Why is this code not rendering the content I'm specifying? - hugo

For this Hugo site, I have two sections in my "content" folder, "posts" and "projects", each with their own pages. The site.com/projects/ and site.com/posts/ pages display their relevant content correctly. On my home page, I'd like to display some entries of both sections. Here is layouts/index.html:
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="homepage-content">
{{ .Content }}
<h1>Blog Posts:</h1>
<div class="articles">
{{ $post_pages := where (where site.Pages "Type" "in" "posts") "Params.hidden" "!=" true }}
{{ range (.Paginate $post_pages).Pages }}
{{ partial "post-summary.html" . }}
{{ end }}
<div class="articles">
{{ $project_pages := where (where site.Pages "Type" "in" "projects") "Params.hidden" "!=" true }}
{{ range (.Paginate $project_pages).Pages }}
{{ partial "post-summary.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "pagination.html" . }}
{{ end }}
What happens is, that both code blocks end up rendering a list of the pages from the "posts" section, and if I reverse the order (placing the code block for the "projects" section first) they both display pages from the "projects" section. What seems to be happening is that there's some kind of hidden variable that isn't being reset between the code blocks. After going through the Hugo docs for about an hour, I couldn't for the life of me find the reason. I've already specified both sections under "mainSections" in the params file if that makes any difference (although I don't imagine it does)
For reference, I'm using the anubis theme as a base (although it's been somewhat heavily modified) but again, I don't think it's related.

A kind member of the Hugo forum has answered my question:
I made two mistakes. I paginated twice, which doesn't work. I also used .Pages instead of .RegularPages, which isn't recommended (see here).
User jmooring provided the following two options for how I could do what I was attempting:
"If you want to paginate, build a sorted collection of both posts and projects, then paginate the collection. See https://gohugo.io/functions/union/"
"Display the first N posts under the Posts heading (with a link to more), and display the first N projects under the Projects heading (with a link to more). See https://gohugo.io/functions/first/"


AngularJS to display one section in Italic

Hi i'm creating a Harvard Reference Generator using AngularJS ive got it working perfectly, i can get it to create the full reference however i need one section to be styled in italics, the information is captured using a form. I require a little help with the output.
Current Output Code:
book_author+" "+book_multiple_authors+" ("+book_year+").
"+ book_edition
What i need is for one section "book_title" to be shown in italics
I have tried:
book_author+" "+book_multiple_authors+" ("+book_year+").
"+ book_edition
book_author+" "+book_multiple_authors+" ("+book_year+").
"+ book_edition
book_author+" "+book_multiple_authors+" ("+book_year+").
"+ book_edition
Nothing seems to work, i cant find any further reference to formatting the angularjs output specific to one section. What am i missing, any help would be greatly appreciated. That You.
To have HTML rendered within ng expressions, you need to use ngSanitize or $sce dependency. Else, HTML will be rendered as string inside your expressions.
In your case, you can simplify it by breaking it down to multiple elements:
<span ng-bind="book_author"></span>
<span ng-bind="book_multiple_authors"></span>
<span ng-bind="book_year"></span>
<span ng-bind="book_title"></span>
<span ng-bind="book_place"></span>
<span ng-bind="book_publisher"></span>
<span ng-bind="book_edition"></span>
Code between double curly braces in AngularJS is meant to be JavaScript, so it can't contain HTML tags. The way around it would be along these lines:
{{book_author+" "+book_multiple_authors
+" ("+book_year+").&nbsp";}}
{{" "+book_place+": "+book_publisher
+". "+book_edition;}}
Let me know if this works for you, if not we can try CSS instead to render text in italics.
Best wishes,

Rendrering footnotes references in the richtextblock wagtail

Using wagtail-footnotes I have a problem of passing the footnote's reference number to the templates of my Richtextblock.
I followed the Readme instructions. After inserting the data, the footnotes are rendered correctly in the page's 'footer'/footnotes section. The footnote's reference number in the Richtextblock (the 'page.body') displays the numbers that are attributed by the plugin on the Admin. ex: 3ec45 rather in ascending order.
To isolate the problem, I used a simple page model which has StreamField or CustomStreamFieldBlock in it.
It seems that my problem is more related to customize the Richtextblock.
Based on the lines of code that render the footnotes in section (see below), I tried to loop and render the [{{ forloop.counter }}], in a customRichTextBlock... however, I rendered it as a separate block and not inside the RichTextBlock itself.
<ol>{% for footnote in page.footnotes.all %}
<li id="footnote-{{ forloop.counter }}">
[{{ forloop.counter }}] {{ footnote.text|richtext }}
↩ </li>
{% endfor %}</ol>
I found nearly no references or repo to compare with. Any advise or reference as to how I can advance will be highly appreciated.

Filtering a Wagtail index page by fields of the child pages (user-initiated query) / (FieldError at ... cannot resolve keyword)

My Wagtail project is at heart just a very conventional listings page where users can browse items in the database and then click on any item of interest to go its detail page. But how do I allow users to filter and/or sort the listings on the main page by the contents of fields on the child pages? This most generic, ordinary task eludes me.
Let's say the database is a collection of Things. And let's say that what people find important about each Thing are (a) the year it was discovered, and (b) the country where it can be found. A user may want to browse through all the Things, but she should be able to narrow down the list to just those Things found in 2019 in Lithuania. And she should be able to sort by year or by country. Just your super-standard functionality but I can't find any guidance or figure it out myself.
Cribbing from examples of other people's work here are my models so far:
class ThingsListingPage(Page):
def things(self):
''' return all child pages, to start with '''
things = self.get_children().specific()
# do I need 'specific' above?
# Is this altogether the wrong way to fetch child
# pages if I need to filter on their fields?
return things
def years(self, things): # Don't need things parameter yet
'''Return a list of years for use in queries'''
years = ['2020', '2019', '2018',]
return years
def countries(self, things):
'''Return a list of countries for use in queries.'''
countries = ['Angola', 'Brazil', 'Cameroon','Dubai', 'Estonia',]
return countries
def get_context(self, request):
context = super(ThingsListingPage, self).get_context(request)
things = self.things()
# this default sort is all you get for now
things_to_display = things.order_by('-first_published_at')
# Filters prn
has_filter = False
for filter_name in ['year', 'country',]:
filter_value = request.GET.get(filter_name)
if filter_value:
if filter_value != "all":
kwargs = {'{0}'.format(filter_name): filter_value}
things_to_display = things_to_display.filter(
has_filter = True
page = request.GET.get('page') # is this for pagination?
context['some_things'] = things_to_display
context['has_filter'] = has_filter # tested on listings page to select header string
context['page_check'] = page # pagination thing, I guess
# Don't forget the data to populate filter choices on the listings page
context['years'] = self.years(things)
context['countries'] = self.countries(things)
return context
class ThingDetailPage(Page):
year = models.CharField(
country = models.CharField(
CONTNT_PANELS = Page.content_panels + [
# etc.
The template for the listings (index) page, showing only the filter controls (sorting controls are also required, and of course the listings themselves):
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<section class="filter controls">
<form method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" class="filter_form">
<h6 class="expanded">Sub-categories</h6>
<ul class="subfilter">
<input type="radio" name="year" value="all" id="filter_year_all"
{% if request.GET.year == "all" %}checked="checked" {% endif %} /><label
for="filter_year_all">All Years</label></input>
{% for year in years %}
<input type="radio" name="year" value="{{ year }}" id="filter_year_{{ year }}"
{% if request.GET.year == year %}checked="checked" {% endif %} /><label
for="filter_year_{{ year }}">{{ year }}</label></input>
{% endfor %}
<h6 class="expanded">Sub-categories</h6>
<ul class="subfilter">
<input type="radio" name="country" value="all" id="filter_country_all"
{% if request.GET.country == "all" %}checked="checked" {% endif %} /><label
for="filter_country_all">All Countries</label></input>
{% for country in countries %}
<input type="radio" name="country" value="{{ country }}" id="filter_country_{{ country|slugify }}"
{% if request.GET.country == country %}checked="checked" {% endif %} /><label
for="filter_country_{{ country|slugify }}">{{ country }}</label></input>
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Apply Filters"/>
{% endblock %}
The above Page models seem to work fine in Wagtail. I've created a ThingsListingPage page named "Things," and a set of child ThingDetailPage pages, each with 'year' and 'country' data. The pages display fine: The filters on the Things listings page display the (currently hard-coded) year and country items from the ThingsListingPage model. The listings page also lists the child pages on command. No complaints from the server.
But: Upon making my filter selections and clicking the submit / Apply filters button, I get an appropriate URL in the address bar (http://localhost:8000/things/?year=2019&country=Lithuania) but this error:
FieldError at /things/
Cannot resolve keyword 'year' into field.
(If I don't select a year filter but do filter on a country I get the same error on the 'country' keyword.)
How should I change the ThingsListingPage model so that I can filter on child page fields (fields of ThingDetailPage pages)? Or is there a completely different approach I should be taking, a better / everybody-knows-that's-how Wagtail way to do arbitrary, user-initiated filter and sort operations on a page's children's fields?
Just please note that in the real project there may be different page types for TinyThings, WildThings, and what not, so I'm looking for a solution that can be modified to work even when some children don't have the field(s) used in the filter(s).
I'd also appreciate any direction you might have on how sort operations should be done.
Page.get_children returns the results as basic Page instances where only the core fields such as title are available - this is because it has no way to know the expected page type of the children at the time of doing the query (see What is the difference between ChildPage.objects.child_of(self) and ParentPage.get_children()?). Adding .specific() will return the results as the more specific page types, but this won't help for filtering, since it works as a post-processing step after the main query has run (including applying any filters).
However, you can get around this by reorganising the query expression to specify the page type:
things = ThingDetailPage.objects.child_of(self)
Here, Django knows which specific page model to query on, and so all fields of ThingDetailPage are available for filtering.
This does limit you to a single page type, and there's no perfect way around that - at the database level each page type is handled by a separate table, and it's not possible to efficiently query data that's distributed over multiple tables. (Even if ThingDetailPage and TinyThingDetailPage both have a year field defined, those are distinct entities in the database, so there's not a single 'year' column that can be filtered on.) However, you may be able to restructure your models to accommodate this using multi-table inheritance. Just as Wagtail itself gives you a base Page model containing the fields common to all pages, you could define ThingDetailPage to contain the fields common to all Things (such as year) and have subtypes inheriting from that:
class TinyThingDetailPage(ThingDetailPage):
size = models.CharField(...)
Your TinyThingDetailPages will then be included in the results of ThingDetailPage.objects.child_of(self), although they'll only be returned as instances of ThingDetailPage. Again, you can add .specific() to return them in their most specific form, but this won't work for filtering - so you'll be able to filter on the fields common to ThingDetailPage (such as year) but not size.
The answer by #gasman succeeds perfectly. However, an alternative solution suggested by one of #gasman's linked posts is equally effective.
The #gasman answer above requires that child page objects be accessed through their own model (note that you need to append child_of(self) so that the query returns only those pages that belong to the current listings page:
def things(self):
''' return all child pages, to start with '''
things = ThingDetailPage.objects.child_of(self)
return things
By querying the child page model in this way you can then access the fields of the child pages without any prefix. Thus, the get_context method in my models.py (see question) works as is. Specifically, these lines work without any changes:
kwargs = {'{0}'.format(filter_name): filter_value}
things_to_display = things_to_display.filter(**kwargs)
However, it seems it's just as valid to start with the listing page and retrieve its child pages, the way the query was written in my question:
def things(self):
''' return all child pages, to start with '''
things = self.get_children().specific()
return things
But to make this work, you must then prefix your filters with the name of the child page model (with an obligatory two underscores connecting the model name with that of the field).
The filters functioned as expected and without error as soon as I added that:
kwargs = {'{0}'.format('thingdetailpage__' + filter_name): filter_value}
things_to_display = things_to_display.filter(**kwargs)
Based on these findings, I have some doubt about the explanation #gasman gives as to why my original code didn't work:
Adding .specific() will return the results as the more specific page
types, but this won't help for filtering, since it works as a
post-processing step after the main query has run (including applying
any filters).
Be that as it may, I'm adding this answer just to document an alternative solution, i.e., one that also seems to work. I have no reason to prefer the approach used in my question. Filters on child page fields now function.

How to display the content.field_xxx in twig (Drupal 7)

I have added a custom field field_instruction (plain text field) in a new content type.
I would like to display the field like {{ content.field_instruction }} in node.html.twig. However, it failed.
I tried {{ content.field_instruction[0] }} or {{ content.field_instruction.value }}, it does not success.
Can anyone advise me how to display this field?
To render a field's default value inside node.html.twig, try use a Twig variable as in {{ node.field_some_name.value }}.

ngInfiniteScroll not working as expected

I'm having trouble getting started with the ngInfiniteScroll directve. I've created a scope called movies which has about 150 objects of movies with titles and release dates. Using a ng-repeat I show the objects in a container element.
I've tried to create a sample app in plunker, but when I view the app it just shows all the records and the ngInfiniteScroll directive doesn't seem to do anything special.
<div infinite-scroll='myPagingFunction()' infinite-scroll-distance='3'>
<div class="repeat" ng-repeat="movie in movies | orderBy: '-release_date'">
<h2> {{ movie.title }} </h2>
<h2> {{ movie.release_date }} </h2>
The desired result is that when you view the app you only see the results that are in your viewport, and when you scroll down additional results are inserted into the viewport. Like this.
So what am I overlooking here?
You are not showing us any code for myPagingFunction(), so I assume that to be the problem. That function doesn't exist out of the box, you need to make it. Refer to the example shown here: https://binarymuse.github.io/ngInfiniteScroll/demo_basic.html
If you do have a paging function, please show it to us so we can help debug your code.
