Getting Sign In Error in Tableau Server after Azure B2C authentication - azure-active-directory

I have a problem with my tableau server, I am tring to integrate Azure B2C authentication with tableau server through OpenId connect option in tableau server. Follow below steps to integrate :
Step 1. Open TSM in a browser:
Step 2. Click User Identity & Access on the Configuration tab and then click Authentication Method.
Step 3. Under Authentication Method, select OpenID Connect in the drop-down menu.
Step 4. Under OpenID Connect, select Enable OpenID authentication for the server.
Step 5. Enter the OpenID configuration information for your organization:
enter image description here
Step 6. Click Save Pending Changes after you've entered your configuration information.
Step 7. Click Pending Changes at the top of the page:
Step 8. Click Apply Changes and Restart.
After changes apply when hit to tableau server URL, getting azure B2C login page. When login into Azure B2C after authentication it will redirect to Sign In Failed in tableau server page.


Blazor Server with Azure AD authentication - Update user roles in real time

This question is simliar to Blazor Server - Refresh User Roles without Logging Out? but for AzureAD authentication instead of the ASP.NET local database version.
Following the Microsoft tutorial - Blazor Server with Azure AD , it all worked as advertised in the app, and I have assigned App Roles through the Azure Portal.
However, changes to the App Roles only "show up" when the user logs in again. And if they reload the page, or even close the browser tab with the app but don't exit the browser -- then loading the app again doesn't prompt for a new login, it just carries on. So the app thinks the user still has the roles they had the last time they logged in. This seems to be a security risk, as if I deny a user a role-based permission through the Azure Portal, then they can still access that function in the app if they haven't closed their browser.
Is there something I can call in the Blazor code to re-load role permissions for the current logged-in user?

AAD Connect provisioning agent configuration doesn't accept global administrator credentials

I've installed the latest version of MS AAD Connect Provisioning Agent (1.1.997.0), however the authentication step fails with the error "Please provide the Azure AD credentials of a global administrator or a hybrid administrator." I've tried both types (a gAdmin account as well as a hybrid identity admin) with no success. Is there a known issue?
I just followed the instructions as documented by MS.
downloaded and installed the latest version of the agent from AAD Connect cloud sync provisioning blade.
Once the agent installs the AAD authentication wizard launches but no matter which creds I use (global or hybrid admin), the error persists.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below error with Non-Admin Account credentials
Steps to Create AAD Connect Configuration:
1)Download the AAD Connect tool here and install.
2)Select Customize -> Choose any sign in method (For testing I selected password hash synchronization) -> Next
3)Make sure to enter Global admin credentials to sync to Azure AD.
4)Enter your On-Prem DC Admin credentials to verify the DC access, you will get below screen once you validate both Azure AD Global and DC Admin Credentials.
5)Complete next steps and finish the installation.
6)Verify Sync after completing the AAD installation.
7)Open Synchronization Service Manager and check sync Status.
8)Also check the status in Azure Portal
To disable IE Enhanced Security, you can follow below steps:
Go to Server Manager -> Local Servers -> IE Enhanced Security Configuration -> Select Off

How to configuring Azure AD sso to allow guest logins

I have a php application that I want active directory users to be able to login to using azure sso. Getting this working with simplesamlphp was really easy.
Now I am trying to allow non organization users to be able to login as guests.
I updated azure AD to allow external entities, and then created a workflow allowing AD users, accounts and one time password. I have enabled "guest self-service signup" and I have associated this user flow with my azure application however the authentication flow hasn't changed at all. There isn't any option for guests to login. Am I missing something? I am using the azure ad federation metadata document xml in the simplesaml metadata converter and using the output of that for my metadata provider in simplesaml.
Here is the screen a user gets when trying to sign in to azure:

On-premise Active directory login using LDAP and SSO

We are developing a ReactJs and NodeJs application where node has to authenticate AD users using LDAP.
We are able to complete the authentication successfully using LDAP,
But the requirement is, in On-prem users are already logged in to the AD and if they open our web it should login without asking credentials again, it it is not happening with LDAP integration.
Can some one please help me.
Thanks in advance.
To add SSO in on-prem Active directory login using LDAP, please follow below steps:
Go to Administration -> Applications and enable Single Sign-On -> click setting -> select LDAP method.
If you want your users to login without using credentials again, set the option to use only SSO authentication only.
UseResponse internal account is created, when a new user logs in against the LDAP server. If you don't want to send internal registration credentials, Disable Registration Email.
In addition to these, include basic settings of your connection:
Give hostname or IP of your LDAP server
Add ldaps:// to hostname when the server has secure connection
Give Base Distinguished Name for your AD with default value dc=localhost.
Enter administration credentials for the connection, if your LDAP server requires authentication.
For more in detail, please refer below link:
Using LDAP as a Single Sign-On (Active Directory) | Integrations | Help Center - UseResponse.

How to authenticate using Azure AD token using identity server 3 and microsoft teams app

We use custom idp (identity server 3) to authenticate users on the system. Now I have a requirement to implement Azure AD authentication. I tried adding Azure AD as an external provider it is working fine on the browser, but on MS teams app, it is not working because the Microsoft teams app opens in an Iframe, on which azure Ad doesn't work.
I implemented Microsoft msal.js library to authenticate using Azure AD. I am able to authenticate and get the token on the frontend. But how can I pass that token to identity server 3 and authenticate user using my own identity server.
Did you have a look at these resources which seem to explain how to implement your setup:
if I understand your requirement correctly then you can try out the below solution:
User is authenticated using Azure Ad when he logs in to Teams App. Now you can send the logged in user's AD information (User Principal Name preferably) to your IS3 and authenticate from your end.
