"Supermenu" in wagtail with help of wagtailmenus? - wagtail

I would like to implement a "Supermenu" in wagtail with help of wagtailmenus.
I think I could use several flatmenus for every mainmenu item and render them in the template. Is there any example how to achive this?


How to set active tab in Tab from Material UI by code

First time asking on SO, I know that this question was asked lot of times. I already visit all those posts but without sucess unfortunately.
As the title says, I need to change the active tab by code. I am using the material ui scrollable tabs with react.
I thought that the project I am working on maybe it has something bad, so I made this codesandbox to try without success aswell.
Could you please give me a hint on how to do this on the given example?
Thanks in advance for all the help, this community is awesome!
Best regards
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to manually set a tab, without hitting the actual tab button.
If yes, all you need to do is to change the state that holds the tab's value using setValue and provide the number of the tab you want to go (starting from 0).
e.g. setValue(2) will take you to the third tab.
You can take a look on this. I have created a static button that change the state to a specific number, just to demonstrate the idea.

Is it possible to show SimpleDialog internally?

I didn't really find any way to show SimpleDialog internally in MetroWindow. Is it possible?
Note: SimpleDialog has been renamed with CustomDialog.
Have you seen the documentation for dialogs? I also recommend to have a look at the sample application.
I was just looking at this myself. To show the dialog internally you use the ShowMetroDialogAsync Method on the MetroWindow:
From a user control:
And you can close it from inside the dialog using the MetroWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync:

Vertical navbar using Bootstrap and angular

I am trying to implement a vertical navbar in my page. This page will be rendered by Angular.
Somehow I am not able to get this to working. not sure what I am missing here.
Clicking on different tabs does not display their respective pages.
Any clues anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated.
here is a plnkr I have created for troubleshooting:
You need to dynamically set the classes of elements under nav-tabs and tab-content. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use ng-class attribute that calls a function in your controller to return appropriate class for each tab. To set the active tab, use ng-click on the nav-tabs.
Here is a working version in Plunker:

"angular way" for dynamically adding directives

I’m very impressed with Josh's answer about ‘angular way’ and declarative style in client-side.
But can you help me to understand, how to do that:
I have a single-page app with the menubar in the left side, and div container on the right-side.
When user clicking the menu item in the left menubar, on the right side I must to open the new tab with some grid,like this:
In angular I realized the <grid> directive.
When user click menuitem, I must add dynamically this grid directive with params on the right side.
What is the angular way for doing this functionality?
I found article about dynamic tabs, and this is example how I use it in my case
Since you asked a general question, let me give you a general answer. It should be helpful :)
AngularJS is model/data driven, and if you want to make any change to the UI, the first thing you may think is how to achieve it by changing data. Given this idea, we can implement it like this:
Define a ng-repeater, which should render tabs for a list of Tab objects called MyTabs, for instance.
When you want to add a new tab, then create a tab object and add/push it to MyTabs.
AngularJS will magically render it on the UI, thanks to the 2-way data binding.

How do I remove the Actions sidebar in CakePHP?

Basically I have my Model, View and Controller working perfectly for Users, but I'm trying to find out how and where the "Actions" sidebar gets generated? I'm basically trying to add to it for the Users view. Thanks in advance.
It's in the corresponding view file, e.g. /views/users/index.ctp. Remove/edit it there.
Removing the code from the view will get rid of the text but the actual sidebar will remain. To remove that for all views edit webroot/css/cake.generic.css. To modify only a particular view, create your own .css stylesheet and call it from the controller method or view. The bakery has helpful article for this.
