Horizontal bar chart with just one dimension in Google data studio (looker studio) - google-data-studio

I hava dataset with emails and level of expertise
Emails Level of expertise
person1#gmail.com Beginner
person2#gmail.com Intermediate
person3#gmail.com Intermediate
person4#gmail.com Advanced
person5#gmail.com Beginner
person6#gmail.com Intermediate
person7#gmail.com Advanced
I want to create a horizontal bar chart with just one dimension as shown below
Right now what I am doing in data studio is
and that generates this graph
Any help would be appreciated thanks

You can create a new column of data using a calculated field as shown below and then use it as dimension to achieve the intended design chart.
REGEXP_REPLACE(Date,"[\\s\\S]+","Level of expertise")


how to find the real meaning of the specific field

IT guy creates a field under view table. I want to know what the field meaning or the formula behind the scene for this field, such as BT_ACT_RECPTS.AVG_MATERIAL_COST. I want to know how to calculate the average material cost.
I'm using SQL management studio.
With the GUI:
Or with code using the object_definition function.

SSAS Tabular table always shows in Excel

In my SSAS tabular model I have a calendar dimension, and a wave dimension for half-year data only. The data flows to these tables as such:
Fact Table ---> Wave Dim <---> Calendar
No matter what I do I cannot hide the wave table from Excel users. The table shows hidden in Visual Studio, but in Excel it shows the table with no fields in it. I have tried deleting the table and reloading it with no avail. My assumption is that it has to do with the way it's connected to the Calendar dimension, but I can't seem to find anything on my issue. Any help would be much appreciated.
This is a tough one to answer without viewing your model.bim file. Based on your information I have two guesses on what could be the issue, although this may very well not be it:
1) It sounds like you've marked all fields in the Wave table as hidden, but not the Wave table itself. Could this be the reason?
2) Perhaps you are using perspectives, and only hid the Wave table in a perspective rather than in the Model (default perspective)?
The relationships in your model should have no impact on whether a table is displayed in client tools or not.
Feel free to upload your model.bim file if the above does not help.

Using a Array and displaying its results in Report Builder

Please could I get some help here. I have confused myself with Arrays in Delphi. Here is the scenario:
I have created a firebird query and built up my dataset in Delphi. In that dataset I have used a 'locate' on the date column because it needs to display vertically downwards for each day in the Detail Band using a DBText in Report Builder, and this works just fine and with other DBText values that run horizontaly across under there headings, so all this works fine. Now I have been tasked to create another dataset and been asked to use a Array and populate into Report Builder.
So, I have a second dataset now and in that table there is a column with different names (eg. beans, carrots, peas). So now the point is to use the Array and get those names to display in Report Builder according to its figures (values) which I got from my first dataset. How do I go about doing this? Thanks again.

creating forms with multiple entry fields

I hope to create an entry form that provides multiple entry fields like it appears in microsoft excel where the column headers are up there and several rows below for data input.
i know textboxes have to be placed one at a time and only accept one input per text box and that would take awfully long to just create a form with probably just 10 rows and 10 columns.
how do i go about this.?is there any tool from the toolbox that can help design this form? Id also like to pass entries from the form into the database all in one shot so id appreciate it if the control supports that too...
this is a picture of what id like the form to look like...
Please help out.
Maybe a DataGridView would be appropriate?

Cross-reference Distance chart in SQL Server 2008 or Excel?

I would like to cross-reference construct a distance chart similar to the one here (example is a road-distance cross-reference chart) and, ideally, store the data in SQL Server 2008 (preferably the Express version). It needs these properties / abilities
Every column has a corresponding row with the same name (ie. not misspelled like my example).
Changing the value at one Row-Column intersection would update the mirror intersection (Column-Row) or the mirror data could be ignored.
The distance-values would need to be end-user editable.
The end-user would need to be able to add, delete or rename a column/row pair.
The end-user needs to be able to sort the columns and have the rows move automatically.
There could be hundreds of pairs.
a look-up query needs to find a distance given a start & destination (Row & Column)
The distance chart is reasonably straightforward to implement in Excel. Considering this, am I better off...
Using Excel as the user editing UI and then updating an SQL 'thing' with the new data?
Using Excel as the data-source even if it means performance issues with querying the data?
Using an as-yet undiscovered stroke of genius detailed here in an answer?
Sure looks like an Excel application to me, start to end. (heh)
I can't imagine your users typing enough data in to make performance an issue. Excel will only take 32757 rows by ditto columns. If that's enough, I'd say you're golden.
