How to store data in this very simple React Native app? - database

I'm developing an app using React Native that allows you to create your own checklists and add items to them.
For example you'd have "Create Checklist", and inside that you'll have the option to "Add Item", "Delete Item" "Edit Item", basic CRUD methods etc.
It's going to be completely offline but I'm wondering what the best approach to storing this data locally would be.
Should I be using a DB such as firebase? I have read that it is overkill and to use something like Redux but I'm not sure if the latter will accomplish everything I need. As long as it's storing data which can be edited, and will save on the user's device (with minimal effort) it sounds good to me.
Would appreciate some input on this, thanks!

You could use AsyncStorage for persisting data locally on the user's phone. It is a simple persistent key-value-storage.
Each checklist is most likely an array of JS objects. The documentation provides an example on how to store objects.
const storeData = async (value) => {
try {
const jsonValue = JSON.stringify(value)
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#storage_Key', jsonValue)
} catch (e) {
// saving error
The value parameter is any JS object. We use JSON.stringify to create a JSON string. We use AsyncStorage.setItem in order to persist the data. The string #storage_Key is the key for the object. This could be any string.
We retrieve a persisted object as follows.
const getData = async () => {
try {
const jsonValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#storage_Key')
return jsonValue != null ? JSON.parse(jsonValue) : null;
} catch(e) {
// error reading value
Both examples are taken from the official documentation.
Keep in mind that this functionality should be used for persistence only. If the application is running, you should load the complete list, or parts of the list if it is very large, in some sort of application cache. The implementation for this functionality now heavily depends on how your current code looks like. If you have a plain view, then you could access the local storage in an effect and just store it in a local state.
function MySuperList() {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
// retrieve data using the above functionality and set the state
}, [])
// render list
return (...)
I would implement some sort of save button for this list. If it is pressed, then we persist the data in the local storage of the phone.


Problems passing sveltekit data to the frontend

I recently started learning Sveltekit and i adapted a small CRUD application that i made with express and PostgreSQL but i am not able to pass correctly the database data to the frontend. This is the code i wrote so far:
var query_output = undefined;
export const load = () => {
return {query_output}
export const actions = {
default: async (event) => {
let form_input = await event.request.formData();
let query = {
text: "select * from ux_return_shipments($1, $2, $3, $4)",
values: [form_input.get('beg-dep-date') || null, form_input.get('end-dep-date') || null, form_input.get('beg-arr-date') || null, form_input.get('end-arr-date') || null]
.then(result => {
query_output = result.rows;})
The problem is that the data sent to the frontend is not the same extracted from the database. I suspect that this is caused by the fact that the second export requires time while the first one is performed immediately, therefore the 'query_output' variable sent to the frontend is always late.
How can i sync the two steps? Currently i am using two different exports because the second one reads the data that the user inserted in a form and also contains the db connection data through the locals attribute.
How can i sync the two steps?
You don't. load is for loading page data without any user input, form actions are for responding to form submissions from user interactions. They are completely separate and do not share state.
The action should return its own data which is passed to the page component as the form property. Data from load is passed to the data property.

Specifically, how does Reactjs retrieve data from firebase function triggers?

I am using express to create my firebase functions, and I understand how to create regular callable functions. I am lost however on the exact way to implement trigger functions for the background (i.e. onCreate, onDelete, onUpdate, onWrite), as well as how Reactjs in the frontend is supposed to receive the data.
The scenario I have is a generic chat system that uses react, firebase functions with express and realtime database. I am generally confused on the process of using triggers for when someone sends a message, to update another user's frontend data.
I have had a hard time finding a tutorial or documentation on the combination of these questions. Any links or a basic programmatic examples of the life cycle would be wonderful.
The parts I do understand is the way to write a trigger function:
exports.makeUppercase = functions.database.ref('/messages/{pushId}/original')
.onWrite((change, context) => {
// Only edit data when it is first created.
if (change.before.exists()) {
return null;
// Exit when the data is deleted.
if (!change.after.exists()) {
return null;
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
const original = change.after.val();
console.log('Uppercasing', context.params.pushId, original);
const uppercase = original.toUpperCase();
// You must return a Promise when performing asynchronous tasks inside a Functions such as
// writing to the Firebase Realtime Database.
// Setting an "uppercase" sibling in the Realtime Database returns a Promise.
return change.after.ref.parent.child('uppercase').set(uppercase);
But I don't understand how this is being called or how the data from this reaches frontend code.
Background functions cannot return anything to client. They run after a certain event i.e. onWrite() in this case. If you want to update data at /messages/{pushId}/original to other users then you'll have to use Firebase Client SDK to listen to that path:
import { getDatabase, ref, onValue} from "firebase/database";
const db = getDatabase();
const msgRef = ref(db, `/messages/${pushId}/original`);
onValue(msgRef, (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
You can also listen to /messages/${pushId} with onChildAdded() to get notified about any new node under that path.

Updating multiple firestone collections

I'm trying to update 2 firebase collections that will contain an array element that is the same.
For example, I'm building a job app, so when a user creates a job, it pushes that job object into a firebase collection called alljobs under a document called alljobs. In addition, the same job is pushed to a firebase collection called created jobs. Where each user on the app has their individual created jobs, each doc is named the users id.
Is there an easy way to update this specific job in both alljobs collection and the createdjobs collection?
For example, my approach of doing it would be like this.
Individual Job component (obtained by previously mapping through all the jobs)
const [userjobs, setUserjobs] = useState([])
const {job, createdjobs} = props
function updateJob(){
const jobindex = createdjobs.indexOf(job1)
createdjobs[jobindex].jobtitle = 'New title'
jobs: createdjobs
I'll basically have to repeat this same process to update once again the job that has just been updated in the createdjobs collection. This gets repetitive and messy. So looking for a solution to this. By mapping through alljobs this time.
There is no shortcut for your problem I think. But I suggest you to write a sync function to Firebase Function.
It will watch changes of one source and sync to others. So that your logic code only needs to manage one source of trust.
As #Thanh Le suggested you can write a Google Cloud Function to fulfill this purpose. In cloud functions there is a function type named triggers. You can use this triggers.
Cloud Function triggers
We can write functions which will automatically trigger when the specfied document or set of documents,
onCreate - Trigger when document creating
onUpdate - Triggered when a document already exists and has any value changed.
onDelete - Trigger when document deleting
onWrite - Triggered when onCreate, onUpdate or onDelete is triggered.
From these triggers you can use onWrite Trigger to to implement the function.
exports.updateAllJobsTrigger = functions.firestore.document('createdJob/{userId}')
onWrite(async (change, context) => {
// Check if document is deleted
if (!change.after.exists) {
logger.log('Document not existing. Function exited.');
const allJobsRef = admin.firestore().collection('alljobs').doc('alljobs');
// Check if document created
if (!change.before.exists) {
try {
// This is a newly created document. Therefore newjob should be in first element
const newJob =[0];
const data = (await allJobsRef.get()).data();
if (data) {
const jobs =;
await allJobsRef.update({
jobs: [, newJob]
});'Job added to All jobs queue.');
} catch (exception) {
try {
// This is a updating document.newly added job is in the last element of the array
const newJob =[ - 1];
const data = (await allJobsRef.get()).data();
if (data) {
const jobs =;
await allJobsRef.update({
jobs: [, newJob]
});'Job added to All jobs queue.');
} catch (exception) {
As #Nimna Perera said, you can use Cloud Functions to solve this issue. Your CF should be triggered when a document is updated, created or deleted (so the onWrite option). Another way to do this is through transactions, when you need to read and write the documents or batched writes when you only need to write in one or various documents. In both cases you are not limited to a single collection, so it should work for your issue.

How to synchronize object types sent from Web API backend to React/Redux frontend

I have written a backend for my app on .net, that provides me CRUD operations.
For example, the response for POST action is whole new item object:
Now I need to use this Id in my frontend (to rewrite a temporary id I made on frontend until I receive confirmation that the upload was successful).
The problem comes with typescript when I type my thunk action "as I think it's right":
export const uploadItem = (fetch: (text: string) => Promise<Item>) =>
(generateId: () => ItemId) =>
(text: string) =>
async (dispatch: Dispatch<ThunkAction<IAction, IAppState, void>>): Promise<IAction> => {
const id = generateId();
try {
dispatch(addItem(id, text));
const itemWithOfficialId = await fetch(text);
return dispatch(setAsSynchronized(;
} catch {
return dispatch(requestFailedForItem(id, errorMessageTypes.UPLOAD, 'Failed to upload. '));
The problem I see is on the first line:
fetch: (text: string) => Promise<Item>
that forces me to do:
because my Item has only property id and I need to extract Id.
But typescript won't let me change it to itemWithOfficialId.Id.
I know I could make a new Item model, that would consist of properties returned from the server and use it like Promise<ItemFromServer>, but it feels a bit cheesy to me and I wanted to know if there was another way how to convert these without creating a new representation of the same object?
If you have two objects with different sets of properties, even if the property names differ only in case, I don't think you can get around declaring two different types. However, there are tools such as Typewriter that you may be able to use to generate the ItemFromServer declaration automatically from your server code.

Ways to access firebase storage (photos) via web app

I'm confused as to the appropriate way to access a bunch of images stored in Firebase storage with a react redux firebase web app. In short, I'd love to get a walkthrough of, once a photo has been uploaded to firebase storage, how you'd go about linking it to a firebase db (like what exactly from the snapshot returned you'd store), then access it (if it's not just <img src={data.downloadURL} />), and also how you'd handle (if necessary) updating that link when the photo gets overwritten. If you can answer that, feel free to skip the rest of this...
Two options I came across are either
store the full URL in my firebase DB, or
store something less, like the path within the bucket, then call downloadURL() for every photo... which seems like a lot of unnecessary traffic, no?
My db structure at the moment is like so:
<someProjectId>: {
imgs: {
<someAutoGenId>: {
"url":"https://<bucket, path, etc>token=<token>"
<otherProjectDetails>: "",
Going forward with that structure and the first idea listed, I ran into trouble when a photo was overwritten, so I would need to go through the list of images and remove the db record that matches the name (or find it and update its URL). I could do this (at most, there would be two refs with the old token that I would need to replace), but then I saw people doing it via option 2, though not necessarily with my exact situation.
The last thing I did see a few times, were similar questions with generic responses pointing to Cloud Functions, which I will look into right after posting, but I wasn't sure if that was overcomplicating things in my case, so I figured it couldn't hurt too much to ask. I initially saw/read about Cloud Functions and the fact that Firebase's db is "live," but wasn't sure if that played well in a React/Redux environment. Regardless, I'd appreciate any insight, and thank you.
In researching Cloud Functions, I realized that the use of Cloud Functions wasn't an entirely separate option, but rather a way to accomplish the first option I listed above (and probably the second as well). I really tried to make this clear, but I'm pretty confident I failed... so my apologies. Here's my (2-Part) working solution to syncing references in Firebase DB to Firebase Storage urls (in a React Redux Web App, though I think Part One should be applicable regardless):
Follow along here to get cloud functions enabled.
The part of my database with the info I was storing relating to the images was at /projects/detail/{projectKey}/imgs and had this structure:
<autoGenKey1>: {
name: 'image1.jpg',
url: <longURLWithToken>
<moreAutoGenKeys>: {
}, ...}
My cloud function looked like this:
exports.updateURLToken = functions.database.ref(`/projects/detail/{projectKey}/imgs`)
.onWrite(event => {
const projectKey = event.params.projectKey
const newObjectSet =
const newKeys = Object.keys(newObjectSet)
const oldObjectSet =
const oldKeys = Object.keys(oldObjectSet)
let newObjectKey = null
// If something was removed, none of this is necessary - return
if (oldKeys.length > newKeys.length) {
return null
for (let i = 0; i < newKeys.length; ++i) {// Looking for the new object -> will be missing in oldObjectSet
const key = newKeys[i]
if (oldKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {// Found new object
newObjectKey = key
if (newObjectKey !== null) {// Checking if new object overwrote an existing object (same name)
const newObject = newObjectSet[newObjectKey]
let duplicateKey = null
for (let i = 0; i < oldKeys.length; ++i) {
const oldObject = oldObjectSet[oldKeys[i]]
if ( === {// Duplicate found
duplicateKey = oldKeys[i]
if (duplicateKey !== null) {// Remove duplicate
return => error ? 'Error removing duplicate project detail image' : true)
return null
After loading this function, it would run every time anything changed at that location (projects/detail/{projectKey}/imgs). So I uploaded the images, added a new object to my db with the name and url, then this would find the new object that was created, and if it had a duplicate name, that old object with the same name was removed from the db.
So now my database had the correct info, but unless I refreshed the page after every time images were uploaded, adding the new object to my database resulted (locally) in me having all the duplicate refs still, and this is where the realtime database came in to play.
Inside my container, I have:
function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
syncProjectDetailImages(dispatch) // the relavant line -> imported from api.js
return bindActionCreators({
}, dispatch)
Then my api.js holds that syncProjectDetailImages function:
export function syncProjectDetailImages (dispatch) {
ref.child(`projects/detail`).on('child_changed', (snapshot) => {
dispatch(projectDetailImagesUpdated(snapshot.key, snapshot.val()))
function projectDetailImagesUpdated (key, updatedProject) {
return {
group: 'detail',
And finally, dispatch is figured out in my modules folder (I used the same function I would when saving any part of an updated project with redux - no new code was necessary)
