I wanted to setup a MariaDB on my Ubuntu Server for me and my friends to get some exercises done for our exam in databases.
Because everyone lives somewhere else I want to activate remote access on my database. I edited config to comment out the "Bind IP Adress", created a user with my IP that I have at home, but I can't login at my university or somewhere else.
Is there any way to allow access from any ip I'm at?
Thanks in advance!
I created a user, database and granted full access for the user.
i am developing a windows application that uses a database "MSSQL Server" installed in my pc.
the application has two interface : manager and user
the user will be located in different countries which is mean different network.
the network that my PC is connected to has a high level of security and my PC has local IP address.
what is the best and secure way to share the database and let the users located in network X access my database?
for example: should i use online database or azure or share point or DNS?
if any one has an experience in this kind of connection please advice.
Here is the solution for that!
Go to MySQL server
Type the following code to grant access for other pc
mysql > grant all privileges on . to 'root'#'%' identified by 'root_password'; mysql> flush privileges;
Replace ‘%’ with the IP you want to grant access for!
This worked for me!
In that case just use localhost and follow this steps:
mysql -u user -p
mysql -hlocalhost -u user -p
If you cannot login with this, you must find out what usernames (user#host) exist in the MySQL Server localy. Here is what you do:
Step 01) Startup mysql so that no passwords are require no passwords and denies TCP/IP connections
service mysql restart --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking
Keep in mind that standard SQL for adding users, granting and revoking privs are disabled.
Step 02) Show users and hosts
select concat(''',user,'''#''',host,'''') userhost,password from mysql.user;
Step 03) Check your password to make sure it works
select user,host from mysql.user where password=password('YourMySQLPassword');
If your password produces no output for this query, you have a bad password.
If your password produces output for this query, look at the users and hosts. If your host value is '%', your should be able to connect from anywhere. If your host is 'localhost', you should be able to connect locally.
Make user you have 'root'#'localhost' defined.
Once you have done what is needed, just restart mysql normally
service mysql restart
If you are able to connect successfully on the macbook, run this query:
USER() reports how you attempted to authenticate in MySQL
CURRENT_USER() reports how you were allowed to authenticate in MySQL
Let us know what happens !!!
Login to the remote server and repeat Step 1-3
See if any user allows remote access (i.e, host in mysql.user is '%'). If you do not, then add 'user'#'%' to mysql.user.
I have an Advantage Database Server that works as expected when it is not a member of Active Directory Domain. However, once I join the domain, I can no longer connect to the database services. I checked to see if the database server service was still running and it was. I even checked the file permissions of the database files and added the appropriate user to the folder without any luck.
Does anybody know if there is anything that might be preventing connections to the database server from being established?
Even when you join the domain, you should still be able to log on as the original user, who should still have the same access rights to software applications and the DB.
Are you logging on as a domain user, or are you still logging on as the old local account? When you say "connect to the db services" do you mean launch a local app?
Is the service running as a specified user? Or is it local system etc? What is the desired goal in joining the domain?
More information needed... thanks!
I have a SQL Server instance (AWS RDS). The master user lost access to one of the databases (able to access others). I might have accidentally given the master user denyreader or something similar. Tried resetting the master password on the AWS console, still no use.
Does anyone know how I can get the privileges back for the master user?
Thanks in advance
I have two PC.
For development PC and Test Server PC.
I login Development PC use KJM/MyUser.
And login Test Server use CDM/Administrator.
I deploy a web site. This have to get user name and domain.
If i access this site from development PC.
I get CDM/guest. It is wrong. I want to get KJM/MyUser.
I surveied web. And now I expect that this problem concern active directory.
It permit access CDM/USERS that folder of server include deployed website files.
If i Change setting to deny CDM/USERS. I can't access from development pc.
And I added permit access user IIS_IUSRS. and tested that deny access IIS_IUSRS.
as a result I could access from development pc.
So now. I expect that If i add access permition KJM/MyUser on server folder, i can get KJM/MyUser instead CDM/guest.(just my expectation).
I think KJM/MyUser have not authorization to access server's folder. So try to Access the folder with IIS_IUSRS. I think It is the reason return CDM/guest to me.
It is just my expectation.But i can't Check about this because. I can't add permition KJM Domain User on test server. The server only can add CDM Domain.
I just need to My expectaion is wrong or right. If i wrong and you have some idead about my problem, please tell me some idea.
Thank you.
USERS and IIS_USRS group is permit access everyone. Evenif server don't know who is accessor. But Server don't know they. So try use guest account.
It is the reason return serverdomainname\guest.
My test server didn't participate in active directory.
So server never know about my localPC.
I make test server participate in active directory.
And add access permition domain on site.
And solved this problem.
I've recently taken over a script from someone who's left the company and it recently started failing. The code looks up a specific user and sends them an e-mail.
I've nailed the culprit line that fails to be (user and passwords is set to my personal account):
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:IDM', $idm_user, $idm_passwd)
from this database the script selects the E-mail from a specified user login name.
I can't seem to find any documentation on the database IDM and was wondering if anyone knows of it?
Is it a built in Microsoft Exchange DB or Windows domain DB?
That line is connecting to an ODBC data source called IDM defined in the ODBC data source administrator in that system.
I have a feeling that the guy wrote his own database to do this particular task, and maintained that database.
I had to do something like this and used Net::LDAP to read the user's email address from the Windows Active Directory, then used Net::SMTP to write the email. Of course, your Windows Active Directory must be configured to allow for LDAP access, and your Outlook email must be configured to allow for SMTP based mail.
You can try something like Win32::AD::User to fetch the user's email address directly from Active Directory, but I have a feeling that you won't have read/write access to it.
If you can figure out how to fetch the user's information, you can try Mail::Outlook to write the actual email.
I never used either of these modules. I guess I've been lucky that my Window sites allow LDAP access and SMTP.