Playwright x Docusaurs - Integrate and publish test report - reactjs

I have a Docusaurus site for documentation, to which I would like to publish the HTML test report from Playwright. These are two project in separate repositories.
A new html report is continuously generated upon each test execution and I want the latest version to be available on docusaurus site.
Any advice on the best way to integrate this in a CI/CD workflow between the two?


How to setup Adobe Analytics in webapp react typescript using Experience Platform Launch

How to setup Adobe Analytics in web app react typescript using Experience Platform Launch?
I have just js scripts like this:
<SCRIPT src="//<hash>-staging.js"></SCRIPT>
<script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script>
So, the question is how I can implement page tracking using those two scripts?
I want to create a component to track page switching when users walkthrough
Go to Launch, go into the property that you want to release. Then Go to the Environments:
It will give you the script to deploy:
Once you've deployed and tested the deployments, you can make a rule in Launch. In the rule, you set up triggers, conditions and actions. This explains it well.

How to use Azure DevOps for building React Applications?

Can we use Build Tools like "WebPack" or "SnowPack" within Azure DevOps for building React Applications?
When you create the build pipeline for your React App, we have provided the template (Node.js with React) for use.
In this template, it has contained the basic tasks to build the React App. You can add other tasks or delete the existing tasks as needed.
For more details, you also can reference this document.

Integrating Angular CLI with Squarespace

I am interested to know if anyone has been able to successfully use Angular CLI in a Squarespace site.
I have been searching for answers to this problem but can't find a solution. I know that you can add custom scripts to a Squarespace site and/or add scripts via CDN but Angular CLI apps are usually deployed using a different method.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
NOTE: I know that this is not a best practice and devs should deploy their Angular CLI app via AWS or with a similar platform.
I'm surprised no one has answered this. Yes, there's no reason why you couldn't use AngularJS or any other Javascript library with Squarespace. You'll need a 'Business' level account, however, and you'll want to check out the developer portal here:
Squarespace provides you with a Git repository and a CLI that you can download via NPM that will let you run a local squarespace server and develop your site from scratch or with a base template.
You can check out their docs on 3rd party avascript (e.g. Angular) here:
Since your question is specifically about using the CLI, I would just note whatever your final 'production' bundle looks like and include that in your git repository, so that you can reference it in your main html page.

Angular 2 Deployment

When using Angular 1, development is easy, just quote script in html such as
Deployment is just copy a few .js/.html/.css files to my iis server.
However, when testing with Angular 2, many npm/typescript packages (more than 500 files) are included in a simple hellow world webpage.
Is there any tools that help for deploying Angular 2 apps?
Angular 2 comes with many build options.Most popular and recommended one is Angular cli.
It uses web pack which is powerful framework for building client side applications and minification,bundling,cache bursting, even gzip compression are inbuilt which are great to reduce package footprint and make your life easier for angular 2 application build and deployment.
App specific file copying or custom logic can be incorporated using gulp :

How to install express.js in directory where there is a template angular.js?

I have a ready template created with angular.js, it is divided into views, how do I install this directory express, which folders to merge? and how to make that template files do not get lost?
You can configure it in whatever manner you want, but i would suggest you to set up your server side stuffs first. Ensure it is working and then bring in the assets, Angular sources and libs.
To make your development faster, express provides generators, just run this command it will create default set of files for you. Off course you can change the folder structure to the one that suits best to your application.
Once Express it working fine, then embed the client side stuffs, recommended would be to keep it in a separate directory. Most people like to keep folder names client(for client side scripts) and server(for server related scripts).
Most new single page applications are being developed in MEAN stack(Mongo, ExpressJS, AngularJS, MongoDB). There are some interesting seed projects such as and MEAN.js, which i think would be helpful for you in order to setup the project and quickly get started.
Also do checkout grunt and bower.
Grunt is javascript task runner which can help you automate many of your tedious tasks.
