText('" + objFeature.WKTString + #"',5514)";

Do you have to host your data with MapQuest?

From what I've read so far, it seems like the only way for me to map custom data points from my own dataset is to host that data with MapQuest. Am I correct in that or have I just not read deep enough?
And if it's possible, does anyone have a link to more information about how to go about it? Their API documentation is subpar.
Thanks :)
Disclaimer: I work at MapQuest
While the MapQuest Data Manager makes it easy to store custom data with MapQuest so that you can query it through the Search API, you don't have to store data with us in order to show custom points on a map.
Are you trying to do something along the lines of storing data in MySQL or PostgreSQL and then use something like PHP to query your own database, loop through the results, and then show the results on a MapQuest map using the JavaScript API? Unfortunately I don't have any easy/quick examples that show how to do that, but it is possible.
The forums on the Developer Network are also good place to look to see if others have had issues similar to the one that you are facing.
Also, let me know exactly which MapQuest APIs/tools you are using and I will do my best to provide more information depending on what you need.
