Responsive SPA prevent mobile nav bar to autohide - reactjs

I have a fully functionnal SPA website (Reactjs) which I just made responsive. Everything went smooth except that the site refuses any "scroll movement" on the body, preventing the mobile browser bottom bar to disappear. It is a one page website which I created to have everything displayed full-screen (no need to scroll anything), so I suppose that it is CSS linked, but I just have absolutely no clue on what is happening. Actually, on my Samsung S20+, only the opened burger menu accepts any page scroll movement, permitting me to hide those navigator bars (up and bottom). But once again, I see no specific CSS differences between that burger menu and the main page. Could anyone help me on this ? I'm so lost with it that I don't even know what kind of information I could add in this post except the URL of the website:
NB: the sources maps are available on the website, for testing purpose
EDIT 1: just noticed that I can achieve the desired result (scroll on page to hide nav bar) by first zooming a little, if it speaks to anyone.
EDIT 2: Also, I may no "refresh the website" by scrolling "out of screen" up.

Ho mine, got it ! Some month ago, to be sure that no forgotten content gets out of the screen, I added a "overflow-y: hidden;" on the body of the index.html file itself! Changing it back to "auto" gave me back full control on mobile. In case of other people would meet the same problem...


How to get rid of dropdown color hamburger menu (and if possible, loading delay) on responsive site?

I have a question.
I have a personal Joomla 3.10.11 site, PHP version 8which has a strange phenomenon when showing up in responsive mode (see picture). The hamburger menu drops down in green, and then dissapears again.
a picture of what happens
If I go to pagespeed, I see this.
Now I am not a developer, but can work via ftp in my site on my .css and other files. How do I solve this?
Can't seem to figure this one out

Why does window.scrollTo() work in chrome on my react site but not in Firefox?

I have a React website here:
If you visit the site in Chrome and scroll down to the "What We Do" section and click on the "Our Services" button, you get taken to the Our Services page. Notice is starts further down on the page and scrolls up to the top. This is because, as an SPA, it doesn't really go to a different page; it stays on the same page and just changes the content. So if you're scrolled half way down the page before you click the button, it will still be half way down the page after you click the button. So I implemented a fix to scroll to the top in the componentDidMount() hook:
componentDidMount() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
However, if you try the same thing in Firefox, it does not work. It stays scrolled half way down the page.
So I can take two approaches to solving this:
Figure out how to get scrolling to work in Firefox.
Figure out a different way of making sure the Services page loads at the top other than using window.scrollTo(0,0).
I'm leaning towards 2) because I have to imagine there must be a way in SPA websites to accomplish what I want.
Does anyone know how I can accomplish either 1) or 2) (preferably 2).

Angular.js + Bootstrap: how to show all views on vertical scroll?

I'm building my first Angular.js + Bootstrap web site.
As far as user interface is concerned, I use a classical top navbar approach, with 7/8 items in navbar linking to the relative views. This is a first version of the site. When you click on "weather", you go to the weather page. When You click on "services", you go to the services page. That's ok.
But, I would like, for a better mobile user experience, when scrolling down, all views to be shown, in sequence... This is an example of what I mean, to be clearer...
Is it possible, preserving the angular.js "routing" logic?
UPDATE: I did change the page contents in the first link, adding two links in navbar, because of Ronni Skansing comment...
UPDATE2: I try to better reformulate the question:
Is it possible, with angular.js (+bootstrap), to design an UI with all views reachable without any click, but continuously, vertical scrolling the page, the way a typical mobile web app user is used to?
I don't think you can really have a single page unless you design your website to be a single page.
Anyway, I found a solution which is very similar to what you would like: simply add a transition on ng-view change. The user won't be able to scroll, it will still have to click on the navbar items. But the sensation will be similar to scrolling. See here the example. (remember to choose the slidedown effect)

Media query issues when resizing to mobile and then back to Desktop

I have a site which uses a different menu for mobile devices than on the Desktop version using media queries. If I resize a desktop browser window to a mobile width and click the mobile navigation dropdown button and then resize the window back to desktop size, the mobile menu remains visible instead of changing back to display:none. Unfortunately this site is still in staging so I cannot show you a live example, but I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of getting that DIV to become hidden again once the window is resized back to full screen.
Also, I realize that the chances of this scenario playing out in the real world are slim, but the client would like for it to be addressed anyway.
I figured out that it was javascript that was showing the DIV in the first place, not a media query, so I just added display:none to the div for the Desktop media query and the issue has gone away. Thanks!

mobile safari white background

I'm creating a web app exclusively for the iPad/mobile-Safari. The homepage is a run-of-the-mill HTML/CSS page with 3 main sections. But once you click on either of the 3 main buttons, you are directed to a page constructed with 2 iFrames (one on top for Nav, one on bottom for Content)
The problem was that before either of these 3 pages loaded there was a quick flash of white color and then the page loaded. I tried hiding the visibility style of the iframe and then onLoad change it to 'visible' and that worked. But it worked only once, when the iFrame-constructed page first loads. Once it loads and I click on a link on that page, the white flash is back because the iFrame has loaded already so it's already visible.
I tried the obvious like adding a css style to the iframe with a background color (also tried an inline style) but the same thing happened. Any ideas on how to solve it? Thanks!
You can do this cheat:
<iframe src="..." style="visibility:hidden;" onload="'visible';"></iframe>
In the content, you can catch all link and form:
document.getElementsByTagName("a").addEventListener("click", function(e){"iframe")[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
First time, your iframe is hidden, and you can see the background of your main page (not white of iframe)
After loaded, Javascript will make iframe is visible and you can see content and background of iframe.
When click a link inside iframe, a trigger will fire, and Javascript will hide iframe again.
I met that problem, and that a whole day to trying to fix, but I cannot except above way. You can meet that issue on Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers, not just on Safari Mobile.
I think the same with KimKha. But "visibility" does not work well sometimes, so I think using "opacity" is better.
<iframe src="..." style="opacity:0;" onload=";"></iframe>
I came across this issue, found lots of solution like KimKha mentions..
None of the solutions assist in further page transitions in the iframe and hiding it really is not a good solution.
With lots of trail and error I came up with the following which fixed my IOS webkit iFrame transition white flash issue, ironically it's such a simple solution:
Just add this to your CSS
change the colour to your desired color.
It looks like what the ultimate issue with IOS webkit is when your iframe calls another page, IOS removes the body from the current page for a split second before rendering the content from the new page. by forcing the HTML to have the background colour (default will naturally be white) this fixes the white flicker.
Also note that if your server is set to not allow caching of the .css file providing the styles then you will always get the flicker.
In apache to ensure caching look at
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 30 days"
