Page is automatically vertically scrolled when using angular 13 clarity 13 version - angular13

In our project we are having a dropdown. I am using clarity dropdown. On opening clarity dropdown menu I can see page is getting automatically scrolled vertically. This is not happening in case of angular 9 and clarity 3.x. Can you suggest me any fix regarding this issue.
I have tried changing versions by trial and error. If Iam downgrading clarity to 3.x and angular to 13 I can see there we are getting compilation issues regarding types check. Please let me know whether we can use skiplibcheck true in tsconfig whether it is ideal solution or not.


How to reset setting in WebStorm?

I don’t know what happen to my WebStorm settings but previously whenever I add new react component it gave me a warning by adding underline above the component name. But now it is not showing any warnings. Why?
Please see my screenshot example currently in screenshot function is not defined so it gives underline.
How to reset the setting?
In screenshot I added Button,Dialog,DialogTitle but not imported. It is not giving any warning, why?
We intentionally decided not to mark the components as unresolved because there were quite a lot of patterns of defining the React components, especially in the component libraries that WebStorm couldn't recognize. So instead we decided to only show the missing import inspection for the cases where we knew where the component was defined.
We will review of how it all works now and will enable the inspection if it doesn't generate too much false positives.
Please vote for WEB-32549 to be notified on any progress with this feature

React 16 upgrade fatal errors ag-grid?

Has anyone upgraded their ag-grid installation to React 16 aka Fiber? I upgraded to react#next and react-dom#next, and instantly got a fatal error. My tool is closely based on the ag-grid-react-example, and the problem seems to be with cell editors. Anyone seen anything similar?
we are aware of this in ag-Grid and plan to fix it soon (hopefully coming days), React Fiber changes how things are done underneath the hood, and the pattern we use to allow React components needs to be tweaked.

IE 11 Placeholder text missing

I'm having an issue with placeholder text not appearing in IE 11 when utilizing AngularJS. It shows up on every other browser and I haven't modified any CSS to change the appearance of it. I have even disabled all stylesheets and still can't get them to appear. See image below.
If I visit other sites that utilize placeholders within input fields - I have no issues. I'm a bit stumped in terms of resolving the issue. Any ideas?
// IE workaround to show placeholder
So it seems I found my issue and also have a solution to follow up. Prior to this I was having compatibility issues with Angular running in specific version of IE and had force compatibility to IE 9 inserting this in the head of my HTML:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
I then proceeded to utilize this angular directive It didn't work right off the bat but after scratching my head some more, I realized it may be a caching issue and upon clearing it out, I now have placeholders within my inputs in IE!

textAngular pasting in IE not working

I'm using textAngular as a WYSIWYG text editor in an angular app. It is a fantastic library that is essentially plug and play. It works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox.
The problem is when I attempt to paste some text into the textAngular window in IE it simply doesn't work. It doesn't raise any console events, throw any exceptions or anything. On the network, it calls 4 URLs, which are then all aborted. They are:,300
This network activity does not happen in Chrome and Firefox. So, I think that is where the problem is. But for the life of me I can't figure out what is going on. It doesn't look like this problem has been reported to the textAngular team or has been asked on stack overflow.
Does anyone have an I idea of how I can remedy the situation?
Here is a plunk replicating the situation. It is the demo from the github repo, almost verbatim (the link to the textAngular links were dead, and I got ride of the initial text). I'm pretty sure that it is just a problem within the 1.2.2 library and I'm going to report a bug. The version on the main page is 1.2.0. Thanks for you help!
I tested your solution on IE 8,9,10 & 11 without any issues. I did however notice it the page was not formatting correctly no IE. It could be an issue with escape characters.
If you could provide some more details about your system, for example: IE version, the code you tried to paste etc. I think I may be able to sort this one out.

Why Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing not working properly while using extended store?

I'm facing an issue using Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing inside an ExtJS 4.1.1 MVC application. As far as I know, I have to provide my own extension for use inside an Ext MVC architecture, but doing this, form fields displayed inside the editing ruler remain empty, even though the corresponding record is fully filled. Indeed, before installing the plugin in my MVC project, I made a quick test in which the store is instanciated from the core class and everything works correctly.
I have googled a bit about that and found some quite close topics, but nothing that could help me so far. So, I hope anyone here has encountered the same problem.
I have tried to reproduce this bug here with no success. I currently suspect my version of ExtJS (Ext.getVersion() gives me I'll go back here with more details as soon as possible. Thanks everyone.
Not sure what you mean by extended store, but here is a full example that works as designed.
