<a> cannot appear as a descendant of <a>. Nextjs - reactjs

I kept getting this error: Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
Here is my code:
import { Fragment } from "react";
import { Menu, Transition } from "#headlessui/react";
import { ChevronDownIcon } from "#heroicons/react/20/solid";
import React from "react";
import { BsFillRecordCircleFill, BsFunnel } from "react-icons/bs";
import { FiCircle } from "react-icons/fi";
import Link from "next/link";
function classNames(...classes) {
return classes.filter(Boolean).join(" ");
const Filter = () => {
return (
<div className="">
{/* Menu */}
<Menu as="div" className="relative inline-block text-left">
<Menu.Button className="inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md border border-gray-300 bg-[#1F3C71] text-white px-4 py-3 text-sm font-medium shadow-sm focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-gray-100 gap-1 items-center">
<BsFunnel />
<p className="bg-white text-[#1F3C71] rounded-full w-5 h-5">2</p>
enter="transition ease-out duration-100"
enterFrom="transform opacity-0 scale-95"
enterTo="transform opacity-100 scale-100"
leave="transition ease-in duration-75"
leaveFrom="transform opacity-100 scale-100"
leaveTo="transform opacity-0 scale-95"
<Menu.Items className="absolute z-10 mt-2 w-56 origin-top-right rounded-md bg-white shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none">
<div className="py-1">
<div className="flex items-center justify-between py-2 px-5">
<p className="font-bold">Filters</p>
<p className="font-semibold text-[#1F3C71]">Apply</p>
<hr />
{({ active }) => (
<main className="flex items-center">
<BsFillRecordCircleFill className="ml-6 text-[#1F3C71]" />
active ? "bg-white text-gray-900" : "text-gray-700",
"block px-4 py-2 text-sm"
{({ active }) => (
<main className="flex items-center">
<FiCircle className="ml-6" />
active ? "bg-white text-gray-900" : "text-gray-700",
"block px-4 py-2 text-sm"
{({ active }) => (
<main className="flex items-center">
<BsFillRecordCircleFill className="ml-6 text-[#1F3C71]" />
active ? "bg-white text-gray-900" : "text-gray-700",
"block px-4 py-2 text-sm"
Data Range
export default Filter;
I try to change the Link tag but still having the issue.
I also got this error as well: There was an error while hydrating. Because the error happened outside of a Suspense boundary, the entire root will switch to client rendering.


How can i open the page with a active tab depending on the previous route?

I have the following page with three tabs("Info", "Rules", and "Wiki"):
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Navbar } from '../components';
function Information() {
const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState('instrucciones');
return (
<Navbar>Información y normativa</Navbar>
<div className="relative pt-16 pb-16 min-h-screen w-screen bg-gray-200">
<div className="w-full overflow-visible ">
<div className="flex overflow-x-scroll no-scrollbar max-w-full mt-4 ml-4 whitespace-nowrap">
onClick={() => setSelectedTab('instrucciones')}
className={`flex-1 py-2 px-4 text-center text-black bg-white rounded-full ${
selectedTab === 'instrucciones'
? 'bg-primary font-bold active'
: 'hover:border-stone-400'
} mr-4`}
onClick={() => setSelectedTab('normativa')}
className={`flex-1 py-2 px-4 text-center text-black bg-white rounded-full ${
selectedTab === 'normativa'
? 'bg-primary font-bold active'
: 'hover:border-stone-400'
} mr-4`}
onClick={() => setSelectedTab('wiki')}
className={`flex-1 py-2 px-4 text-center text-black bg-white rounded-full ${
selectedTab === 'wiki'
? 'bg-primary font-bold active'
: 'hover:border-stone-400'
{selectedTab === 'instrucciones' && (
<h1 className="mt-6 ml-3 p-3 text-left text-lg font-bold text-black">
{selectedTab === 'normativa' && (
<h1 className="mt-6 ml-3 p-3 text-left text-lg font-bold text-black">
{selectedTab === 'wiki' && (
<h1 className="mt-6 ml-3 p-3 text-left text-lg font-bold text-black">
export default Information;
I´m trying to open it with the tab wiki active when the user clicks on the Information button from the page /wiki (that´s the route), for any other page, it should open with the tab Info. How can I go about it? I´ve tried using useLocation but i received a empty ''.
you recieved empty because you are not using any routing at all, you are using conditional rendering instead, which is wrong. you have to change a lot of things(you have to use things like BrowserRouter, Routes, Route, Link) so I recommend reading docs about routing https://reactrouter.com/en/main/router-components/browser-router

Using tailwindcss flowbite react Navbar.Toggle hamburger menu Does not work properly

As I mention in my title Using tailwindcss and flowbite react Navbar. Toggle hamburger menu does not work properly.
I'm using flowbite react navbar component plugin for tailwindcss and got this weird hamburger menu with words in it. It supposes to be an icon instead of an Open main menu with an icon. Please refer to the code and image below for info.
Anyone had a solution for this?
Here is my code:
<Navbar.Brand className='container flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between mx-auto'>
className='flex items-center'>
className='h-6 mr-3 sm:h-9'
alt='Flowbite Logo'
<span className='self-center text-xl font-semibold whitespace-nowrap dark:text-white'>
Logo here
<div className='hidden lg:block'>
className='dark:text-white p-5'
className='dark:text-white p-5'
className='dark:text-white p-5'
<div className='flex md:order-2'>
{theme === 'dark' ? (
className='text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center mr-3 md:mr-0 dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800'>
Light Mode
) : (
className='text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center mr-3 md:mr-0 dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800'>
Dark Mode
<Navbar.Toggle />
<Navbar.Collapse className='p-5'>
<Link to='/'>
<Link to='/academy'>
<Link to='/signal'>
<Navbar.Link>Signal Group</Navbar.Link>
Nvm i will just revamp the whole thing manually instead using their navbar toggle
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Navbar } from 'flowbite-react';
import Logo from '../assets/logo.svg';
import { BsMenuUp } from 'react-icons/bs';
import { IconContext } from 'react-icons';
const Navigation = () => {
const [theme, setTheme] = useState('light');
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (theme === 'dark') {
} else {
}, [theme]);
const handleThemeSwitch = () => {
setTheme(theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark');
return (
<Navbar fluid={true} rounded={false}>
<Navbar.Brand className="container flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between mx-auto">
<Link to="/" className="flex items-center">
<img src={Logo} className="h-6 mx-3 sm:h-9" alt="Flowbite Logo" />
<span className="self-center text-xl font-semibold whitespace-nowrap dark:text-white">
Some Logo Here
<div className="hidden lg:block">
<Link className="dark:text-white p-5" to="/">
<Link className="dark:text-white p-5" to="/academy">
<Link className="dark:text-white p-5" to="/signal">
<div className="flex md:order-2">
{theme === 'dark' ? (
className="text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center mr-3 md:mr-0 dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800"
Light Mode
) : (
className="text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center mr-3 md:mr-0 dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800"
Dark Mode
<div className="lg:hidden flex align-middle justify-center p-1 text-gray-800 dark:text-white">
<IconContext.Provider value={{ size: 30 }}>
<BsMenuUp onClick={(e) => setToggle(!toggle)} />
{toggle ? (
<div className="p-2 m-5 bg-white dark:bg-gray-600 rounded-lg dark:text-white w-full">
<Navbar.Link as={Link} to="/">
<Navbar.Link as={Link} to="/academy">
<Navbar.Link as={Link}>About</Navbar.Link>
) : null}
export default Navigation;

implementing session in nextauth is disabling the model

I'm trying to implement google authentication on my nextjs app. i'm implementing this in my layout component,
when i use user = null and isLoadingUser the button is loading fine but when changed to user = session?.user and isloadingUser = 'loading' the button is set being set to disabled?
Layout coponent code:
import { Fragment, useState } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import Head from 'next/head';
import Link from 'next/link';
import Image from 'next/image';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import AuthModal from './AuthModal';
import { Menu, Transition } from '#headlessui/react';
import {
} from '#heroicons/react/outline';
import { ChevronDownIcon } from '#heroicons/react/solid';
import { useSession, signOut } from 'next-auth/react';
const menuItems = [
label: 'List a new home',
icon: PlusIcon,
href: '/list',
label: 'My homes',
icon: HomeIcon,
href: '/homes',
label: 'Favorites',
icon: HeartIcon,
href: '/favorites',
label: 'Logout',
icon: LogoutIcon,
onClick: signOut,
const Layout = ({ children = null }) => {
const router = useRouter();
const { data: session, status } = useSession()
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
const user = session?.user
const isLoadingUser = 'loading';
const openModal = () => setShowModal(true);
const closeModal = () => setShowModal(false);
return (
<title>SupaVacation | The Modern Dev</title>
content="Learn how to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, PlanetScale & Prisma | The Modern Dev"
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<div className="min-h-screen flex flex-col">
<header className="h-16 w-full shadow-md">
<div className="h-full container mx-auto">
<div className="h-full px-4 flex justify-between items-center space-x-4">
<Link href="/">
<a className="flex items-center space-x-1">
<SparklesIcon className="shrink-0 w-8 h-8 text-rose-500" />
<span className="text-xl font-semibold tracking-wide">
Supa<span className="text-rose-600">Vacation</span>
<div className="flex items-center space-x-4">
<Link href="/create">
<a className="hidden sm:block hover:bg-gray-200 transition px-3 py-1 rounded-md">
List your home
{isLoadingUser ? (
<div className="h-8 w-[75px] bg-gray-200 animate-pulse rounded-md" />
) : user ? (
<Menu as="div" className="relative z-50">
<Menu.Button className="flex items-center space-x-px group">
<div className="shrink-0 flex items-center justify-center rounded-full overflow-hidden relative bg-gray-200 w-9 h-9">
{user?.image ? (
alt={user?.name || 'Avatar'}
) : (
<UserIcon className="text-gray-400 w-6 h-6" />
<ChevronDownIcon className="w-5 h-5 shrink-0 text-gray-500 group-hover:text-current" />
enter="transition ease-out duration-100"
enterFrom="opacity-0 scale-95"
enterTo="opacity-100 scale-100"
leave="transition ease-in duration-75"
leaveFrom="opacity-100 scale-100"
leaveTo="opacity-0 scale-95"
<Menu.Items className="absolute right-0 w-72 overflow-hidden mt-1 divide-y divide-gray-100 origin-top-right bg-white rounded-md shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none">
<div className="flex items-center space-x-2 py-4 px-4 mb-2">
<div className="shrink-0 flex items-center justify-center rounded-full overflow-hidden relative bg-gray-200 w-9 h-9">
{user?.image ? (
alt={user?.name || 'Avatar'}
) : (
<UserIcon className="text-gray-400 w-6 h-6" />
<div className="flex flex-col truncate">
<span className="text-sm text-gray-500">
<div className="py-2">
({ label, href, onClick, icon: Icon }) => (
className="px-2 last:border-t last:pt-2 last:mt-2"
{href ? (
<Link href={href}>
<a className="flex items-center space-x-2 py-2 px-4 rounded-md hover:bg-gray-100">
<Icon className="w-5 h-5 shrink-0 text-gray-500" />
) : (
className="w-full flex items-center space-x-2 py-2 px-4 rounded-md hover:bg-gray-100"
<Icon className="w-5 h-5 shrink-0 text-gray-500" />
) : (
className="ml-4 px-4 py-1 rounded-md bg-rose-600 hover:bg-rose-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-rose-500 focus:ring-opacity-50 text-white transition"
Log in
<main className="flex-grow container mx-auto">
<div className="px-4 py-12">
{typeof children === 'function' ? children(openModal) : children}
<AuthModal show={showModal} onClose={closeModal} />
Layout.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.func]),
export default Layout;

How do I use next-auth within a nextjs component?

I'm trying too split my application into multiple components, and I'm trying to create a dashboard component, however, how do I go about implementing next-auth within the component, previously I had getServerSideProps but as this is a component I can't do that.
Here is my component
import {
} from '#heroicons/react/outline';
import { signOut } from 'next-auth/client';
export default function Navigation(...session) {
return (
<div className="py-6 px-8 lg:h-16 lg:flex justify-between items-center bg-blue-700 text-white">
<div className="flex-1">
<div className="lg:pr-4 lg:py-4">
<label htmlFor="search" className="sr-only">
<div className="relative">
<div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 left-0 pl-3 flex items-center">
<SearchIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-white" aria-hidden="true" />
className="block w-full bg-blue-800 border border-blue-800 rounded-md py-2 pl-10 pr-3 text-sm placeholder-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-white focus:border-white sm:text-sm"
<div className="relative flex items-center justify-center mt-8 lg:mt-0">
<div className="relative mr-6">
<BellIcon className="w-5" />
<small className="text-xs absolute -top-1 -right-2 -mt-2 bg-red-500 rounded-full py-0.5 px-1.5">
<details className="relative">
<summary className="flex items-center">
<UserCircleIcon className="w-5 mr-2" />
{session.user.firstname} {session.user.lastname}
className="ml-2 flex-shrink-0 h-4 w-4 text-blue-200"
<div className="w-full mt-4 pb-4 absolute shadow-lg flex flex-col justify-center px-2 space-y-1 bg-blue-700">
<Link href="/dashboard/myprofile">
<a className="bg-blue-800 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 flex items-center px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium rounded-md">
<UserIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
<Link href="#">
className="bg-blue-800 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 flex items-center px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium rounded-md">
<LogoutIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
Sign out
Currently what I'm getting is the following
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'firstname')
edit #1
Here is my _app.js [UPDATED]
import Head from 'next/head';
import { Provider } from 'next-auth/client';
// assets
import '../styles/global.css';
import '../javascripts/app.js';
// components
import Footer from './components/Footer';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<meta name="theme-color" content="#1E40AF" />
<section className="flex flex-col min-h-screen">
<Provider session={pageProps.session}>
<Component {...pageProps} className="flex-1" />
<Footer />
export default MyApp;
To fix this I did the following
_app.js - Now using provider to share the session across all pages.
import Head from 'next/head';
import { Provider } from 'next-auth/client';
// assets
import '../styles/global.css';
import '../javascripts/app.js';
// components
import Footer from './components/Footer';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<meta name="theme-color" content="#1E40AF" />
<section className="flex flex-col min-h-screen">
<Provider session={pageProps.session}>
<Component {...pageProps} className="flex-1" />
<Footer />
export default MyApp;
and for the component I now have the following
import {
} from '#heroicons/react/outline';
import { useSession, signOut } from 'next-auth/client';
import Link from 'next/link';
export default function Navigation() {
const [session, loading] = useSession()
return (
<div className="py-6 px-8 lg:h-16 lg:flex justify-between items-center bg-blue-700 text-white">
<div className="flex-1">
<div className="lg:pr-4 lg:py-4">
<label htmlFor="search" className="sr-only">
<div className="relative">
<div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 left-0 pl-3 flex items-center">
<SearchIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-white" aria-hidden="true" />
className="block w-full bg-blue-800 border border-blue-800 rounded-md py-2 pl-10 pr-3 text-sm placeholder-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-white focus:border-white sm:text-sm"
<div className="relative flex items-center justify-center mt-8 lg:mt-0">
<div className="relative mr-6">
<BellIcon className="w-5" />
<small className="text-xs absolute -top-1 -right-2 -mt-2 bg-red-500 rounded-full py-0.5 px-1.5">
<details className="relative">
<summary className="flex items-center">
<UserCircleIcon className="w-5 mr-2" />
{ session &&
{session.firstname} { session.lastname}
className="ml-2 flex-shrink-0 h-4 w-4 text-blue-200"
<div className="w-full mt-4 pb-4 absolute shadow-lg flex flex-col justify-center px-2 space-y-1 bg-blue-700">
<Link href="/dashboard/myprofile">
<a className="bg-blue-800 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 flex items-center px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium rounded-md">
<UserIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
<Link href="#">
className="bg-blue-800 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 flex items-center px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium rounded-md">
<LogoutIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
Sign out

React send state after login to other component to change html

I'm working on a project ( symfony API ) and ReactJs front-end,
I have a login page which is connected to the api when i get the 201 http response i redirect the user to '/' and set the token in the localstorage but i have an issue in my navbar i have 2 buttons 1 login and the other is for register to redirect to both pages.
When i log in i want to dynamically change the header to a dropdown with user informations and links to user settings etc ... Do you have any ideas ?
Here is the code of Navbar component :
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import Dropdown from "./Dropdown";
import {Link} from "react-router-dom";
const Navbar = () => {
const [isloggedin, setIsloggedin] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (!localStorage.getItem('auth')) {
} else {
}, [])
const ToggleMobileMenu = () => {
const mobile_menu = document.getElementById('mobile-menu')
if (mobile_menu.classList.contains('mobile-hidden')){
} else {
return (
<nav className="bg-gray-800 w-full p-4">
<div className="max-w-7xl mx-auto px-2 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
<div className="relative flex items-center justify-between h-16">
<div className="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center sm:hidden">
<button type="button"
className="inline-flex items-center justify-center p-2 rounded-md text-gray-400 hover:text-white hover:bg-gray-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-white"
aria-controls="mobile-menu" aria-expanded="false"
<span className="sr-only">Open main menu</span>
<svg className="block h-6 w-6" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" aria-hidden="true">
<path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2"
d="M4 6h16M4 12h16M4 18h16"/>
<svg className="hidden h-6 w-6" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" aria-hidden="true">
<path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2"
d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12"/>
<div className="flex-1 flex items-center justify-center sm:items-stretch sm:justify-start">
<div className="flex-shrink-0 flex items-center">
<Link to={'/'}><img src={'./assets/logo.png'} width={'150'} alt={''}/></Link>
<div className="hidden sm:flex items-center sm:ml-6 flex">
<div className="flex space-x-4 items-center">
<Link to={'/'}
className="bg-gray-900 text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium"
<Link to={'/products'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">Nos
<Link to={'/delivery'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">Livraison</Link>
<Link to={'/contact'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">Contact</Link>
className="absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-2 sm:static sm:inset-auto sm:ml-6 sm:pr-0">
<div className={'ml-3 relative'}>
{isloggedin ? (
<div className={'ml-3 relative'}>
) : (
<div className={'ml-3 relative flex'}>
<Link to={'/login'}
className={'hidden md:flex mr-5 text-white bg-red-200 p-3 rounded'}>Se
<Link to={'/register'}
className={'hidden md:flex mr-5 text-white bg-red-200 p-3 rounded'}>S'inscrire</Link>
<div className="sm:hidden mobile-hidden" id="mobile-menu">
<div className="px-2 pt-2 pb-3 space-y-1">
<Link to={'/'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Accueil</Link>
<Link to={'/products'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Nos Produits</Link>
<Link to={'/delivery'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Livraison</Link>
<Link to={'/contact'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Contact</Link>
{isloggedin ? (
<Link to={'/account'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Mon compte</Link>
) : (
<Link to={'/login'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Login</Link>
<Link to={'/register'}
className="text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium mobile-link" onClick={ToggleMobileMenu}>Register</Link>
export default Navbar;
And here is the Login component :
import React, {useState} from "react";
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import axios from "axios";
const Login = () => {
let history = useHistory()
const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
const [error, setError] = useState('');
const [success, setSuccess] = useState('');
const LoginHandler = () => {
axios.post('', {
'username': username,
'password': password
.then((r) => {
setSuccess('Vous etes connecté')
setTimeout(() => {
localStorage.setItem('auth', r.data.token)
history.push('/', {auth: true})
}, 3000)
}).catch((error) => {
setError("Username ou mot de passe éroné");
return (
<div className={'text-center font-semibold mt-2'}>
{error ? (<p className={'text-red-500'}>{error}</p>) : ( '' )}
{success ? (<p className={'text-green-500'}>{success}</p>) : ( '' )}
<div className="divide-y divide-gray-200">
<div className="py-8 text-base leading-6 space-y-4 text-gray-700 sm:text-lg sm:leading-7">
<div className="relative">
<input autoComplete="off" id="username" name="username" type="text"
className="peer placeholder-transparent h-10 w-full border-b-2 border-gray-300 text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:borer-rose-600"
onChange={(e) => setUsername(e.target.value)}
<label htmlFor="username"
className="absolute left-0 -top-3.5 text-gray-600 text-sm peer-placeholder-shown:text-base peer-placeholder-shown:text-gray-440 peer-placeholder-shown:top-2 transition-all peer-focus:-top-3.5 peer-focus:text-gray-600 peer-focus:text-sm">username</label>
<div className="relative">
<input autoComplete="off" id="password" name="password" type="password"
className="peer placeholder-transparent h-10 w-full border-b-2 border-gray-300 text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:borer-rose-600"
onChange={(e) => setPassword(e.target.value)}
<label htmlFor="password"
className="absolute left-0 -top-3.5 text-gray-600 text-sm peer-placeholder-shown:text-base peer-placeholder-shown:text-gray-440 peer-placeholder-shown:top-2 transition-all peer-focus:-top-3.5 peer-focus:text-gray-600 peer-focus:text-sm">Password</label>
<div className="flex justify-center pt-6">
<button onClick={LoginHandler} className="bg-blue-500 text-white rounded-md px-2 py-1">Se
export default Login;
Right now your useEffect hook:
useEffect(() => {
if (!localStorage.getItem('auth')) {
} else {
}, [])
... is only triggered on the initial render of the navbar.
You have two options - I'd strongly advice to use the second one.
Option 1: The useEffect Hook has a dependency list (the second parameter passed to useEffect. Whenever any value inside that dependency list changes, the code is run again. So in order for the navbar to update, you have to add that localStorage "state" to the list. However, I don't know whether this will work that well - this is not the "react way" of doing things.
Option 2: Change your State Hierarchy. Right now your hierarchy looks like this:
In react you should store state with useState (you can add auth to the localStorage in addition to that). That state should be stored in the highest order component that is affected by the state.
Solution: useState for a user object inside Navbar. Pass the setUserState function to the login component and trigger setUserState on successful login (next to localStorage.setItem). Add that userState to the dependency list of the useEffect hook mentioned above.
