Azure Active Directory B2C AADB2C90051: No suitable claims providers were found - azure-active-directory

I have created custom policies with SSO and account migration (you can view them on GitHub here, Note: I removed/edited values for security reasons). I want users to be able to sign in with a social provider OR local account for the first time. I will then migrate their account from the legacy identity provider to AAD B2C. The following goes wrong at the moment though.
The biggest problem is when the account is migrated and the user can sign in, then when trying to link social accounts, I get the following error.
AADB2C90051: No suitable claims providers were found.
Correlation ID: 4491cd4a-2f98-4a86-8d65-da3f7f26e890
Timestamp: 2022-11-20 10:38:05Z
The weird thing is, if I first sign-in using Google or Facebook (which then migrates the account) then sign-in with Microsoft or the local account, it will work. But when first signing in with either Microsoft or a local account, I get the error.
I've seen this and other posts but cannot find what I am missing. I know the policies are very big, so to start, look in CUSTOM_USERJOURNEY.xml for ProvisionOrSignInNewSocialAccount on GitHub.

By default, the hasPassword property doesn't exist by for existing local B2C user profiles. It is introduced by the linking Custom Policy. You will need to manually (or by script) add value true for that property, and it will start working.
You can use Graph API to add value, so basically PATCH to user endpoint:
PATCH /v1.0/users/12bda93c-f782-431c-b962-52c5304c0668 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0...
"extension_67a963aa6ce74511923b85511f0f8dad_hasPassword" : true
See here for full discussion:
Slightly related to this question, but scenario is different: AAD-FindLocalAccountWithSocialEmail produces No suitable claims providers were found


What's the difference between User.Read and OpenID+Profile+Email scopes

Does User.Read "contain" the permissions email openid and profile? I've found that apps that are requesting the 3x scopes, can instead accept just the User.Read permission and still function equivalently
At work I'll get requests from the business to help them setup SSO using OIDC, and I'm not actually sure what permissions I should be giving them. Seems like either option works but I'd like to better understand what's happening
See my observations below:
I've created a basic Function App, and configured it to use OpenID Connect Image
My App Registration already has the User.Read permission with admin consent, so when I log into my Function, there's no issue.
However, after removing the User.Read permission and logging in, I now get a permissions request prompt Image
And after consenting to the permissions, I can now see that email openid and profile permissions were added Image
Even more interesting, the permissions in the request prompt correlate to openid and offline_access, but offline_access wasn't added, while email and profile weren't in the request
I did find a similar question, but the accepted answer doesn't seem to align with what I see here
Generally I would favour the OAuth standard design where fields like these are Personally Identifiable Information (PII). So each app should only use the smallest scope it needs, as an information disclosure best practice. See also this Curity article.
The Graph API can also be used with standard scopes, as in step 11 of this blog post of mine, where I wanted to get hold of user info in an API. So if this works for you I would prefer it. Personally I also prefer standard scopes so that my application code is portable.
Microsoft's design is based on each API requiring a different access token, the resource indicators spec. It is interesting, though perhaps not always intuitive. I am no expert on Azure AD though, and there may be some intended usage I do not understand.
User.Read is a scope intended to be used when requesting an access token for the Microsoft Graph API. It grants privileges to read the profile of the signed-in user only. A separate call to the Microsoft Graph API is required to retrieve the profile.
openid, email, profile and offline_access are OpenID Connect scopes:
openid is used to request an id token.
offline_access is used to request a refresh token which can later be used to get a new access token.
email to request an email claim.
profile to request several user claims (Eg.preferred_username).
Both email and profile can be used to augment information available in the UserInfo endpoint, however, it is recommended to use the id token which is already a superset of the information available at the aforementioned endpoint.

Microsoft OAuth authorization for specific user roles

I have to limit which users can access an Azure App. For now, only Global Admins can access using this link:
After redirect back I get Token using and the query contains the same scope as the authorized link.
The flow of the app is the same as documented in Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
My problem is that client wants to allow Billing Admins to access their app. I went through all Graph Permission Scopes, but could not find any related to Billing Admin.
My knowledge of Microsoft's authorization is somewhat limited. I do know that limitations are done by scope. But if it's just link change or is it in Authentication App in Azure (there is one but I don't know how it's related to actual login permissions).
Should I look in a different direction or is it just simply changing the link? Microsoft's documentation didn't help a lot because it's mostly about calendars and other simple stuff.
Careful, requesting a permission that normally requires admin consent and causing the user consent prompt is not the proper way to ensure the user signing in is actually an admin. A non-admin user could simply modify the URL to scope=User.ReadBasic.All and remove prompt=consent. If the user is allowed to consent for User.ReadBasic.All (which is true in many organizations), they'd be able to continue the sign-in. (Or if the organization had granted admin consent for "User.Read.All", the non-admin user would only need to remove prompt=consent.)
If you need to ensure the user is an administrator, you need to explicitly check for directory role assignments.
You can choose from one of three different ways to do this:
You can configure your app to receive the wids claim, which will include the role template IDs of the directory roles for which the user has an active assignment. This is probably the simplest approach.
Using the Azure portal, you can do this under App registrations > (choose your app) > Token configuration > + Add groups claim. You must include "Directory roles" in your selection:
Another option is to a Microsoft Graph API request to check which of a given list of directory roles the user has been assigned:
Content-type: application/json
"ids": [
A third option is to make a Microsoft Graph API request to list the directory role assignments granted to the user:
?$filter=principalId eq '{id}'
All three of these approaches involve using directory role template IDs to identify the directory role you are checking for. They're all listed here:
Some examples you may be interested in:
Application administrator: 9b895d92-2cd3-44c7-9d02-a6ac2d5ea5c3
Cloud application administrator: 158c047a-c907-4556-b7ef-446551a6b5f7
Global administrator: fdd7a751-b60b-444a-984c-02652fe8fa1c
Privileged role administrator: e8611ab8-c189-46e8-94e1-60213ab1f814
Billing administrator: b0f54661-2d74-4c50-afa3-1ec803f12efe
(I included the first four because those are the directory roles which would, by default, be allowed to grant consent for User.Read.All.)
If someone needs solution and uses php:
You can use
$accessToken = 'token from redirect back, called access_token';
$body = [
"ids" => [
$graph = new Graph();
$user = $graph->createRequest("post", "/me/checkMemberObjects")

How to solve "NoPermissionsInAccessToken" returned by Microsoft Graph when reading calendar or sending mail

Within our department we have a Classic ASP website that has been using our corporate Google accounts for authentication and to insert events into our Google Calendars. The organisation has just switched from Google to Office 365 and I'm trying to switch the code to use Outlook instead - with no success.
I can use the access token to GET and see the basic profile, but if I try to read calendar events or send an e-mail I see the message:
"error": {
"code": "NoPermissionsInAccessToken",
"message": "The token contains no permissions, or permissions can not be understood."
I created an Azure account with my personal Microsoft account and added an application. I added my colleagues and my corporate account as guest users. I set the permissions required and did the admin consent thing:
I then followed the steps on this page.
I first visit{tenant id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize, including the following query items:
client_id={client id}
redirect_uri={our URL}
This returns a "code", which I send to{tenant id}/oauth2/v2.0/token, including:
client_secret={client secret}
client_id={client id}
state={same number as above}
redirect_uri={same URL as above}
code={code returned from /authorize}
This returns the id, access and refresh tokens. If I decode the access token using, it seems to contain the appropriate audience and scope:
"aud": ""
"scp": "Calendars.ReadWrite email Mail.Send openid profile User.Read"
...although I notice that there is no "roles" entry, which I see in some of the documentation. Is that an issue?
I then send the access token to with the following headers:
"Authorization", "Bearer {access token}"
"Host", ""
"Content-Type", "application/json"
"Prefer", "outlook.timezone Europe/London"
That will return my e-mail address, etc., but if I change the URL to anything else, such as /me/photo/$value, /me/calendar/events, or try to send an e-mail I'm told that there are no permissions in the token.
I see that there are other similar questions, but they are mostly for the client_credentials flow (I'm not sure that makes any difference), and none of the answers has helped me resolve my problem.
Can someone please let me know if I've obviously missed anything - or I'm going about this in the wrong way to access Graph data on the client side? It seemed so straightforward with Google, but I'm finding the Microsoft documentation and examples a bit less detailed.
Adding guest users is meaningless.
What you have done is Admin consent for the Azure AD with your personal Microsoft account.
What you actually need to do is Admin consent for the target Azure AD/ O365 tenant.
Construct a consent link as following:{tenant ID of the target Azure AD}/oauth2/authorize?response_type=id_token&client_id={client ID}&redirect_uri={reply url}&response_mode=form_post&nonce=a4014117-28aa-47ec-abfb-f377be1d3cf5&resource=
Access it in a browser and log in with an admin account of target Azure AD.
Another issue is that you are using Get access on behalf of a user. So you have to assign Delegated permissions rather than Application permissions in the Azure AD app.

Adding custom claims into AAD token

Is it possible, while acquiring an access_token (Client Credentials grant), to instruct AAD to inject certain custom claims with certain values into the access_token being issued?
I need it to avoid sending extra context information to my service through such a "disconnected" means as HTTP Header for instance. Instead I want the token signed by AAD and containing everything AAD stamps into it by default plus some small pieces of information controlled by the application acquiring the token. All this will help my service to apply proper authorization once this token is received by the service.
I looked at the above, and I am clear that you are not looking for claims augmentation as it was described in the blog.
As I understood, you are looking for the right way to authorized your application using AAD tokens.
If my understanding is correct here is my answer.
It took me quite sometime to remember how I did it before and the caveat was missing the graph permissions for:
Now let me type down the steps one by one, but care less to the order of these steps may not be correct, just do the steps in any order you want.
Step 1: In AD, in the App registration
Register your Web Application,
Copy the Client_ID
Step 2: Go to Expose an API
Add a scope or more (This is what you are going to see as a claim and role in the token)
Add the client Client_ID
Note: this is basically for 2 applications one calling another, but in this example and your case, you have one web application that needs to authorize on itself.
Next: In the API permissions
THIS IS A MUST grant admin consent delegated permissions for MicrosoftGraph
Additionally: Give permission to the scope that you added.
Then: In the App roles:
Add the Application roles
Then: In the Enterprise Applications:
Assign that role to the users or groups that you want to access this.
Finally: In the application configuration file
Update the Client id
You are done.
I hope that was what you were looking for.

MS Graph, daemon app 401 unauthorized on Files.ReadWrite.All calls

UPDATE: I've received notice from Microsoft that this problem is a bug in the Graph API. They're working on a solution.
I'm using the new v2.0 OAuth flow to authenticate my app for use with Microsoft Graph to make it able to list any users files, download and upload files in any users OneDrive and set permissions to files. This without the user being logged in, that is running it as a service account/daemon.
I've set up a new "Converged application" in the new Application Registration Portal. I've set all necessary scopes/application permission, including Files.ReadWrite.All. (I actually checked all possible boxes...). In the Microsoft Graph docs this should be the only scope necessary when calling the endpoints I'm interested in:
Then I've followed the documentation for the Client Credentials flow, including giving Admin Consent to the app for use in my company tenant.
I'm successfully receiving an access token. After receiving the access token I've double checked at that the token actually contains all scopes (incl. Files.ReadWrite.All).
I'm able to use this access token to get any user's drive and list any users files (the first two endpoints listed above). I've also tried to get thumbnails of any users files which works fine. But as soon as I try to download a file, add permissions to a file or create a Sharing Link (the last three endpoints listed above), I receive an 401 Unauthorized error. From this, I assume the scope Files.Read.All works fine, but the scope Files.ReadWrite.All is not working.
As to what I can understand from the Scopes documentation, the scopes I'm trying to use should work. It the "App-only permissions requiring administrator's consent" section, it describes Files.ReadWrite.All as:
Allows the app to read, create, update and delete all files in all site collections without a signed in user.
I've hit a wall. Are there limitations to the new v2.0 OAuth token and/or Microsoft Graph regarding App-Only access that I'm missing?
Closing the loop for those who stumble on this question. There was an issue with Files.ReadWrite.All in App-Only scenarios when it came to uploading or changing permissions of a file.
The issue with downloading is unrelated. Authorization errors when downloading a file stem from passing an Authorization header in the download request. The `/content/ endpoint returns a URL that can be used to download the file. This is a pre-authorized URL that exists for a short period of time. Passing an Authorization header in that request results in an error since it doesn't expect to receive such a header, nor can it determine which credentials it should use (super-oversimplification but this the general idea).
