Vercel: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, symlink - reactjs

This is my repository
I am trying to create a portfolio website. When I try to run vercel build
I am getting the below error
Traced Next.js server files in: 1.490s
Created all serverless functions in: 788.915ms
Collected static files (public/, static/, .next/static): 4.085ms
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, symlink 'getExperience.func' -> 'D:\Coding Examples\portfolio\.vercel\output\functions\api\getPageInfo.func'
Do any suggestions please? Thanks in advance

Run yarn dev(or npm run dev) in your project file
Then run the terminal as administrator and cd your project folder then run vercel build command
After then, delete the folder inside .vercel\output\functions\_next\data
and deploy vercel deploy --prebuilt
I could get help from some youtube comments. and it works for me


Cannot run npm run build due to error ".next/status/media/IMG" does not exist

I'm trying to deploy a static react website (nextjs) and I cannot due to the npm run build command not being able to run. I have an image in my public folder and it's saying it doesn't exist. I've never done this before and don't understand the error I'm getting. The github repository is . I have tried using vercel and netlify and they both gave me the same error. I also cannot run "npm run build" in the terminal on my machine either. Thanks in advance.

Newly created React app crashes on live server

Whenever i create a react app using create-react-app and run npm run start it crashes.
This is the error i am getting in terminal.
Failed to compile ../node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js
Error: [BABEL]/Users/toures/Desktop/REACT/SecondSummit/try1/node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js:
Cannot find module './src/data'
(While processing: "/Users/toures/Desktop/REACT/SecondSummit/try1/node_modules/babel-preset-react-app/dependencies.js$0$9")
Can anyone guide me? Thanks.
In the past I've fixed it by deleting the node_modules folder, then running npm install.

Need help deploying react application with netlify

Not familiar with how to use netlify. Im trying to deploy this app
my build command is:
npm run watch
but every time I try to deploy my site I keep getting this error.
"failed during stage 'building site'"
Any suggestions?
Mimic what Netlify is doing in the build using their build bot.
Clone your project into a clean directory from GitHub
npm install
npm run watch
If you do not get an error, you may have a global command or setting that does not get set on Netlify. Without more information, this is the only answer possible.
Here is the error I found when I did the above:
Problem #2
Watch is a command for local development, so you should not be using npm run watch as a build command on Netlify. You will need to run the command to build your site into a directory for deploy and use that directory for your "Deploy directory".

Azure DevOps npm build wrong folder

I am building build pipeline for react.js project.
The two first steps are
npm install
npm run build --prod
The first one is working. However the second one is not. I choose good working folder that contains package.json - Web/{AppName}
The same Web/{AppName} is used as directory to npm install command which works fine.
The error while running build command is:
4 verbose stack Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\agent\_workDC45Build\7\s\Web\package.json'
Why this step is looking for package.json in Web folder instead of Web/{AppName} which is just set in build configuration?

How to fix: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory 'src/node_modules/native-base/Fonts'

I was following up a tutorial which used expo and needed the fonts for native code, but I'm not using expo thus I don't need those fonts. I removed the code that was using them (nothing that would affect the other parts of the app), and now it gives me this hideous error that it says is located on my source folder "src/navigation/node_modules/native-base/Fonts", the node modules are not even located on the src.
Bear in mind that I'm new to react native, any help would be appreciated.
Terminal output:
bundling failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir
Try npm install in your project directory, perhaps you deleted something that wasn't meant to be deleted.
Open terminal and navigate to your project directory and run npm install after it is done run react-native run-android or react-native run-ios
It looks like some default fonts are missing.
npm rebuild native-base is the official solution. Deleting your node_modules and running npm install will also do the trick. If this doesn't work try clearing cache, deleting node_modules and installing packages.
