How to prevent </p> from ending line - reactjs

<p>Dostępne: </p><p style={{color:'green'}}>{props.ile_aktywne}</p><p>Niedostępne: </p><p style={{color:'red'}}>{props.ile_nieaktywne}</p>
I want it to format as two lines
"Dostępne: 1"
"Niedostępne: 2"

Don't use a paragraph if you don't want to use it. That's what a <span> or <div> is for.
However, you can modify your HTML here:
<p>Dostępne: <span style="color:green">1</span></p>
<p>Niedostępne: <span style="color:red">1</span></p>

P tag will(If blocked behavior is not changed by CSS or Javascript) always creates a new line because it is a block tag. To get your output you can wrap it with a span tag as it is an inline tag.
<p>Dostępne: <span style={{color:'green'}}>{props.ile_aktywne}</span></p>
<p>Niedostępne: <span style={{color:'red'}}>{props.ile_nieaktywne}</span></p>
and if you want it as an ordered list add autonumbering. You can wrap with ol and replace p tag with li.
<li>Dostępne: <span style={{color:'green'}}>{props.ile_aktywne}</span></li>
<li>Niedostępne: <span style={{color:'red'}}>{props.ile_nieaktywne}</span></li>
Please check this as reference


Is there a way to generate new span elements for each value we iterate in *ngFor Angular 8?

I want to generate a span element for each saved tag from my collection tag's array.
I use firebase and get in *ngFor loop i get one big span element with all saved tags separated by comma, instead of getting a span for each tag. Is there any way that i can't prevent this from happening. Also i have created an interface for Saved.
Thanks in advance.
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title text-center">{{saved?.title}}</h5>
<hr />
<div *ngFor="let tag of saved.tags">
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary">{{saved?.tags}}</span>
<hr /> View
//Saved interface in Saved.ts file
export interface Saved {
id: string;
title: string;
tags: string[];
Try having your code like this. This should make the span element repeat rather than the div and then make sure to reference the individual tag rather than the array inside.
If the tag has a name / title attribute swap {{ tag }} for {{ tag.title}}
looking at the interface its just {{ tag }}.
<span *ngFor="let tag of saved.tags" class="badge badge-pill badge-primary">
Reference to Angular docs on using *ngFor to display data.
At the moment, you are referencing the array inside your *ngFor. So, as a result, you should see the whole list of n tags, for n times. If you switch from {{saved?.tags}} to {{tag}}. You will see one div per tag including one span and a single tag inside.
So for getting one span per tag, use it like the following:
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title text-center">{{saved?.title}}</h5>
<hr />
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary" *ngFor="let tag of saved.tags">
<hr />

How to work around jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions restriction?

I used the following jsx to construct an entry in a FAQ table:
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}>
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
The idea is that when a user click on the entry, it will toggle the open state of the entry. In the other word, when a user clicks on an open FAQ entry, it will close it. Otherwise it will open it.
However the li tag triggers this eslint violation: Visible, non-interactive elements should not have mouse or keyboard event listeners jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions
Unfortunately I don't think there is alternative way to the above html markup.
Since it is jsx, it also does not allow override such as // eslint-disable-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions (The inline comment will be printed out to the web page)
So how I can work around it? Happy to use different jsx markup or jsx eslint override
For those who are looking for a workaround, use role="presentation" in your tag.
Here's how you could revise the markup to be semantically appropriate and get the onclick off the <li>
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry}>
<button type='button' onClick={handleExpandFn}>
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
<div className='add_a_panel_class_name_here'>
So with the above:
the <h3> will make the titles of the FAQs easily searchable by screen reader users that are navigating by headings
placing the <button> inside of the <h3> gives you the appropriate element to attach a click event to (you want to use a button here because you're toggling state. an <a> should be used if you were going to a new page. You also don't need to add a tabindex to a button as they are inherently focusable).
There are some additional steps you'd likely want to implement, using ARIA expanded and controls attributes on the button, but the above should get you to a good base for moving beyond your error.
You could put eslint-disable-line in the jsx
<li // eslint-disable-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
Another option, add role='presentation'
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
One solution I can remember is to use an anchor element with tab-index.
<a style={{display: 'list-item'}} tabIndex={-42} key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}>
<span className={`icon-next ${questionClassname}`} />
<span className={styles['question-text']}>{faqEntry.question}</span>
if you are trying to implement menu using li then the right solution is using role="menuitem" in your li tags.
More details about it:
To overcome or avoid this error in ES Lint.
You can use three things based on your needs and requirements
aria-hidden="true" - will remove the entire element from the accessibility API
role= "presentation" - The presentation role is used to remove semantic meaning from an element and any of its related child elements.
role= "none" - will remove the semantic meaning of an element while still exposing it to assistive technology.
There are limitations as well:
Hide content from assistive technology
Cannot be used on a focusable
Element cannot be used on the parent of an interactive element
You can actually add the eslint override as a comment in JSX.
You have to nest the comment inside of braces {}, so that it will be interpreted as JavaScript. Then, of course, since it is a JavaScript comment, it will not be rendered in the JSX.
Depending on your style preference, you can either do it on the line directly before the code
{/* eslint-disable-next-line */}
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}>
or, at the end of the same line
<li key={faqKey} className={styles.entry} onClick={handleExpandFn}> {/* eslint-disable-line */}
Check out the docs for more information on using JavaScript inside of JSX.
on non interactive element tag. like
<span aria-hidden="true" onClick={() => void}>Text</span>
Instead of rolling my implementation of faq table with collapse/expand interactive feature, I replace it with react-collapsible.
It of course gets rid of the jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions as a result.

AngularJS - ng-repeat with a condition

I have a list of questions to display.
I would like to add a question mark icon next to the question whenever it has a description.
<ul class="list-group" data-toggle="items" ng-repeat="ques in questions">
<li class="list-group-item"><input type="checkbox" /> {{ques.question}}
<div ng-if="{{ques.description}}">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
So I add all the question and when it has a description I would like to add an icon.
The code above is not working so if you can help !
without the curly brackets, should do it, with a recent version of angular.js (>1.1)
For more information, please check the ng-if official documentation
However, if you are using an older version of angular.js, you cannot use the ng-if directive. It would explain why your glyphicon is always displayed, regardless of the ng-if condition.
If it is the case, here is a workaround:
<div ng-switch="ques.description==null">
<i ng-switch-when="false" class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
Try change line:
<div ng-if="{{ques.description}}">
<div ng-if="ques.description">
Replace this part :
<div ng-if="{{ques.description}}">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
with :
<span ng-if="ques.description">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
1st thing remeber ng-if="expression" never works with interpolation directive {{}} it will need an expression, It would be great if you check length.
And for better binding with title attribute use ng-attr-title, it will create title attribute when {{ques.description}} get parsed.
<div ng-if="ques.description.length > 0">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" ng-attr-title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
The solution is in the comments below my post.
The probleme was that I was on a 1.0.x version of angularJS which did not have the ng-if directive.
I downloaded a new angular.js and now it works !

ng-repeat inserting empty anchor tags

I'm trying to create a menu using angular. A menu item can have children requiring another ng-repeat to print the sub nav items. I'm noticing some strange behavior when attempting to insert an anchor tag within the 2nd ng-repeat.
Link to fiddle:
<li ng-repeat="sub_menu_item in menu_item.sub_menu">
<a href="">
{{ sub_menu_item.title }}
title: 'menu item with children',
sub_menu: [
title: '<-- empty anchor tag???'
Results in
<li ng-repeat="sub_menu_item in menu_item.sub_menu" class="ng-scope">
<-- empty anchor tag???
Where the did duplicate / empty anchor tag come from? How can I prevent it from being created?
Appreciate the help!
This isn't a bug with Angular, but rather how you have your markup.
The issue is actually the nested <a> tag, not the <ul> tag.
<a href="">
<span class="title">{{ menu_item.title }}</span>
<ul class="sub-menu" ng-if="menu_item.sub_menu">
<li ng-repeat="sub_menu_item in menu_item.sub_menu">
<a href="">
{{ sub_menu_item.title }}
In fact, if you remove Angular from the equation altogether, you will see that the extraneous <a> tag is still added to the DOM:
If you get rid of the nested <a> tag, then the extra element will disappear.
<a href="">
<span class="title">{{ menu_item.title }}</span>
<ul class="sub-menu" ng-if="menu_item.sub_menu">
<li ng-repeat="sub_menu_item in menu_item.sub_menu">
<a href="">
{{ sub_menu_item.title }}
In both HTML 4.01, and HTML 5, having a nested <a> tag is a no no.
The simplest possible recreation of the problem I could come up with is this bit of markup:
<a href="">Outer
Because you can't nest <a> elements within each other, the browser is doing it's best to recreate your intent while keeping the DOM clean. What you end up with is this:
This makes sense when you realize what the browser is trying to do. The browser is trying to do three things:
Keep Outer, Blah and Inner text elements inside hyperlinks
Contain Blah and <a>Inner</a> inside a single <p> tag
Ensure no <a> tags are nested within each other
The only sensible way to accomplish all three of these is to wrap both Outer and Blah text elements in separate <a> tags in a way that isn't nested. This is the closest approximation to the original intent without breaking the DOCTYPE rules.
I hope this helps.
Very strange. It doesn't appear with any tag besides <a> (like <p> or <div>). It looks like an outright bug to me - I'd submit a proper bug report.

jsoup : get last index after select

My problem is that I have multiple span tags within a p tag.
I want only the HTML code within the innermost span tag.
<span> <strong> lkfghsij</strong> hi how are u?
Here I want only the strong tag and the text after it to be written into a file.
How do I go about this? Regards. was pretty simple...just add:
