How to make react components communicate each others in large component tree - reactjs

In my react app, I have some complex component tree.
In this component tree, I have a <Footer/> component with buttons. I also have <SomeComponent/> component elsewhere in the tree. This component is actually loaded from some dynamic code and is not always the same (similar to some widget engine, where the container is handled by the app engine, and the content is dynamically loaded). It means the context has no knowledge of what are actually the components.
In order to plug everything else, I have a custom react context that holds some fields and methods, which is exposed trough a custom useMyContext hook.
This is working quite well except one remaining issue :
In my <Footer /> I have a button that should call something inside the <SomeComponent/> component. As an example I may have a 'Refresh' button that should ask the component to get latest data.
Basically I have this react tree:
(contains a refresh function)
How can I call the refresh function in my component from the footer ?
I tried to play with forwarding refs and useImperativeHandler hook, which may work, but the deep nesting of component tree leads to a big mess of forwarding refs.
I also tried to extend the context provider, but I didn't found a way to "reverse" the callback (context can react to Refresh button action, but I cannot react to this in sibling branch of the component tree).
How could I handle this ?
PS: if it matters, I'm using react 16.13.1 and typescript 4.5

I think I have the start of a clean solution.
Basically, I can handle my scenario by implementing a subscribe/unsubscribe pattern hold by by app context.
This way I can emit some kind of event from my outer context, and let components in the tree subscribe and handle the events as needed.
Some repro :
Relevant parts below:
Custom react context
type Subscribe = (cb: () => void) => () => void;
type AppContextData = {
subscribe: Subscribe;
onSubmit: () => void;
const AppContext = createContext<AppContextData | undefined>(undefined);
const useAppContext = (): AppContextData => {
const context = useContext(AppContext);
if (!context)
throw new Error(`useAppContext must be used within a AppContextProvider`);
return context;
Container component
const AppContextProvider: React.FC<PropsWithChildren<{}>> = ({ children }) => {
const subscribtions: (() => void)[] = [];
const subscribe: Subscribe = (cb) => {
return () => {
subscribtions.splice(subscribtions.indexOf(cb), 1);
const emitSubmit = () => {
subscribtions.forEach((cb) => cb());
const appContext: AppContextData = {
onSubmit: emitSubmit
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={appContext}>{children}</AppContext.Provider>
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Main />
<Footer />
And finally, subscription and submission trigger:
Component with button
const Footer: React.VFC = () => {
const { onSubmit } = useAppContext();
return <button onClick={onSubmit}>Submit</button>;
Component that subscribes (and unsubscribe thanks to react effect)
const Main: React.VFC = () => {
const [myString, setMyString] = useState("initial");
const context = useAppContext();
useEffect(() => {
return context.subscribe(() => setMyString("from context"));
}, [context]);
return <p>{myString}</p>;


Adding functions to lit web components in react with typescript

I have a web component i created in lit, which takes in a function as input prop. but the function is not being triggered from the react component.
import React, { FC } from 'react';
import '#webcomponents/widgets'
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
'webcomponents-widgets': WidgetProps
interface WidgetProps extends React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement> {
var1: string,
successCallback: Function,
const App = () =>{
const onSuccessCallback = () =>{
console.log("add some logic here");
return(<webcomponents-widgets var1="test" successCallBack={onSuccessCallback}></webcomponents-widgets>)
How can i trigger the function in react component? I have tried this is vue 3 and is working as expected.
Am i missing something?
As pointed out in this answer, React does not handle function props for web components properly at this time.
While it's possible to use a ref to add the function property imperatively, I would suggest the more idiomatic way of doing things in web components is to not take a function as a prop but rather have the web component dispatch an event on "success" and the consumer to write an event handler.
So the implementation of <webcomponents-widgets>, instead of calling
would instead do
const event = new Event('success', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
Then, in your React component you can add the event listener.
const App = () => {
const widgetRef = useRef();
const onSuccessCallback = () => {
console.log("add some logic here");
useEffect(() => {
widgetRef.current?.addEventListener('success', onSuccessCallback);
return () => {
widgetRef.current?.removeEventListener('success', onSuccessCallback);
}, []);
return(<webcomponents-widgets var1="test" ref={widgetRef}></webcomponents-widgets>);
The #lit-labs/react package let's you wrap the web component, turning it into a React component so you can do this kind of event handling declaratively.
React does not handle Web Components as well as other frameworks (but it is planned to be improved in the future).
What is happening here is that your successCallBack parameter gets converted to a string. You need to setup a ref on your web component and set successCallBack from a useEffect:
const App = () => {
const widgetRef = useRef();
const onSuccessCallback = () =>{
console.log("add some logic here");
useEffect(() => {
if (widgetRef.current) {
widgetRef.current.successCallBack = onSuccessCallback;
}, []);
return(<webcomponents-widgets var1="test" ref={widgetRef}></webcomponents-widgets>)

Can't stop React from updating the main component after state change

I'm having the following issue.
I have a component called "BackgroundService" who has a setInterval for requesting data from an API every 5 seconds. The received data from API is stored in "backgroundServiceResult" hook with useState, located in App and shared by a context provider.
const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
const [backgroundServiceResult, setBackgroundServiceResult] = useState([false]);
console.log("App reloaded")
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={{ backgroundServiceResult, setBackgroundServiceResult }}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
import { useState, useEffect, useContext } from "react"
import AppContext from '#/hooks/AppContext'
export const BackgroundService = () => {
const { getLatestSyncInfo } = api()
const { isDBSet, getJson } = OfflineStorage()
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const [alreadyNotified, setalreadyNotified] = useState(false)
useEffect(async () => {
const intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
appContext.setBackgroundServiceResult(data or stuff);
}, 5000)
return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
}, [])
return (
The problem is, every time the appContext.setBackgroundServiceResult is called from BackgroundService.js, the entire App component is re-rendered! so the "console log" in App is called, and all the components mounted again.
How can I store the received data from API through all my application without rendering again all from App?
Any way for solving this?
Thanks you
Your application is following expected behaviour, when state or props update the component will re-render.
There are many options you could use to prevent this from negatively affecting parts of your application.
useEffect could be used to only run code in child components when the component is initially mounted or when specific props or state change.
useMemo could be used to only recalculate values upon specific props or state change.
useCallback could be used to only recreate a function when specific props or state change.
In your specific case here it doesn't make sense to create the BackgroundService if it isn't going to render anything. Instead you should be creating a hook like this:
import { useState, useEffect, useContext } from "react"
import AppContext from '#/hooks/AppContext'
export const useBackgroundService = () => {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
// Also bear in mind that the `useEffect` callback cannot be `async`
useEffect(() => {
// the `async` over here is fine though
const intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
appContext.setBackgroundServiceResult(data or stuff);
}, 5000)
return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
}, [])
And then call it in your app as follows:
const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
const [backgroundServiceResult, setBackgroundServiceResult] = useState([false]);
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={{ backgroundServiceResult, setBackgroundServiceResult }}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
Don't worry about the console.log going off, it won't negatively affect your application. If you had to do something like sort a massive list at the top level of your app component you could do something like this:
const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
const [backgroundServiceResult, setBackgroundServiceResult] = useState([false]);
const sortedList = useMemo(() => pageProps.myList.sort(), [pageProps.myList]);
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={{ backgroundServiceResult, setBackgroundServiceResult }}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
Then the sortedList value would only update when it needs to and your updated backgroundServiceResult wouldn't cause that value to be recalculated.
In the same way you could make use of useEffect in the children components to make sure code only runs on initial mount and not on the components being re-rendered.
If you update your question to be more specific about what problems your App being rendered are causing we could come up with a better solution to tackle that specific issue.

Excessive rerendering when interacting with global state in React Context

I'm building a Chat app, I'm using ContextAPI to hold the state that I'll be needing to access from different unrelated components.
A lot of rerendering is happening because of the context, everytime I type a letter in the input all the components rerender, same when I toggle the RightBar which its state also resides in the context because I need to toggle it from a button in Navbar.
I tried to use memo on every components, still all the components rerender everytime I interact with state in context from any component.
I added my whole code simplified to this sandbox link :
And this is a deployed Netlify link :
I tried to separate my code into some custom hooks like useChatSerice, useUsersService to simplify the code and make the actual components clean, I'll also appreciate any insight about how to better structure those hooks and where to put CRUD functions while avoiding the excessive rerendering.
I found some "solutions" indicating that using multiple contexts should help, but I can't figure out how to do this in my specific case, been stuck with this problem for a week.
The main problem here is a full rerender with every letter typed in the input.
The second, is the RightBar toggle button which also causes a full rerender.
Splitting the navbar and chat state into two separate React contexts is actually the recommended method from React. By nesting all the state into a new object reference anytime any single state updated it necessarily triggers a rerender of all consumers.
value={{ // <-- new object reference each render
rightBarValue: [rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen],
chatState: {
I suggest carving rightBarValue and state setter into its own context.
NavBar context
const NavBarContext = createContext([false, () => {}]);
const NavBarProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen] = useState(true);
return (
<NavBarContext.Provider value={[rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen]}>
const useNavBar = () => useContext(NavBarContext);
Chat context
const ChatContext = createContext({
editValue: "",
setEditValue: () => {},
editingId: null,
setEditingId: () => {},
inputValue: "",
setInputValue: () => {}
const ChatProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
const [editValue, setEditValue] = useState("");
const [editingId, setEditingId] = useState(null);
const chatState = useMemo(
() => ({
[editValue, inputValue, editingId]
return (
<ChatContext.Provider value={chatState}>{children}</ChatContext.Provider>
const useChat = () => {
return useContext(ChatContext);
const MainContainer = () => {
return (
<NavBar />
<ChatSection />
NavBar - use the useNavBar hook
const NavBar = () => {
const [rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen] = useNavBar();
useEffect(() => {
console.log("NavBar rendered"); // <-- log when rendered
return (
<span>MY NAVBAR</span>
<button onClick={() => setRightBarIsOpen(!rightBarIsOpen)}>
const Chat = ({ chatLines }) => {
const { addMessage, updateMessage, deleteMessage } = useChatService();
const {
} = useChat();
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Chat rendered"); // <-- log when rendered
return (
When running the app notice now that "NavBar rendered" only logs when toggling the navbar, and "Chat rendered" only logs when typing in the chat text area.
I recommend use jotai or other state management libraries.
Context is not suitable for high-frequency changes.
And, the RightBar's state looks can separate to other hook/context.
There is tricky one solution solve some render problems:
Your code needs to be refactored, and useChatService in ChatSection also depends on your useChat, so ChatSection will re-render when the text changes.
It looks like you are changing a global context on input field data change. If your global context is defined on a level of parent components (in relation to your input component), then the parent and all children will have to re-render.
You have several options to avoid this behavior:
Use context on a lower level, e.g. by extracting your input field to an external component and using useContext hook there
Save the input to local state of a component and only sync it to the global context on blur or submit

How do I use a custom hook inside of useEffect?

I'm working with Amazon's Chime SDK Component Library for React. The component library has a number of components and hooks available for use.
One of the component is <LocalVideo />. The problem is that it starts with the video disabled. In order to turn it on you use the hook useLocalVideo().
In the examples I've seen they use a button to execute the hook:
const MyComponent = () => {
const togglevideo = { useLocalVideo };
<LocalVideo />
<button onClick={toggleVideo}>Toggle</button>
This works fine. But what if I want the LocalVideo component to load enabled? e.g., if I don't want someone to have to click a button?
I've tried several different approaches including:
Add the code directly to the component (this doesn't work, I assume because the hook is called before the render with the LocalVideo component completes).
Adding the code inside useEffect (invalid Hook call errors).
For example:
const MyComponent = () => {
useEffect( () => {
const MyComponent = () => {
const { tileId, isVideoEnabled, setIsVideoEnabled, toggleVideo } = useLocalVideo();
useEffect( () => {
}, []
How can I make this hook run after the component renders?
You should call the function toggleVideo inside the useEffect, not the hook useLocalVideo itself:
const MyComponent = () => {
const { togglevideo } = useLocalVideo();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<LocalVideo />

Event-driven approach in React?

I'd like to "fire an event" in one component, and let other components "subscribe" to that event and do some work in React.
For example, here is a typical React project.
I have a model, fetch data from server and several components are rendered with that data.
interface Model {
id: number;
value: number;
const [data, setData] = useState<Model[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromServer().then((resp) => setData(;
}, []);
<Text>Model with large value count: {data.filter(m => m.value > 5).length}</Text>
{ model, index: number) => (
<Item key={} itemData={itemData} />
<BottomTab data={data} />
In one child component, a model can be edited and saved.
const [editItem, setEditItem] = useState<Model|null>(null);
<Text>Model with large value count: {data.filter(m => m.value > 5).length}</Text>
{ model, index: number) => (
onClick={() => setEditItem(itemData)}
{!!editItem && (
<EditScreen itemData={editItem} />
<BottomTab data={data} />
Let's assume it's EditScreen:
const [model, setModel] = useState(props.itemData);
onChange={(value) => setModel({...model, Number(value)})}
onClick={() => {
callSaveApi(model).then((resp) => {
// let other components know that this model is updated
App must let TopTab, BottomTab and ListScreen component to update data
without calling API from server again (because EditScreen.updateData already fetched updated data from server) and
not passing updateData function as props (because in most real cases, components structure is too complex to pass all functions as props)
In order to solve above problem effectively, I'd like to fire an event (e.g. "model-update") with an argument (changed model) and let other components subscribe to that event and change their data, e.g.:
// in EditScreen
updateData().then(resp => {
const newModel =;
Event.emit("model-updated", newModel);
// in any other components
useEffect(() => {
// subscribe model change event
Event.on("model-updated", (newModel) => {
// unsubscribe events on destroy
return () => {"model-updated");
}, []);
// in another component
useEffect(() => {
// subscribe model change event
Event.on("model-updated", (newModel) => {
// unsubscribe events on destroy
return () => {"model-updated");
}, []);
Is it possible using React hooks?
How to implement event-driven approach in React hooks?
There cannot be an alternative of event emitter because React hooks and use context is dependent on dom tree depth and have limited scope.
Is using EventEmitter with React (or React Native) considered to be a good practice?
A: Yes it is a good to approach when there is component deep in dom tree
I'm seeking event-driven approach in React. I'm happy with my solution now but can I achieve the same thing with React hooks?
A: If you are referring to component state, then hooks will not help you share it between components. Component state is local to the component. If your state lives in context, then useContext hook would be helpful.
For useContext we have to implement full context API with MyContext.Provider and MyContext.Consumer and have to wrap inside high order (HOC) component
so event emitter is best.
In react native, you can use react-native-event-listeners package
yarn add react-native-event-listeners
import { EventRegister } from 'react-native-event-listeners'
const Sender = (props) => (
onPress={() => {
EventRegister.emit('myCustomEvent', 'it works!!!')
><Text>Send Event</Text></TouchableHighlight>
class Receiver extends PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: 'no data',
componentWillMount() {
this.listener = EventRegister.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', (data) => {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return <Text>{}</Text>
Not sure why the EventEmitter has been downvoted, but here's my take:
When it comes to state management, I believe using a Flux-based approach is usually the way to go (Context/Redux and friends are all great). That said, I really don't see why an event-based approach would pose any problem - JS is event based and React is just a library after all, not even a framework, and I can't see why we would be forced to stay within its guidelines.
If your UI needs to know about the general state of your app and react to it, use reducers, update your store, then use Context/Redux/Flux/whatever - if you simply need to react to specific events, use an EventEmitter.
Using an EventEmitter will allow you to communicate between React and other libraries, e.g. a canvas (if you're not using React Three Fiber, I dare you to try and talk with ThreeJS/WebGL without events) without all the boilerplate. There are many cases where using Context is a nightmare, and we shouldn't feel restricted by React's API.
If it works for you, and it's scalable, just do it.
EDIT: here's an example using eventemitter3:
import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
const Emitter = {
on: (event, fn) => eventEmitter.on(event, fn),
once: (event, fn) => eventEmitter.once(event, fn),
off: (event, fn) =>, fn),
emit: (event, payload) => eventEmitter.emit(event, payload)
export default Emitter;
import Emitter from '.emitter';
export const SomeComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// you can also use `.once()` to only trigger it ... once
Emitter.on('SOME_EVENT', () => do what you want here)
return () => {'SOME_EVENT')
From there you trigger events wherever you want, subscribe to them, and act on it, pass some data around, do whatever you want really.
We had a similar problem and took inspiration from useSWR.
Here is a simplified version of what we implemented:
const events = [];
const callbacks = {};
function useForceUpdate() {
const [, setState] = useState(null);
return useCallback(() => setState({}), []);
function useEvents() {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
const runCallbacks = (callbackList, data) => {
if (callbackList) {
callbackList.forEach(cb => cb(data));
const dispatch = (event, data) => {
events.push({ event, data, created: });
runCallbacks(callbacks[event], data);
const on = (event, cb) => {
if (callbacks[event]) {
} else {
callbacks[event] = [cb];
// Return a cleanup function to unbind event
return () => callbacks[event] = callbacks[event].filter(i => i !== cb);
return { dispatch, on, events };
In a component we do:
const { dispatch, on, events } = useEvents();
useEffect(() => on('MyEvent', (data) => { something...}));
This works nicely for a few reasons:
Unlike the window Event system, event data can be any kind of object. This saves having to stringify payloads and what not. It also means there is no chance of collision with any built-in browser events
The global cache (idea borrowed from SWR) means we can just useEvents wherever needed without having to pass the event list & dispatch/subscribe functions down component trees, or mess around with react context.
It is trivial to save the events to local storage, or replay/rewind them
The one headache we have is the use of the forceUpdate every time an event is dispatched means every component receiving the event list is re-rendered, even if they are not subscribed to that particular event. This is an issue in complex views.
We are actively looking for solutions to this...
You can create use context in App.js using useContext, and then in you child component you can use values from it and update the context as soon as the context get updated it will update the values being used in other child component, no need to pass props.
You can achieve this with any React's global state management.
In your store, have a useEffect for your event subscription, and a reducer for each of your event.
If you have 2 data sources, the subscription and the query, then initialize your state values with your query, then listen to the subscription.
Something like this
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return action.payload
return state
Assuming you are using
const asyncActions = {
QUERY: ({ dispatch }) => async(action) => {
const data = await fetch(...)
dispatch({ type: 'query', payload: data })
You can also use middleware in Redux
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialValues, asyncActions)
useEffect(() => {
dispatch({ type: 'QUERY' })
Event.on((data) => {
dispatch({ type: 'SUBSCRIBE', payload: data })
return () =>
}, [])
return <Provider value={state}>{children}</Provider>
