I would like to know, if there is anyway to mark my elm package as deprecated. I did some search on elm discourse and there was a solution proposed to package deprecations using #deprecated flag.
Is that proposed solution implemented? Is there any new way to do that?
I don't think there is a way as such. You can add a warning to your docs, and note that Elm's semver will ensure that your package does not get offered to anyone once it falls behind what people are using.
Here is the top of one of my packages - you could add something on line 2 of the comment for example
Please provide the steps to resolve the BindConfig error for ITfoxTec.
I have checked this link but not able to understand the solution for this issue.
ITfoxtec BindCOnfig error - please see image
The BindConfig functionality is currently only release in beta versions, I'm afraid. It will soon be released in a final release.
At this time you can safely use version 4.8.3-beta4.
While developing a component sometimes we push the changes to the scope (bit export) so we can import and test the changes on other projects, these versions are useless (e.g: 0.0.0-test.1), so we clean them up after finishing working with the component. We'd to have a way of cleaning those test versions using bit remove component_name --ver 1.1.0 -r
I don't fully understand what you're trying to do but I think it will be better if you snap changes instead of tagging a new version and maybe even use a lane. Give it a try and tell me how it works for you.
In Bit, you tag your new versions incrementally. That follows the Semver conventions.
No need to delete older versions; use the newer ones.
But if so you can deprecate it. Deprecating is a nondestructive way to flag an outdated version.
Now, that put aside, you can always open a new developing lane. A lane is like a git branch. It bifurcates from the original path and allows for diverging. Once you are satisfied with the diverge, you can merge it back:
bit lane merge new-feature
Conclusion: you shouldn't delete versions. Create newer ones or depreacate. If what you want is to diverge from the main developing line, use bit lane. You can always merge it back.
Im trying to make a Xamarin app from this guide containing a credit card payment but it cant find (Almost) any of the types. Is this guide pure fantasy or (more likely) am I mistunderstanding something? I have downloaded the Stripe.Net nuget-package and using all Stripe namespaces I can find. The Shortcut "Ctrl + ." does not help. What Im I missing
(Never ming the PUBLISHABLE_KEY, thats my own constant,I cut the definiton out from the example)
The guide you're following is using an older version of the stripe-dotnet library, and in the latest releases many types were renamed, e.g. StripeTokenCreateOptions is now TokenCreateOptions.
This is more a "Why should I?" than an actual issue.
I've decided to integrate FluentValidation as stated in NancyFX docs
NancyFX FluentValidation Integration
The docs state that nothing else needs to be done. So I installed the package from NuGet as this
Install-Package Nancy.Validation.FluentValidation -Version 1.4.1
And then updated the root validator that comes referenced with the Nancy.Validation.Fluentvalidation
I created a simple validator pretty similar to docs just to test it out.
And when running this sentence in a NancyModule
I get an error like this
An exception of type 'Nancy.Validation.ModelValidationException
No model validator factory could be located. Please ensure that you have an appropriate validation package installed
So... after digging up a little bit I just told myself, ok, if the factory is not found, maybe no one (TinyIoC) is resolving IFluentAdapterFactory dependency that I assumed that was missing. So I found that actually there is an implementation for the adapter factory that's built-in the package, and thats the DefaultFluentAdapterFactory
So wiring this in the bootstraper solves it.
container.Register(typeof (IFluentAdapterFactory), typeof (DefaultFluentAdapterFactory));
Is it supposed to be automatically discovered?
Or may I be doing something wrong to get it Not-Set by default?
Thanks in advance!
When run Pkg.update(), all package will be updated if it is not pinned or dirty.
But it is possible to update a special package(such as FackCheck)?
I have taken a little look on the Julia source code, but haven't fond the direct solution.
I know I can pin all packages and when want to update someone, just unpin the package then run Pkg.update(), but I think it is not a good way.
You can also navigate to the package directory and type git checkout master && git pull. You can say Pkg.free("SomePackage") when you want to go back to having the package manager take charge of it.
If you know which package version you want to use you can do something along these lines.
Pkg.add("FactCheck", v"0.1.1")
But that will also fix FactCheck at that version so a Pkg.update() will ignore it.
The slightly more crude and manual variant would be:
Goto https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl/
Search the Pacakge you want and the latest version
In the case of Factcheck that would be https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl/tree/metadata-v2/FactCheck/versions/0.1.2
Now copy the value in sha1 file
cd ~/.julia/v0.3/FactCheck
git checkout $sha1 .
But in this case you might be missing potential requirements.
So assuming that what you wan is not a specific version but the master branch for the bleeding edge version you can simply do.
But now you are working with a potential unstable version.
So in the end the question is what specific use case do you have that warrants only updating one package. If you only update one package that might cause dependency issues so updating all packages simultaneously is the better option.