Avoiding "schema drift detected" errors in SSDT comparisons - sql-server

I'm trying to update a SQL Server project in Visual Studio 2019 by using the SSDT schema comparison. My source is a running database server, the destination is the VS SQL Server project.
When the comparison is done and I click "Update", I get the message
Source schema drift detected. Press Compare to refresh the comparison
No matter how many times I refresh the comparison, I always get the same result.
I have tried various connection tweaks (read-only intent, asynchronous processing, multiple active result sets) in the hopes that I can make the comparison run faster and update the project before the drift happens, but to no avail. I have also tried reducing the types of objects included in the comparison, but have not been able to reduce it enough to prevent drift from being detected.
I think the biggest issue I have is that aside from the "schema drift detected" message, I feel like I'm shooting in the dark. By that I mean that I have no idea what is causing SSDT to detect drift, and therefore I can't work around it.
I tried running the SQL Profiler to capture what SSDT is doing so I could find where SSDT is detecting drift. However, I haven't been able to find any query that gives different results when run multiple times within a short period.
So in conclusion, my questions are:
What does SSDT look at to determine when the database schema has drifted?
How can I update my SQL Server project when it always detects schema drift?

I also struggled for months to find the cause of the same error. I was already thinking about flashing Windows 10 on my laptop. I won't list the dead ends anymore. In my final desperation, I copied the SQL Server database and VS project to another machine, and there the comparison worked without a bone. The suspicion arose that maybe the error is not in VS, but rather that my SQL server is confusing VS.
I have a SQL Server 2012. I put the latest update on it (SP4) and wonder of wonders, compare and sync started working perfectly right away. Of course, now before every update I pray a little so that I don't encounter the "Source schema drift detected" message.

I have been unsuccessfully fighting this annoying error for MANY SSDT versions.
Searching for it you will see multiple places where it is claimed to be fixed, WHICH IS FALSE, as it is happening right now with VS 2022 SSDT.
In my case, it ONLY happens when comparing against ONE out of the 5 database servers I regularly use the tool with.
The only workaround I have found that usually works is to REBOOT the destination database server (NOT just cycle the SQL Server Service) and then run the SSDT compare QUICKLY!
As the server that this happens on is an integration server running on a VM in my local network, I can bounce the server, but in other scenarios this would be a show-stopper.
IMO the most onerous things about this issue is that you cannot even generate the script to copy / paste into SSMS, which is how I often use the tool.
This issue has not been fixed for YEARS and is very intermittent, so I have no hope of seeing it actually fixed - I hope this workaround is helpful to someone.


SSIS package takes long time or fail eventually

I have packages deployed on a sql server 2008R2 and recently, we migrated to a new server machine, deployed with sql server 2012. I configured packages to project deployment mode and for 10 days, all packages are working smoothly, with the execution times in the same range of older server.
Since last two days, packages started to fail. I checked in detail and found that, they are taking longer time than usual, and fail due to "Protocol error in TDS stream, communication link failure and remote host forcibly closed the connection".
When I tried to run the package through ssdt, they can run successfully, but I see data transfer movement slower than I used to see, and so package execution time is much longer.
I am not sure, what has changed. I have searched the internet for the possible reason and checked the server memory and packet size, and tried match with the older server, which did not solve the problem. I suspect, SSIS logging may have causes this, but not sure how to check it?
Please help to identify the cause of this problem.
**Edit: I enabled logging in ssdt and could see that majority of time is used in rows transfer steps only. Since my package have look ups, I thought that look ups might make it slower somehow. So copied the main query to ssms and run as a normal query on this server.
About 13L rows were returned in 12 minutes. Then I run the same query on the old server, there it returned 13L rows in less than a minute. So, possibly it proves the problem somehow is related with data transfer and not specific to packages itself.
Can Someone help please.**
Just check the solution connection, it should be ‘RetainSameConnection’ property to 'true'. This can be done both in the SSIS package under connection manager properties and in the job step properties (Configuration > Connection Managers).
Link: http://www.sqlerudition.com/what-is-the-retainsameconnection-property-of-oledb-connection-in-ssis/

Source Control for legacy SQL Server

We a project to rewrite a legacy system built on SQL Server. The system is making use of various databases (+-10) and the related SQL code in them (sp, functions,...). The challenge for me at the moment is to get these databases in source control (TFS).
Have tried to make use of a Visual Studio Database project, looked very promising at the beginning but after we added most of the databases, the VS project got unusably slow or VS 2017 just crashes.
We split the databases into different solutions, this at least stopped VS from crashing, but the speed is still a very big issue.
Is there a way to speed things up? Have searched, but could not find any way of disabling some of the VS synchronization checks, that I assume in the cause for the slow speed.
My worry is that the compare needed from the DBA team later in the process to build the dacpac or just change SQL will take too long. Looking for a better solution that is suitable for production deployments?

Database Engine Tuning Advisor Crashes Constantly

Microsoft SQL Database Engine Tuning Advisor seems to crash constantly for me... on multiple different servers, for multiple different databases, and throughout multiple different versions of SQL server (and DTA)...
I know this is probably a ridiculous question and not of the quality one would expect on stackoverflow :( but has anyone else experienced this?
I was having the same problem, as recently as SQL Server 2014 with Service Pack 2. I had to use a two-step approach to get it working again:
Installed both the latest service pack, and also the latest cumulative update for the service pack. This fixed the issue with Database Engine Tuning Advisor, but it was still crashing for me (see step 2)
I read where "hypothetical indexes" are added to your database when Database Engine Tuning Advisor is running. If it crashes, and does not complete successfully, the hypothetical indexes are not dropped. It was recommended that the hypothetical indexes be dropped from your database.
The combination of installing the latest service packs and cumulative updates, along with dropping the hypothetical indexes, seems to have worked for me.
I've experienced this behavior many times, and the way to fix it was to update my instances to the latest Service packs.
also the first version of SQL 2012 Tuning Advisor was crashing for some reasons, but updating to the latest SP2 has fixed this issue.
side note: plan-cash (a new features in SQL 2012) maybe helpful until you fix this problem permanently.
I was experiencing the same issue when running analysis on a database that contained encrypted stored procedures. I removed the encryption before I captured my profiler trace workload then re-ran the analysis and issue was resolved.

Performance problems with SQL Server Management Studio

I'm running Sql Server Management Studio 2008 on a decent machine. Even if it is the only thing open with no other connections to the database, anything that has to do with the Database Diagram or simple schema changes in a designer take up to 10 minutes to complete and SQL Management Studio is unresponsive during that time. The same SQL code takes less than a second. This entirely defeats the purpose of the designers and diagramers.
System Information
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6700 # 2.66GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 6142MB RAM
Please tell me this isn't a WOW64 problem; if it is, I love MS, but step up your 64-bit support in development tools.
Is there anything I can do to get the performance anywhere near acceptable?
I've got version 10.0.1600.22 of SQL Server Management Studio installed. Is this not the latest release? I'm sure I installed it from an MSDN CD and I pretty much rely on Windows Update these days. Is there any place I can quickly see what the latest release version number is for tools like this?
Every time I go to open a database diagram I get the message "This database does not have one or more of the support objects required to use database diagramming. Do you wish to create them?" I say yes every time. Is this part of the problem? Also, if I press the copy icon, I get the message "Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made." Database corruption?
I'm running in a similar environment and not having that problem.
As with any performance problem, you'll have to analyze it a bit - just saying "it takes 10 minutes" give no information on the reason it takes so long, so no information you can use to solve the problem.
Here are some tools to play around with. I'd have mentioned them originally, but "play around" is all I've learned to do with them. I'd recommend you try learning a little about them, which I have not done. http://technet.microsoft.com is a good source on performance issues.
Start with Task Manager, believe it or not. It's been enhanced in Vista and Server 2008, and now has a better Performance tab, and a Services tab. Be sure to click "Show processes from all users", or you'll miss nasty things done by services.
The bottom of the Performance tab has a "Resource Monitor" button. Click it, watch it, learn what it can do for you.
The Resource Monitor is actually part of a larger "Reliability and Performance Monitor" tool in Administrative Tools. Try it. It even includes the new version of perfmon, which will be more useful when you have a better idea what counters to look at.
I will also suggest the Process Explorer and Process Monitor tools from Sysinternals. See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default.aspx.
Do your simple schema changes possibly mean that you're reordering the columns of a table?
In that case, what SQL Management Studio does behind the scenes is create a new table, move all the data from the old table to the newly created table, and then drop the old table.
Thus, if you reorder columns on a table with lots of data, lots of indices or both, you CAN incur a massive amount of "reorganization" work without really realizing it.
Can you try connecting your SQL Management Studio to a different instance of SQL Server or, better, an instance on a remote machine (and try to make similar changes)?
Are there any entries in the System or Application Event Logs (or SQL logs for that matter)? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling SQL Server on your machine? What version of SQL Server (database) are you running?
Lastly, can you open the Activity Monitor successfully? Right click on the server (machine name) - top of the three in the object explorer window - and click on 'Activity Monitor'.
Do you have problems with other software on your machine or only with SQL Server & Management Studio?
When you open SSMS it attempts to validate itself with Microsoft. You can speed this process by performing the second of the recommendations at the following link.
Also, are you using the registered servers feature? If so SSMS will attempt to validate all of these.
It seems as though it was a network configuration problem. Never trust a developer (myself) to setup a haphazard domain at his office.
I had my DNS server on my computer pointed to my ISP's (default because the wireless router we're using provided by the ISP doesn't allow me to override the DNS server to my own) instead of my DNS server here, so I have to remember to configure it manually on each computer, which I forgot for this particular computer.
I only discovered it when I tried to connect for the first time to a remote SQL Server instance form this PC. It was trying to resolve to an actual sub-domain of mycompany.com instead of my DNS server's authority of COMPUTERNAME.corp.mycompany.com
I can't say why this was an issue for the designers in SQL Server but not anything else, but my only hypothesis is that when I established a connection to my own computer locally using the computer name instead of "." or "localhost", SQL queries executed immediately, knowing it was local, but the designers still waited for a timeout from the external IP address before trying the local one.
Whatever the explanation is, changing my DNS server for my network card on the local machine to my DNS server's IP made it all work very quickly.
I had a similar issue with mine. Turned out to be some interference with the biometrics login service running on my laptop. Disabled the service and now it works.

MSSqlSM studio reacts really slowly

My Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is slow. And by slow I mean >1minute to render a context menu-slow.
All other things work perfectly fine. The connection to the database itself is not slow (my app works just fine and context menus don't need connection to the DB anyway I guess)..
Anybody has any idea what I should check to solve this?
Cpu is around 3%
Gigs of free ram
Only clicking right on a table in the object explorer, nothing else
the database is remote
It's the full version of SSMS
No system logging errors
Reinstall had no effect
I installed Toad for SQL and everything works super smooth there. Actually, I find it way more productive then MSSql ever was for me. It's not really an answer to my question, but it certainly a solution.
Have you installed any add-ins/plugins? Those might be the source of the problem.
Does this behavior occur for all SQL Servers you connect to, or just a few in particular? If it's only certain ones, it may be a really slow SQL Server - to get any context menus or list databases, it has to execute some queries against the remote servers to collect information, and if they're less than responsive, SSMS will be too.
