SSIS Project Failing When Running As SQL Server Agent Job - sql-server

I have designed a SSIS project and deployed it to SQL server and also created the job to run on daily basis but its giving me this error when executing this as job (doesnt give any error within VS):
There is this CLSid in this error message but there is no application associated to it in
--> Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config
But this CLSid is registered inside registry editor
About this particular task on which this error is occurring: This is a script task which is modifying and deleting the un-wanted rows from the excel file in which I am trying to write SQL table data.
Script task code looks like this:
I have been working for hours now trying to fix this problem but no success. Kindly guide me how can I fix this issue. If any other information is required related to this project, please let me know....

Doing Excel automation in a SQL Server agent job is totally unsupported and probably won't work.
To have even a ghost of a chance of making this work you'll need to run a real desktop session on the server and automate Excel in that. Excel expects a real user to be logged in with a full profile. And Excel has failure conditions where it displays a popup window, which you'll need to be able to access via remote desktop.
You can read and write Excel files on a server with the OpenXML SDK, without actually having to run Excel. There's also a wrapper library called ClosedXML which you may find easier to use than using OpenXML directly.

You need to install Office (Excel) on the server AND ensure that you install it in a manner that mirrors the SQL Agent's expected bit-edness. Default for Agent is going to be 64bit, default for Office is still 32 :(
Error guessing
You have a script task that uses the Office interop libraries to delete some rows (2 through 11?) out of a spreadsheet.
You have Office installed on your machine and therefore you have the libraries installed. Excel still has COM based "stuff" in it, thus the interop and errors shrieking about the CLSid, registry, etc but that's likely just secondary errors because there is no base "application is not installed" exception to be thrown.
If Office is installed, then ensure your agent execution model matches the version of Office. If 32 bit Excel is already installed, don't potentially break everyone else's stuff by uninstalling and reinstalling as 64 bit, just got the Advanced section of the SQL Agent Job Step and check the 32bit box.
Once all that's done, then if you're still getting errors but new ones, then the existing comments mentioning permissions may come into play - it depends on where the Excel document actually exists (on the computer where SQL agent can access vs on the computer where it cannot vs networked drive)
Good luck in not finding people on the sanctions lists.


SSIS package stuck in validation phase beginning when trying to import/export excel files

On our servers (windows 2016, SQL reporting server 2016, Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016) we run 2 SSIS packages. 1 imports data from an excel file to the database and 1 exports data from the database to an excel file. Both are xlsx files.
We run this exact package on TST, ACC, RES and PRD (same server and access setup). We didn't have any issues until a week ago the packages on PRD just kept on getting stuck in the "beginning validation phase" of the Dataflow Task. The other environments are fine.
We've determined that it is not a problem in the application since a simple read package that we created for this issue, gave the same problem. It doesn't seem to be an access issue either. The account that runs the script is sysadmin in SQL and local admin on the fileserver.
We also tried
• Only using one import flows instead of two in Data Flow task: no change
• Set connection managers for OLE DB sources are all set toDelayValidation to True: no change SSIS pre-evaluation phase taking long
• Set ValidateExternalMetadata is set to false for Excel Sources: no change SSIS pre-evaluation phase taking long
• Reinstall Microsoft Access Database Engine on server: no change
• Tested reading a flat file (txt) which worked without issue.
We're fresh out of ideas so any help would be greatly appreciated.
When manually trying to run the import/export wizard (and selecting excel file) I get "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application". Investigating this message as well.
If you had no problem reading a text file then that would point me to the excel driver (32 or 64), however I would think if that was the issue you would see a connection error. Do this as test.
Go to the console and open excel on the server. This will let you know if you have some licensing issue or something preventing excel from opening on the server.
Import a small amount of data into SQL server from excel using the import data into a test database (or just make a test table). Be sure to use the same driver you are using in the SSIS package.

SSIS Foreach File Enumerator finds no files when executed from deployed package

I've seen this question asked several times but never with a satisfacory answer. I have read through all the posts I can related to this and tried as much as I possibly can.
I have an SSIS package that loops thru a network folder of Excel files, I won't explain what it does inseide the loop container as that is not relevant.
I refernce the folder via a UNC \servername\folder
The package works fine from within Visual Studio.
I deployed the package to the Integration Services Catalogs on the
After I deploy, I connect to the server from my local pc via SSMS and then I execute it from SSMS via "Integration Services Catalogs"... Execute - This fails.
However If I remote desktop onto the SQL Server box, then start SSMS, connect to the SQL Server using my own credentials and execute the package using exactly the same method as above it works fine.
When I look in the logs of the failed attempts I see a warning that "The For Each File enumerator is empty". I'm not sure if this is telling the full story as, if I rename the network folder, I get the same message, (I expected to see an error that the folder was not found) - this may or may not be relevant.
I've sketched up a quick overview of what works and what doesn't
NOTE The "script execution" method is just a t-sql script for running these packages. This is the method I will use eventually but at the moment I'm focusing on the simple right-click execute method as this essentially does the same thing.
Since I did this I have tried a few more things...
I've tried accessing the folder as a UNC, a mapped drive and also UNC using IP address instead of server name.
I recreated the issue on our development server so I could change
service accounts etc.
I tried the default accounts on both SSIS and SQL Agent services.
I tried changing these to domain accounts and network service accounts.
I get the package to log the folder name which is and expression - this always looks correct. I do the same with the user name which always shows me as the exection user.
I can change most things as I can test on the development server with the excpetion of testing with a domain admin account so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

SSIS package to load XLSX to SQL fails when run in Agent with Unexpected Termination

Let me start by saying I've read just about everything on 'Unexpected Termination' errors the last few days and am none the wiser!
I have a number of XLSX files in a network folder, and have 2 packages in a project to read them and load to SQL server (2017) using Excel connector (ACE.16) on dev and prod.
One package loops through about 35 workbooks and appends them all to a single SQL table.
The second package simply reads a single (~5mb) file and writes to a SQL table (with a single data transformation along the way - its not that, I removed it and it still failed)
Both packages use same source folder.
Both packages write to same destination DB.
Both packages run fine on my local machine.
Both packages can be executed correctly from the SSISDB catalog on the server (Right-click-->Execute).
When scheduled in Agent (we have a proxy account with correct folder permissions) the looping package runs just fine, whilst the simpler package fails with 'Unexpected Termination'
Verbose logging reveals nothing, as does Event Viewer on the SQL box.
I started to look into other options such as converting to CSV first using Script Task and Excel Interop but we are a 365 site now so we'd need Office client installs on dev and production server (and not knowing much C# won't help!)
My next route is to see if I can get it to write to CSV destination successfully. If so then I might be able to go XLSX-->CSV-->SQL without having to use Interop or external libraries.
Unfortunately I've not been able to turn up anything further in my searches, so wondered if someone more enlightened than me might be able to suggest where to look next.

SQL Server : change SSIS package configuration (connection string)

I'm maintaining a project using Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP1) (according to this script) which heavily depends on recurring jobs (mirroring certain external db's and so on).
Especially the mirroring jobs are essentially based on SSIS packages which define a datasource, then execute a hardcoded SQL query and afterwards store the results in the specified destination.
Unfortunately the source databases where moved to a different domain and thus aren't accessible via the previous url.
My issue right now is that I simply have to change the source destination url but I'm not able to do that. There are plenty of ways to 'modify' SSIS packages but none of them seem to work with me.
What I managed (and seems the most promising) to do is to open the 'Integration Services...' part of my db, export the jobs to my desktop, modify them with Notepad and reimport them. And they seem to work if I execute them separately. But as soon as I try to execute the packages via SQL Server Agent it fails screaming:
Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state."
Does somebody know whats going on here and how I'm able to solve this? No password or username changed, only the connection string.
Is it even possible to manage a package like that?
Thank you for your help!
After further investigation I detected that even a newly created job didn't run properly. It was kind of strange that a package would run without any issues while directly executed but not via the SQL Server Agent, so I assumed it may be a rights issue and it was!
Somehow the Server Agent wasn't allowed to decrypt (although I never changed the executing user of a step) the password anymore.
I was able to work around my issue by simply creating each SSIS package again (some click hell but ok) but this time I secured 'sensitive data' with a password instead of the users key.
Afterwards I had to change each job step with a reference to to the damaged ssis packages and obviously type in the new passwords.
Seems to work again.
Thanks anyway

SQL Job completes successfully but does not execute packages

I have taken a look at several articles including this unanswered question: SQL Server Job runs successfully but doesn't execute packages
I have the exact same problem in SQL Server 2012 using the integration services MSDB catalog. I can execute the SSIS packages manually from that catalog, but the agent job doesn't do anything except state that it completed successfully. I have also executed my SSIS packages from within Visual Studio and they worked just fine. Here's the situation and am wondering if it may be permissions:
SSIS packages look for Excel files matching criteria in a network location.
Once found, the SSIS packages writing the data into the database and archive the file to another folder on that same network location.
Emails are sent upon any failure of import of data into the database or migration into the archive folders.
I have the SQL Agent job running the SSIS packages from a package store (MSDB) using the SQL Server Agent Service Account to run under. Currently we are not doing any sort of project deployment to these servers so I am sticking with package deployment. Here are some steps I've taken:
Run packages manually from Visual Studio 2010 (fully successful).
Run packages manually from SQL Server MSDB catalog (fully successful).
Run job manually from SQL Server Agent using parent package as a step that will execute child packages as an external reference (success but nothing happens).
Run job manually from SQL Server Agent using each package as its own step excluding the parent package (success but nothing happens).
Any ideas? Permissions to the network location or need a proxy? Again, I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition 64-bit. Many thanks for any help you can provide.
Found the problem. My SSIS package has a foreach loop container and, while the tasks inside the loop container couldn't access the destination, the loop container technically completed successfully. We had to give permissions to the account the steps were running under for the job to correct that. These permissions were put on the network location to allow that account access to read and write to that location. Additionally, my Excel connection was 64-bit so we enabled it to 32-bit runtime and this allowed that portion of the process to complete successfully. I re-enabled any disabled tasks and it looks good to go now. Thanks!
I have also faced this scenario many times but when I checked running the package manually,its completing successfully because I was using for each loop container and sequence container as well.In both cases for each loop and sequence were completing without validating other ones.So I checked precedence constraint and change it,Now it working and all the component ran successfully.
Sometimes we miss to choose appropriate precedence constraint, there are many option like on Success ,failure,completion and then for you can choose values from Constraint ,Expression,Expression AND Constraint and Expression OR Constraint.
Initially i was using Expression OR Constraint for success and now changed it to Expression AND Constraint, its working fine for me.
You also need to do this,it will definitely work please try and let me know.
