What is the SSchedQueue in TDengine database ? - tdengine

I‘m reading code of TDengine database
but I don't understand what the SSchedQueue is used for .
and what the SSchedMsg is?

I think it is a scheduler which is used for scheduling task in TDengine database.
like this :
int32_t taosAsyncExec(__async_exec_fn_t execFn, void* execParam, int32_t* code) {
assert(execFn != NULL);
SSchedMsg schedMsg = {0};
schedMsg.fp = execHelper;
schedMsg.ahandle = execFn;
schedMsg.thandle = execParam;
schedMsg.msg = code;
return taosScheduleTask(&pTaskQueue, &schedMsg);
here , &pTaskQueue is a SSchedQueue.


How to set sub table name while using tdengine's schemaless insert

I know that tdengine support schemaless insert. And there are three line protocols that tdengine supports. The follow is the sample code from taosdata's website schemaless chapeter.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <taos.h>
int main() {
const char* host = "";
const char* user = "root";
const char* passwd = "taosdata";
// connect to server
TAOS* taos = taos_connect(host, user, passwd, "test", 0);
// prepare the line string
char* lines1[] = {
"stg,t1=3i64,t2=4f64,t3=\"t3\" c1=3i64,c3=L\"passit\",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000",
"stg,t1=4i64,t3=\"t4\",t2=5f64,t4=5f64 c1=3i64,c3=L\"passitagin\",c2=true,c4=5f64,c5=5f64 1626006833641000000"
// schema-less insert
TAOS_RES* res = taos_schemaless_insert(taos, lines1, 2, TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL, TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_NANO_SECONDS);
if (taos_errno(res) != 0) {
printf("failed to insert schema-less data, reason: %s\n", taos_errstr(res));
// close the connection
return (code);
I know this will create the stable "stg" and create substable for the incoming data record. I want to ask can I control the subtable's name and how to configure the name?
No, you cannot configure subtable name in TDengine database
Please refer this link for how subtable name is generated: https://docs.tdengine.com/reference/schemaless/#main-processing-logic-for-schemaless-writing

UEFI - EDK2 - Hooking SetVariable results in UNEXCEPTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP

I'm coding a UEFI Runtime Driver for Windows which hooks gRT->SetVariable(...)
Hooking seems to work fine but whenever I startup a user-mode application and call SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable(...) it reults in a Bluescreen saying UNEXCEPTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP.
I cannot find any solution for this. Here are a few things iam aware of:
I'm raising TPL
I recalculate and set CRC32
On SetVirtualAddressMap(...) i convert all my pointer
Google didn't help at all. So i really wonder what causes this Bluescreen and how i may proceed to resolve this issue.
What am i missing? Am i doing something wrong?
Here is my code:
IN OUT VOID** AddressToUpdate,
IN VOID* NewPointer,
OUT VOID** OriginalPointer OPTIONAL
EFI_STATUS status;
EFI_TPL tpl;
ASSERT(*AddressToUpdate != NewPointer);
tpl = gBS->RaiseTPL(TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);
if (OriginalPointer != NULL)
*OriginalPointer = *AddressToUpdate;
*AddressToUpdate = NewPointer;
gST->Hdr.CRC32 = 0;
status = gBS->CalculateCrc32(&gST->Hdr, gST->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gST->Hdr.CRC32);
return status;
IN CHAR16* VariableName,
IN EFI_GUID* VendorGuid,
IN UINT32 Attributes,
IN UINTN DataSize,
) {
if (StrCmp(VariableName, gStrComVarName) == 0) {
switch (comVarPtr->i8OperationId) {
CopyMem(Data, comVarPtr, DataSize);
return gOriginalSetVariable(VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data);
Edit: While in UEFI, other UEFI Applications correctly call the hooked SetVariable(...) without any further problems.
This may bring it down to the problem only existing after VirtualAddressSpace has been created from the OS.

How to access my user mode thread_local variables inside my windows kernel driver?

I want to create a shared memory for communication between my .exe and my driver.
My current plan is to have thread_local variables in the usermode and then use them for communication.
typedef struct blabla {
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 30;
int d = 40;
}blabla, * pblabla;
volatile thread_local blabla dd;
PEPROCESS process = FunctionToGetProcess();
auto next_entry = process->ThreadListHead.Flink;
while (next_entry != &process->ThreadListHead)
PETHREAD thread = (PETHREAD)CONTAINING_RECORD(next_entry, _KTHREAD, ThreadListEntry);
auto teb = (PTEB)thread->Teb;
for (int i = 0; i <= 63; ++i) {
if (teb->TlsSlots[i] != NULL) {
Log("Values : %d \n", test);
else {
next_entry = next_entry->Flink;
TEB MSDN: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winternl/ns-winternl-teb
Thread Local Storage: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/thread-local-storage
The Documentation doesn't provide enough information for me to know how to access them. I currently find my EPROCESS and then iterate through all ETHREAD's -> TEB-> TLS.
I am aware that The offset of the fields for the WIN STRUCTURES are unofficial and will be (possibly) different across OS-es and
service pack,
and they may disappear in future version. Since i will always only use the same OS Version
without updating it it is no problem. Im also aware that there are WINAPI calls for creating shared memory and that the basic
communication is IOCTL. My Goal is to do it without the use of WINAPI calls inside user mode land.

SQLite3: the database was created empty?

I'm trying to create a database with a table using sqlite3 on my C program, however the database is always created as empty, though it was created non-empty using the sqlite shell,
here is my code below:
int main(void)
sqlite3 *sqdb;
const char* db = "test";
sqlite3_open(db, &sqdb);
const char* stmt = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable(creationdate DATE, data VARCHAR);";
sqlite3_stmt *ppstmt;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqdb, stmt, -1, &ppstmt, 0)!=SQLITE_OK)printf("error!\n");
return 0;
please help me to solve the problem.
sqlite3_prepare_v2() alone just compiles the SQL but does not run it. Call sqlite3_step() on the compiled statement to run it, or use sqlite3_exec() that combines prepare+step+finalize into one function call.
Try this:
int main(void)
sqlite3 *sqdb;
int ret;
const char* db = "test.sqlite3";
sqlite3_open(db, &sqdb);
const char* stmt = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable(creationdate DATE, data VARCHAR);";
sqlite3_stmt *ppstmt=NULL;
else printf("Table added\n");
return 0;
Please do remember to close the DB after operation.

sqlite3 one_file VFS Fails

I was trying to run test_onefile.c example from sqlite3 VFS examples, and I get the following failure:
test_onefile: test_onefile.c:693: fsDelete: Assertion `strpcmp("-journal", &zPath[nName])==0' failed.
I'm running the code as follows:
int retval;
int q_cnt = 5,q_size = 150,ind = 0;
char **queries = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char) * q_cnt * q_size);
sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
sqlite3 *handle;
retval = sqlite3_open_v2( "sampledb.sqlite2", &handle, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE , "fs");
printf("Database connection failed\n");
return -1;
printf("Connection successful\n");
// Create the SQL query for creating a table
char create_table[100] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (uname TEXT,pass TEXT NOT NULL,activated INTEGER)";
// Execute the query for creating the table
retval = sqlite3_exec(handle,create_table,0,0,0);
// Insert first row and second row
queries[ind++] = "INSERT INTO users VALUES('manish','mani',1)";
retval = sqlite3_exec(handle,queries[ind-1],0,0,0);
queries[ind++] = "INSERT INTO users VALUES('mehul','pulsar',0)";
retval = sqlite3_exec(handle,queries[ind-1],0,0,0);
The file it fails on is sampledb.sqlite2-wal, clearly not a journal file. However, I don't understand how it reached it.
Well, after removing the assertion in source file:
assert(strcmp("-journal", &zPath[nName])==0);
The code seems to work. However, I'm not a big fan of assertion deletion, as clearly it would lead to some unexpected behavior. The author had a reason to use the assertion.
The VFS implemented by test_onefile.c is quite old, and therefore does not support the additional files required for WAL mode.
To make it work with a modern SQLite, the fsDelete function should just ignore attempts to delete -wal or -shm files.
