Since I am kind of a beginner to programming, I try to programm as much as possible. I saw a illustration on how an integer array saves its bytes. I tried to make this illustration in c, just for the learning and I wondered if there is a better way than i did it.
The code below works on its own and if there is a more efficient way, it still should have the same output.
I know that my code would be very challenging if the array would have 100 integers.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int lange = 3;
int c[lange];
c[0] = 3;
c[1] = 1;
c[2] = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < lange*4; i++) {
printf("| ");
if (i == 0) {
printf("%d", c[0]);
else if (i==4) {
printf("%d", c[1]);
else if (i==8){
return 0;
This could be done more compactly by changing the if-tree in the loop to be just
if ((i % 4) == 0)
printf("%d", c[i/4]);
or you could print every byte by doing something like
printf("%d", (c[i/4] >> (i%4 * 8)) & 0xff);
You should use a #define C_LEN 3 and use that instead of your magic number 3. You loop prints out a '|' in every iteration so your loop body cannot really be simplified other than:
if(!(i % 4)) printf("%d", c[i/4]);
If you only want to print something for 0, 4 and 8 then you iterate by 4 instead of 1, or better iterate by 1 (see below).
The output is:
| 3| | | | 1| | | | 2| | |
If that is all you want, I would write a single print statement:
printf("| %d| | | | %d| | | | %d| | | ", c[0], c[1], c[2]);
Or if you want a loop on group at a time and just iterate to 3 times:
for (int i = 0; i < C_LEN; i++) {
printf("| %d| | | ", c[i]);
It seems that you are trying to print the elements of the array, based on multiple of 4.
You can generalize your program by creating an array of any size and have your for loop like this:
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lange*4; i++)
printf("| ");
if (i == 0)
index = 0;
else if((i % 4) == 0)
index = i/4;
I am trying to print a series of multi-line strings (ascii art letters here), and when printing them out, the top of each letter moves to the right while the rest of the letter stays in the same position. Here is a screenshot of what occurs:
I do not know why this is happening, as I am fairly new to C; if you have any knowledge about this, please share it!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
typedef const char letter[];
letter Y =
"___ __\n
\\ \\__ / /\n
\\ \\ / /\n
| | |\n
| | |\n
letter O =
"_______ \n
/ __ \\\n
| | | |\n
| |__| |\n
letter U =
" __ __ \n
/ | | \\\n
| | | |\n
| \\_/ |\n
letter L =
" _\n"
"| |\n"
"| |\n"
"| |__\n"
letter S =
" _________\n"
"/ _____/\n"
"\\_____ \\\n"
"/ \\\n"
"/_______ /\n"
" \\/\n";
letter T =
"\\__ ___/\n"
" | |\n"
" | |\n"
" |___|\n";
" \\\\\\|///\n"
" \\\\|//\n"
" \\|/\n"
" ***\n"
" ***\n"
" *\n";
const char *MESSAGE[] = {Y, O, U, L, O, S, T, EXCLAMATION_POINT};
int main() {
int maxY, maxX;
getmaxyx(stdscr, maxY, maxX);
int spacingPerLetter = maxX / 8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
mvprintw(maxY / 2, spacingPerLetter * (i + 1), MESSAGE[i]);
return 0;
The main problem is the newline embedded inside the strings you print.
The first "line" of the letters will be printed in the correct position, but then the newline will reset the position to the first column on the next line.
I recommend that you print each "letter" line by line (without the newlines). This could be helped by having each "letter" be an array of arrays of characters, where each sub-array is one line of the letter:
#define LETTER_WIDTH 11
"___ __",
"\\ \\__ / /",
" \\ \\ / / ",
" | | | ",
" | | | ",
" |__|__| "
I am trying to print each char of an array of matrices for a brick breaker game (the full message would be YOU LOSE). I am new to C and I don't feel too confident about using pointers; I feel that that may be the source of my problem. To try to solve the problem, I've read plenty of online guides on how to deal with strings in C; but the fact that I'm dealing with an array of arrays of arrays of chars makes this task quite a bit harder. If you know how to print matrices of strings (in yet another array) in C, or you have a better solution, please let me know!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LETTER_WIDTH 13
"___ __\n",
"\\ \\__ / /\n",
"\\ \\ / /\n",
"| | |\n",
"| | |\n",
" _______ \n",
" / __ \\\n",
"| | | |\n",
"| |__| |\n",
" \\_______/\n"};
void printLetter(char letter[LETTER_HEIGHT][LETTER_WIDTH]) {
for (int i = 0; i < LETTER_HEIGHT; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < LETTER_WIDTH; j++) {
printf("%c", letter[i][j]);
void printSentence() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
strcpy(*letter, **SENTENCE[i]);
int main() {
return 0;
Firstly this should be better
char* Y[LETTER_HEIGHT] = {
"___ __\n",
"\\ \\__ / /\n",
"\\ \\ / /\n",
"| | |\n",
"| | |\n",
char* O[LETTER_HEIGHT] = {
" _______ \n",
" / __ \\\n",
"| | | |\n",
"| |__| |\n",
" \\_______/\n"};
Now these are arrays of size 6 (you must add one line because O now have height of 5) containing pointers to arrays of chars. Next
char** SENTENCE[2] = {Y, O};
You did some really weird things with this line before, this defines SENTENCE as 2 element array of pointers to array of pointers to char arrays (which are Y and O).
void printLetter(char** letter) {
for (int i = 0; i < LETTER_HEIGHT; i++) {
printf("%s", letter[i]);
This function takes pointer to array of pointers to char arrays. Then goes 6 times and print each array as string. Next
void printSentence() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Here you can use simple for loop to pass to printLetter each pointer to array of pointers to char arrays (which are these letters) from SENTENCE.
or you have a better solution, please let me know!
Yes, there is a much simpler and, I would argue, better solution, it's to place the SENTENCE in a single 2D array and print it in one go, even if you are to use ncurses, this makes your job easier.
Note that with ncurses you can reposition the cursor so you can print each letter separately in one line, you wouldn't need to join them together like you try to do in SENTENCE.
#define LETTER_WIDTH 100
"__ __ ______ \n",
"\\ \\ / / / __ \\\n",
" \\ \\/ / | | | |\n",
" | | | | | |\n",
" | | | |__| |\n",
" |__| \\______/\n"};
void printSentence()
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
printf("%s", SENTENCE[i]);
__ __ ______
\ \ / / / __ \
\ \/ / | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | |__| |
|__| \______/
This question already has answers here:
printing a square with diagonals
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Guys i'm pretty stuck here. I'm trying to learn c and create some very basic code which asks the user to insert a number. Then, this number enters the following formula : 2x+1, then I want it to print a hollow square pattern with a different symbol for rows and columns, and add a + in the corners, diagonals, and a "X" in the middle.
I'm stuck in the very very beginning of the code. I don't know where should I even start. I mean I can't even learn how to make different symbols for the rows and columns.
I'm trying to learn and study it for 3 hours already, watched 20 different YouTube videos and read 20 different coding guides.
It's so frustrating..
I'm attaching a picture of my code & my output, and the desired output on the right.
the code itself:
int size;
printf("Please enter a number that will define the size of the square: \n");
scanf("%d", &size);
size = 2 * size + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= size-2; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= size-2; j++) {
if (j == 1 || j == size - 1) {
else {
printf(" ");
if (i==1 || i==size-2){
else {
printf(" ");
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int size;
printf("Please enter a number that will define the size of the square: \n");
scanf("%d", &size);
size = 2 * size + 1;
const char *spaces=" ";
const char *dashes="-----------------------------------------";
printf("+%.*s+\n", size, dashes);
for(int i=1; i<size/2+1; ++i)
printf("|%.*s\\%.*s/%.*s|\n", i-1, spaces, size-2*i, spaces,i-1, spaces);
printf("|%.*sX%.*s|\n", size/2, spaces, size/2, spaces);
for(int i=size/2+1; i<size; ++i)
printf("|%.*s/%.*s\\%.*s|\n", size-i-1, spaces, 2*(i-size/2)-1, spaces, size-i-1, spaces);
printf("+%.*s+\n", size, dashes);
return 0;
Example Run:
Please enter a number that will define the size of the square: 8
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 4568KB
|\ /|
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| X |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
|/ \|
My problem is to find the repeating sequence of characters in the given array. simply, to identify the pattern in which the characters are appearing.
1: | J | A | M | E | S | O | N | J | A | M | E | S | O | N |
2: | R | O | N | R | O | N | R | O | N | R | O | N | R | O | N |
3: | S | H | A | M | I | L | S | H | A | M | I | L |
4: | C | A | R | P | E | N | T | E | R | C | A | R | P | E | N | T | E | R |
Given the previous data, the result should be:
How to deal with this problem efficiently?
Tongue-in-cheek O(NlogN) solution
Perform an FFT on your string (treating characters as numeric values). Every peak in the resulting graph corresponds to a substring periodicity.
For your examples, my first approach would be to
get the first character of the array (for your last example, that would be C)
get the index of the next appearance of that character in the array (e.g. 9)
if it is found, search for the next appearance of the substring between the two appearances of the character (in this case CARPENTER)
if it is found, you're done (and the result is this substring).
Of course, this works only for a very limited subset of possible arrays, where the same word is repeated over and over again, starting from the beginning, without stray characters in between, and its first character is not repeated within the word. But all your examples fall into this category - and I prefer the simplest solution which could possibly work :-)
If the repeated word contains the first character multiple times (e.g. CACTUS), the algorithm can be extended to look for subsequent occurrences of that character too, not only the first one (so that it finds the whole repeated word, not only a substring of it).
Note that this extended algorithm would give a different result for your second example, namely RONRON instead of RON.
In Python, you can leverage regexes thus:
def recurrence(text):
import re
for i in range(1, len(text)/2 + 1):
m = re.match(r'^(.{%d})\1+$'%i, text)
if m: return
recurrence('abcabc') # Returns 'abc'
I'm not sure how this would translate to Java or C. (That's one of the reasons I like Python, I guess. :-)
First write a method that find repeating substring sub in the container string as below.
boolean findSubRepeating(String sub, String container);
Now keep calling this method with increasing substring in the container, first try 1 character substring, then 2 characters, etc going upto container.length/2.
len = str.length
for (i in 1..len) {
if (len%i==0) {
if (str==str.substr(0,i).repeat(len/i)) {
return str.substr(0,i)
Note: For brevity, I'm inventing a "repeat" method for strings, which isn't actually part of Java's string; "abc".repeat(2)="abcabc"
Using C++:
//Splits the string into the fragments of given size
//Returns the set of of splitted strings avaialble
set<string> split(string s, int frag)
set<string> uni;
int len = s.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i+= frag)
uni.insert(s.substr(i, frag));
return uni;
int main()
string out;
string s = "carpentercarpenter";
int len = s.length();
//Optimistic approach..hope there are only 2 repeated strings
//If that fails, then try to break the strings with lesser number of
for(int i = len/2; i>1;--i)
set<string> uni = split(s,i);
if(uni.size() == 1)
out = *uni.begin();
return 0;
The first idea that comes to my mind is trying all repeating sequences of lengths that divide length(S) = N. There is a maximum of N/2 such lengths, so this results in a O(N^2) algorithm.
But i'm sure it can be improved...
Here is a more general solution to the problem, that will find repeating subsequences within an sequence (of anything), where the subsequences do not have to start at the beginning, nor immediately follow each other.
given an sequence b[0..n], containing the data in question, and a threshold t being the minimum subsequence length to find,
l_max = 0, i_max = 0, j_max = 0;
for (i=0; i<n-(t*2);i++) {
for (j=i+t;j<n-t; j++) {
while (i+l<j && j+l<n && b[i+l] == b[j+l])
if (l>t) {
print "Sequence of length " + l + " found at " + i + " and " + j);
if (l>l_max) {
l_max = l;
i_max = i;
j_max = j;
if (l_max>t) {
print "longest common subsequence found at " + i_max + " and " + j_max + " (" + l_max + " long)";
Start at the beginning of the data, iterate until within 2*t of the end (no possible way to have two distinct subsequences of length t in less than 2*t of space!)
For the second subsequence, start at least t bytes beyond where the first sequence begins.
Then, reset the length of the discovered subsequence to 0, and check to see if you have a common character at i+l and j+l. As long as you do, increment l.
When you no longer have a common character, you have reached the end of your common subsequence.
If the subsequence is longer than your threshold, print the result.
Just figured this out myself and wrote some code for this (written in C#) with a lot of comments. Hope this helps someone:
// Check whether the string contains a repeating sequence.
public static bool ContainsRepeatingSequence(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return false;
for (int i=0; i<str.Length; i++)
// Every iteration, cut down the string from i to the end.
string toCheck = str.Substring(i);
// Set N equal to half the length of the substring. At most, we have to compare half the string to half the string. If the string length is odd, the last character will not be checked against, but it will be checked in the next iteration.
int N = toCheck.Length / 2;
// Check strings of all lengths from 1 to N against the subsequent string of length 1 to N.
for (int j=1; j<=N; j++)
// Check from beginning to j-1, compare against j to j+j.
if (toCheck.Substring(0, j) == toCheck.Substring(j, j)) return true;
return false;
Feel free to ask any questions if it's unclear why it works.
and here is a concrete working example:
/* find greatest repeated substring */
char *fgrs(const char *s,size_t *l)
char *r=0,*a=s;
while( *a )
char *e=strrchr(a+1,*a);
if( !e )
do {
size_t t=1;
for(;&a[t]!=e && a[t]==e[t];++t);
if( t>*l )
while( --e!=a && *e!=*a );
} while( e!=a && *e==*a );
return r;
size_t t;
const char *p;
while( t-- ) putchar(*p++);
while( t-- ) putchar(*p++);
while( t-- ) putchar(*p++);
while( t-- ) putchar(*p++);
Not sure how you define "efficiently". For easy/fast implementation you could do this in Java:
private static String findSequence(String text) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(.+?)\\1+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
return matcher.matches() ? : null;
it tries to find the shortest string (.+?) that must be repeated at least once (\1+) to match the entire input text.
This is a solution I came up with using the queue, it passed all the test cases of a similar problem in codeforces. Problem No is 745A.
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main()
string s, s1, s2; cin >> s; queue<char> qu; qu.push(s[0]); bool flag = true; int ind = -1;
s1 = s.substr(0, s.size() / 2);
s2 = s.substr(s.size() / 2);
if(s1 == s2)
for(int i=0; i<s1.size(); i++)
s += s1[i];
//cout << s1 << " " << s2 << " " << s << "\n";
for(int i=1; i<s.size(); i++)
if(qu.front() == s[i]) {qu.pop();}
int cycle = qu.size();
/*queue<char> qu2 = qu; string str = "";
cout << qu2.front() << " ";
str += qu2.front();
if(s[++ind] != qu.front()) {flag = false; break;}
flag == true ? cout << cycle : cout << s.size();
return 0;
I'd convert the array to a String object and use regex
Put all your character in an array e.x. a[]
i=0; j=0;
for( 0 < i < count )
if (a[i] == a[i+j+1])
Then the ratio of (i/j) = repeat count in your array.
You must pay attention to limits of i and j, but it is the simple solution.