Is it possible to mock functions outside of the test file for multiple tests to use? - reactjs

Thanks in advance
I have some functions that need to be mocked in every test file. However, only in some of those files, do I actually care to evaluate or test those mock functions.
For example, let's say, that when my app renders, it immediately fetches some data In A.test.tsx I want to mock that fetch and verify that it was called.
But, in B.test.tsx, I still need to mock that fetch, but I don't care to verify that it was called.
I would like the setup to look something like this:
import * as SomeAPI from 'api';
const setup = () => {
jest.spyOn(SomeAPI, 'fetchData');
return { SomeAPI };
export default setup;
const { SomeAPI } = setup();
beforeEach(() => {
test('data should be fetched when app renders', async () => {
RenderWithProviders(<App />);
setup(); // Don't destructure because I don't care to test the mock
beforeEach(() => {
test('test some other stuff', async () => {
// In this case, the fetchData still needs to be mocked<br>
// because the rest of the app depends on it
RenderWithProviders(<App />);
My Current Problem
My problem is that while I'm trying to attempt this way of returning mocked functions... If that mocked function is used more than once in the same test file, the jest.clearAllMocks() seems not to have an effect. I assume because the setup is happening outside of the test?
Is this possible to setup mocks outside of the test and only destructure them when needed?


Jest to test a class method which has inner function

I'm writing unit test for once of my .ts file. Where I'm facing a problem and unable to find the solution. Hopefully someone can help me to resolve it.
While writing unit test. I'm unable to test the value for profile. After calling a method called getProfile().
File setup
import { getProfileAPI} from "./api";
class ProfileDetails implements IProfileDetails {
public profile: string = ''
constructor() {}
getProfile = async () => {
const { data } = await getProfileAPI();
if (data) {
this.profile = data
const profileDetail = new ProfileDetails();
export default profileDetail;
import Profile from './Profile';
describe('Profile', () => {
it('getProfile', async () => {
Profile.getProfile = jest.fn();
await Profile.getProfile();
So the challenge I'm facing here is, I can able to mock the getProfile method. But I'm not able to mock the getProfileAPI function which is called inside the getProfile method.
How can I mock a function which is called inside a mocked method (or) is there any other way to resolve this. Kindly help.
Thanks in advance.
Before answering your questions, I may have some comments :
your test is wrong, all it does is calling the method then checking if it is called, of course it will always pass !
you are not really mocking, in fact you're erasing the old method and it may have some impacts on other tests.
your method "getProfile" should be called "getAndSetProfile", or "syncProfile", or something like that, getProfile is confusing for a developer, he will think it only get the profile and returns it.
I don't recommend creating & exporting an instance of ProfileDetails like this, you should take a look on DI (Dependency Injection) with typedi for example.
Do not forget :
A unit test means that any dependency inside your "unit" should be mock, you must only test the logic inside your "unit" (in your case, the getProfile function, or the class itself).
Here, you are invoking a method called "getProfileAPI" from another service that is not mocked, so you are currently testing its logic too.
This test should work :
jest.mock('./api', () => ({
getProfileAPI: jest.fn(),
import { getProfileAPI } from "./api";
import Profile from './Profile';
describe('Profile', () => {
it('getProfile', async () => {
await Profile.getProfile();
In our example, Profile.profile will be empty, because even if we mocked to getProfileAPI method, we didn't make it return something. You could test both cases :
jest.mock('./api', () => ({
getProfileAPI: jest.fn(),
import { getProfileAPI } from "./api";
import Profile from './Profile';
const mockGetProfileAPI = getProfileAPI as jest.Mock; // Typescript fix for mocks, else mockResolvedValue method will show an error
describe('Profile', () => {
describe('getProfile', () => {
describe('with data', () => {
const profile = 'TEST_PROFILE';
beforeEach(() => {
data: profile,
it('should call getProfileAPI method', async () => {
await Profile.getProfile();
expect(mockGetProfileAPI).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Please note that "expect(getProfileAPI).toHaveBeenCalled();" would work
it('should set profile', async () => {
await Profile.getProfile();
describe.skip('with no data', () => {
it('should not set profile', async () => {
await Profile.getProfile();
expect(Profile.profile).toStrictEqual(''); // the default value
NB : I skipped the last test because it won't work in your case. Profile isn't recreated between tests, and as it is an object, it keeps the value of Profile.profile (btw, this is a bit weird) between each tests. This is one of the reasons why you should not export a new instance of the class.

Test inside function called or not in jest

I am writing test cases in jest recently. I have a requirement like should check whether inside function being called or not. Can anyone help me with this?
Here is the code for index.js
componentDidMount() {
this.onSetActionableStateListener = (param) => this.onSetActionableState(param[0]);
client.on('setActionableState', this.onSetActionableStateListener);
I am writing code in index.test.js like this
it('should call onSetActionableState in componentDidMount', () => {
// const onSetActionableState = jest.fn();
I want to test whether onSetActionableState is called or not?

Jest: Wait for called .then of async method in componentDidMount

I am currently stuck on writing a test of my React-App.
I have an async call in my componentDidMount method and are updating the state after returning. However, I do not get this to work.
I have found several solutions and None seems to work as expected. Below is the nearest point I have come to.
class App extends Component<{}, IState> {
state: IState = {
fetchedData: false
async componentDidMount() {
await thing.initialize();
test = () => {
this.setState({ fetchedData: true })
render() {
return this.state.fetchedData ? (
) : (
<Spinner />
The test
it('Base test for app', async () => {
const spy = spyOn(thing, 'initialize').and.callThrough(); // just for debugging
const wrapper = await mount(<App />);
// await wrapper.instance().componentDidMount(); // With this it works, but componentDidMount is called twice.
Well, so...thing.initialize is called (it is an async method that fetches some stuff).
If I do explicitly call wrapper.instance().componentDidMount() then it will work, but componentDidMount will be called twice.
Here are my ideas that I have tried but None succeeded:
Spying on thing.initialize() -> I did not find out how I proceed with the test after the method has been called and finished.
Spying on App.test -> The same here
Working with promises instead of async await
At the beginning, I had an thing.initialize().then(this.test) in my componentDidMount
It can't be much, but can someone tell me which piece I am missing?
if this is integration test you better to follow awaiting approach that say Selenium use: that is, just wait until some element appears or timeout reached. How it should be coded depends on library you use(for Puppeter it should be waitForSelector).
Once it's about unit test then I suggest you different approach:
mock every single external dependencies with Promise you control(by your code it's hard to say if automatic mock will work or you need to compose mock factory but one of them or both will help)
initialize element(I mean just run shallow() or mount())
await till your mocks are resolved(with extra await, using setTimeout(... ,0) or flush-promises will work, check how microtasks/macrotasks works)
assert against element's render and check if your mocks has been called
And finally:
setting state directly
mocking/spying on internal methods
verifying against state
are all lead to unstable test since it's implementation details you should not worry about during unit-testing. And it's hard to work with them anyway.
So your test would look like:
import thing from '../thing';
import Spinner from '../../Spinner';
import flushPromises from 'flush-promises';
it('loads data and renders it', async () => {
jest.mock('../thing'); // thing.implementation is already mocked with jest.fn()
thing.initialize.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(/*data you expect to return*/));
const wrapper = shallow(<App />);
await flushPromises();
or you may test how component behaves on rejection:
import thing from '../thing';
import Spinner from '../../Spinner';
import flushPromises from 'flush-promises';
it('renders error message on loading failuer', async () => {
jest.mock('../thing'); // thing.implementation is already mocked with jest.fn()
thing.initialize.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(/*some error data*/));
const wrapper = shallow(<App />);
await flushPromises();

integration tests - redux/react + nock.js

I have no clue how to find a way to write this integration test.
I am using enzyme for mocking react components, jest for testing and nock for mocking axios api calls.
So far I created test which simulate clicking on button and I would like to mock the api call.
In the internet there is no much help.
My test:
it('Should invoke clear action and clear the group', (done) => {
const clearButtonComponent = wrapper.find('[id="123"]');
.intercept('/path/api/brum/123/group', 'DELETE')
.reply(200, {
status: 200,
message: 'cleared',
const service = new myService();
const result = Promise.resolve(service.clearGroup(123));
expect(result).toEqual({ x: 'x' }); // I know it's not what I expect
async action redux:
export const clearGroup = id=> (dispatch, getState) => {
.then(() => {
return dispatch(getGroup(id))
method in myService:
clearGroup(id) {
return this._delete(`/${id}/group`);
of course path is more complex but my service extends base service which has this base url.
Can anybody tell me how to mock it to let code goes further?
It still complain that id is undefined - look like nock does not mock it.
I would drop nock (I try to only use it for testing clients these days) and mock myService with jest.
I don't use axios, so haven't used this, but it might do the trick..
Otherwise you could look at writing your own mock..

Return value of a mocked function does not have `then` property

I have the following async call in one of my React components:
onSubmit = (data) => {
.then(() => {
The goal here is to redirect the user to the index page only once the post has been persisted in Redux (startAddPost is an async action generator that sends the data to an external API using axios and dispatches another action that will save the new post in Redux store; the whole thing is returned, so that I can chain a then call to it in the component itself). It works in the app just fine, but I'm having trouble testing it.
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { AddPost } from '../../components/AddPost';
import posts from '../fixtures/posts';
let startAddPost, history, wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
startAddPost = jest.fn();
history = { push: jest.fn() };
wrapper = shallow(<AddPost startAddPost={startAddPost} history={history} />);
test('handles the onSubmit call correctly', () => {
So I obviously need this test to pass, but it fails with the following output:
● handles the onSubmit call correctly
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
at AddPost._this.onSubmit (src/components/AddPost.js:9:37)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/tests/components/AddPost.test.js:25:46)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)
So how can I fix this? I suspect this is a problem with the test itself because everything works well in the actual app. Thank you!
Your code is not testable in the first place. You pass in a callback to the action and execute it after saving the data to the database like so,
export function createPost(values, callback) {
const request ='http://localhost:8080/api/posts', values)
.then(() => callback());
return {
payload: request
The callback should be responsible for the above redirection in this case. The client code which uses the action should be like this.
onSubmit(values) {
this.props.createPost(values, () => {
This makes your action much more flexible and reusable too.
Then when you test it, you can pass a stub to the action, and verify whether it is called once. Writing a quality, testable code is an art though.
The problem with your code is that the startAddPost function is a mock function which does not return a Promise, but your actual this.props.startAddPost function does return a Promise.
That's why your code works but fails when you try to test it, leading to the cannot read property.... error.
To fix this make your mocked function return a Promise like so -
beforeEach(() => {
startAddPost = jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.resolve())
Read more about mockReturnValueOnce here.
