InfluxDB: keep min/max values while downsampling - database

I am pretty new to InfluxDB. I have an application that collects data with 20kHz, which is written to the database.
At some point I need to query/show this data. Currently I achieve this with:
from(bucket: "test-bucket")
|> range(start: 0; stop: now())
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "sensorValue")
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1s, fn: mean, createEmpty: false
|> yield(name: "mean")
The problem I do have is the mean function. I do have data, which might jump up and down quite fast. So calculating the mean value of each window is not good for me here, because it smoothes the data to much.
What I want to achieve is to get the min and max value (and its corresponding timestamp) from every window.
For example if the 'window' has the following data:
value: 10 11 10 12 13 27 10 2 10 11
time: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I want to get for max (27, 5) and for min (2,7). Is there any function doing this? Or even better, is there any other downsampling function that keeps local extreme values?
What I have tried so far:
data = from(bucket: "test-bucket")
|> range(start: 0; stop: now())
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "sensorValue")
minData = data
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1s, fn: min, createEmpty: false)
maxData = data
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1s, fn: max, createEmpty: false)
|> yield()
This will draw 2 series. Is there any chance to merge them? Or is my approach just completly wrong?

There are two ways to do aggregateWindow for multiple functions.
One is to use reduce() to create a custom aggregate function that performs different aggregations. The problem here is that reduce() can't be pushed down and will be less performant.
The other is to create separate streams for each aggregation, AND union them together, and then pivot the data. Sample code is as below:
data = from(bucket: "test-bucket")
|> range(start: 0; stop: now())
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "sensorValue")
minData = data
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1s, fn: min, createEmpty: false)
maxData = data
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1s, fn: max, createEmpty: false)
union(tables: [minData, maxData])
|> pivot(rowKey: ["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")


F# CSV - for each row create an array from columns data

I have a CSV file, where the fst column is a title and next 700+ columns are some int data.
Title D1 D2 D3 D4 .. D700
Name1 0 1 7 5 48
I try to use CsvProvider to read the file and then convert data to my custom type
type DigitRecord = { Title:string; Digits:int[] }
The problem is I don't know how to put all column data (except the first one with a title) into a int[] array.
let dataRecords =
|> (fun record -> {Title = record.Title; Digits = ???})
I want to get a record with Title=Name1 and Digits=[|0,1,7,5...48|]
I'm newbie in F#, I'd be grateful for any help!
I think the easiest way is to use CsvParser like this:
let readData (path : string) seps =
CsvFile.Load(path, seps).Rows
(fun row -> row.Columns.[0], row.Columns |> Array.skip 1 |> int)
(fun (title, digits) -> {Title = title; Digits = digits})

process subarrays asynchronously and reduce the results to a single array

Input If input is in the form of array of arrays.
let items = [|
[|"item1"; "item2"|]
[|"item3"; "item4"|]
[|"item5"; "item6"|]
[|"item7"; "item8"|]
[|"item9"; "item10"|]
[|"item11"; "item12"|]
Asynchronous action that returns asynchronous result or error
let action (item: string) : Async<Result<string, string>> =
async {
return Ok (item + ":processed")
Attempt process one subarray at a time in parallel
let result = items
|> ( action >> Async.Parallel)
|> Async.Parallel // wrong? process root items sequentially
|> Async.RunSynchronously
a) Process one subarray at a time in parallel, then process the second subarray in parallel and so on. (In other words sequential processing for the root items and parallel processing for subitems)
b) Then collect all the results and merge them into a singly dimensioned results array while maintaining the order.
c) Preferably using built-in methods provided by Array, Seq, List, Async etc. instead of any custom operators (that'd be last resort)
d) Optional - If it's not possible to have something within the chain, then as a last resort perhaps convert the result subarrays into single array at the end and return to the caller, if that leads to a cleaner and minimalistic approach which I prefer.
Attempt 2
let result2 = items
|> ( action >> Async.Parallel)
|> Async.Parallel // wrong? is it processing root items sequentially
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Array.collect id
Array.iter (fun (item: Result<string, string>) ->
match item with
| Ok r -> Console.WriteLine(r)
| Error e -> Console.WriteLine(e)
) result2
let action (item: string) : Async<Result<string, string>> =
async {
return Ok (item + ":processed")
let items = [| "item1"; "item2"; "item3"; "item4"; "item5"; "item6"; "item7"; "item8"; "item9"; "item10"|]
let result = items
|> Seq.chunkBySize 2
|> ( action >> Async.Parallel)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Seq.toArray
|> Array.collect id
let result = items |> ( action >> Async.Parallel)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Array.collect id
Edit: Note that majority of operations defined on Seq can be found in array and vice versa. If you initially have an array you can use array operation all the way down.
let items = [| "item1"; "item2"; "item3"; "item4"; "item5"; "item6"; "item7"; "item8"; "item9"; "item10"|]
let result = items
|> Array.chunkBySize 2
|> ( action >> Async.Parallel >> Async.RunSynchronously)
|> Array.concat

Get count of true in bool[,] F#

I have a bool[,] in F# and I want to get the count of true 's present. How can i do this without descending into imperative programming?
this is my current solution, which is really just c# written in f#.
let mutable x = 0
for cell in cells do
if cell = true then x <- x + 1
Here's one way:
let x = cells |> Seq.cast |> Seq.filter id |> Seq.length
What it does is filters out false values (see Seq.filter), and then just counts what's left.
One way is to use a seq and then use Seq.sumBy
cells |> Seq.cast<_> |> Seq.sumBy (function |true -> 1 |false -> 0);;

Matching elements of two arrays in F#

I have two sequences of stock data, and I'm trying to line up the dates and combine the data so that I can pass it to other functions that will run some statistics on it. Essentially, I want to pass two (or more) sequences that look like:
sequenceA = [(float,DateTime)]
sequenceB = [(float,DateTime)]
to a function, and have it return a single sequence where all the data is properly aligned by DateTime. Something like:
return = [(float,float,DateTime)]
where the floats are the close prices of the two sequences for that DateTime.
I've tried using a nested for loop, and I'm fairly certain that should work (though I've had some trouble with it), but it seems like F#'s match expression should also be able to handle this. I've looked up some documentation and examples of match expressions, but I'm running into a number of different issues that I haven't been able to get past.
This is my most recent attempt at a simplified version of what I'm trying to accomplish. As you can see, I'm just trying to see if the first element of the sequence 'x' has the date "1/11/2011". The problem is that 1) it always returns "Yes", and 2) I can't figure out how to get from here to the whole sequence, and then ultimately 2+ sequences.
let x = seq[(1.0,System.DateTime.Parse("1/8/2011"));(2.0,System.DateTime.Parse("1/9/2011"))]
type t = seq<float*DateTime>
let align (a:t) =
let testDate = System.DateTime.Parse("1/11/2011")
let b = Seq.head(a)
match snd b with
| testDate -> printfn "Yes"
| _ -> printfn "No"
align x
I'm relatively new to F#, but I'm fairly sure that this should be possible with a match expression. Any help would be much appreciated!
Your question has two parts:
As to the pattern matching, in the pattern that you have above, testDate is a name that will be bound to the second item in tuple b. Both patterns will match any date, but the since the first pattern matches, your example always prints 'yes'.
If you want to match on a specific value of date, you can use the 'when' keyword to in your pattern:
let dateValue = DateTime.Today
match dateValue with
| someDate when someDate = DateTime.Today -> "Today"
| _ -> "Not Today"
If I had to implement the align function, I probably wouldn't try to use pattern matching. You can use Seq.groupBy to collect all entries with the same date.
///Groups two sequences together by key
let align a b =
let simplifyEntry (key, values) =
let prices = [for value in values -> snd value]
key, prices
|> Seq.append b
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> simplifyEntry
|> Seq.toList
//Demonstrate alignment of two sequences
let s1 = [DateTime.Today, 1.0]
let s2 = [
DateTime.Today, 2.0
DateTime.Today.AddDays(2.0), 10.0]
let pricesByDate = align s1 s2
for day, prices in pricesByDate do
let pricesText =
|> string
|> String.concat ", "
printfn "%A %s" day pricesText
I happen to be working on a library for working with time series data and it has a function for doing this - it is actually a bit more general, because it returns DateTime * float option * float option to represent the case when one series has value for a specified date, but the other one does not.
The function assumes that the two series are already sorted - which means that it only needs to walk over them once (for not-sorted sequences, you need to do multiple iterations or build some temporary tables).
Also note that the arguments are swapped than in your example. You need to give it DateTime * float. The function is not particularly nice - it works in IEnumerable which means that it needs to use mutable enumerators (and ugly imperative stuff, in general). In general, pattern matching just does not work well with sequences - you can get the head, but you cannot get the tail - because that would be inefficient. You could write much nicer one for F# lists...
open System.Collections.Generic
let alignWithOrdering (seq1:seq<'T * 'TAddress>) (seq2:seq<'T * 'TAddress>) (comparer:IComparer<_>) = seq {
let withIndex seq = Seq.mapi (fun i v -> i, v) seq
use en1 = seq1.GetEnumerator()
use en2 = seq2.GetEnumerator()
let en1HasNext = ref (en1.MoveNext())
let en2HasNext = ref (en2.MoveNext())
let returnAll (en:IEnumerator<_>) hasNext f = seq {
if hasNext then
yield f en.Current
while en.MoveNext() do yield f en.Current }
let rec next () = seq {
if not en1HasNext.Value then yield! returnAll en2 en2HasNext.Value (fun (k, i) -> k, None, Some i)
elif not en2HasNext.Value then yield! returnAll en1 en1HasNext.Value (fun (k, i) -> k, Some i, None)
let en1Val, en2Val = fst en1.Current, fst en2.Current
let comparison = comparer.Compare(en1Val, en2Val)
if comparison = 0 then
yield en1Val, Some(snd en1.Current), Some(snd en2.Current)
en1HasNext := en1.MoveNext()
en2HasNext := en2.MoveNext()
yield! next()
elif comparison < 0 then
yield en1Val, Some(snd en1.Current), None
en1HasNext := en1.MoveNext()
yield! next ()
yield en2Val, None, Some(snd en2.Current)
en2HasNext := en2.MoveNext()
yield! next () }
yield! next () }
Assuming that we want to use strings as keys (rather than your DateTime), you can call it like this:
[ ("b", 0); ("c", 1); ("d", 2) ]
[ ("a", 0); ("b", 1); ("c", 2) ] (Comparer<string>.Default) |> List.ofSeq
// Returns
[ ("a", None, Some 0); ("b", Some 0, Some 1);
("c", Some 1, Some 2); ("d", Some 2, None) ]
If you're interested in working with time series of stock data in F#, you might be interested in joining the F# for Data and Machine Learning working group of the F# Foundation. We're currently working on an open-source library with support for time series that makes this much nicer :-). If you're interested in looking at & contributing to the early preview, then you can do that via this working group.
open System
let x = seq[(1.0,System.DateTime.Parse("1/8/2011"));(2.0,DateTime.Parse("1/9/2011"))]
//type t = seq<float*DateTime>
let (|EqualDate|_|) str dt=
DateTime.TryParse str|>function
|true,x when x=dt->Some()
let align a =
//let testDate = System.DateTime.Parse("1/11/2011")
let b = Seq.head(a)
match b with
|_,EqualDate "1/9/2011" -> printfn "Yes"
| _ -> printfn "No"
align x
x|>Seq.skip 1|>align

What is the most idiomatic style to force a computation using Sequences in f#?

I have a side-effective operation
securities |> (fun x -> request.Append("securities",x))
What is the most idiomatic way to have the code perform ?
I wrote a Seq.Doit, but it itches
module Seq =
let Doit sa = sa |> Seq.toArray |> ignore
I think Seq.iter is appropriate in this case. From the MSDN reference page:
Seq.iter : ('T -> unit) -> seq<'T> -> unit
Applies the given function to each element of the collection.
So, supposing that request.Append does not return anything, your code becomes:
securities |> Seq.iter (fun x -> request.Append("securities", x))
Deferred sequences are used when you create sequences using Seq.delay or sequence expression seq{}. Any function on sequence returning any datatype other than seq can force computation.
Alternatively, you can use for loop instead of Seq.iter:
for s in securities do
request.Append("securities", s)
If you want to hide side effects and return request for later use, Seq.fold is a good choice:
securities |> Seq.fold (fun acc x -> acc.Append("securities", x); acc) request
