How to connect Eclipse JBPM projectr with external Database Oracle - database

JBPM Version 7.43
Oracle database connection
I am trying to connect to my local oracle database with JBPM Eclipse Project But it Takes internal H2 In memory Database

Not sure what you mean by
JBPM Eclipse Project
If you're just using your JBPM embeded in a Spring Boot app, then you just need to point out to your oracle db instance by changing some properties defined in your file. Have a look at
In case you're using EAP for your jbpm projects, you need to setup your EAP to do so. In that case, have a look at


Unable to connect Oracle ODI Marketplace to mysql embedded repository

i'm starting using Oracle ODI Marketplace. I've just deployed an instance on a VM in Oracle Cloud, by choosing the solution with the embedded mysql repository.
Now the problem is that when i start executing ODI i'm not able to connect ODI studio to mysql repository because i don't know/find the credentials needed to connect.
I've read the documentation but it is not so detailed about that.
i would really appreciate if you could help me
Thank you

Configure Liferay 7.0 and WIldfly with Oracle

I have a doubt regarding LIferay 7.0 and Wildfly. I recently found a method to integrate Oracle DB with Liferay but, at least in the example and on my attempts to try it, when I start Wildfly with Liferay it keeps telling me "Unsupported Database Oracle".
The tutorial I followed was this one:
Is that only supported for Tomact? (Like in the example in that tutorial).
Thanks in advance.
The Oracle driver for Liferay 7 CE also works for the bundle with wildfly.
The procedure is very simple:
Build the Oracle Driver for Liferay (by following the guide liferay-portal-oracledb-support)
Download JDBC Oracle driver
Copy JDBC Driver in $LIFERA_HOME/wildfly-10.0.0/modules/com/liferay/portal/main/
Add JDBC Driver ojdbc7.jar as resource in module.xml ($LIFERA_HOME/wildfly-10.0.0/modules/com/liferay/portal/main/)
Copy jar (liferay-portal-oracledb-support-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) of the Oracle Driver for Liferay in $LIFERAY_HOME/wildfly-10.0.0/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/
Start Liferay
By following the above steps you should be able to install successfully Liferay 7, also you can see this tutorial Liferay 7 Wildfly: How to add support for Oracle DB
I point out the project which groups the support for the three commercial databases for versions 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 of Liferay.
This project add support to the Oracle Database, SQL Server and IBM DB2 database. Liferay has performed refactorting the code so that it is possible and easy to add support for databases no longer supported OOTB (out-of-the-box). The last version (1.1.4) of the driver works with the Liferay 7.2.1 CE GA2.
You can download the latest version binary jar from Maven Central Repository liferay-portal-database-all-in-one-support (, by doing so you can avoid doing the build.
I invite you to read the article How to build a Docker Liferay 7.2 image with the Oracle Database support ( which may be interesting for you.

How to do Migrations and SQL Server connection on MacOS

I'm in OSX and I'm creating a new ASP.NET Core Web API. I've followed this tutorial:
That's cool and all but what about Sql Server? Now I know SQL Server won't yet run on OSX (
The only way I can see to make this work is if I create a cloud remote SQL server (on Azure or similar), then connect with it from my ASP.NET core application. I tried following this, but it assumes VS2015 We don't have the package manager console in VSCode and I don't know if there is an equivalent to Scaffold-DbContext.
So how do I make a connection to SQLServer and how do I do things like EF migrations to update that database.
All the packages download can be done without the package installer, by using project.json and dotnet restore (if VSCode doesn't do it when project.json is saved).
With the tools installed, you can create migrations with dotnet ef migrations add <migration name> and dotnet ef database update to apply the migrations to the db schema.
Class libraries (where DbContext and models are defined in class library) are not supported yet. There is a workaround in the Entity Framework Core docs though.
For scaffolding the usage is dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold [arguments] [options]. See the Scaffolding docs for details.

Connecting to database server in Perl?

I want to connect to database server using use DBI module in Perl.
I don't have any database server installed in my system. Is there a way I can try the database connectivity without actually installing SQL server. I checked SQL server and it is 2.5 GB download
Is it possible to use Perl's DBI module without really installing full database server?
You can use a different database driver. You could use SQLite for example. Or you could install xampp, which brings a mysql instance.
I recommend using SQLite and the DBD::SQLite driver.
Just use DBI DBD:SQLite and an SQLite Database the download is only 1.4MB
And here is a Tutorial to get you started

seam 2.2 with microsoft access

is it possible to import a MS access database (.mdb) in a seam project using JBoss tools within Eclipse (Ganymede)?
Starting a new seam project, I cannot see any field which uses ms access as database type.
Any answer is appreciated.
Java programs generally talk to databases through JDBC drivers. To my knowledge there is no JDBC driver for Access MDB files. You can use the JDBC-ODBC bridge to create a connection to the Access database with a little help from the Access ODBC driver. How to set up this construction is explained here
You have to create a database connection in the JBoss application server that uses that connection, how this is done can be found here.
