How to find discord password with console script - discord

is there any way to find discord password with google console page, i've tried to reset the password but wont work, i found the discord token but is curious is there any other way to find the password other than reseting it, or is it just impossible.

You can't retrieve a password in Discord, imagine the security breach this can create.
The token will not help too.


How to run supabase functions in the admin API?

I have been using Supabase for a couple months and I really like what I see. User authentication is pretty simple. I have sign up with email verification, sign in, and password reset all working. My question is how to invite a user thoriugh email? There is a function called inviteUserByEmail(), however, it is part of the admin API. says anything that starts with supabase.auth.admin must be called on a trusted server. I don't understand what it means by server. I thought supabase provided what I need? Can anybody offer me an explaination?
I have looked all over the internet and youtube and there are no examples of this anywhere.
Admin requests are meant to be used server side.
You could try having the same user experience by using the auth signup request

Detected when user changes email address in Firebase Web

For my firebase web app (using v9 Javascript SDK), whenever a user updates their email, their token expires and they have to log back in. When a token expires, how can I find the reason for it expiring? (e.g. email change, logging out, suspicious activity, etc.) I want to know this so that when the user is redirected to the login page, I can explain to them the reason such as "you have been logged out because your token expired." As of now I have no way of telling whether the token expired from them logging out, or if it was due to an email change. onAuthStateChanged doesn't seem to provide this information since it only provides the User object. I know it's a simple question but I haven't been able to find this answer anywhere. Thanks for any help you can offer :)

Discord : how to post a message in channels as a user

I'm building an application connecting to Discord. Users can login with Oauth2.0 in the application. My application's goal is to post messages to the channel as a user, not a bot.
I've checked the documentation and the questions already asked, but I couldn't find a way to post as a user.
It would be nice to be APIs, but Execute Webhook and Create Message seem to be for bots.
Is there any API or other way to post to the channel as a user? If anyone knows, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

Use Discord's API to send message as user

I want to send a message in a Discord channel but from a user account not a bot. Is this kind of thing possible using Discord's API?
The official documentation should contain enough information to get started:
Make sure to login with OAuth2 and not as a bot. Also, it is important to get the right scope (permissions) when requesting an OAuth token.

Skip logout prompt for IdentityServer4

I'm working on a project that has both a website and an app that use the same IdentityServer4 to authenticate users. On the website, when a user logs out, he gets a confirmation screen to ask whether he's sure he wants to log out.
The problem is that on the app, we can't show the logout prompt because, well, it's an app written in Xamarin and we can't redirect to the logout prompt page.
Is there a way to disable the logout prompt when the request comes from the app?
I had the same problem and I solved it. This was first google response so I decided to put my answer here for others to see.
Solution: Inside IdentityServer4 Quick start project logic is already there and ready to configure it for user needs.
Open SolutionName/Quickstart/Account/AccountOptions.cs
Set ShowLogoutPrompt to false
Set AutomaticRedirectAfterSignOut to true
I hope this will help, good luck.
The end session endpoint supports skipping confirmation if you pass a valid id_token_hint in the request.
The relevant spec is here:
If a valid id_token is passed (i.e. the one you got when you signed in) then the OP should skip confirmation, do the sign out and then allow the user to be redirected to the post logout redirect URL (if supplied).
