How can I send state to another component in react? - reactjs

I would like to ask how can I send state from component to another component?
I have 3 components and I want to send data between them. So I have an input component where I handle an IP call and I want to send this shortedLink state to another component, so I can render that data. I don't know that is it clear what I want to do, but I hope so :D
import ShortedLinks from './ShortedLinks'
const testimonials = () => {
return (
<ShortedLinks />
export default testimonials;
const shortedLinks = () => {
return (
<h1>I want to get the state here</h1>
export default shortedLinks;
const InputSection = () => {
const [shortedLink, setShortedLink] = useState("")
return (...);
export default InputSection;

You can use the props to achieve it like this :
import ShortedLinks from './ShortedLinks'
const Testimonials = () => {
const [shortedLink, setShortedLink] = useState("")
return (
<ShortedLinks shortedLink={shortedLink} /> // Pass props here
export default Testimonials;
And then in your ShortedLinks component
const ShortedLinks = ({shortedLink}) => { // Get props here
return (
export default ShortedLinks;
And if you can't use the props like this you can use the useContext like this :
import React,{ useState, createContext } from "react";
export const ShortedLinkContext = createContext('');
const InputSection = () => {
const [shortedLink, setShortedLink] = useState("")
return (
<ShortedLinkContext.Provider value={shortedLink}>
export default InputSection;
And finally you can comsume the context here :
import {ShortedLinkContext} from ....
const ShortedLinks = () => {
const shortedLink = useContext(ShortedLinkContext);
return (
export default shortedLinks;
Enjoy :)


map() is not rendering html elements

I had spent 4hrs in this issue but can't figure out what's the problem. Through props I had passed an array(props.content) and wanted to render each element with <h4> tag(not specific) but I can't. It works when I try to console.log each elements of array.
import classes from "./Memes.module.css";
const Memes = (props) => {
return (
<div className={classes.memes__body}>
export default Memes;
Output -
but It didn't work when I run the same to render all items in some html tags.
import classes from "./Memes.module.css";
const Memes = (props) => {
return (
<div className={classes.memes__body}>
export default Memes;
Doesn't work.
Note - Here props.content is an array of strings.
Fetch_memes.js (Parent one)
import { useState } from "react";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import Memes from "./Memes";
const Fetch_memes = () => {
const [image, setImage] = useState();
const [text, setText] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
const memes = async () => {
const response = await fetch('');
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Something went wrong");
const responseData = await response.json();
const img =[0].data.thumbnail;
const memesCollection = [];
memesCollection.push("If you can Code then this doesn't mean that your are developer");
for(let i=0 ; i<20 ; i++){
}, []);
return (
<Memes src={image} content={text}/>
export default Fetch_memes;
You need to use return in your code:
import classes from "./Memes.module.css";
const Memes = (props) => {
return (
< >
return <h1>{items}</h1>
export default Memes;
you can either use
return <h4>{items}</h4>
or replace {} by ()and react returns the value by default:
UPDATE: try this:
import classes from "./Memes.module.css";
import React from "react"
const Memes = ({content})=>{
return (
export default Memes;
let me know the result.

React: Is there a way to access component state from function in another file?

I've a react component which includes a large function that updates the component state, the function is large so I want to move it to a separate file and export it in the react component. But I don't find anyway to access the component state if I move the function to its own file.
Is there anyway to do this ?
import { myFunction } from './function.ts'
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(false)
const my_component = () => {
return (
<button onClick={myFunction}>Run function</button>
export default my_component
export const myFunction = () => {
// do something that updates `toggle`
you can do the logic apart from the component and return the result to the component. have a look at the code below.
This is just a raw example of what you can do with custom state hooks (reference:
import React from 'react';
export function useMyFunction(value) {
const [toggle, setToggle] = React.useState(value || false);
const myFunction = () => {
// do something that updates `toggle` with setToggle(...)
return { toggle, myFunction };
import { useMyFunction } from './function.ts'
const my_component = () => {
const [toggle, myFunction] = useMyFunction(false)
return (
<button onClick={myFunction}>Run function</button>
export default my_component
This can be achieved by 2 different ways one using HOC components and another just by using functions.
Approach 1: Using HOC
const withHandlers = (WrappedComponent) => {
class HandlerComponent extends Component {
state = {toggle:false};
myFunction = () => {
//Do your update here
render() {
return <WrappedComponent
const my_component = (props) => {
return (
<button onClick={props.myFunction}>Run function</button>
export default withHandlers(my_component);
Approach 2: Using Functions
export const myFunction(toggle) => {
return !toggle; //return the changed value
const my_component = () => {
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(false);
const myFunction = () => {
setToggle(handler.myFunction); //the state will be passed as a parameter by default
<button onClick={myFunction}>Run function</button>
For the toggle to work, it must be passed to the function as a props then for update it used state management (redux or react context).
The best solution is to define the toggle in the function itself and pass it a Boolean props to control it.
import { myFunction } from './function.ts'
const my_component = () => {
return (
<button onClick={myFunction(false)}>Run function</button>
export default my_component
export const myFunction = (props) => {
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(props || false);
// your codes

mobx-react-lite useObserver hook outside of render

I've seen examples of the useObserver hook that look like this:
const Test = () => {
const store = useContext(storeContext);
return useObserver(() => (
But the following works too, and I'd like to know if there's any reason not to use useObserver to return a value that will be used in render rather than to return the render.
const Test = () => {
const store = useContext(storeContext);
var num = useObserver(function (){
return store.num;
return (
Also, I don't get any errors using useObserver twice in the same component. Any problems with something like this?
const Test = () => {
const store = useContext(storeContext);
var num = useObserver(function (){
return store.num;
return useObserver(() => (
You can use observer method in the component. And use any store you want.
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";
import { useStore } from "../../stores/StoreContext";
const Test = observer(() => {
const { myStore } = useStore();
return() => (
import myStore from './myStore'
export class RootStore{
//Define your stores here. also import them in the imports
myStore = newMyStore(this)
export const rootStore = new RootStore();
const StoreContext = React.createContext(rootStore);
export const useStore = () => React.useContext(StoreContext);

React useContext value is not getting passed from the provider?

I'm trying to pass a value down using useContext as below
This is Context.js
export const selectedContext = React.createContext();
export const SelectProvider = () => {
return (
<selectedContext.Provider value={"Team One"}>
<Cards />
<Pies />
I'm calling the context in one of the components like so
This is in Card.js (a child in the provider)
const value = React.useContext(selectedContext);
When I initialize the value from React.createContext, the value is passed down to my component but when I try using the provider it doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?
When you are using React.useContext like this it's not wire into the <Context.Provider>
Please see the docs on who to use React.useContext here.
It's seems that the React.useContext will not work with in the Provider direct component children, so you need to make one more component in between. (like in the docs example)
const selectedContext = React.createContext();
const SelectProvider = () => {
return (
<selectedContext.Provider value={"Team One"}>
<Cards />
const Cards = () => {
const value = React.useContext(selectedContext);
console.log(value); // will not work
return (
<Card />
const Card = () => {
const value = React.useContext(selectedContext);
console.log(value); // will work
return (
<div>My Card</div>
If you need it to work on the first layer of component you can use <Context.Consumer> and it will work within.
const selectedContext = React.createContext();
const SelectProvider = () => {
return (
<selectedContext.Provider value={"Team One"}>
<Cards />
const Cards = () => {
const value = React.useContext(selectedContext);
console.log(value); // will not work
return (
{({value}) => (
<h1>{value}</h1> // will work
Your code is fine, but you should "call the context" in the child component of the provider, as the value is available in Provider's children:
export const SelectedContext = React.createContext();
export const SelectProvider = ({ children }) => {
return (
<SelectedContext.Provider value={'Team One'}>
const ProviderChecker = () => {
const value = React.useContext(SelectedContext);
return <div>{value}</div>;
const App = () => {
return (
<ProviderChecker />

How to change context value in functional component?

I have a context named StatusContext like this:
export const statusCtxInit = {
open: false,
toggleOpen() { = !;
const StatusContext = React.createContext(statusCtxInit);
export default StatusContext
The whole app is wrapping with the provider:
// ...
<StatusContext.Provider value={statusCtxInit}>
// ...
To use the values of my context I use useContext in my FC and it works when I get the value.
function MyComp() {
const status = useContext(StatusContext);
return (
? `It's Open`
: `It's Closed`}
<button onClick={() => status.toggleOpen()}>
export default MyComp
On the other hand, I also want to change the context by calling the toggleOpen but, it does not work as I want. Actually the value changes but not effect the MyComp.
What I did wrong? What shall I do?
import React from 'react';
const statusContext = React.createContext();
const {Provider} = statusContext;
// custom provider
export const StatusProvider = ({children}) => {
const [isOpen, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
const toggle = () => setOpen(v => !v)
return (
<Provider value={{isOpen, toggle}}>
//custom hook
export const useStatus = () => React.useContext(StatusContext)
function MyComp() {
const status = useStatus()
return (
? `It's Open`
: `It's Closed`}
<button onClick={() => status.toggle()}>
export default MyComp
