Apache Karaf datasource as a service versus in blueprint - apache-camel

I am a bit confused about working with Blueprint camel and Apache Karaf. In fact, when I was developping my route, I was using this to connect to my mssql database :
<bean id="dbcp" destroy-method="close" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://server\instance;databaseName=xxx;" />
<property name="username" value="xxxx" />
<property name="password" value="xxx" />
This was working flawlessly and then I wanted to export it into Apache Karaf. I did so and ran into a lot of trouble because of the sqlserver driver not being found. So I tried to handle this another way by exposing the DataSource as a service on Apache Karaf. This works and I get a hold of the reference like so in my blueprint:
<reference id="dbcp" interface="javax.sql.DataSource" filter="(osgi.jndi.service.name=Name)" availability="mandatory" />
Now this works but I don't exactly know what this does behind the scenes. I've read about services and references and often to make my first example work, people use a service call and then use it in the bean.
Is there a right and a wrong way? I've read on top of that, that we should a connection pool but I have only seen an example of this in the first approach (1st code sample). I guess it does the same when done with the DataSource as a service since I can call it from multiple bundles.
Thanks for regarding, best regards

In Apache Karaf versions 4.2.x - 4.4.x it's generally a good practice to use OSGi Services to share DataSource type objects. This makes your bundles more loosely coupled and when making changes to connection parameters you'll only need to change them for the service instead of having to reconfigure every bundle that uses the said DataSource.
You can also create your own shared resources and expose them as services using blueprints, declarative service annotations or the "hard way" using activator and bundle context.
I also recommend to checkout features pax-jdbc-config and pax-jms-config features as they allow you to create DataSource and ConnectionFactory type services from config files. These look for config files using org.ops4j.datasource org.ops4j.datasource prefixes in their name e.g org.ops4j.datasource-Example.cfg
Only downside for using services is that they're specific to Karaf and OSGi so if you ever need to move your integrations to non-osgi environment you'll have to figure out another way to inject data sources to your integrations.
With shared resources I mean resources you might want to access from multiple bundles. These can be anything from objects that contain shared data, connection objects for cloud blob storages, data access objects, slack or discord bots, services for sending mails etc.
You can publish new services using blueprints from beans using service tag. Below is example from OSGi R7 Specification
<service id="echoService"
interface="com.acme.Echo" ref="echo"/>
<bean id="echo" class="com.acme.EchoImpl">
<property name="message" value="Echo: "/>
public interface Echo {
public String echo(String m);
public class EchoImpl implements Echo {
String message;
public void setMessage(String m) {
this.message= m;
public void echo(String s) { return message + s; }
With OSGi Declarative services (DS) / Service Component Runtime (SCR) annotations you can publish new services with java.
public class EchoImpl implements Echo {
String message;
public void setMessage(String m) {
this.message= m;
public void echo(String s) { return message + s; }
Another example can be found from Official Karaf examples in github.


ActiveMQ embedded bridge to Camel JMS bridge

I have an old application which handle JMS messages with ActiveMQ 5.8.0 and some JNDI remote topic connected to this ActiveMQ.
I have a connector like that :
<bean class="org.apache.activemq.network.jms.JmsConnector">
<property name="outboundTopicConnectionFactory" ref="jmsConnectionFactoryTo" />
<property name="outboundClientId" value="${remote.clientId}" />
<property name="jndiOutboundTemplate" ref="jndiTemplateTo" />
<property name="preferJndiDestinationLookup" value="true" />
<property name="inboundTopicBridges">
<bean class="org.apache.activemq.network.jms.InboundTopicBridge">
<property name="inboundTopicName" value="${remote.topic.to}"/>
<property name="localTopicName" value="${local.topic.to}"/>
<property name="consumerName" value="${remote.consumer.name}"/>
<property name="selector" value="${remote.selector}"/>
It works great, but now, for some technical reasons (strict JMS 1.1), I need to use "ConnectionFactory" instead of "TopicConnectionFactory".
With the actual configuration, I'm stuck because ActiveMQ seems to use "TopicConnectionFactory" instead of "ConnectionFactory", and my new class "MyConnectionFactoryImpl" implements "ConnectionFactory" now :
nested exception is org.springframework.beans.ConversionNotSupportedException:
Failed to convert property value of type 'com.webmethods.jms.impl.MyConnectionFactoryImpl'
to required type 'javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory'
for property 'outboundTopicConnectionFactory';
nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Cannot convert value of type [com.webmethods.jms.impl.MyConnectionFactoryImpl]
to required type [javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory] for property 'outboundTopicConnectionFactory':
no matching editors or conversion strategy found
In "org.apache.activemq.network.jms.JmsConnector" class, it use everywhere "TopicConnectionFactory", which is not recommended anymore in JMS 1.1.
According to #Justin Bertram, I need to use Camel instead of ActiveMQ embedded bridge. But I can't find any example of XML configuration which I can use to replace my actual two beans JMSConnector. Which is the simple way to do this keeping my XML config files ?
As the documentation for the JMS to JMS Bridge (i.e. org.apache.activemq.network.jms.JmsConnector) states:
ActiveMQ provides bridging functionality to other JMS providers that implement the JMS 1.0.2 and above specification.
In other words, the whole goal of the JMS to JMS Bridge is to use the JMS 1.0.2 interface(s). Changing it so that it only used JMS 1.1 would defeat the purpose.
The documentation also states that you should use Camel instead of the JMS to JMS Bridge:
Warning, try Camel first!
Note that we recommend you look at using Apache Camel for bridging ActiveMQ to or from any message broker (or indeed any other technology, protocol or middleware) as its much easier to:
keep things flexible; its very easy to map different queue/topic to one or more queues or topics on the other provider
perform content based routing, filtering and other Enterprise Integration Patterns
allows you to work with any technology, protocol or middleware, not just JMS providers
Therefore I recommend you use Camel instead of org.apache.activemq.network.jms.JmsConnector.
I would think that having your code return a TopicConnectionFactory would be the simplest solution. Even the JMS 2.0 specification provides the TopicConnectionFactory. No matter what version of ActiveMQ you are using, you certainly have the option of using the TopicConnectionFactory in your code and providing that to your bridge.
Note that the Camel route:
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<from uri="mqseries:Foo.Bar"/>
<to uri="activemq:Cheese"/>
has no error handling. For example, if the 'to' endpoint is down, this route will read from the 'from' endpoint and just throw the messages on the floor. Furthermore, if the 'to' component is not configured to use a caching/pooling connection factory, then a new JMS connection will be created for each message sent. This has poor performance and can result in many sockets in the TIME_WAIT state. Bottom line - beware trivial Camel routes.

Spring AOP PointCut only working when Bean defined in ApplicationContext

I am wondering, why my point cuts ins Spring AOP do only work, if I specify my beans containing the join points explicitly in the application context XML.
Normally in my project, all Spring beans are defined over annotations:
configured with
<context:component-scan base-package="my.package.base" scoped-proxy="interfaces" />
<context:annotation-config />
The beans get created and are usable throughout my application but the point cut is not triggered.
When I specify the bean manually in my application context with
<bean class="..." />
The point cut is matched and the according advice is executed.
#Pointcut("execution(* my.package.base..*.update*(..))")
public void updateDataPointcut() {}
AOP is configured in the application context with
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
I have also created a pointcut for Spring Data JPA CrudRepository which works fine.
What is the difference?
Is there a pitfall in the "component-scan" configuration?

Spring MVC annotation with XML performance

I had previously used Spring MVC and hibernate annotations in my Google web application project. It is taking some time to start the application after deployment.
For that reason, I am switching to a Spring MVC XML-based approach for the controller only. However, for service and DAO classes, #Service and #Repository annotations remain as is.
In my Spring XML I am doing as like below (there is no bean tag defined for service and DAO classes):
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping" />
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter" />
<bean class="com.my.controller.UserController">
<property name="domainManager" ref="domainManager"/>
<property name="userProfileDao" ref="userProfileDao"/>
Inside UserController, I am not using any #autowired annotation. I am using combination of annotations with XML. Are there any drawbacks of this approach? Am I going about this the wrong way?
The difference is not between using Annotation or XML, it's between Autowiring and "manually injecting beans".
EDIT: #Autowired and XML component scan are doing the same thing.
You can "manually inject" beans with both XML and full Java #Configuration, the equivalent of your example would be :
public class WebAppConfig {
public UserDao userDao() {
return new UserDao();
public UserController userController() {
UserController ctrl = new UserController();
return ctrl;
The question is quite accurate because the App Engine team itself has revealed that the App Engine runtime was bad at classpath scanning (which Autowiring does to find matches by Class).
The performance loss at instance startup time would occur if you were doing :
public class UserController {
private UserDao userDao;
// ...
See this video, especially the question from the Pivotal (Spring framework) contributor : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFarE1hH0ss
Few people know about this issue. Using Spring AOP can even totally crash on the production runtime. See : Using Spring AOP on App Engine causes StackOverflowError
So about your use of XML, there is no "right or wrong". Personally I don't like writing XML since I feel like it's more error prone, but some people like to clearly separate their configuration from their code. I still use autowiring in production, since the startup time is not an issue for me. Do what you and your team feel comfortable with, just keep in in mind the GAE limitations.

factory and dao to support some database with spring

Currently we have an application who use spring who support mysql.
Some people prefer to use Oracle.
So i search a way with spring to have an abstract factory with a factory for every database and each one have a dao.
How to put the glue between all this component?
How the component know the datasource who need to be used?
Is there some good pratice with spring to do this?
Not clear what exactly is your problem, but Spring profiles are answer to all of them. First you need to define two DataSources for each supported database:
<bean id="oracleDataSource" class="..." profile="oracle">
<!-- -->
<bean id="mysqlDataSource" class="..." profile="mysql">
<!-- -->
Note the profile attribute. Actually you will probably get away with simply parametrizing one data source yo use different JDBC URL and driver, but doesn't matter.
Now you define two versions of each DAO: one for Oracle and one for MySQL:
interface MonkeyDao {
class OracleMonkeyDao implements MonkeyDao {
class MySqlMonkeyDao implements MonkeyDao {
As you can see you have two beans defined implementing the same interface. If you do it without profiles and then autowire them:
private MonkeyDao monkeyDao;
Spring startup will fail due to unresolved dependency. But if you enable one of the profiles (either mysql or oracle) Spring will only instantiate and create bean for matching profile.

Sharing a Database Refrence among multiple RemoteServiceServlet in GWT

I am working on a GWT Application which requires connection with MySQL database. I can do it successfully for a servlet. However I require multiple "RemoteServiceServlets" to share a single Conection refrence as creating a new one everytime makes no sense.
How can I achive this?
Sharing a single JDBC connection in a servlet environment where multiple users are accessing it can have serious consequences: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=554427
In a nutshell: a single connection represents a single DBMS user doing a single series
of queries and/or updates, with one transaction in-force at any given
So basically in a servlet environment you must use a JDBC connection pooling, where you get a new connection from a pool of reusable connections, but a single connection is only used by one servlet at a time. Here is an example implementation: http://java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/Programming/JDCBook/conpool.html
If you're willing to use Spring, i would suggest trying the approach described here http://pgt.de/2009/07/17/non-invasive-gwt-and-spring-integration-reloaded/ , which I used for some of my projects in GWT.
Add your spring context configuration to your web.xml file
Define your datasource in the context file
<bean id="dataSource" destroy-method="close"
<property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}" />
<property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}" />
<property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}" />
Have your servlets extend
public class AutoinjectingRemoteServiceServlet extends RemoteServiceServlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(config.getServletContext());
AutowireCapableBeanFactory beanFactory = ctx.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
And then use your datasource as a spring bean in all your servlets
public class MyServiceImpl extends AutoinjectingRemoteServiceServlet implements MyService {
private DataSource dataSource;
