Google One Tap Sign In With React and Firebase - reactjs

I have a web-app completely based in react, we use firebase for authentication and maintain the copy in aws dynamo db as well. Authentication in our app is done via firebase completely.
We're trying to implement google one tap sign in.
I tried doing this via react-google-one-tap-login (
I used firebase's google web client id as the param.
My code looks something like this:
onError: error => console.log("ERROR", error),
onSuccess: response => {
console.log("SUCCESS", response)
googleAccountConfigs: {
client_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Although the prompt is visible yet when I tap on the profile to sign in, I get the following message.
The current origin isn't registered with Google OAuth Client
I tried checking the authorised domains, but I already have them configured properly. (I'm testing in my local)
I tried searching around in stack overflow and looking at some tutorials, I did all of them trying to add the port numbers, deleting the cache, restarting the app.
For some reason tutorials are using Google Cloud Credentials (, which I'm not sure, would work in my case, since I'd want firebase + dynamo to be the source of truth in my case.
I'm stuck and probably doing something silly.


How to set up access to Azure blob storage from React app (deployed in Azure web app) with credentials from browser?

I got stuck on trying to access Azure blob storage from React app (thus from browser) with credentials.
And firstly I want to admit, that I am newbie in Azure, so maybe I misunderstood some basic concepts...
My current situation and goal:
I am developing React app (lets say MyReactApp). This app uses some files from Azure blob storage (lets say MyBlobStorage) -> it reads, creates and deletes blobs.
I started to develop it on my local and for this dev purpose I was connecting to MyBlobStorage with SAS - this worked perfectly.
MyReactApp is browser only, so it does not have any backend.
After finishing local development, I deployed it as Azure web app with SAS. What have I done:
created App service (lets say MyAppService)
register app in Azure Active Directory and use it as Identity Provider in MyAppService
After this the app works from Azure url perfectly too.
But my app on Azure should fulfill 2 conditions:
User has to log in with AAD account before access to MyReactApp
App itself must get rid of SAS (because it is not secure as it can be obtained from browser) and use some Azure credentials to connect to Azure blob storage
First condition - user log in:
I enabled "easy" logging in MyAppService -> Authentication and chose users, who can have access.
in Authentication section of app in AAD I set up Web type Redirect Uri as /.auth/login/aad/callback
Still everything works great - the user, who is assigned to the app, can log in and work with the app - so far so good, but now the problem comes
Second condition - I wanted to get rid of the SAS to access MyBlobStorage and use DefaultAzureCredentials:
I turned on managed identity for MyAppService and add it as Storage Blob Data Contributor for MyBlobStorage
I obtained user_impersonation and User.Read Api permissions for my app
I removed SAS and tried to add DefaultAzureCredentials to my code -> but it seems, that they can't be used in browser and only option is InteractiveBrowserCredentails
so I tried to use InteractiveBrowserCredentails like this:
this.interactiveBrowserCredential = new InteractiveBrowserCredential({
tenantId: "<appTenant>", // got from app registration on AAD
clientId: "<appClient>", // got from app registration on AAD
redirectUri: <MyAppServiceURi>/.auth/login/aad/callback // the same as in Azure AAD app,
this.blobSC = new BlobServiceClient(Constants.STORAGE_PATH, this.interactiveBrowserCredential);
My current result:
This shows login popup after getting to the page and after another signing in it results in error:
AADSTS9002326: Cross-origin token redemption is permitted only for the
'Single-Page Application' client-type.
I googled it of course and according to some answers I tried to change the Web type of redirect URI to SPA.
I tried it, but some other error showed up:
AADSTS9002325: Proof Key for Code Exchange is required for
cross-origin authorization code redemption.
Surprisingly this should be solved by changing from SPA to Web type...:) So I am trapped...
My expected result
In ideal world, I want to connect MyReactApp to MyBlobStorage without popup and with some secret credentials, just to say something like this.blobSC = new BlobServiceClient(Constants.STORAGE_PATH, credentials);
and be able to work with blobs.
Is it possible to access blob storage from browser without errors of course and ideally without popup, which needs another log in for user?
My complementary questions
Can I use somehow the logging info from the user (from his "easy" AAD logging)? I can get his info with GET call to /.auth/me, maybe it can be utilized, so I can use his info to access the blobs?
The solution should be working on localhost too (I tried to add http://localhost:3000/ to redirect uri, but without success), can it be done?
Thank you all, who read the whole story!

Django and react login with google authentication

I was trying set up google authentication with react frontend and django rest framework backend. I set up both the frontend and backend using this two part tutorial, PART1 & PART2. When I try to login with google in the frontend I get POST 400 (Bad Request) I think it's because my google api needs an access token and an authorization code to be passed. After debugging the react js, I noticed the response I get from google doesn't have an authorization code. I suspect because responseType is permission(by default), Source:React login props , instead of code. I was wondering how would you change the response type in react? (I'm not even sure if this alone is the issue)
Here's my backend code
In my file
class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = GoogleOAuth2Adapter
callback_url = "http://localhost:3000"
client_class = OAuth2Client
in my
path('google-login/', GoogleLogin.as_view(), name='google-login'),
for my front end
const googleLogin = async (accesstoken,code) => {
let res = await
access_token: accesstoken,
code: code
return await res.status;
const responseGoogle = (response) => {
googleLogin(response.accessToken, response.code);
<div className="App">
I want to save the user in the database and have them stay logged in, in the front end.
This Post explains the login flow behind the scene. Here's Login flow image I'm basically stuck on returning code and accesstoken(I can return this successfully) step.
Here's my list of questions,
How do I return code from google?
I have knox token set up, can I
use it instead of the JWT tokens?
Does the class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView), take care of the steps of validating the access token and code with google and creating the user with that email in database?
Would really appreciate your inputs.
After investigating a bit on my end, I think I might have a solution that works for you.
I've messed with OAuth before, and it's quite tricky sometimes because it has to be robust. So a bunch of security policies usually get in the way.
I'll provide my full step-by-step, since I was able to get it working, trying my best to match what you posted.
Firstly, to have a clean slate, I went off the example code linked in the tutorials. I cloned and built the project, and did the following:
Creating a new project on GCP
Configured the OAuth consent screen
I set the User type to "internal". This options may not be available if you're not using an account under GSuite (which I am). "External" should be fine though, just that "internal" is the easiest to test.
Created a OAuth 2.0 Client
Added http://localhost:3000 to the "Authorized JavaScript origins" and "Authorized redirect URIs" sections
Register a Django superuser
Registered a Site, with value of localhost:8000 for both fields.
Went into the admin panel, and added a Social Application with Client ID and Secret Key as the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" from GCP, respectively. I also picked the localhost site that we added earlier and added it to the right hand box. (I left Key blank)
Example of my Application Page
Filled in the clientId field in App.js, in the params of the GoogleLogin component.
Here's where I ran into a bit of trouble, but this is good news as I was able to reproduce your error! Looking at the request in the network inspector, I see that for me, no body was passed, which is clearly the direct cause of the error. But looking at App#responseGoogle(response), it clearly should pass a token of some sort, because we see the line googleLogin(response.accessToken).
So what is happening is that is NOT returning a proper response, so something is happening on their end, and we get an invalid response, but we fail silently because javascript is javascript.
After examining the response that Google gave back, I found this related SO post that allowed me to fix the issue, and interestingly, the solution to it was quite simple: Clear your cache. I'll be honest, I'm not exactly sure why this works, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that development is on your local machine (localhost/ difference, perhaps?).
You can also try to access your site via incognito mode, or another browser, which also worked for me.
I have knox token set up, can I use it instead of the JWT tokens?
I don't think I have enough knowledge to properly answer this, but my preliminary research suggests no. AFAIK, you should just store the token that Google gives you, as the token itself is what you'll use to authenticate. It seems that Knox replaces Django's TokenAuthentication, which means that Knox is in charge of generating the token. If you're offloading the login work to Google, I don't see how you could leverage something like Knox. However, I could be very wrong.
Does the class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView), take care of the steps of validating the access token and code with google and creating the user with that email in database?
I believe so. After successfully authenticating with Google (and it calls the backend endpoint correctly), it seems to create a "Social Account" model. An example of what it created for me is below. It retrieved all this information (like my name) from Google.
Example of my "Social Accounts" page
As for how to retrieve the login from the browser's local storage, I have no idea. I see no evidence of a cookie, so it must be storing it somewhere else, or you might have to set that up yourself (with React Providers, Services, or even Redux.

Service to service requests on App Engine with IAP

I'm using Google App Engine to host a couple of services (a NextJS SSR service and a backend API built on Express). I've setup my dispatch.yaml file to route /api/* requests to my API service and all other requests get routed to the default (NextJS) service.
- url: '*/api/*'
service: api
The problem: I've also turned on Identity-Aware Proxy for App Engine. When I try to make a GET request from my NextJS service to my API (server-side, via getServerSideProps) it triggers the IAP sign-in page again instead of hitting my API. I've tried out a few ideas to resolve this:
Forwarding all cookies in the API request
Setting the X-Requested-With header as mentioned here
Giving IAP-secured Web App User permissions to my App Engine default service account
But nothing seems to work. I've confirmed that turning off IAP for App Engine allows everything to function as expected. Any requests to the API from the frontend also work as expected. Is there a solution I'm missing or a workaround for this?
You need to perform a service to service call. That's no so simple and you have not really example for that. Anyway I tested (in Go) and it worked.
Firstly, based your development on the Cloud Run Service to Service documentation page.
You will have this piece of code in NodeJS sorry, I'm not a NodeJS developer and far least a NexJS developer, you will have to adapt
// Make sure to `npm install --save request-promise` or add the dependency to your package.json
const request = require('request-promise');
const receivingServiceURL = ...
// Set up metadata server request
// See
const metadataServerTokenURL = 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience=';
const tokenRequestOptions = {
uri: metadataServerTokenURL + receivingServiceURL,
headers: {
'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'
// Fetch the token, then provide the token in the request to the receiving service
.then((token) => {
return request(receivingServiceURL).auth(null, null, true, token)
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
This example won't work because you need the correct audience. Here, the variable is receivingServiceURL. It's correct for Cloud Run (and Cloud Functions) but not for App Engine behind IAP. You need to use the Client ID of the OAuth2 credential named IAP-App-Engine-app
Ok, hard to understand what I'm talking about. So, go to the console, API & Services -> Creentials. From there, you have a OAuth2 Client ID section. copy the Client ID column of the line IAP-App-Engine-app, like that
Final point, be sure that your App Engine default service account has the authorization to access to IAP. And add it as IAP-secured Web App User. The service account has this format <PROJECT_ID>
Not really clear also. So, go to the IAP page (Security -> Identity Aware Proxy), click on the check box in front of App Engine and go the right side of the page, in the permission panel
In the same time, I can explain how to deactivate IAP on a specific service (as proposed by NoCommandLine). Just a remark: deactivate security when you have trouble with it is never a good idea!!
Technically, you can't deactive IAP on a service. But you can grant allUsers as IAP-secured Web App User on a specific service (instead of clicking on the checkbox of App Engine, click on the checkbox of a specific service). And like that, even with IAP you authorized all users to access to your service. it's an activation without checks in fact.

Trouble authorizing access to App Engine via IAP

I currently have App Engine up and running, protected by IAP, and my eventual aim is to have this be triggered by an Apps Script project. I've tested the code without IAP and it works fine. However, I'm running into difficulties successfully authorizing access to it when IAP is enabled.
I've added myself as an IAP-secured Web App User (as well as Policy Admin) to the App Engine, but whenever I try triggering it from a GSheets Apps Script where I'm the owner and it's associated with the correct GCP project (using this great explanation as a guide) I get the following:
"Invalid IAP credentials: JWT audience doesn't match this application ('aud' claim ( doesn't match expected value ("
I've tried adding/removing various permissions to my account, as well creating a new Apps Script and re-adding to the project, but to no avail. I run into the same issue when triggering from CLI, so I'm fairly sure it's an issue with authentication, however this is my Apps Script code in case it helps:
function test() {
const options = {
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getIdentityToken()},
muteHttpExceptions: true
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);
And the manifest file:
"timeZone": "Europe/London",
"dependencies": {
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8",
"oauthScopes": ["openid", ""]
Any help on this is super appreciated! Never posted here before, but pretty desperate and couldn't find anyone with this exact problem on SO.
The problem with your solution is that you are using the identity of an auto-generated OAuth Client for Apps Script. This clients are not suitable for this kind of authentication, here a complete list of supported OAuth clients.
In order to complete your authentication you will need an extra step. You will have to create another OAuth Client and build an identity token with its credentials.
To make things easier I would recommend to use this Apps Script library:
The inital Set-up is covered in the linked documentation.
Important: When creating the OAuth Client take note of the ClientID and the Client-secret. Plus, you will need to add an Authorized Redirect URI. This is standard when using the OAuth2 GAS library and it has this form:{Your Apps Script ID}/usercallback
Now you have all the necessary information to build your identity token. In the Github repository there is a boilerplate sample that will cover the first coding steps with the OAuth2 GAS library.
Here is the link.
Copy this code to your Apps Script project and follow the instructions in the comments. You will need to add an extra OAuth scope: "".
Once you set all the constants with your OAuth clients information you should run the run() function from your Apps Script editor. This will log a URL you have to open in your browser to authorize your App. Once you authorized the App run again the run() function and you will successfully access your IAP protected application.
OAuth2 GAS library
IAP programmatic authentication

Authentication and Session management in react-native apps

I've been looking at solutions for authenticating users on react-native based apps. I've come across things like Firebase and JSON web tokens, however, I can't seem to find an example of session management between server and client device.
For the react/server relationship, the bit that I'm missing is the piece on the server side that is the equivalent of that $_SESSION variable in PHP, which can be used to store a user's unique ID.
=> Client token sent with each data request.
=> Request Checks token and sends data back for that specific user/token pair
I'm looking for some sort of example code on how this would be managed on the server-side and suggests on the tools/implementation you would suggest I use to implement it.
I'm not currently looking to implement oAuth2 because but rather I wish to create my own login system so I can properly understand how the App works.
Note about OAuth 2.0:
I have a strong recommendation for OAuth 2.0 protocol when dealing with mobile applications, specially because of the Refresh Token architecture, that helps me keep my user authenticated for long periods of time without compromising their own security.
Also, this is the protocol used by major social SDKs: Google, Facebook, Twitter and Slack. The best part: you can use out-of-the box solutions in your server side, for example OAuth 2.0 Server for PHP and OAuth 2.0 Server for NodeJS.
Storing data safely on React Native
Going back to the React Native end, once you have your set of credentials (JWT or OAuth 2.0), you have to store them safely. There is no direct way to do it using only the framework, but there is a great package called react-native-keychain that deals with it in both iOS and Android platforms.
Add it to your project.
# Using Yarn
yarn add react-native-keychain
# Or using NPM
npm install --save react-native-keychain
Then just use it where your user authenticates.
import * as Keychain from 'react-native-keychain';
// When you have the JWT credentials
.setGenericPassword("JWT", token)
.then(function() {
console.log('Credentials saved successfully!');
// When you need to get it from safe storage
.then(function(credentials) {
console.log('Credentials successfully loaded for user:' + credentials.password);
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log('Keychain couldn\'t be accessed! Maybe no value set?', error);
