How do I run code when my Sveltekit application is exiting?
I have a hooks.server.ts file that initializes a DB connection when the app starts. If my server shuts off, how do I close the connection?
when i try to open my mysql workbench it shows me
! MYSQL - No Connection establish, COULD NOT CONNECT , SERVER MAY NOT BE RUNNING, unable to connect to localhost
from services i try to run the server but it not running it shows me this error pop up massage
The MYSQL80 services on local computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs
here is the image of error
this error massage popup image
i trid all solution like restart my pc & server sevrol time it can not solve my problem
also try other solution but i could not find my.ini or my.cnf file from my mysqlserver folder ,
so thats why i would not beang able to remove hex detail from file
so , when i try to backup my database from command prompt and workbench im not able to backup my database because server is not running
I just got the latest IdentityServer4 and quickstart code and trying to follow the instruction of quickstart to set it up and test. And I am using VS.Net 2019 on my Windows 10 laptop. The setup process seemed to be fine and the code compiled with no issues. But when I run the Client project from VS, I got the error message "Error connecting to https://localhost:5001/.well-known/openid-configuration. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.." at the following line of Client code:
var disco = await client.GetDiscoveryDocumentAsync("https://localhost:5001");
Can someone tell me what I might be missing here? By the way, localhost:5001 should be my identity server and I use https://localhost:6001 for my API.
Per our discussion in the comments, a good first step is to run a telnet test:
telnet localhost 5001
The failed connection showed us that either your server was not running or it was listening on a different port. Ultimately you were able to determine that it was not running, and you concluded that it did not start due to an issue with your IIS Express profile.
I have multiple C Unit Test programs that connects to a REST Server and sends/receives some data. I usually open a new terminal and start the server by typing mvn jetty:run and in a different terminal I do perform the Unit Tests by entering make test. The problems is that the Code is tested by a Jenkins server and the Unit Tests fail because they can't connect to a REST Server. I tried opening the REST Server with a CMake execute_process(COMMAND mvn jetty:run), but then the Unit Tests never ends because the server is waiting for input. I also tried opening the server with mvn jetty:start, but the Server doesn't seem to remain active after the command finishes. It just tells "Jetty Server started", but I can't see any running REST Server nor make a connection with it and mvn jetty:stop says there is no active server running. I also tried opening the server in parallel using the &, but Maven blocks it. The attempt to open the Jetty Server in parallel using a ShellScript that I would execute using the & didn't work either. Also the problem is that when I execute the Server in parallel I don't know when the server has started up and is ready for the Unit Tests to begin.
The best solution would be if I could open the server, perform the Unit Tests and close the server afterwards fully automated with CMake.
In SqlServerManagementStudio (2012), (LocalDB)\v11.0 is not running in SSMS, I installed SqlExpress to use it from IIS.
What can I do to enable it?
In my case - localdb did work for me, but one day it "Stopped" - I was not able to connect to it not from IDE, and not from code.
I killed its process sqlservr.exe I found in Task Manager (actually, all processes - it were 2 of them).
This fixed the issue for me - was able to connect and work.
Instead of using (localdb)\v11.0, try to use (localdb)\mssqllocaldb as server name to connect to the LocalDB automatic instance.
This solved the problem for me.
As far as I can tell this is as expected.
If you try to interact with your LocalDB server, everything should function as if it were started.
I found a blog post with an explanation:
LocalDB doesn't create any database services; LocalDB processes are started and stopped automatically when needed. The application is just connecting to "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0" and LocalDB process is started as a child process of the application. A few minutes after the last connection to this process is closed the process shuts down.
I had this problem several times. I always restart my pc and then it works.
After configuring connection pooling the website seems to hang up after a period of time but it executes faster otherwise.. Is connection pooling the cause for the same? When the website stops responding then a tomcat restart reverts back the problem? What to do?
Probably your code is not releasing connections back to the pool.