how can I display the current ref value in my button? - reactjs

I use useRef instead of useState. But my btn name not changing. Why ?
const data = useRef(null);
const handlePressCategory = (category: Categories) => {
data.current = category;
<Pressable style={[ButtonStyles.full_without, s.btn]} onPress={handleOpenModalCategories}>
<Text style={s.btnText}>{ data.current === null ? 'Kategorie auswählen' : data.current}</Text>
I am very thankful for your help and answers. I dont know why its not displaying

Changing data with useRef doesn't trigger React to re-render your views. Think about it like some field in class that you can change without any reaction.
If you need re-render view when your ref have changes, just use useState. It's designed specially for it
Otherwise, if it's not possible, you can write some useForceRerender hook that will invoke render of your component. Something like that:
export const useForceRerender = () => React.useReducer((x) => x + 1, 0)[1];
const App = () => {
const data = useRef(null);
const forceRerender = useForceRerender();
const handlePressCategory = (category: Categories) => {
data.current = category;
forceRerender(); // <-- here
return (
<Pressable style={[ButtonStyles.full_without, s.btn]} onPress={handleOpenModalCategories}>
<Text style={s.btnText}>{ data.current === null ? 'Kategorie auswählen' : data.current}</Text>


Trouble converting a class to function in React Native

I'm trying to rewrite this code from class to a function. I've never used classes but I got this test code for a calendar app while learning react native but I seem to get stuck somewhere when I'm trying to replace componentDidUpdate to useEffect.
This is the old code:
export default class DaysInMonth extends React.PureComponent{
state = {
lastCalendarDayIndex: 0,
currentCalendarDayIndex: 0,
changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = (index) => {
currentCalendarDayIndex: index
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
if(this.state.currentCalendarDayIndex !== prevState.currentCalendarDayIndex){
lastCalendarDayIndex: prevState.currentCalendarDayIndex
{, index) => (
key = {'calendar row ' + index}
rowData = {rowData}
lastCalendarDayIndex = {this.state.lastCalendarDayIndex}
changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = {this.changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex}
month_index = {this.props.month_index}
current_month_index = {this.props.current_month_index}
chooseDifferentMonth = {this.props.chooseDifferentMonth}
And this is the new code everything works except for some functions which has to do with the useEffect, I don't understand what properties I should add to get the same functionality as before. Thanks
export default function DaysInMonth({row_days_array, month_index, current_month_index, chooseDifferentMonth}) {
const [lastCalendarDayIndex, setLastCalendarDayIndex] = useState(0)
const [currentCalendarDayIndex, setCurrentCalendarDayIndex] = useState(0)
const changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = (index) => {
useEffect(() => {
if(currentCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex){
return (
{, index) => (
key = {'calendar row ' + index}
rowData = {rowData}
lastCalendarDayIndex = {lastCalendarDayIndex}
changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = {changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex}
month_index = {month_index}
current_month_index = {current_month_index}
chooseDifferentMonth = {chooseDifferentMonth}
What this does:
useEffect(() => {
if(currentCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex){
It runs the code inside useEffect every time the array changes. Because it's an empty array it will just run once (once the component mounts, this is basically the old ComponentDidMount), to mimic the behaviour of ComponentDidUpdate you need to keep track of the props so it should be a matter of passing them into the array (so React can track when it changes):
useEffect(() => {
if(currentCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex){
It's probably easier to change the destructuring you have in the component definition {row_days_array, month_index, current_month_index, chooseDifferentMonth} to props and then destructure a bit bellow, so you can use the whole object in you useEffect array
You can pass a callback in setState to access previous state, and pass currentCalendarDayIndex in useEffect dependency to update lastedCalendarState every currentCalendar changes. Hope this can help!
useEffect(() => {
setLastCalendarDayIndex((prevCalendarDayIndex) =>
prevCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex
? currentCalendarDayIndex
: prevCalendarDayIndex)
}, [currentCalendarDayIndex])

I am trying to give an active className to mapped data when I click. Currently the previous active class doesn't change when i click on another text

Parent component
Here is the mapped function
function SubHeader() {
const categories = category?.data?.data;
return (
{categories?.map((data) => (
<Smaller data={data} />
))} );
Child component
Here is where I am using the state to control the color of the text when it is clicked. Not sure I can figure what isn't right.
function Smaller({ data }) {
const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
const colorPicker = (dataId) => {
setActive(dataId ? !active : active);
return (
color={active ? '' : 'brand.dark'}
onClick={() => colorPicker(data?.id)}
The issue is when you click on another text, it doesn't change the active state of other / previous texts. So you're just toggling the active class of each component but it doesn't "untoggle" anywhere.
I found a way to solve this but I used a simple example because I didn't have your data.
Each child component should have an ID.
Check if the child component's ID matches the activeElementID.
Parent Component
function SubHeader() {
const [activeElementID, setActiveElementID] = useState()
const categories = category?.data?.data;
return (
{categories?.map((data) => {
<Smaller data = {data} id = {data?.id} activeElementID={activeElementID} setActiveElementID={setActiveElementID} />
Child Component
function Smaller({data, id, activeElementID, setActiveElementID}) {
function clicked() {
return (
<p onClick={clicked} className={activeElementID === id ? "blue" : "red"}>{data}</p>
Furthermore, I would also recommend checking the data instead of using the "?" operation. For example, category?.data and data?.data
Because you are saying that you are sure the data exists. You can do this instead.
const categories =
if (categories) {
return (....)
Hope this helps!

React Native rerendering UI after using

I am attempting to have an icon switch its visual when clicked (like a checkbox). Normally in react native I would do something like this:
const [checkbox, setCheckbox] = React.useState(false);
<TouchableHighlight underlayColor="transparent" onPress={() => {setCheckbox(!setCheckbox)}}>
{added ? <MaterialIcons name="playlist-add-check" size={40} />
: <MaterialIcons name="playlist-add" size={40} />}
However I have made some changes, and now I can't seem to replicate this behavior. I am using AsyncStorage class to storage and get arrays of objects for display. For simplification, in the example below I removed the storage code, and the objects each have an 'id' and an 'added' attribute, which is essentially the boolean value of the checkbox.
I am now attempting to update the icon shown to the user whenever it is pressed. I know the function is being called, but it will not update the icon. I am using to create the list of icons. I created a demo here, and the code is below:
const templateObject = {
id: 0,
added: false,
const templateObject2 = {
id: 1,
added: true,
export default function App() {
const [savedNumbers, setSavedNumbers] = React.useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const populateSavedNumbers = () =>, index) => <View key={index}>{renderPanel(,num.added)}</View>);
const updateNumber = (id) => {
let capturedIndex = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < savedNumbers.length; i += 1) {
if(savedNumbers[i].id === id) {
capturedIndex = i;
let _tempArray = savedNumbers;
_tempArray[capturedIndex].added = !_tempArray[capturedIndex].added;
const renderPanel = (id:number, added:boolean) => {
return (
<TouchableHighlight underlayColor="transparent" onPress={() => {updateNumber(id);}}>
{added ? <MaterialIcons name="playlist-add-check" size={40} />
: <MaterialIcons name="playlist-add" size={40} />}
return (
This is a common React pitfall where things don't re-render when it seems like they should. React does shallow comparisons between new and old states to decide whether or not to trigger a re-render. This means that, when declaring a variable to simply equal a state variable which is an object or an array, a re-render is not triggered since those two variables now reference the same underlying data structure.
In this case, you are setting _tempArray to reference the array savedNumbers rather than creating a new array. Therefore, React's shallow comparison comes back as "equal", and it doesn't believe that a re-render is necessary.
To fix this, change this line:
let _tempArray = savedNumbers;
to this:
let _tempArray = [...savedNumbers];

Keyboard dismisses while typing TextInput in nested functional component React Native

I have this strange issue, keyboard keeps closing while typing when TextInput is placed inside Child Functional Component. This issue does not exist if TextInput is placed directly under Parent Component. Here is my code
const SignInScreenC = props => {
// define Hook states here
const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
const [password, setPassword] = useState("");
const [isEmailEmpty,setIsEmailEmpty] = useState(false);
const [isEmailValid,setIsEmailValid] = useState(true);
const [isPasswordEmpty,setIsPasswordEmpty] = useState(false);
* Called when Sign in is clicked.
* checks if the form is valid
const _OnSignInClicked = () => {
if(_isFormValid()) {
//make api call
/* Checks if the form is valid
const _isFormValid = () => {
//reset values
let isValid = true;
if(email.trim() === "") {
isValid = false;
else if(!AppUtils.isEmailValid(email)) {
isValid = false;
else if(password.trim() === "") {
isValid = false;
return isValid;
const SignInForm = () => {
return (
<View style={styles.formStyle}>
onChangeText={(text)=> {
autoCompleteType = "off"
scrollEnabled = {false}
secureTextEntry ={true}
onChangeText={(text)=> {
autoCompleteType = "off"
scrollEnabled = {false}
title = {Strings.login}
onPressButton = {() => _OnSignInClicked()}/>
return (
<ImageBackground source={Images.screen_backgound} style={{width: '100%',
height: '100%'}}>
<View style = {styles.viewOverlaystyle} />
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle = {{flexGrow:1}}
<View style={styles.containerStyle}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
userData : state.userData
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch =>
bindActionCreators(UserActions, dispatch);
const SignInScreen = connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps) (SignInScreenC)
export {SignInScreen};
Everything works fine if I paste everything < SignInForm> directly to render method.
your SignInForm function (which is treated like React component, because its capitalized and called as JSX) is declared inside your SignInScreenC component. This means that every render, new type of React component is created.
SignInScreenC renders first time: creates SignInForm component, instantiates it and renders it
SignInScreenC renders second time: creates another, completely different SignInForm component, instantiates it again, effectively unmounting old SignInForm and rendering new SignInForm in it's place
since old input is unmounted, you lose keyboard focus
This is due to the way React handles rendering: whenever it encounters different type of element that should be rendered in place of an old element, old one will be unmounted. To react, every new SignInForm is different from the previous one as you keep constantly creating new functions
create separate SignInForm component outside of SignInScreenC and pass all the necessary data as props
or, instead of const SignInForm = () => return (...) use const renderSignInForm = () => return (...), and while rendering, instead of <SignInForm/> call it like {renderSignInForm()}. This way it will not be treated like a component and will not be a subject to unmounts
I had a slightly different but related issue trying to propage a text change to a parent component (React Native).
If your components bubbles up the onChangeText event and that triggers the re-render and ensuing lost of focus on keyboard, you can also consider propagating your change event onEndEditing instead once the user is done inputting text and keep a local state for the text entry.
export function YourTextInputComponent(
{ initialValue, onChangeTextDone } :
{ initialValue: string, onChangeTextDone : (text: string) => void) }
): JSX.Element {
const [text, setText] = useState<string>(initialValue);
return (
onChangeText={(txt) => {
onEndEditing={(event) => {

How to target a specific item to toggleClick on using React Hooks?

I have a navbar component with that actual info being pulled in from a CMS. Some of the nav links have a dropdown component onclick, while others do not. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to target a specific menus index with React Hooks - currently onClick, it opens ALL the dropdown menus at once instead of the specific one I clicked on.
The prop toggleOpen is being passed down to a styled component based on the handleDropDownClick event handler.
Heres my component.
const NavBar = props => {
const [links, setLinks] = useState(null);
const [notFound, setNotFound] = useState(false);
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const fetchLinks = () => {
if (props.prismicCtx) {
// We are using the function to get a document by its uid
const data = props.prismicCtx.api.query(['document.tags', [`${config.source}`]),'document.type', 'navbar'),
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
return null;
const checkForLinks = () => {
if (props.prismicCtx) {
} else {
useEffect(() => {
const handleDropdownClick = e => {
if (links) {
const linkname = => {
// Check to see if NavItem contains Dropdown Children
return item.items.length > 1 ? (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink onClick={handleDropdownClick} href={}>
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen}>
{ => {
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={subitem.sub_nav_link.url}>
) : (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={}>
// Render
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavContainer wide>
<StyledNavBar.NavWrapper row center>
<Logo />
if (notFound) {
return <NotFound />;
return <h2>Loading Nav</h2>;
export default NavBar;
Your problem is that your state only handles a boolean (is open or not), but you actually need multiple booleans (one "is open or not" for each menu item). You could try something like this:
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState({});
const handleDropdownClick = e => {
const currentID =;
const newIsOpenState = isOpen[id] = !isOpen[id];
And finally in your HTML:
const linkname =, index) => {
// Check to see if NavItem contains Dropdown Children
return item.items.length > 1 ? (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink id={index} onClick={handleDropdownClick} href={}>
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen[index]}>
// ... rest of your component
Note the new index variable in the .map function, which is used to identify which menu item you are clicking.
One point that I was missing was the initialization, as mention in the other answer by #MattYao. Inside your load data, do this:
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
setIsOpen(, index) => {index: false}));
Not related to your question, but you may want to consider skipping effects and including a key to your .map
I can see the first two useState hooks are working as expected. The problem is your 3rd useState() hook.
The issue is pretty obvious that you are referring the same state variable isOpen by a list of elements so they all have the same state. To fix the problems, I suggest the following way:
Instead of having one value of isOpen, you will need to initialise the state with an array or Map so you can refer each individual one:
const initialOpenState = [] // or using ES6 Map - new Map([]);
In your fetchLink function callback, initialise your isOpen state array values to be false. So you can put it here:
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
// init your isOpen state here
navlinks.forEach(link => isOpen.push({ linkId:, value: false })) //I suppose you can get an id or similar identifers
In your handleClick function, you have to target the link object and set it to true, instead of setting everything to true. You might need to use .find() to locate the link you are clicking:
handleClick = e => {
const currentOpenState = state;
const clickedLink = // use your own identifier
currentOpenState[clickedLink].value = !currentOpenState[clickedLink].value;
Update your component so the correct isOpen state is used:
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen[item].value}> // replace this value
{ => {
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={subitem.sub_nav_link.url}>
The above code may not work for you if you just copy & paste. But it should give you an idea how things should work together.
