Why do I keep getting error message on my script? - rscript

[enter image description here][1]
I keep receiving this error message and I am trying solve my mutations. I have no idea on how to Code so I apologize in advance. Anything helps!


Magento2 PWA Venia - Error Message not showing correctly

I have successfully installed Magento2 with PWA studio using the Venia theme. While playing around with the SignIn Component I have noticed that the error message is not showing properly with respect to detailed information. It is always showing the default error message Mostly: "An error has occurred. Please check the input and try again. "
I would like to show the graphql error message if any error is there. Screenshot for quick reference is attached. The console is showing the correct error message. I need to show the same above the form. Please guide.
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot of PWA

Error .. Failed to load PDF document (reactjs)

I am having issue while displaying pdf from data URI. I have tried this solution after looking a lot in google, do you guys think I have made any mistake ?
This is the link for codesandbox.

Unable to access video files in ReactJS: No errors are visible in the console

I am trying to access videos in ReactJS but I do not know why it is constantly not accepting them, the console neither shows errors.
I have tried ../assests/videos/video-2.mp4 and other variants still I am not able to see the video on display and neither the console shows an error
Following is the code and file structure of my project:
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
You need to move videos inside the public folder
Example: Your file-structure will be like
Then your path /assets/videos/video-1.mp4 will be working

getting authorization error while working with here maps

I am working with react and trying to display map component
sadly the documentation doesn't have much to say about this part
the component loads and everything is good until I start zooming in
[![at some point I start getting this apikey Invalid and map turns to white ][1]][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/cDEcc.png
[![this is the code I am using to render the map][2]][2]
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/soWpe.png
If anyone knows some good source to help me while using the api please share it below.
Turns out the problem is my key expired after 1 hour because I need to activate my here account
Sadly I didn't get that from the notification message that I ignored because I only wanted to get the key
If anyone came across this error just check if your account is activated or not

"AADSTS9002313: Invalid request. Request is malformed or invalid

I followed this microsoft document https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow.I tried too many times ,but i still encounter this error.Which step did I do wrong?
enter image description here
Your link is invalid. According to the picture you provided, you should be using auth code flow. I am trying to reproduce your problem:
The reason for the error is that you have used the wrong code. Please check your code to make sure it is correct.
