I have a component which has the following -
{tree[treeType].count > 0 ? tree[treeType].count : null}
The aim of it is to show the count only when count is greater than 0 but it should be shown inside () these brackets If the count is 0 nothing should be shown
I have tried to go with - ({tree[treeType].count > 0 ? tree[treeType].count : null}) but this shows brackets no matter what and also this - {tree[treeType].count > 0 ? (tree[treeType].count) : null} but this gives error.
What should I do?
tree[treeType].count > 0 ? `(${tree[treeType].count})` : null
Please try to use this code:
{tree[treeType].count > 0 ? '(' + tree[treeType].count + ')' : null}
I have tried to use grammar defined in grammars-v4 project(https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4/tree/master/javascript/jsx) to parse jsx file.
When I parse the code snippet below,
let str =
`${dsName}${parameterStr ? `( ${parameterStr} )` : ""}${returns ? `{
${returns}}` : ""}`;
it shows the following error
line 2:32 at [#8,42:42='(',<8>,2:32]:no viable alternative at input '('
https://astexplorer.net/ shows it is a TemplateLiteral with conditionalExpression inside, any thoughts for parsing such grammar?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks #Bart, it works.
It works fine on the following code.
const href1 = `https://example.com/lib/downloads_${page}.htm?joinSource=${joinSource}${inviter?`&inviter=${inviter}`: ''}`;
const href2 = `https://example.com/act/kol/detail_${this.props.values.list.res.rows && this.props.values.list.res.rows[0].id}_${page}.htm?joinSource=${joinSource}${inviter?`&inviter=${inviter}`: ''}`;
Given Mike's observation that it's the template string that is messing things up, here's a quick solution:
Add the instance variable:
// Keeps track of the the current depth of nested template string backticks.
// E.g. after the X in:
// `${a ? `${X
// templateDepth will be 2. This variable is needed to determine if a `}` is a
// plain CloseBrace, or one that closes an expression inside a template string.
protected int templateDepth = 0;
// Place TemplateCloseBrace above CloseBrace!
TemplateCloseBrace: {this.templateDepth > 0}? '}' -> popMode;
// Remove (or comment) TemplateStringLiteral
// TemplateStringLiteral: '`' ('\\`' | ~'`')* '`';
: '`' {this.templateDepth++;} -> pushMode(TEMPLATE)
// Place at the end of the file:
: '`' {this.templateDepth--;} -> type(BackTick), popMode
: '${' -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE)
: ~[`]
: ...
| singleExpression templateStringLiteral # TemplateStringExpression // ECMAScript 6
| ...
: ...
| templateStringLiteral
| ...
: BackTick templateStringAtom* BackTick
: TemplateStringAtom
| TemplateStringStartExpression singleExpression TemplateCloseBrace
I did not fully test my solution, but it parses your example input successfully:
A quick look at the ANTLR grammar shows:
// TODO: `${`tmp`}`
TemplateStringLiteral: '`' ('\\`' | ~'`')* '`'
So, apparently, it’s on the “TODO List”. Allowing nested “`” string interpolation is surprising (to say the least), and will be “non-trivial” for the ANTLR Lexer (So, I would not "hold my breather" waiting on a fix for this).
Have you tried: (replacing the nested “`”s with “‘s?).
let str =
`${dsName}${parameterStr ? “( ${parameterStr} )” : ""}${returns ? “{
${returns}}” : ""}`;
I have a string number like this:
So I have to delete all dots except last one, it will look like this:
Also if there is only one dot it should keep it.
1.00 | 1.00
1.000.00 | 1000.00
What I tried:
I create a derived column with this expression
LEFT([Column],FINDSTRING([Column],".",LEN([Column]) - LEN(REPLACE([Column],".",""))) - 1)
+ SUBSTRING([Column],FINDSTRING([Column],".",LEN([Column]) - LEN(REPLACE([Column],".",""))) + 1,LEN([Column]))
It keep the first dot not the last one.
You can try to use SSIS TOKEN() and TOKENCOUNT() functions.
TOKENCOUNT(column,".") == 4 ? TOKEN(1) + TOKEN(2) + TOKEN(3) + "." + TOKEN(4) :
( TOKENCOUNT(column,".") == 3 ? TOKEN(1) + TOKEN(2) + "." + TOKEN(3) :
( TOKENCOUNT(column,".") == 2 ? column :
( TOKENCOUNT(column,".") == 0 ? column: “" ) ) )
I am in need of assistance reading this confusing derived column expression which contains multiple Boolean expressions.
I've tried reading it multiple ways, but not sure which one is correct.
ISNULL(ContractNumber) ? (ISNULL(PaidLossAmount)
&& ISNULL(CaseReserveAmount)) ? NULL(DT_CY) :
(ISNULL(PaidLossAmount) ? 0 : PaidLossAmount) + (ISNULL(CaseReserveAmount)
? 0 : CaseReserveAmount) : PaidLossAmount
Could someone please advise on how this expression should be read? Thanks for your advice!
This is a nested if then else in the format of [Logical test] ? [Do this if true] : [Do this if false]
This is the formatted version.
?(ISNULL(PaidLossAmount) && ISNULL(CaseReserveAmount))
: (ISNULL(PaidLossAmount)
? 0
: PaidLossAmount)
+ (ISNULL(CaseReserveAmount)
? 0
: CaseReserveAmount)
: PaidLossAmount
Here's a decision tree:
I need to add a margin to an element with some calculations as below:
[ngStyle]="{'margin-left': calc(sustainScrore && sustainScrore.scoring && sustainScrore.scoring.score ? sustainScrore.scoring.score + '%' : '0%')}"
This seems to throw an error :
ERROR TypeError: _co.calc is not a function Looking for a solution.
[ngStyle]="{ 'margin-left': 'calc(' + (sustainScrore?.scoring?.score || '0') + '%)' }"
This should do the trick.
Your issue was not considering calc as a string : Angular was looking for a funtion to call, while you wanted to create a CSS property. I also reduced your code with the safe navigation operator, leaving you with cleaner code.
if you want to reduce it further, use the style.XXX notation :
[style.margin-left]="'calc(' + (sustainScrore?.scoring?.score || '0') + '%)'"
I need to place some if condition in Angular expression.I want execution of my angular expression{{}} based on some condition .
To add an express use
{{ 4 > 5 ? 'Four': 'Five'}}
Preferred way
{{verifyCondition(4, 5)}}
// In your controller
$scope.verifyCondition = function(a, b){
return a > b ? "True condition": "False condition";
You can't. But Angular 1.1.5 supports ternary operators in expressions:
{{"The fee is " + (isMember ? "$2.00" : "$10.00")}}
Also I used to do the following a lot to conditionally execute functions in expressions
{{goodToGo && startRace()}}
goodToGo is a simple scope variable.
Below is my expression which I was trying to write :
{{ ((entry.default == 'BLANK' || entry.default=='custom' ) ? " " : entry.default || getDefaultValuePlaceholder())}}