Allure-maven : allure report build link is broken - allure

Allure report build link is broken while generating report using Jenkins plugin.
**Actual :** Ahttps://my-jenkins-url/view/my-view/job/api-automation/allure/nulljob/api-test-auite/12/allure/#testresult/a7d90e71aeedcc44
**Expected :** https://my-jenkins-url/view/my-view/job/api-automation/12/allure/#testresult/a7d90e71aeedcc44


uploading the test report from jenkins to Alllure TestOps

We are using WebDriverIO and jenkins for managing our tests.
We are trying to integrate the jenkins with allure TestOps and upload the reports to allureTestOps.
Do we need to configure the allure with gherkin or webDriverIo that we are using.

Generate allure report without install in system Allure command line tools

I have a project to test UI on Java Selenide. I want to show it to one company as a portfolio. I do not want them to bother installing allure command-line tools and add its bin to the PATH variable. Is it possible to generate an allure report without it?
I am talking about the Windows environment.
Assuming you have Allure specified in your pom (and you're using Maven), after your test run you can run this:
mvn allure:report
This will generate a report in the target/site folder (click on index.html to view it)

Results for deleted / renamed tests still appear in Allure reports using Jenkins Allure plugin

I am using the Jenkins Allure plugin to generate reports for PyTest runs.
I've noticed that if I delete a failing test from my repository, or rename a failing test, the Allure reports generated by Jenkins continue to show failures for the old tests, even though they no longer exist and did not run in the most recent job.
How do I ensure that Allure reports only contain results for tests that actually ran in the latest job?
You should generate the results in allure-results directory in your root project.
Every time you run your job, those new allure results files will be generated in the Jenkins workspace. You should clean your workspace before the build starts to ensure that you are taking the last execution:
Frank Escobar's answer is correct.
I want to add that if you're using a pipeline the option in his screenshot is not available.
In that case, use the Jenkins Clear Workspace plugin and create a pipeline step to clear your workspace before starting the test run.

How can I integrate my TestNG tests with Selenium in TeamCity?

Please guide me through the steps on setting up TeamCity so that it can run my TestNG tests.
My Objective: Whenever I run a new build on TeamCity, it should automatically trigger my testNG suite on the new build.
I am using the following tools:
IDE: Eclipse
Automation Tool: Selenium Webdriver
Language: Java
Test Runner Framework: TestNG
Any reference to link or website would be very helpful.
You should integrate ANT in your selenium+TestNG framework so that you can run the tests from a build script. Plus, TeamCity's docs say that
TeamCity directly supports the following testing frameworks:
JUnit and TestNG for the following runners: Ant (when tests are run by
the junit and testng tasks directly within the script)
Some links:
Apache ANT
ANT Tutorial
TestNG with ANT
So once you create your build script in build.xml file which should lie in your framework's root folder, you should configure your build job and add a build step (with an ANT build runner) in TeamCity to run this build.xml after TeamCity finishes building/deploying the app. You can do that by specifying a step execution policy for the ANT build step.

Jenkins plugin for xunit to generate Jbehave reports

I am running Jbehave tests and wanted to view the Jbehave reports on Jenkins. I have installed xunit plugin on Jenkins as mentioned in . When I configure xunit test reports under the Post-build Actions of Jenkins job, I do not see the option for JBehave to add the report. xunit plugin installed is v 1.61. Can anyone tell me if I m doing something wrong or missing anything here?
Ok so to see your jbehave tests in jenkins you need install on jenkins
xUnit jenkins plugin
Then install JBehave Hudson Plugin
2.2 Read about it here
2.3 Download hpi file (I use:
jbehave-jenkins-plugin-3.7.4.hpi Sat Nov 24 04:38:22 CST 2012 90030
) from:
2.4 Go to your jenkins to pluginManager/advanced and in sectionUpload Plugin ad downloaded file and upload it
2.5 It should become visible in pluginManager/available section - so just check and install it.
Now navigate to your build to xUnit Post-build Actions and enjoy jbehave options
3.1 Add directory where plugin should look for xml report like **/jbehave/*.xml
3.2 If your jbehave is configured properly you should get all reports located in your workspace
If you need more help like configuring html view of jbehave reports, setting maven etc. make new question or update this one
You may not have to use xunit plugin to see the test reports.
There are other options available.
Make sure you have generate the required outputs (org.jbehave.core.reporters.XmlOutput). Then just publish the Junit test result.
Make sure you have generate the required outputs (HTML). Include
And you can publish as one of the HTML reports.
