Enhanced Domains - What to Check in your Org? - salesforce

As you know Salesforce is enforcing Enhanced Domains. I found from Salesforce help that:
Custom components in your org must be evaluated in order to check
whether they use domain name/static URLs
Some embedded content stored in Salesforce might no longer appear
Third-party applications can lose access to your data
Single sign-on integrations can fail
However, I'm struggling with finding out which particular Salesforce elements/configurations should be checked in order to detect potential gaps? Do you know which areas exactly can be affected and shall be evaluated (like Apex Codes, Email Templates and so on)? Is there any guide on that?

Your biggest concern should be inbound integrations. Things that log in over REST/SOAP API, get response with session id back, ignore the "url to use for all subsequent requests" and just use hardcoded url, whether it's prod or sandbox.
Look at this guy, he's victim of either enhanced domain or "disable api versions < 30" thing: The requested resource no longer exists with rest PHP. Look at these guys, they had hardcoded url: how to solve python code error (TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects), Salesforce API via postman error INVALID_SESSION_ID.
As for stuff inside Salesforce itself - best would be to download whole project with sfdx and run a text search for your domain name (and site/community name if you have these). Email templates that use merge fields for forgot password etc should be fine, merge fields with record link should be fine... But if you manually craft email body in apex - might be a problem. A lot depends how creative the developer was. If you find getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform() it should still work. If it's hardcoded / read from custom setting / custom label / custom metadata it might be more fun.
If you have external apps that display pieces of salesforce (embedded live chat? some iframe with FAQ? CMS Connect) - the domain change might mean they need to be updated, both in terms of updating url and changing security rules (CSP for example)


Looking for suggestions on web hosting solution (Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, for following

I want to host a clean, branded site that allows users to submit data which I will post process on some regular cadence and send custom emails based on data processing results. I can write code and have extensive experience with AWS, but am looking for the fastest solution.
Any experienced web developers have suggestions of which hosting solution to use? Wix, Squarespace, WordPress. I would prefer Squarespace but am not finding clear documentation stating I can create a form which writes to a database (I.e. DynamoDB, Redshift).
Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!
Having a good deal of experience with Squarespace, I will address the question "Is it possible to connect a Squarespace form to a third-party database and, if so, by what means?". While I won't address Wix or Wordpress, hopefully it will provide some objective answers and provide some help to your larger context/question.
Squarespace doesn't support any server-side code; it only supports supports the addition of HTML, CSS and Javascript within Code Injection, Code Blocks, and Developer Mode.
Therefore, your options are:
Send the data client-side with JavaScript. Write your own HTML form and insert it via code block, markdown block, of developer mode. Then write the corresponding JavaScript to send the data, on submit, to your external database. Alternatively, use a Squarespace form block, prevent the default submission from executing and use your own methods instead.
Connect the Squarespace form block to a Google Sheet and the sheet to the external DB via Apps Script. Once connected, use Apps Script (set to trigger when a row is added to the sheet) to obtain the submission from the sheet and send it to your external database (similar to this or this, but you'll be going "the other way", sending data to the external DB from Apps Script).
Use Zapier (or similar service) to bridge the gap, either using Squarespace's built-in integration or setting up Zapier on your own and setting the Zapier email address as the email recipient. You can use Zapier to send form submissions to a new item in DynamoDB, for example. It appears that, at a minimum, you'd have to pay for Zapier as that is a "Premium Integration". For Squarespace, if you were to use their built-in Zapier integration, you'll have to pay for a higher-cost plan (which could be avoided by using the email storage option instead, as mentioned previously).
I think you should choose WordPress, they have a huge documentation, a big community, you can get a ton of support from Wordpress's users when you run into a problem.

Access VisualForce Page without salesforce account

I'd like to create visualforce page that inserts a record into salesforce account object. However, I expect some of the page users won't have salesforce accounts. Can they still access it? If not, what are the alternatives that can be used to visualforce page in this case? (Please don't consider Web to Lead Forms).
Yes, it's possible. Go read about Salesforce Sites. For a start:
(of course it's also possible to write that page in say Java/.NET/PHP and use integration via SOAP or REST to talk to Salesforce... but these 2 main links will keep the whole solution within SF so no need to need to learn new language, have extra maintenance effort etc)
Sites are VF pages that expose a bit of your company's data without need to log in. You can use them to input data too, just remember that in theory anybody could learn the link and spam you (not too different from web2lead, inbound email handlers etc). You specify security in a way similar to Profiles, the records will have "Created By = {site name} Guest User".
I don't think there's anything out of the box to restrict visibility, they're open to whole world. So if you would want something similar to login IP ranges (so only sales reps from your office's network can enter data) - you might have to write some logic in the controller.

ExtJS and page authorization (server-side)

I'm looking for information on how to implement secure pages using ExtJS 4. By secure pages I mean the user will log into our website using Siteminder (SSO) and so we will have the user's identity. Then we would determine what roles the user would have by making a database/LDAP call and only render those views/components that the user has access to.
Several questions come to mind:
1.) Of course I would expect we would do the authorization check prior to rendering the pages on the server-side, so how do you do this prior to firing Ext.onReady()? I need to have the ExtJS wait for the response from the server?
2.) What is the best way to organize a page's components where the case may be someone could see a particular component and another person cannot?
3.) How do I deliver the resulting page (i.e., the pieces the user has access to) to the client?
If you're working from a Java background and are comfortable using Spring, I wrote up an approach using Spring Security here. This will allow you to plug-in any authentication mechanism you want. The main difference is that instead of using an index.html to bootstrap the application, I have a JSP so that the Spring Servlet Filter will fire for authentication. The Ext JS app blocks until the user is authenticated and the user's roles/permissions are provided.
Use a server side technology to pre-process authorization by putting your JS App launch script into a JSP/GSP. What this does is forces server side components to kick off first and then render the HTML/JS/CSS to the client. For full RIA app use index.gsp(or jsp) and the your URL stays "domain/contextroot" .
You can interrogate access privs to content via ajax request to server or alternatively you could set JS variables via again JSP technology that is processed first before the rest of the client response is returned.
< g:javascript>
//global env var definition
var env = "${System.getProperty(Environment.KEY)}";
< /g:javascript>
Both of these are not 100% safe as client side code can be altered. The real security enforcement must be handled on server side when data is submitted for processing.
'3. Easy way would be to hide/show views etc based on 2. above. There are also some experimentation out there with modularizing the client side MVC application by lazy(manually) initializing controllers that may or may not be needed.
Hope this helps.
DB :)
I am currently experimenting with the following solution. Although it will only work for apps with a rather simple set of users, it could be of some help to you.
To begin with, user authentication is done without extjs, using a simple HTML/CSS page. Once the user logs in, its details (user id, role) are saved into the PHP session. And then the page redirects to one of two extjs apps.
One app for normal users (I'll call them clients), these are people who's client side JS does not include any admin functionality. The other app is for admins.
Both apps have their classes inherit from base classes. So we have, for example, base.mainMenu from which both admin.mainMenu and clients.mainMenu inherit. The only difference in the app.js script is the controllers loaded, and per extJS 4 dynamic loading module, only the related views are loaded (ie, seen on the client side). In my case, all pages load dynamically anyway, so my users can only dynamically load pages in their mainmenu.
The admin app blocks certain features using a global JS variable that includes the user's role. So for example, the hiding of an 'edit' button from moderators (an admin group with less rights) is done once the view is loaded (in practice this is actually done by not loading a plugin that allows editing on the view).
To wrap it all up, any call to the server checks whether the session user has rights for the requested operation, so regardless of client side scripts, server operation can only be performed by people with the appropriate rights.
To summarise, you have 3 different strategies that you can mix-and-match:
Loading different apps for different users. If your classes all inherent from base classes, this is easier than maintaining 2 or more completely different apps.
Using a global JS variable to disable/enable certain features for certain users. This is only good if you don't have a problem with the client side loading features that are then disabled (but still seen by debuggers).
Regardless of anything, all server-side calls are checked against session variable.
check out Role-based access control. I use Yii's database-based RBAC, and have a php script that returns the rbac rules in json format when ext starts up
on the client, the best bet is to simply hide or disable functionality that is not allowed.
on the server, you should throw a 403 http error if the user is not allowed to perform a function. handle ajax exceptions in ext and check for 403s.

Get input email address from ACS when using LiveID

Is it in any way possible to wire up an ACS rule to return/PassThrough the user's email adress from ACS using $(InputValue) when using Live ID?
I am using Passive authentication and get redirected out to Live ID but I was wondering if there is any way to wire up a rule from ACS that might get the InputValue email address
From what I can see I think this might be possible by hosting a login page of course but I would prefer to be able to get it in some other way from ACS if possible.
(I should have added that the current scenario is to implement Live ID authentication on top of an existing ASP.Net application with a database backend for user identity and roles.)
Extra information related to the current scenario : The current scenario is an EXISTING system with its own home-grown database authentication security model. I tried all sorts of ways to see if I could intercept the user's email address and eventually decided the available approaches for doing this were not desirable (in this specific scenario).
The only suitable and secure pattern found to transition to Live ID authentication in this scenarioo is to build a Registration system around your application which allows an existing user to register their LiveID and then bring them back to your application to capture their Live ID 'nameidentifier'.
However, given that any unknown user could do this it would be necessary to have an interim authentication step via email or some-such mechanism to validate the Live ID email address being used.
I hope this is of help to someone.
Possible but it requires a bit of code for a custom sts:
Code doesn't build and dependencies aren't included... but it's largely based off an early thinktecture starter site ported to MVC4 with changes shown above.
Unfortunately it is not possible to get any identifiable claims when using ACS with Windows Live. This is due to Windows Live user privacy policy.
With windows live you will only get a ID claim which is unique to your Relying Party application.

How to I access reports programmatically in SalesForce using Apex

I'm trying to write an app on the SalesForce platform that can pull a list of contacts from a report and send them to a web service (say to send them an email or SMS)
The only way I can seem to find to do this is to add the report results to a newly created campaign, and then access that campaign. This seems like the long way around.
Every post I read online says you can't access the reports through Apex, however most or all of these posts were written before Version 20 of the API was released last month, which introduced a new report object. I can now programmatically access info about a report (Such as the date last run etc) but I still can't seem to find a way to access the result data contained in that report.
Does anyone know if there's a way to do that?
After much research into it, I've discovered the only way to do this at the moment is indeed to scrape the CSV document. I would guess that Conga etc are using exactly this method.
We've been doing this for a while now, and it works. The only caveats are:
Salesforce username / password /
security token has to be shared to
the app connecting. If the password
changes (and by default it is changed
every 30 days or so) the token also
changes and must be re-entered.
You have to know the host of the account, which can be difficult to
get right. For instance while most european accounts would use emea.salesforce.com to access CSV, our account uses na7 (North America 7) even though we're located in
ireland. I'm currently sending the page host to the app and parsing it
to calculate the correct subdomain to use, but I think there has to be a
better way to do this.
Salesforce really needs to sort this out by supplying an API call which allows custom report results to be exported on the fly and allowing us to use OAuth to connect to it. But of course, this is unlikely to happen.
In the SalesforceSpring 11 update, it seems you can obtain more informations about the Reports:
As stated in the API for Report and ReportType, you can access via Apex the fields used in the query by the Report, reading the field "columns", as well as the field used to represent the filters called "filter".
Iterating through this objects, should allow you to build a String representing the same query of the Report. After building that string you can make a dynamic query with a Database.query(..) call.
It seems to be a little messy, but should work.. (NOT TESTED YET!)
As header states, this works only with Custom Reports!
Just to clarify for fellow rookies who will find this, when the question was asked you could access your report data programatically, but you had to use some hacky, error prone methods.
This is all fixed, you can now access your reports via the API as of Winter '14.
Documentation here - http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_analytics/index.htm
Go to town on those custom dashboards etc. Cross posted from the Salesforce Stack Exchange - https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/337/can-report-data-be-accessed-programatically/
But Conga (appextremes) do this in their QuickMerge product, where the user specifies the report Id, and the apex script on the page runs the report to extract the results for a mail merge operation.
the v20.0 API added metadata about the reports, but no way to actually run the report and obtain the results. If this is a standard report, or a report you've defined, you can work out the equivalent SOQL query for your report and run that, but if its an end user defined report, there's no way to do this.
