Checkmark group of checkboxes based on array values - arrays

Forgive me there are a lot of questions asking this same thing but from over 10+ years ago.
Is there any way to checkmark a group of checkboxes based on an array in React? I have an array saved within state (stepThree) that I need to pulldown when a user returns to this screen within a multistep form. I'm looking for a way that the values within that array become/stay checked upon return to that screen so it shows the user their previous selections.
Current set-up explained below
State is opened with empty checkedBox array and stepThree initialized to pull responses later. checkedBox is eventually cloned into stepThree.
this.state = {
checkedBox: [],
stepThree: this.props.getStore().stepThree,
Boxes that are checked by the user are added to checkedBox array or removed if unchecked.
handleCheckboxChange = (event) =>{
const isChecked =; //Grab the value of the clicked checkbox
if (this.state.checkedBox.includes(isChecked)) {
// If the checked value already exists in the array remove it
} else {
// If it does not exist, add it
Validate and store the completed array on clicking next
if (Object.keys(validateNewInput).every((k) => { return validateNewInput[k] === true })) {
if (this.props.getStore().stepThreeObjects != this.state.checkedBox) { // only update store of something changed
// Store the values of checkedBox inside stepThree and run updateStore to save the responses
} else {
// Return an error
Sample checkbox
<label className="choice-contain">
<span>Checkbox Sample</span>
value="Checkbox Sample"
name="Question 3"
I've tried to create a persistCheckmark function that pulls the values of the array from stepThree and then does a comparison returning true/false like I do in the handler but since this is not an event I can't figure out how to trigger that function on return to the step.
Currently when returning to the step nothing is checked again and I believe that has to do with checkedBox being initiated as empty.
persistCheckmark(event) {
const isChecked =; //Grab the value of the clicked checkbox
if (this.state.stepThree.includes(isChecked)) {
return true;
} else {
return false

Figured it out thanks to an old post here: How do I set a group of checkboxes using values?
Just updated the filter for when the component mounts
componentDidMount() {
if (this.state.stepThree != undefined) {
var isChecked = this.state.stepThree
$('input[type="checkbox"]').filter(function() {
return $.inArray(this.value, isChecked) != -1;
}).prop('checked', true);
} else { return }
and then added a ternary in the state initiation to check the storage and copy it over so it doesn't initialize as empty every time.
checkedBox: this.props.getStore().stepThree != undefined ? this.props.getStore().stepThree : [],


How to keep the check box checked , when navigating to other page of react pagination

I want to ask , how to keep save the id's of the check boxes in a state , and whenever i switched back to first page it automatically search the element with id and mark check boxes automatically.
and if i unmark the checkbox , it deletes the id from the state.
i am able to think about the logic , but cant able to code,it
Small help ,will leads to solve this problem
While switching to other pages, i am succesfully saving the data ,by updating the state
// push all the unique objects (combination of previous state of selectedPayments and data from list)
setSelectedPayments((prevState) => {
var arr = [...prevState, ...list];
var newState = [ Map( => [, item])).values(),
return newState;
console.log('Selected payments are', selectedPayments);
Also , removing the objects , if again the checkbox is unchecked ,and updating the state
// pull all the objects , which got unChecked
setSelectedPayments((prevState) => {
var newState = prevState.filter(function (objFromA) {
return !list.find(function (objFromB) {
return ===;
return newState;
Only facing issue with keeping track of the checked boxes, i have implimented this, this is keeping track of main(parent checkbox).
How to extract the ids saved and check the checkboxes when we naviagete from one page to another
let elementId =;
if (selectedBoxes.includes(elementId)) {
const newArray = selectedBoxes.filter((e) => e !== elementId);
} else {
setSelectedBoxes((prevState) => {
return [...prevState, elementId];
First i modified the Res Json , so that it set's a property isSelected = true,
by comparing the element from the selectedPayments
inAll check handler , i set the selectedPayments like this
And render using this
This is how ,i solved this problem.
** Better and improved answers are always welcome, please share your views.

Modal popping up at the wrong time due to state

So I have two modals that I am using one of them was already implemented and behaves as expected however when I've added the other modal depending on the condition of if there is any true value when mapping over the array the way it works right now both modals show when there is a true value. I think this is because there are multiple false values returned from my .includes() function before the true appears. I think a good solution for this would be to make an array of all the values returned when I run .includes() on the entries then I can check that array for any true values but I cant seem to get the values into an array. When I try and push them into an array they just all push into their own separate arrays. This may be the wrong approach if it is can you explain what a better approach would be:
const checkPending = () => {
if(entries){ => {
const desc = descriptions.description
//check if there are any pending tests
const check = desc.includes("pending")
//if the check returns true show the pending modal if it doesnt set the other modal to true
if(check === true){
onClick={() => checkPending()}
className={`${styles.headerButton} mr-2`}
Add File
<Plus />
setShowModal & setShowPendingM are both passed from a parent component as props. They are both initialized as false. The most straightforward question I can pose is is there any way to say if there are any true values returned from .includes then do something even if there are false values present
I think this is how your checkingPending method should look like.
const checkPending = () => {
let pending = false;
entries.forEach((descriptions) => {
const desc = descriptions.description
pending = true;
if(pending) {
} else {
Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Conditional dropdowns with react-select in react-final-form initialized from the state

I'm using react-select and react-final-form for conditional dropdowns, where options for the second select are provided by a <PickOptions/> component based on the value of the first select (thanks to this SO answer).
Here is the component:
/** Changes options and clears field B when field A changes */
const PickOptions = ({ a, b, optionsMap, children }) => {
const aField = useField(a, { subscription: { value: 1 } });
const bField = useField(b, { subscription: {} });
const aValue = aField.input.value.value;
const changeB = bField.input.onChange;
const [options, setOptions] = React.useState(optionsMap[aValue]);
React.useEffect(() => {
changeB(undefined); // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
return children(options || []);
It clears the second select when the value of the first one changes by changeB(undefined). I've also set the second select to the first option in an array by passing initialValue. As I need to initialize the values from the state, I ended up with the following code:
initialValue={[index] &&[index].secondOption
: options.filter(
option => option.type === "option"
But it doesn't work. Initial values from the state are not being passed to the fields rendered by <PickOptions/>. If I delete changeB(undefined) from the component, the values are passed but then the input value of the second select is not updated, when the value of the first select changes (even though the options have been updated). Here is the link to my codesandbox.
How can I fix it?
I was able to get this to work by taking everything that is mapped by the section and wrapping it in it's own component to ensure that each of them have separate states. Then I just put the changeB(undefined) function in the return call of the useEffect hook to clear the secondary selects after the user selects a different option for the first select like so:
React.useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup() {
changeB(undefined) // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
You can see how it works in this sandbox: React Final Form - Clear Secondary Selects.
To change the secondary select fields, you will need to pass an extra prop to PickOptions for the type of option the array corresponds to. I also subscribe and keep track of the previous bValue to check if it exists in the current bValueSet array. If it exists, we leave it alone, otherwise we update it with the first value in its corresponding optionType array.
// subscibe to keep track of previous bValue
const bFieldSubscription = useField(b, { subscription: { value: 1 } })
const bValue = bFieldSubscription.input.value.value
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
// if the previous bValue does not exist in the current bValueSet then changeB
if (!bValueSet.some(x => x.value === bValue)) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
Here is the sandbox for that method: React Final Form - Update Secondary Selects.
I also changed your class component into a functional because it was easier for me to see and test what was going on but it this method should also work with your class component.
Based on the previous answer I ended up with the following code in my component:
// subscibe to keep track of aField has been changed
const aFieldSubscription = useField(a, { subscription: { dirty: 1 } });
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
if (aFieldSubscription.meta.dirty) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
This way it checks whether the aField has been changed by the user, and if it's true it sets the value of the bField to the first option in an array.

How to check dynamically rendered checkboxes

I'm rendering some checkboxes dynamically, but currently I'm only able to check the first box, and all other boxes operate the first one. How do I get the boxes to work independently of each other?
This is typescript in React. I've tried changing the interface I'm referencing in the function, thinking I was referencing the wrong thing, but none of those worked.
This is the function:
handleCheckboxClick = (entitlement: IApiEntitlements, checked: boolean): void => {
if (checked === true) {
} else {
const index: number = this.selectedEntitlementIDs.indexOf(;
this.selectedEntitlementIDs.splice(index, 1);
let entitlementChecked: IEntitlementChecked = this.state.entitlementChecked;
entitlementChecked[] = checked;
let selectAll: boolean = false;
if (this.selectedEntitlementIDs.length === this.state.responses.apiResponses.apiClients.length) {
selectAll = true;
entitlementChecked: entitlementChecked,
selectAll: selectAll
console.log(this.selectedEntitlementIDs, 'hi');
console.log(entitlementChecked, 'hello');
And this is where it's being called:
return (
I expect each checkbox to be able to be checked, but currently on the first one works, and all others check or uncheck that first one.
You shouldn't keep an array as a property on the class that keeps track of selected items, this isn't tied to the React lifecycle and could potentially not update the view when you want to. Instead you should just use your map (entitlementChecked) you already have to determine if something is checked or not.
handleCheckboxClick(id) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
entitlementChecked: {
[id]: !prevState.entitlementChecked[id]
When calling the handler method, you can just pass the id through that you need specifically.
Here's a rudimentary example for more detail :)

Angular 6 dynamic checkboxes keyvalue return array of IDs

I have a list of dynamic checkboxes using keyvalue pipe that returns objects rather than just array of selected IDs.
can anyone help pls, I need the form to submit just an array of selected user IDs.
here's the log of a similar form with a multi-select (countries):
console log
I need users (checkboxes) to return an array like countries (multi-select) as in the log above.
Change your OnSubmit function to
onSubmit() {
var usersObj = this.userForm.value.users;
var selectedUserIds = [];
for (var userId in usersObj) {
if (usersObj.hasOwnProperty(userId)) {
if(usersObj[userId])//If selected
Here is updated code
If you want to submit as a Form then add a hidden field to form
<input type="hidden" name="selectedUserIds" value=""/>
set value selectedUserIds from onSubmit and submit the form code.
So, it happens that I have been overthinking the solution in thinking that like the multiselect, checkboxes would/could return a ready array of selected items.
The rather simple solution was from reading another of Eliseo's posts combined with Jaba Prince's answer:
onSubmit() {
var usersObj = this.userForm.value.users;
var selectedUserIds = [];
for (var userId in usersObj) {
if (usersObj.hasOwnProperty(userId)) {
if(usersObj[userId])//If selected
let data = {
users: selectedUserIds
// post data in service call
Many thanks to you two!
