Blank page when deploying a react app to github pages and vite - reactjs

When i try to deploy my react app to github pages with the package gh-pages, the result page is blank.result page
The page I am trying to deploy is here: LINK
I don't know if it matters but I am currently using the free domain given to me by GitHub:
I tried following the react official docs: Link, but it didn't work for me... Perhaps it's because I am using vite and not create-react-app?
Found out that the site is trying to get the .js and the .css from the wrong place.
I just don't know what I am doing wrong...

Ok, so to solve this the only thing that I had to do was to add base:"{repName}" to the vite.config.ts file.
The images were not loading, I used this to fix them:
Github pages vite JS build not showing the images

I see that you have managed to deploy your React project to Github pages successfully, but here is how I did it in case anyone needs help:
First things first, make sure that your ".git" folder and your project are in the same folder.
Run npm run build. You should have a dist folder now.
Open the file vite.config.js (or .ts).
Add the base file with your repository name. Include the two /.
Example: let's say your github project's URL is
export default defineConfig({
base: "/react-beautiful-dnd/",
plugins: [react()],
Open your .gitignore file and delete the dist line from it. You want to make sure that the dist folder is pushed to github.
git add .
git commit -m "deploy"
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
Wait for a couple minutes (in my case it took 4 minutes) and open the page. In the example above, the URL would look like this:
In case it's still showing a blank page, it's very likely to do with the step number 3. Ensure you added the correct repository URL and that it begins and ends with the / sign.
That is about it, I hope it helps. I used this blog post for guidance, it is a more detailed explanation of the above.


pushing whole react folder to github

Im new with git stuff. I wanted to push my react project made with "create-react-app" into github and make it work with github pages. So i followed some tutorial and it basically worked so i could preview it on a github page. But now i want to push whole folder of my react project instead of only files. To make it working i deleted .git folder inside my app folder and initialized one outside. I ended up pushing it to my github repo but i cannot live preview my site for some reason. - here is how it looks like (there is main folder in master branch)
This is how my package.json looks like.
I dont know if the "homepage" is written properly but i tried to change it to "homepage": "" (react_projects is my whole repo and expenses is my folder that i pushed into github) but still did not work.
Is there any other way to do it because it is kinda weird if i had to create a new repository for every react project instead of having them separeted in one global repository?

Deploying react portfolio website on github user page

I was working on my portfolio and I build it using react and I thought to deploy this using GitHub pages.
So, I started deploying and I've followed pretty much every step given there 'Create React App / Deployment', but I was not able to see the desired result.
You can Check here at It deploys the README and I tried everything to fix it but it shows the same result.
You can visit the repository at
Any help would be appreciated 😊.
Since returns 404, it means nothing has been published by GitHub.
That would be because of the configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site.
Make sure to select the branch main, folder public in order to instruct GitHub to publish your page from those elements.
The OP adds:
there is only a root and docs folder like this
Then you might try, for testing, to generate your site in the docs/ folder, instead of public/.
Or to generate it in a separate branch.
On your package.json, change the deploy script
"scripts": {
... (other scripts)
"deploy": "gh-pages -b main -d build"
Moreover, do not push your entire repository on github pages. Only content of /build folder is important here.
Alternatively, you can build your react app locally
npm run build
Then upload/copy contents of /build (index.html etc.) to your repository.

I am trying to deploying my static react app on github pages but i'm getting white screen

After taking a look at console, i got this
Loading failed for the <script> with source “”.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “”.
Link to my Repo :
For deploying a Single-Page Application (React, Vue) to GitHub Pages, you should know that it is necessary that you do a production build. This can be accomplished by doing npm run build or yarn build depending on the package manager you are using. This command will generate a ./dist or ./build folder that will contain your react app in pure HTML, CSS, and JS.
For GitHub pages, there are some configurations you should do. First of all, the index.html from your production build (from the dist, build folder) should be in the root folder, which means, you should be able to see it when you open the repo (not inside the build folder). If GitHub pages do not detect any index.html in the root of the repo, it will display a 404 page.
Now, since you do not want the production build files messing around with your React project, it is recommended that you create a different branch for your GitHub pages deploy.
So, ideally, you would have two branches: master and gh-pages, the first one containing your React project and the second one containing only your dist folder but in the root of the project.
Here is an example of the structure of a Repo that it's deployed using GitHub pages.
You can see both branches and the deployment link works perfectly fine.
To configure the branch that is being deployed to GitHub pages, go to settings and select the branch where you have your production build.
All the information was taken for the following link:
I hope you found it useful!
#Rodrigo Ramirez does explain how its done, but leaves out some important information provided in the docs he linked ( Maybe the've been updated since but I would recommend following those steps in the doc. They give step by step instructions that are very easy to follow.
I tried following #Rodrigo Ramirez answer, as well as, countless other things on the internet and nothing worked and it was all very complicated. The doc provided here gets it all done for you very easily.

React app deployed to GitHub Pages gives "Site not found"

I'm trying to deploy a create-react-app to GitHub Pages, but I'm getting a 404.
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
What I've done:
Created a user site repo named <username>
Added "homepage": "https://<username>" to package.json (as per the Create React App docs)
Installed the gh-pages package
Added and ran "deploy": "gh-pages -b master -d build" to scripts in package.json
The contents of /build folder is successfully pushed to master, but the site isn't accessible.
The repo's GitHub Pages settings simply says:
Your GitHub Pages site is currently being built from the master branch.
User pages must be built from the master branch.
I also tried some routing solutions (this and this) without making any difference, although I don't think they are ment to fix the problem I'm having.
I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this any further. Any ideas?
Ok, so apparently you have to choose a GitHub Pages theme (even though you're not using it) in order for the page to be published. This seems very strange to me, and from what I can tell it's not at all mentioned in the documentation. 🤷‍♂️

angular 2 deploy on github

How to deploy angular 2 website application on github? I am new to Git and github so just saw the basics on internet and created a repository on github and finally a url was generated in my git bash after running all steps and when I tried to open it Github 404 error pages was showing.
These are the commands which I ran through :
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
ng github-pages:deploy
Is there any difficulty for single page application to host a website on github? I tried with normal html content and my website on github works fine. But this with ng2 is not working. Just saw on internet that there must be some prefix to be done to support SPA on github but since I am not familiar with github didn't understand it. So kindly suggest me a solution ?
There are a few things :
Deploying to GitHub pages using Angular CLI has been deprecated. Use angular-cli-ghpages
Add the 404.html fix
Ensure you have "turned on" GitHub pages for your gh-pages branch from the repository settings
optionally, add custom domain
This blog has everything you need.
Make sure to do a build to get the necessary files into dist .
ng build --prod
First get all relevant the files from the Dist Folder of your application
for me it was the css files in the assets folder main.bundle.js polyfills.bundle.js vendor.bundle.js
Then push this files in the repo which you have created.
1 -- If you want the application to run on the root directory - create a special repo with the name [yourgithubusername] and opush these files in the master branch
2 -- Where as if you want to create these page in the sub directory of in a different brach other than than the root , create a branch gh-pages and push these files in that branch.
In both the cases the way we access these deployed pages will be different .
For the First Case it will be https://[yourgithubusername] and for the second case it will be [yourgithubusername][Repo name].
If Suppose you want to deploy it using the second case make sure to change the base url pf the index.html file in the dist as all the route mappings depend on the path you give and it should be set to [/branchname].
Github Repository -
